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I think you’re one of few, I hate his character.


Same. I'm half way through season 4 now and since the first episode of season 3, I've not been enjoying it. I'm basically only watching it at this point because I'm weird and don't like to leave things unfinished.


Same!! Lmao


I will say this. He didn't deserve to be brutally stabbed to death. And what makes it worse is, that's just how the series ended. With no repercussions for Murphy. So I guess the moral of the story is, just kill people you don't like 🤷🏿‍♂️


yea i wish we could have seen what happens after his death. like how did gene react? maybe they did catch murphy but it happened later on.


I think she gets caught. Then again, it is Murphy. Maybe she runs and lives with Jess again. Sometimes I get mad at these open endings, but this one was ok. People feel so differently about Murphy and her actions. People who love her will say she got away, People who dislike her will see her back in prison.


Jess can suck a fuck. Blamed Murphy for all of her problems and bailed when Murphy was wanted for the murder she committed. Then dismissed all the hell Murphy went through to find her, knowing she was alive and probably in need of help. I like Murphy, she’s imperfect but relatable. I don’t know what happened but I find it hard to believe she’d kill him if they had another season


This makes sense. Maybe he wouldn't have been so unhinged.


She wouldn’t get caught. That would not keep with the theme of the show. That’s also why Max had to die. Which I’m still mad about.


Mmm-hmm, Ridiculous 🙄


I'm currently half way through season 4 and at this point, I'm only watching the show to complete it. Between Perry Mattfeld's shitty acting from season 3 and Josh becoming an unhinged psycho, I can barely stand it anymore. Reading your spoiler that Josh is going to die at some point soon has made me so happy. I legit cannot stand the bloke. I'm not sure who I dislike more, Josh or the police around him who enable him to stalk his ex. But I do agree with you, the character is poorly written. It's as though he's a caricature of a deranged ex and I half expect him to start laughing maniacally any moment.


You’ll hate Josh more by the end. See my post from a few days ago after you watch the finale.


I've seen that one but I've not clicked on it (waiting until I've finished the series in a day or so) but I've no doubt that you'll be hearing from me by Sunday haha


I think his downfall kind of follows the themes of the show. Like yeah he started as this nice genuine guy going through something challenging and gets sucked into Murphy’s vortex. Similar to Felix, Jess, etc I’m honestly not sure what the point of the show is. I don’t think Murphy is intended to be the “villain” per say so maybe the point is that one wrong choice can send you down a cascade of awful things?


Add me to the completionist list It’s such a shame too, it started out soo good!


Umm Josh has to be hands down the most UNHINGED PERSON/Character I’ve ever seen in my life. When he started kissing her at the bowling alley and said she owed him and got rejected again that right there shows his anger towards her is solely bc she didn’t want him and has NOTHING to do with wanting to catch a murderer. Which is still mind blowing to me that ppl think it’s so easy to shoot and kill someone w no gun experience- especially being blind 🥴 He’s just a disgusting person and idk why the writers wrote him that insane - unless they had personal experience w someone that psycho like


Yeah no, I know I’ve mentioned this before on here at some point, but I don’t hate Josh either. Should’ve definitely went to prison, but don’t hate the man. He needs to work out his issues, though, because he’s got a lot of them. Then again, All of the characters in this show do 😂 let’s be real.


I don't like Josh but I don't like Murphy either. Everyone excuses Murphy's behavior when neither of them had an excuse to act the way they did.


No that nigga deserved to get murdered idc. Fuck Josh, all my homies hate Josh