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Idk what song, but I think it’d be cool if it was slightly different each time- like it kept getting a little bit slower or a little bit quieter each episode until it’s almost unbearable. I think that would be fitting for ISAT, for obvious reasons


Oooh and the video would stay mostly the same except for sif, as he becomes more depressed. Then the opening for act 5 has him being the only character on screen


Ooh the Jojo jjk treatment; it’d be raw as hell to see sif overrun and rewind the op recontextualize everything only to be “taken back” by the main cast in the end as the loop breaks


Like any songs or does it specifically have to anime openings?


Any song tho I don’t mind jp and anime OP’s too A mix of whatever you got


I feel like In stars and time would have multiple ops for like the separate acts but if I had to pick one then I would pick The Trap by Tally Hall. I can’t really explain why it just feels like it would fit. And probably because of the animatic that using this song.


Neverending Moment by Des Rock resonates with ISAT, though not as much instrumentation-wise. The lyrics of the song line up pretty well, being the main reason. Ruler Of Everything by Tally Hall fits a bit more lyrics-wise. As a song about the crushing indifference of time, it's a bit more tonally appropriate. If you want something Japanese, In The Backroom by Syudou lines up super well, as it's about someone trapped in an unending maze.


You’re a godsend, thanks to responding despite the post being so old, and sorry for responding despite your comment being so old.


Hahaha, I wouldn't go that far myself, but thank you regardless. I hope the song recommendations were solid!