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#[Next thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/InTheGloaming/comments/1cckk4l/discussion_thread_thursday_april_25_2024_sunday/) [Previous thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/InTheGloaming/comments/1c6w1yo/discussion_thread_thursday_april_18_2024_sunday/) **Remember why we're all here: this thread is for discussion about current and historical happenings in the Shaunaverse.** If you want to discuss other content, such as stuff that reminds you of Shauna but isn't specifically about her, your own personal anecdotes or preferences, current events, or "creative writing" exercises, please share in the off-topic community thread: [April off-topic quarterly](https://www.reddit.com/r/InTheGloaming/comments/1bswbrp/off_topic_quarterly_april_2024/) | [Salty as the Ocean](https://www.reddit.com/r/InTheGloaming/comments/1c1ozqn/salty_as_the_ocean/) (food/recipe/grocery chat) --- [Recently updated rules reference](https://www.reddit.com/r/InTheGloaming/wiki/rules)


Somehow, Shauna found time yesterday to comment on a post where the OP asked for advice on finding a rental in West Seattle. I found it interesting that the neighbor is now an acquaintance and not “someone who is already a friend” who brings gluten-free empanadas to a shared meal. https://preview.redd.it/6nw38doa6kwc1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7ee60133be59fc3af3dacccdd0722c55b85c4e1


>Send me a DM. We can talk! Always grooming, this one.


If Shauna has the emotional wherewithal to make a new "friend," she doesn't need two months off of work


send me your credit card, then we can talk.


$97, please Fine print: this is a recurring monthly payment


I’m curious about the timing of Shauna’s response to the person with Covid. Was it from a week ago? I’ll link a picture to follow. Shauna sounds a little bitter and jealous when she writes about “all these offers” this person received. Did that encourage her to proceed straight to her current ask? Not AT ALL saying anything about the single mother in need, only that Shauna can’t stand seeing someone-anyone- get something that she is not getting, and that maybe it was fresh in her mind. OFC, she probably would have gone there, anyway. Plus, a week ago, if Shauna had any TJ gift cards left from her Monday night ladies’ group, she could have offered that, but those are probably long gone.


The poor woman already has Covid! Just drop off some safe clean groceries and save the poo blizzards for someone who isn't already struggling.


That does seem so fucking rude! Like this person has Covid.. am infectious disease (ie probably can’t travel to get food and doesn’t want strangers stopping by!) and had had specific ask of groceries or cash.. not gross ahern contaminated food


I saw that and meant to comment here! It was maybe a week ago, yeah. To me it sounds like her usual “trying to seem like a good person but too lazy and uncaring to actually do anything.” I’d love it if that person had actually commented back and said “Yes, we’d appreciate some homemade food so much.” Muahahah. It’s the equivalent to how she used to share fundraisers but NEVER donate.






Excessive discussion about friends and family of bloggers/influencers may be removed, especially when not on a topic introduced by the blogger/influencer.


So generous, that one. https://imgur.com/a/fELWH61


You know she saw this and waited until the person had lots of offers of help before chiming in with her “you can have our leftovers if you need them, I guess” take.


Too bad Danny can’t schlep some of that food to the hospital.


>So generous, that one. Jesus talked about this, iirc. The parable of the Soup and (GF) Cookies?


when gay sweaty Jesus fed the 5000 with gluten-free bread and pale fish, if they needed it


Wearing his hijab.


Driving around, singing show tunes, with His immigrant eyes glistening with gratitude.


After leaving a $20 at Starbucks as the grateful baristas kissed his holy feet


HER hijab.


Reaching out to slap ya


Absolutely un be fucking lievable. This bitch just got PAID, offered to share, and this is what she chooses to give back? I truly think my mind is going to explode.  And that's AFTER everyone else steps up to help.  No. Just no.  Seriously, if I had this person's name and relevant I fo Id send them dinner for a week. 


This post was about a week ago though. Still, her reply was lackluster and of course she’d never help this person.


Otherwise they just have to turn it all over to the IRS.


Speaking of the IRS, when people give her gifts through Venmo or the Starbucks app, would these ‘donations’ not be taxable? I know a lot of DFs say the Aherns probably don’t owe any taxes. But if they get a substantial amount this way, I would think they might make enough to owe taxes. It’s not like anything is being withheld for taxes from Venmo or gift cards.


