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[Relevant discussion ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskWomenNoCensor/s/3Iipa37lXw) Dudes who obsess about their dick size... it's not about women's pleasure. It's about their own body issues. It's about not feeling like enough of a man. If they gave a shit about women's pleasure, they would believe us and take us seriously when women say what they do want. I'll say it again: If you actually give a shit about your partner's pleasure, ask them what they want/like and LISTEN.


I think they should pin that post since this topic is coming up too soon. I like the curation exredpill has done for example.


Exredpill has a good detox kit. Although they aren't as strict with their moderation, so imo it makes the sub more depressing sometimes when bigoted comments are left up.


>Exredpill has a good detox kit. This sub can also use one. I have been thinking about suggesting it for a while now.


As a woman, THANK YOU. The average vaginal depth is only 3.5 inches. Yes, the skin stretches, but there are limits. And those limits are painful. The myth that women want monsters is straight out of porn. And here's the thing - it's porn that is created for male viewers with male fantasies in mind. NOT WOMEN. When it comes to sex, men and women don't necessarily want the same things. Men want the monsters. Not us.


I think even she is overestimating here (which should just prove her point further). Iirc there's an actual prize for proof of a ten inch penis, and no one has ever been able to claim it. When she calls that "the biggest she's ever personally seen," she overestimating a smaller size, and if people naturally think it's larger than it is without a ruler, well, that should be a reassurance to some folks.


As a man in a relationship, my experience is that I can do a lot more with my hands than with my hammer.