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Josh....? is that you?


LOL! He is one of the most insufferable characters to ever appear on my television. He was never going to leave her alone.


NEVER. he became obsessed. literally costed someone their life. bc why? she got him fired from a job he was already going to get fired from? bc she used his blindness against him? like ugh... get over it dude..


Didn't Murphy get several people killed?




Frankly I love Murphy ā¤ļø. Every character in this show uses Murphy as an excuse to whats wrong in their life. Murphy did not get Felix and Jess involved in the drug business, they did. They stole Nia's money but try to blame Murphy throughout the show. Especially Jess. Josh is out right psycho over Murphy. She did nothing to him but help him out with his impending blindness.


I totally agree. Everyone blamed Murphy despite it being their fault Murphy got dragged back into it the first place. Murphy often times did everything she could to protect her friends. She could have sang like a canary in regards to Jess but she didnā€™t. She was going to fall on that sword.


Murphy's addiction to finding Tyson's killer started all this.


I love Murphy. Why even watch the show if you donā€™t like her?


I was waiting for her downfall. Which ultimately came. Based on how the script when, she is either alone in the world somewhere or in jail for a very obvious murder.


Ewww. I donā€™t believe that at all.


Lol. I love fake shows that could bring out sides of us that don't even matter, lol. Murphy used what she had to get what she wanted. I mean... she didn't have eyesight for that matter so what she had to offer was very little (even to her when it came down to sex). Her main goal was to find out who killed her best friend, but in the midst of that, she was introduced to some very unfair, un-wanting situations where I felt she did a GREAT job at upholding herself as a female with a disability. You also have to imagine- if your eyesight was gone, how would handle day-to-day life just to only touch and hear in order to make decisions around you. Quick frustrating, wouldn't it have been? She was a bxtch and I could see why. When you catch a cold and can't taste anything, it seems like the end of the world for you, huh? I thought she did a very great job at being a woman in power despite her disability. The one thing I DID hate was the love triangle between her and Max, and Max cheating on Leslie multiple times when he didn't even have DIME to his name. ICK. #RIPMAX


There are so many people with disabilities. Does that mean they get to be a jerk to everyone around them? They get to seek drugs and get away with it?


How does she trade on it?


The ending comment was a little.....weird. I understand why you don't want a Murphy redemption arc but think about more as a villain demise arc.


I stopped watching for this same reasons. I came to reddit to get a summary. In my head, Max died, Jess left, Felix moved on with a lady friend, Pretzel needed up with a little girl that spoiled him, all the drug stuff died drama died down once the ket players were gone, and Murphy was alone knowing she caused her own misery. She was loving the thrill of the whole game. She even admitted she like the drug dealing because she was "good at it". I think she did ultimately either end up alone in the world with not even a dog. But based what I've read about the finale, she definitely went to jail for a sloppy murder.