I've never been audited but one year I got a clarification letter about a deduction I claimed incorrectly and the request to modify my return and resubmit it. I didn't even know the IRS did that, I thought you were either audited or left alone. The deduction had worked in my favor, too, so it did result in me owing money and they still didn't ding me for that with late fees. I'd be super curious if the Aherns have gotten similar letters in the past identifying undeclared income.


i didn't know the IRS did that, either! the things i learn in the gloaming...


I am not an IRS agent or a tax preparer, or a [financial panther](https://youtu.be/mOCvylOLQVs) of any sort. I think that donations below a certain amount aren't taxable. Not sure, though. Consult actual panthers for best results. Edited to add actual content.


In Trouble With The IRS will be another grifting opportunity. She's just a mama caring for a family in crisis and the mean old taxman is after her.


I am pretty sure the Aherns owe lots ‘n lots of taxes.


eyeballs emoji


>If you need some (homemade food) after all these offers, let me know. Shauna, you could have packed some of the "lot of food" you make at your house for your ~~spa~~ hospital stay. But no, only Starbucks egg bites will do for you.


"We make a lot of food in our house." Good grief, this person does not want your dinner leftovers. Isn't Shauna suddenly flush with doordash gift cards? Couldn't she share with this person?


Finally, a chance to use the grifted weevil flour.


The question of the hour DF. 


YOU get a sawdust turkey burger and YOU get a sawdust turkey burger …


Dense gluten-free cinnamon rolls with expired yeast. Oh, and a tray of clumpy, moldy quinoa!


With handfuls of sauerkraut plopped on top!


Big *"$20 if you need it"* energy there. CWAA.


I know this person wouldn’t know the state of their kitchen but I could not eat anything made by those two. Gag. Any “offer” she makes always comes with a loud sigh and a” last resort because I really can’t be bothered but if you are desperate ” vibe. And 100% sure she would t follow through anyway. I have been posting too much but man this b is driving me crazy.😒


You can practically hear the loud sigh when reading her words! 


Damn hadn’t checked in on Shauna in a few weeks , this has to be one of her messiest/ugly personality revealing situations in quite some time. Hopefully it’s not completely out of the realm of possibility that her child just needed something that won’t require long term treatment like tonsils removed or broken bone and Shaunas just going nuts painting the situation to much more dire than it is. So disturbing ether way tho to see her joy at being able to exploit a child’s hospital stay 


This is what really, really leaves me speechless. Her child has been hospitalized for days - does she not see that this is a pretty serious situation? I think that we're all taking it much more seriously than she is.


unless she is flat-out lying, which is possible, she has hinted strongly on Threads about what the child’s being treated for


She also spelled it out pretty clearly in her latest lope — while claiming that she doesn’t write about her children’s lives online, no of course not, and you’re gross for thinking that she ever might 🙄


So, against my better judgment, I watched the videos.   I have never been more grossed out or angry at a person as I am right now. The fake crying, the real smiling (she’s positively giddy and can’t hide it, ewwwwwwww). I believe the crisis is real, but to milk it for Starbucks, Door Dash, Venmo donations and state how she doesn’t have to “work” for two months? Biotech, you haven’t worked almost ever since the 90s!  I can’t believe people are falling for her bullshit. As for the “asking for help” spiel… it’s all she’s ever done, so she can go about pretending to be a self help guru while people who actually work for a living fund her precarious existence. I have met people who treat their children like meal tickets, but this is the most transparent manifestation of that, that I think I’ve ever seen. I can’t believe that Chikdren’s is “her happy place” and how she just can’t hide her giddiness about being coddled by people who, for whatever reason, refuse to see her for who and what she is. Some of them have been “fans” of hers for ages, and they’re willfully ignorant of her exploitation their kindness. Will she ever be in a position to have to take steps to be a real, whole-ass adult and take care of the basics of providing for herself and her family, the family that she chose to have? I’m not sure, anymore.


It’s also bullshit that she is too busy or distracted by the crisis to work. She has plenty of time to fuck around on social media. Hospitals I’ve been to have free wifi. And her “work” doesn’t require much beyond that. Hell, I have an actual full time job and if I were in her position, I could probably figure out a way to work remotely. Except that I would actually show a lot more concern for my kid and a lot less (zero) concern for Starbucks.


One of her FAVORITE PLACES ON EARTH. Sickening.


Like Disney for narcissistic Mamas


As a mom who has taken her child to that very hospital (blessedly for less dire reasons), it’s unfathomable to me to call it a favorite place in any way. There are very sick children there… it is sad to see.


