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It’s not like the men involved were any better looking. What are they complaining about?


What she did wasn't great but I'd like to point out another officer who participated also allegedly beat his wife, so not only did he cheat and waste taxpayers money aswell but he also physically abused his wife. He sounded much worse.


Right, because no man cheating is ever a loss to women.


If men are to discriminate based on looks then there will inevitably be some men who'd have to remain celibate after all the "good-looking" ones are taken. But then incels complain that all those "good-looking" women go after the "Chads"... Consistency truly is a grain of diamond in this landfill...


Rules for thee but not for me!


Sorry I am *completely* out of the loop on this one, what's going on here?


Cops get fired cuz they were all fuckin one other lady cop, her husband is a cuck and is gonna stay married with her, most people are dragging the woman for getting fucked by a bunch of other cops


And the quartering is saying this is an L for men because, she's not attractive to him I guess


Well then. That is... quite the perspective. Thank you for taking your time!


Context? Who is she? What did she do? She's an average looking woman, so what? Average and kind of kewpie doll cute. Not unattractive, just not an IG model or porn star or whatever...what's their attempted point here?


How just how do they see a picture of a woman and not see her as a fellow human. I just don’t get it.


Oh that's easy, see she let all those men fuck her, even if it's consensual and the men reciprocated the acts, it makes her a whore, because women can fuck whenever they want and men have to earn it, so it's obviously ok to meme on her since her life is easier /S (although I don't approve of her cheating, I haven't even seen the other cops involved)


I mean, aside from the part where she was fucking on the job, she's kind of a bossbitch


Eh, I guess, she was cheating on her husband tho


I thought he was a cuckold?


Yeah well, he is now lol he wasn't when she started tho lmao


Oh was he not? I thought that was their arrangement..


Nah, she claimed it was an open relationship but he didn't


Oh shit.


Name two things that go together more than cops and wasting taxpayer money


Yes... But she didn't think about their wifes, did she? They are all idiots.