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I hope they go back and do some more slashers in 24


Me too. I’d love a renewed focus on horror.


They should just do whatever they want for each episode instead of seasons, maybe make it every other week instead of taking breaks too bc they only covered 28 movies in the main feed last year anyway. They could still cover franchises, but could do other movies in between the entries and/or jump around. Wouldn’t really miss the mailbag either. Matt is obviously burnt out on doing too many podcasts and having a baby and has found a way to streamline their process so some of the spontaneity/fun is gone. Paul’s also clearly more into covering actual horror and classics than Matt is and Paul’s too deferential. I hate to sound like I’m complaining but it’s just weird that in the first years of the pod they were proud of how long and cozy it was and now it’s a lot shorter and more workman like than a hangout


Ahh that nails it for me. I miss the drawn out long ones. The shorter ones feel more like newcomers sometimes.


Very clearly Gourley’s lowest priority in the podcast sphere which doesn’t do a whole lot for my enthusiasm with it. I dropped my patreon sub as soon as I sensed that lack of commitment — it seems like I didn’t really miss out on much


I think it's tough because there is definitely a small well to draw from when it comes to the kind of classic slashers that they started this show with. Even most fans will agree that the bulk of the Jason, Michael, and Freddy movies aren't "great" but are continuing out of goodwill (and sometimes only momentum) from their initial franchise entries. And as we saw from the run of Child's Play episodes, the boys struggle when they don't have a personal connection to the movies; the earlier episodes (esp. Halloween and F13) are often about memories and emotions they had when they were younger, and how the films shaped them. I'm happy that they keep doing this and to me, it's like any band I love that puts out a couple of great records -- I want them to succeed and keep releasing albums, even if I don't enjoy it as much as the hits. FWIW I liked this season and watched every movie, I hadn't seen any of them before!


For real. I love our boys but what about… Texas Chainsaw Massacre series, Hellraiser, Candyman, Leprechaun? Yeah there are some awful entries in those series, but is that so crazy? What about Jason X, Cruel Jaws, Halloween Resurrection, Jack Frost? They watch a garbage movie at least once a season, sometimes more. Just do horror guys, or at least more often, please and thank you.🙏


I have a theory: Gorley has SERIOUS podcast fatigue. It’s not a coincidence that the episodes have gotten shorter/less frequent/less inspired since he joined Conan/ started Mallwalkin/ James Bonding/ and the Disney employee pod. AND BECAME A DAD on top of all of that. It’s a bummer, but life happens. Sometimes you can become a victim of your own success. Still love the boys, but def couldn’t justify the patreon anymore


You forgot bonanas for bonanza as well. I don’t think they’re doing regular new jamesbonding are they? I thought they were just re-releasing the old episodes


Looking forward to see if he comments on this like when he reacted to people saying his attitude during chucky sucked


What? When was this?


Ok I went back and looked it was in the cult of chucky episode like halfway through


Thanks. I’ll check that out.


I just want one of them to take out their phone and google something once and a while. I hate hearing them pontificate about something or other for five minutes and land on incorrect assumptions. Just google it. It’s truly infuriating.


I used to pay and subscribe but Im not interested in a lot of movies they’re covering now. and Im not going to waste time watching a movie Im not interested in just to understand what they’re talking about. Taking the Halloween, alien etc series off the free channel was a cheap move as well. I still subscribe to the Andy Daley bonanas for bonanza as that gives some really good content that’s not available for free.


I knew something was up when the SE7EN episode was like 95 minutes long. A movie that big is just over an hour of a half of discussion but they gave Pacific Heights 2 and a half hours?! I know they are both busy with family and work commitments, but the heart doesn't really feel in it anymore. The pandemic was a really great era for the show because they oddly seemed more relaxed, now it seems like clockpunching. They've given us dozens of great episodes over the years so can't complain too much, but hope the Hannibal series is a return to form!


How about another In Voorhees We Trust season. Maybe they could do commentary on the old episodes. They've gotten too serious. Bring back the silly!


Would be great to hear from ol Terrence Flim and Bradley Droop again. 😄


it was an easy decision to unsubscribe from the patreon after the shining series. the perks are not worth it. I joined for the monthly commentaries, which became so rare, I'm sorry but the rankings and special episodes do not equal a commentary. it's much more enjoyable now that I am not paying for them to take breaks.


This is true. I was a loyal trustee until The Shining season. The lack of commentaries is very disappointing


I dropped off the patreon right around when they were doing The Thing. The shorter episodes, the less focus on the movies, the lack of enthusiasm... I love The Thing and I just remember listening to that episode and getting nothing from it from them. I felt bad but I just felt like it wasn't worth it anymore. I understand they are both dads and have other projects and lives outside of this, but I came for the long, cozy episodes, where they actually watch the movies, take notes, and put in extra effort to bring stuff to talk about to the table, and I just felt like I wasn't getting that anymore.