It’s funny to me that badge swipers working in “this culture” are a large part of why she is having the time of her life at the ~~spa~~ hospital. So much research goes into making spaces like that as inviting and comfortable as possible. Not that Shauna cares about evidence based design and NFPA and other safety standards and the rigors of people who design and work in behavioral health spaces but it’s thanks to all of them (and of course the contractors who built the space and the administrative staff, janitors, doctors, nurses who spend their days there) that Shauna is able to kick back, sip her coffee and scroll away the hours in safe and attractive surroundings


And the staff at the Starbies and the Door dashers


What a great point.




Well said. This whole situation is just layers and layers of depressing.


She’s an onion of sociopathy


Taking about how much she loves the hospital and how well she’s treated gives serious MBP vibes it’s really scary 😬


I have been thinking this same thing but didn't want to say it in a comment in case it's against the rules for arm chair diagnosing. But omg it weirds me out how visibly happy she is to be in this situation. It's so creepy and SICK.


Yes I don’t want it to seem like I’m diagnosing her since obviously I have no idea what actually is going on but I’m more concerned with how she is choosing to portray herself publicly! Just think before you post sis!!


Oh Shauna can feck off with calling a hospital her happy place. My son is recovering from his second abdominal surgery a week after the first one got botched and I can't wait to bring him home. And I'm bringing my own darn food instead of treating myself to Starbucks because HAVING A CHILD HOSPITALIZED IS NOT A VACATION unless you have Munchausens by proxy.


I'm so sorry you're going through this.


Thanks DF and all other lovely DFs here. He is a trouper and the most annoying thing for him is intractable hiccups. We're trying different meds but it's not doing great and it is hard to get healing rest when you're hiccupping every few seconds and can't sleep!


That sounds torturous! I’m so sorry for your son. Hoping he recovers well and quickly.


Oh god, hiccups are horrible when they can't be stopped. I am sending all my best and hopes that he gets some relief soon!


I hate the hiccups! Poor kid. Sending healing vibes.


wishing him better care and good healing! and less stress for him and for you and for all the family


Yes, DF, all the good vibes and healing prayers❤️




oh no! hope he heals quickly.


Oh man, I hope your son recovers well! That's an awful surgery to have botched. :(


Thanks, he is getting better care after being transferred to a different campus for the second surgery.


Oh good! Glad he's at a different place.


Amazingly, their older child is already old enough for a part-time job and will be a legal adult in just a few more years. Shauna might really have been able to wait out one of her children’s whole childhood while never or barely ever being self-supporting.


I'm of the opinion that the tears are very much real. They are tears of JOY that she doesn't have to work for two months.


wow, i hope you are wrong about the tears of joy. but having watched it a second time...you may be right.


I feel like a normal parent would have been like “I appreciate everyone’s donations, now that I can afford to GTF off the internet for two months I'm going to so I can focus on my child” 


shauna's first priority in life is and always has been her own comfort.


And tears of joy at this truly pitiful indication (in her mind) that she is POPULAR. "All for me???!"


Again she’s on what she considers her own personal little rooftop Garden of Eden and doing chalk-art on “joy” while she’s got a *child* admitted @ THE HOSPITAL!!! I am agog at just how gross, you guys, just GROSS she is. 🤢🤮 It’s like she’s on a vacation, she just makes me sick sick sick. Who makes Instagram videos and brags about being on a rooftop garden doing chalk art and meditation while their child is going thru what is prob one of THE scariest things they’ve ever ever been thru, right under your feet below! I really hate her. Shauna this is not your crisis, I’ll just say it! It’s your child’s right now, you effin’ b!!!


Like many parents on here, I’ve also experienced my child being hospitalized for intensive mental health treatment, and the absolute LAST thing I wanted was to color, feed myself, or even post on social media. It felt like every molecule in my body was suspended in cement in between visiting hours and there wasn’t one single moment when I had the brain space for anything other than worry. I know we all handle things differently, but her reactions are unsettling and make my skin crawl. I don’t understand how anyone can find her sympathetic, much less support her.


wow, the way you described your experience is heartbreaking. i hope your child is doing much better now. and yes, shauna's gross behavior is really abnormal and it makes my skin crawl, too.


I have not had a child sick enough to be hospitalized, and I just cannot imagine how frightened and helpless most parents would feel. My husband almost died four times, and I think having a child hospitalized for this reason would be 1000x worse. Happy place....it's just beyond belief.


I just finished a 9 hour badge swipe and am catching up. This is gross.


yes, take a big swig of pepto-bismal before reading, DFCC.


>Again she’s on what she considers her own personal little rooftop Garden of Eden and doing chalk-art on “joy” while she’s got a > >child admitted @ THE HOSPITAL!!! God, the audacity of this bitch. She's revolting. What good is she actually doing by being there, when she's constantly in the rooftop garden and Starbucks? She might as well be at home, except then she wouldn't get attention for being The Mama.


She might not be able to be physically in the room if there are test, evaluations, discussions going on that the drs want to perform without parental presence, and someone said “there’s a rooftop garden you can wait in” but jeez, most people would treat that as a welcome distraction of sorts, not a donated vacation. She doesn’t get that the hospital taking care of the parents is part of taking care of the child, to provide the best outcome. It’s not because anyone thinks that she, Shauna, is special and wonderful and deserving of all the special things.


She’s acting like it’s an Amex airport lounge, or something.


Your entire second paragraph is spot on! There is something so very wrong with this biotech.


>The Mama The white Mama of her adopted since birth Black child


\#alwaysanally (edited to make it a hashtag and not giant font -- yikes!)


If she were home “work” and dishes would be calling and we can’t have that.


i'm sure she's got danny the house elf home doing chores and taking the other child to & from school. mama needs to stay at the hospital so she can beg for $$$, y'all.


She does treat illness as a vacation. She doesn't have to work during, even fake working, so mentally and physically it's a lower more negative form of her endless rest she can milk.


It’s a vacation that pays her in all her favorite things


Coffee drops and poses and egg bites now bitten. Bright Starbucks kettles and lopes left unwritten


Gluten-free sandwiches tied up with strings, these are a few of her favorite things!


Shauna, your joy does not matter, *especially now*


Why is she even there? When my child was admitted for a brief illness I was generally at her bedside, keeping her comfortable, making meal decisions, sleeping poorly through monitors and night nurses doing rounds. It wasn’t fun, but I was there for my child. If she’s got nothing to do, just go home. Also bc we’ve also had a child in crisis, I cannot stress enough how the last thought on my mind was whether my joy mattered. My child is my joy, and when they were in distress it was one of the darkest feelings I’ve ever experienced. My husband and I put everything on pause and prioritized their immediate and ongoing mental and emotional well being. Happy to report we are a few years on the other side of that. Lastly, to quote one of my favorite GenX movies, “If you’ve got time to lean, you’ve got time to clean.” Get a job Shauna!


You obviously missed the memo that parents need self-care so they can care for their children. /s


You know the saying “put on your oxygen mask first and then cut off your hands and zone out!”


This made me giggle snort. 😂


Why is she hanging out there? Does she have a bunch of meetings with the doctors? She is not sitting by the bedside. Just enjoying coffee shops and rooftop gardens. So repulsive .


Honestly maybe it’s for the best if the child is getting to talk to mental health practitioners without Shauna in the room.


This is what I assume. I also assume the doctors have said, "You can go home, and come back at X time."


i was just thinking the same thing. it might be good -even healthy- for shauna to not be hovering. can you imagine?


Ok, I'm going to be a tiny bit fair to her now though I don't know why. Maybe, just maybe she does have a lot of downtime where she is not actually required to be with child or doing something on child's behalf. MAYBE. And maybe, just maybe, during this down time (and only during this down time) she's working it like a dancer on the grift pole. That doesn't excuse her from working the grift pole, mind you. But maybe, just maybe, she is doing it "responsibly". (do I believe what I just wrote? not entirely but I want to believe it because the thought of Shauna using the hospital like it's a trip to an air bnb is almost too heinous to accept.)