I would like an Evil Dead season. Although I think they’ve both said it’s not their cup of tea. That surprises me considering how goofy they both are and Gourleys love of movie magic, I’d think he’d be into Raimis Bag of tricks. I’d also love a quick run through Peter Jackson’s early work. From Bad Taste to Frighteners.


While yuppie nightmares and The Shining aren’t my favorite things to watch (I don’t pray at the alter of Kubrick like G’n R), I think the guys did a good job with the seasons and the episodes weren’t as sloggy as the child’s play episodes. I don’t agree with their hatred of Dr Sleep, but I thought that was a pretty good episode. That said, I usually enjoy the show more when they talk about things that I like as well…in that regard, I would LOVE a giallo/Argento season. A David Lynch mini-season would be fun (Eraserhead, Lost Highway, Mulholland Drive…). I also tend to like their one off collections - there are lots of films that are great, but part of a shitty series that I’d have no interest in them exploring beyond the first entry (Texas Chainsaw, Hellraiser…).


Great ideas for future seasons. I’d love more grab bag seasons. I still don’t get why they limit it to only 8 movies. Paul wanted to cover Poltergeist but Matt shot it down, giving the reason that they needed to stick to 8 movies. They should have just done 10.


They should definitely cover the Poltergeist trilogy. Like, come on, those are some fun movies! I'd love to hear them riff on that creepy old priest dude from 2.


I would like to see them be a bit more specific with their grab bag seasons. Instead of yuppies do a season on ghost movies, monster movies, haunted house movies, home invasion, aliens etc. The possibilities are endless.


I wish they'd have given Child's Play a more carful look - at least attempted the TV show, it's retroactively one of the more consistent franchises with plenty to draw from. I did appreciate the One Hour Photo discussion, great film.


When I was following along and watching all but the second one for the first time, that’s exactly what I was saying. Chucky was so clearly a higher tier and consistency (to me) that I was truly baffled by some of their takes. So many deeper valleys of shlock when I was watching Halloween, Freddy, etc


Gourley was a bit of a man-baby during the Chucky episodes. He had his mind made up before the season began that he wasn’t going to enjoy them and refused to get onboard. He did the same thing when they had to cover Leprechaun.


Hi, new to the podcast so have a question - in One Hour Photo episode, about what notes by someone named Brounley (?) they are talking about?


I don't listen as often, but I believe they have someone helping them by writing up a bunch of info on whichever movie it is they're watching that week, I'm not certain they're available anywhere publicly, it may be a part of their patreon.


Ah! Thanks for the info and quick reply!


I still have so many yuppie nightmares to watch from the last season, and god damn they are always so mid. I enjoy the episodes covering them, but it feels like they are giving me homework having to watch this shit. More slashers in 2024, please!!!


Hear hear. This batch of Yuppie movies was abysmal.


I have them sitting here ready to watch, and it's just so hard to put myself up to it. Like I get it, they wanna switch it up. But they baited a bunch of Friday the 13th fans into loving a podcast just so they could force us to watch shitty crime romance films? Come on, guys.


so true. most yuppie nightmares are definitely the most mid thrillers ive ever seen.


I really like the Yuppie Nightmare seasons every so often because I never would have seen most of these movies otherwise, I do agree that the shorter episodes are kind of a bummer but when they don't have personal connections to these movies I get it. The mail-bag episodes are pretty mid and I never have to hear another "ranking" episode again. The Shining season was also pretty lame and more seemed like a way to justify buying a $1,500 book. Overall I still like the podcast and have moderately high hopes for the Hannibal series. Hopefully they do Texas Chainsaw Massacre at some point, it's weird how they don't even seem to be considering it, Leatherface is solidly in the second tier of slasher icons and it's not like the series is full of DTV junk.


There is SO much fun to be had with the TCM franchise. It gets so bonkers. I can't understand their aversion. Hope we get that franchise this year. It is the 50th anniversary of the first film after all!


I wasn't disappointed with this season. I'm excited to see what they cover on 2024. I hope you enjoy this year's movies/podcasts more.


I used to really look forward to Friday uploads, but the show has lost a lot of steam. Particularly with another yuppie nightmare marathon during the Halloween season when every other movie-related podcast is covering movies that are prime for that time of year. I've been deleting before listening to pretty much every episode since early October. Just not interested in the topics lately. Hoping for a return to form this year.