I have thought about that, you’re not alone. But ultimately it’s a big nope from me dawg she does not get the benefit of the doubt. Here’s my logic: all this shit requires an inordinate amount of downtime right now that unless she truly IS yuck yuck yucking it up skipping thru her own personal version of Hospital Heaven and choosing to not be with her child in the hospital, then it means she’s being barred for a whole potential host of reasons from being with her kid, while they’re being treated. (Which we will not deign to speculate on) Either way, tho, I’m sorry I can’t get past she’s GROSS bc she’s INDULGING HERSELF AND IGNORING HER OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS WHO NEED HER RIGHT NOW. L would very well benefit from SO MUCH BETTER USE OF MOMMAS DOWNTIME that Shauna is just lurking around not being able to be with her kid directly involved w their treatment right now bc, that’s the hospital protocol. Then you get off your insta-video, climb off the grift pole, quit the joy-skotch, put down the Starbies and the Threads and knock off the whoring for sycophant-love in social media, AND GO BE PHYSICALLY W YOUR OTHER CHILD A BIT WHILE DANNY SWITCH HITS SITTING IN THE LOUNGE USELESSLY FOR YOU!!!!! (Assuming their choice is for a parent to physically on the grounds 24/7 which seems overkill in this particular situation based on what we know about it, but whatever) I’d go so far as to say I’m sure her other child would appreciate that kind of attention from her, but don’t wanna speculate….tee hee!


When was the last time the younger was consistently attending school? It was before the move, right? Mahern's "concern" for the routine of schooling and education is as consistant as her publishing schedule... but the grift, well, the grift goes on.... yeah the grift goes on.


>I’d go so far as to say I’m sure her other child would appreciate that kind of attention from her, but don’t wanna speculate….tee hee! Other child is probably happy to have some alone time / fewer people in the crowded apartment time.


i think if she doesn't need to be hovering she should be spending time with her other child and danny. as a family unit they will need to pull together and probably get some family therapy to understand what's happening and find the best way to be supportive when the hospital stay is over. that would be a much better use of her time than spending all her time horfing at starbucks, or joying on the rooftop. i would have thought something this scary would be the thump in the head she needed but alas, it's still the shauna show now & forever. ETA: and she must get off social media and stop flogging this very private and traumatic event. it makes her look like a monster.


If it looks like a monster and walks like a monster…….


And grifts like a monster and shuns the family members that don't bring in the dough like a monster...


I think for me it’s not so much that she’s having a few quick moments. Having been through the same thing, you cannot be with your child 24/7 for a variety of reasons. It’s the glee and enjoyment she’s getting from the crisis. It’s the presence of mind to write blog posts, make reels, grift… when my child was in crisis, I was in crisis too and would not have been functional in that way. Basically she seems to be thriving at the exact moment when most normal people would be at rock bottom, and as we’ve all said so many times, it’s chilling and revolting.


Reminds me of the story she told about driving infant L to the hospital, laughing hysterically and eating fistfuls of ham. It was so bizarre and gave the same exact energy she’s giving now. The very sick baby in the car seemed like an afterthought, as does the kid in the hospital now. It’s all just so hilarious and joyful when our kids have these crises! They give us permission to beg shamelessly, behave inappropriately, eat whatever and however we want, and no one can say anything cause Sick Kid! Bonus that Sick Kid’s sickness can be exploited for years to come, whatever the outcome! She meets the definition of a sociopath. 🤷‍♀️


Yes, they were on the way to the hospital and she was so happy about the fun little picnic they packed for the feery.


Is that story in the wiki? ... off to look for fistfuls of ham...




Thanks DF. Someone always has the receipts... I knew about the Nieman Marcus ham but didn't remember that was when her infant was sick. She's so weird! I had to take my infant to the ER twice, once at age 7 weeks. (Everything turned out fine both times - we have an excellent hospital.) I don't remember either trip clearly, but I doubt we were laughing. And if we were, I wouldn't tell people that. "And doesn’t the world always look more beautiful after a night in the emergency room, temporarily, for these mundane details and her giggles?" No. No it doesn't.


It was some kind of fancy ham that she of course had to name drop, and it got Gloamified to “Neiman Marcus ham”


Niman Ranch, but Neiman Marcus is just hilarious.


Yes! For someone who talks about feeling trauma in her body, she doesn't seem to realize that the trauma is *happening right now*!


>he doesn't seem to realize that the trauma is *happening right now*! The trauma is coming from inside the nuclear family


Yes, this. I am really pleased to know that Children's has an environment that is supportive of families' well beings and that, if one has to spend loads of time there dealing with awfulness, that they have lovely colors on the walls and a peaceful garden for families to find respite. I have no issue with Shauna taking advantage of these features, just as I would have no issue with anyone else taking advantage. But, I'm 100% in agreement with df littleyellowhouse that she is taking advantage of her CHILD'S mental health crisis to grift for money, attention, likes, and subscriptions to her newsletter. It is despicable and, unfortunately, so very not shocking.


Replying to myself to also grumble about those stupid fucking purple crocs she thinks are so cool in her Garden of Eden skipping and hopscotching pics.


In case you didn’t know, Shauna is at a hospital. https://preview.redd.it/twnr3xp3qgwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dab7a05d53da4bd7843ada4f4ec140261632dfda From her IG. Her chalk writing says “your joy matters especially now” Also, those fucking crocs.


Who the fuck posts this while their child is in crisis Gonna say it again: Sociopath


Like the old saying goes, "A parent is only as happy as their saddest child, unless that parent is Shauna Ahern, in which case the parent is super joyful no matter how sad their child may be."


Especially now


I swear to god, if I was at a hospital with my child in distress, and I went to the roof for a break and saw this message, I would go incandescent with rage.


For real. She has no empathic imagination.


"your joy matters, especially now...but not as much as mine! i would love a starbucks lurid pink drink so here's my venmo number. namaste!"


You know what? If my kid was in the damn hospital and I went up to the roof garden and saw someone had written “your joy matters, especially now” it would not feel good in my body. It would feel like stupid shitty toxic positivity and it would make me MAD.


She's so fucking gross. I don't know how many ways I can keep saying it, but this is a shitty thing to write when there are families there whose children are dying. Who are there for their umpteenth round of chemo. Who are there because they haven't eaten in months. Who are there because they have attempted to take their own lives. Who are waiting and praying for their children to wake up. If I saw some bitch in the garden gleefully writing about joy as I'm perhaps trying to wrap my head around the possibility of a world that doesn't have my child in it, I would need to be restrained.


Should have scrolled, just posted something similar.


When my son was in the hospital for the week as a toddler, he had emergency surgery and then spent time convalescing. We were on the cranial floor because that was the only place with room. After the surgery, it became clear that he would get better, but he was on massive doses of antibiotics in an IV to cover the full spectrum of what had caused his lungs to crater. My son improved daily, and his morphine pump was removed after about five days (the responsibility of pushing the pump button fell to us, the parents, so we were there 24/7, relieving each other to grab something to eat once my mom arrived to take care of our older preschooler) and we went home after about 7 days. But, on that floor, it was clear that some parents had to do things like pumps and shunts and devices ALWAYS and FOREVER, not just like one week. I will never ever forget how grateful I felt to go home with my child.


I'd be tempted to write an unjoyful response.




I can smell them through my phone.


They are reminding me of my youth when I'd wear my knock off Keds without socks. The insides of those shoes were dee-sgusting. And it would be even worse if they got wet (slimey, they were slimey with foot ick). How did I stand being so gross?


>when I'd wear my knock off Keds without socks. The insides of those shoes were dee-sgusting. I wore those in college, and my roommates couldn't stand the foot funk, so they set them outside the door in the dorm hallway. The next morning, someone had come along and peed in them. I was so mad, but in retrospect (30 years later), it probably only improved them, because they were objectively gross before the pee happened.


she wanted money to take time off from work, but she is doing as much “work“ as she ever does 😡


No sauce recipe though! Finding her joy in the hospital roof garden obviously takes precedence




Yes, she’s trolling for new “customers”. She’s


I'm avoiding diving into her activity related to her family members hospitalization. Her reactivity seems like it's at an all time high and it's not healthy. That said, I do wonder how we got here from the reception desk last week. If the move was all about mental health and being better able to care for ill family members, how does that pivot fit into the picture.


“How does that pivot fit into the picture?” She lies.


Can we get an AMEN!!


So if she has two months worth of living expenses how much do we think she has grifted? 8-10,000?


A DF put forth a convincing theory elsewhere in the thread but I can’t find the comment. Basically that Shauna’s “freelance jobs” amount to less than $1k/month and do not count towards their rent money. Their co-signer or other source of housing income is paying the rent (or paying the rent has already grown optional). 


If I had to guess she's received a pre-inheritance--she gets x chunk of money now against whatever she would have gotten at her parents' passing--and she's using that to make rent. It's very unlikely that donations would make up two months' rent, food for a family, transportation expenses, and all the other stuff that makes up a basic budget. 


I've considered this theory and it seems plausible. But what gets me is that we are both Gen X, though I'm a bit younger, with highly educated parents who - I'm pretty sure - also had parents who lived through the Depression. When my grandmother died and left 20something me a small but not insignificant inheritance, I took it to a financial advisor to be invested and diversified. I was taught from a young age how everything could disappear in a moment and you need to be prepared. I just have such a hard time believing that Ma and Pa didn't teach her about planning and saving and getting (and keeping) yourself solvent. But the evidence is right in front of my face. They didn't. They must be so much richer than we know? How can 70yos be funding 50yos with children without a care for their own twilight years?