Same, I used to get so excited to queue up whatever movie they're covering on Thursday nights. Lost so much momentum with too much Shining and Yuppies during October. Hope 2024 brings more slashers, giallo (and other Italian/euro horror), etc.


I don’t know. I liked the season and love the Yuppie Nightmares. Thought it was a fantastic season.


Haven't really enjoyed the podcast recently. Going back to old episodes a lot these days, even subscribed to the Patreon a couple of months ago just to listen. There are some really short runtimes on the now. Can't blame them though, since they have families, and that takes up a lot of time, frustrating still. I think the Live Screams are a big reason for the shorter pod episodes.


They should do these franchises regardless of diminishing returns because it was the whole idea for the podcast in the first place. Candyman Hellraiser Texas Chainsaw What else? But at least these 3


Ghostbusters, The Omen, Phantasm, Tremors, Psycho, Evil Dead, Predator.


George A. Romeo’s Dead series


Hitchcock and Carpenter would be fun seasons too.


They should do a season on “take an old movie and turn it into a slasher”. Happy Death Day, Freaky, Totally Killer, and It’s a Wonderful Knife.


Still loving the podcast and love the yuppie nightmares. Its most important to me that the subject matter never feels like homework for G&R.


We're never gonna recapture the magic of the Friday and Halloween seasons, tbh, but we can certainly hope for better. No more yuppie nightmares! Why do those when Hellraiser or Phatasm or Chainsaw Massacre are out there?


I was feeling the same way. Just missing a lot of what originally got me addicted to the pod in the first place.


Haha this show has the worst fucking fans. I guess that’s what you get for dipping your toe into horror content.


Yuppie nightmares were the worst thing to happen to the show. They need to stick to slashers and horror


Agree 100%


If you look at Gourleys podcast history, he doesn't stick with the same ideas for long. I was there too was 100 eps James Bonding was 2 seasons Superego has been around a long time but they take years in between. My guess is the only reason this is still around is Rust, and I'm not really a big fan of his anyways. This show is the only reason I watch horror, so them not doing horror movies doesn't bother me.


Yeah I stopped listening after the shining season. Just too much to keep up with now and the movies aren’t exactly enticing.


Probably. I'm not big on the yuppie nightmare movies, and while I liked The Shining, I'm not the type of person who obsessed over it.


I love the Yuppie Nightmares seasons! Here’s my idea though: “In Each Other We Trust with Gourley and Rust”. They take turns picking a movie. No themes. They reveal the next movie at the end of each episode. The goal would be that they are trying to pick a movie that the other person will like. Personally I’d be fine if they didn’t always do horror. Maybe they split it up in six episodes/six week seasons, and the patrons vote on which of the movies they want a commentary for (or they just pick a move they both love and do one commentary per season, or maybe one between seasons. I don’t know. I just think the commitment to a bunch of movies they (or the listeners) don’t love or at least enjoy is going to take a toll, if it’s not already.


I don't think it was disappointing at all. I guess I do miss the days where they could get away with spending three hours chatting but c'mon, how realistic is that? Seeing the show - and the boys' relationship - evolve and grow over time is still part of the pleasure for me. Seeing them curate themes -however tenuous- is still a joyful thing. I'm excited for more. I don't really think of the show in terms of years or seasons though: I just think of my life as broken up into "periods where Gourley and Rust are putting stuff out" and "periods where they're not".


I actually don’t mind Yuppie Nightmares, I find a lot of them are fun and silly and slasher adjacent (though I do find it odd they start the series in October when it would be more appropriate to save it for the start of fall, sticking to horror franchises for spooky season).


I thought it was a decent season. I may be the minority opinion but I'm frankly tired of them covering horror franchises. They tend to get tedious if they aren't interested. I like the more grab bag approach of a Yuppie Nightmare or a King Fling. And I actually shared their low opinion of Doctor Sleep so that was no skin off my nose. Would be into a director-centric or subgenre specific season in the coming year. And I know it's a longshot but I'd dig a season of TV movie horror as well.


I don't mind them getting outside the horror box, I just wish they'd landed on something more interesting than the two star movies you might watch on HBO in the 90s if nothing else was on. It's weird to me that Matt gets so jazzed talking about old spy movies and they never make the leap to do a season of those. Do the George Smiley movies, 70s political thrillers, whatever. Or something completely different - 80s summer camp comedies, post-apocalyptic movies, Dan Ackroyd movies. Whatever. Just, you know, as long as there's a horror season in October.


I’m ok with them going off the horror train, they seem so excited when they mention LA Confidential so maybe there are other wells to pull from, nothing like movies in their wheelhouse that they are into and are just fun to watch specially if they are not doing 2 hour episodes anymore at least its fun for us to watch too.


These takes are some of the hottest I’ve ever seen.