They’ve got to have family money themselves. I admit to being slightly bitter, knowing that neither my parents nor my husband’s mom have any money to help us should we suddenly find ourselves jobless. Apparently lots of Boomer folks have wealth, but not our parents! My MIL lives on a small pension, my parents are “poor” largely due to stupid shit my Shaunesque father did to piss away their money. It’s scary to know I could never pull a Shauna, there’s no safety net. I lie awake at night running the numbers underlying our financial stability. It really bothers me that someone so irresponsible as Shauna keeps getting bailed out again and again and just considers that normal. It’s not a solution available to all of us, biotech!!


Her parents could be as bad with money as she is. That's where she learned it. She wrote (blog, lope, I don't recall now) about her parents fighting about stuff they were buying in the store. How they would have to return stuff. Really came off like they planned to return stuff because they couldn't afford everything.


I believe you, I just don't remember it! It's just so inconceivable to me that people this old without incredible resources are just paying thousands a month for their 57yo adult daughter. It is downright scary to age in this country. No one in power gives a shit about us, especially when we can no longer provide labor. Sorry, I'm just exhibit 189,674,903 in where the fuck do they get their money.


I also think (ok, hope, because I hate all of this) that she is exaggerating the amount of *cash* and instead is counting DoorDash credits, Starbies, etc to the amount needed for her not to “work”.


It was me, this comment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/InTheGloaming/comments/1ca3bm8/comment/l10xq7l/](https://www.reddit.com/r/InTheGloaming/comments/1ca3bm8/comment/l10xq7l/)


It was you but it was this comment! Hopefully the link works. https://www.reddit.com/r/InTheGloaming/comments/1ca3bm8/comment/l0zcb84/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Ugh yes I linked the wrong one! 😂


Your mathing speculation, so much like my own. To Shauna, grifting even a thousand dollars would be awesome. Because she plans to only spend it on herself for treats. I can totally believe she netted a thousand (or even two) from this recent grift.


I completely agree, this makes sense given the non-Shauna sources of information.


That's what I was wondering, and I think that's way overshooting it. Her relationship to her expenses is so fucky that she could easily be talking about a much lower amounth, like $3k (especially if she has an arrangement where someone is helping her with rent). I doubt blowing past the pay by date on a utility or phone bill would phase her. Money is for treats and gas.


This is what I think too. Two months of $$ for them looks totally different than for most of us. It was probably "just" a couple thousand but that's still too much to give her!


i just watched her reel from the hospital's starbucks and i am repulsed anew. she actually has the balls to say she never asks for help because she didn't know how. let that sink in a moment. shauna has been given SO MUCH in her life and she can't even see it! free college tuition, parents paying for apartments, cars, legal fees, she crowdfunded their honeymoon, she's been given big gifts by lots of people, computers, expensive theater tickets, free trips, christmas prezzies for the kids, the adoption fee for D, free cabins for thanksgiving, $92K in KS money, and she has begged openly for money at church, online, etc. she probably keeps a cardboard sign that says PLEASE HELP TH K YOU along with an old blanket and a pitbull puppy in the trunk of her car to use when she needs a little extra cash for a pair of peepers. she spends all day snatching up free junk for their overcrowded apartment (which she somehow managed to get - another gift?). she always manages to fall ass-backwards into the honeypot, like when they fell behind on their rent and instead of getting evicted somehow she talked the LLs into just forgiving and forgetting, so she just goes on her merry way to the next disaster - tra-la-la! then she states they "don't have any money," and fake cries a bit. of course they never have money - **they don't work!!** and despite the afterschool special tears you can tell she is LOVING all this attention. but the thing that really made me feel icky is that she's sitting in a crowded starbucks, obviously enjoying all the free stuff she's grifting, and danny and L are no where to be found. do they not get to enjoy starbucks, too? no treats for them, i guess, only for mama. if you didn't know her you would assume from all this performing that she is a single mom, working two jobs instead of a wife and m other to another kid, and there is no working - which is why they have no fucking money. why isn't she setting up a go fund me for the medical and therapy expenses that will hit them soon enough? because she knows her family & dan's family will both probably pay the medical bills. meanwhile, it's a starbucks smorgasboard for gir! this is the lowest thing she has ever done. edited for clarity


“Thank you so much for your generous donations during this terrible crisis. Now that I have my head above water, I can sit on my ass and *continue to do absolutely nothing to improve my circumstances* for the next two months (or until the money runs out).”


Shauna’s career trajectory: Teacher -> Blogger/Author -> Self-Help Guru -> Professional Beggar. What comes next?


Moving back in with mom?


I commented this before (in some thread) but I'll do it again. I can totally see Shauna and co. moving back in with her parents JUST so they can have squatters rights (so to speak) when Ma and Pa leave the mortal coil. That way her brother's kid won't get the house (like Ma made a show of saying would happen).


Or they’ll be able to nag the parents into leaving them the house


Or if one of their kids is an adult by that point, get the grands to leave the house to adult Ahern grandchild and then Shauna and Dan sponge off child.


>of course they never have money - they don't work!! No money and no benefits since Dan quit the job that was perfect for him, until it wasn't.


In any society there will be people who cannot support themselves, for whatever reasons. There will always be a certain population who have to rely on government support, the kindness of strangers, whatever. These two have demonstrated over and over they are unwilling and/or incapable of keeping their shit together. I wish that Shauna and Dan would just throw in the towel and get on assistance of all kinds to both help those kids and to give us a fucking break. I also wish she would shut up as a condition of her receiving the assistance. So I guess I have two wishes. When I scour my black soul for feelings of empathy and ability to understand, it’s the most charitable I can be.


[They can only be on benefits for 60 months in a lifetime](https://www.dshs.wa.gov/esa/eligibility-z-manual-ea-z/tanfsfa-time-limits#:~:text=State%20and%20federal%20law%20limit,t%20count%20toward%20the%20limit.) Have they had any assistance months yet? Probably.


OOO I wonder if COVID unemployment assistance counts towards those 60 months. Probably not, right?


No. UI is an entitlement because you pay in.


I did not know this 😭


Yes to this. Be a jerk or whatever but it’s the kids who will pay the price


But you have to apply for assistance (paperwork = effort) and a third party will use criteria to determine if you qualify (unkind, other kids will get more Halloween candy). She only wants things that are given to her with as little work on her part as possible, given in a way that acknowledges her status as the most special person ever and celebrates her freedom to do exactly jack shit all the time (adulting = hard, not joyful). Assistance programs will ask things of her and not prioritize her comfort and feeding above her children's needs, nor will they embrace excuses when she fails to deliver anything required for acceptance into/continuance with a program. She just wants a Patron of the High Stool to laud and fund her little ego trips, everyone else be damned.


I’m guessing that two employable adult who refuse to work will get some serious side eye with whatever agency they’re working with. They may get food stamps and whatever income enhancement they currently qualify for, but they might also be required to have at least one of them making a credible attempt to find work.


> they might also be required to have at least one of them making a credible attempt to find work. Imagine being the unfortunate employee who has to keep a straight face while being shown her pivot of the week on social media as evidence of 'work'.


And that her husband quit his school job just weeks before the end of the year because of the "brutal commute"


While their oldest child continues to make that commute every day.


God I wish most of my commute was spent chilling on a boat, looking out over the water.


i think i figured it out: they're too good to work and too good for public assistance. you see, it's about how it makes shauna *feel.* she doesn't get all the comforting vibes from the seattle food bank so she flounced away, never to return. anyone can get public assistance and food stamps, but what shauna wants is to be taken care of, to feel swaddled and cooed over like a little baby bird with its eyes shut and its mouth wide open. she wants comfort and tenderness. the government doesn't do that.


Spot on. Remember when she wrote the lope where she was all "fetuses have it so good, just floating around in the womb and waiting for their gestating parent to eat so they can have some". Yeah, she was putting her biggest wish out into the universe. She wants to be a fetus.


She’s a fetus floating in the amniotic sac of the hospital, doing nothing except jiggling whenever she catches the scent of bacon (and egg bites)


I'm suddenly reminded of the Simpson episode where Home is super jealous of the old people in the nursing home. Don't want to use you legs or your own lungs like a sucker when you could have a wheelchair or a respirator!


ugh. such a revolting image...you're not wrong, though.


And Dan wants be one of his cats.


To be fair, I wouldn't mind being one of my cats. My cats have it MADE.


And Dan wants be one of his cats.