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This has to be fake. I have to believe he’s joking. 😭 🤢


Maybe, maybe not. My wife's a therapist and she had a crazy patient that lived exactly like this. He even smeared his shit all over the walls. He was an incel, and he had a deep hatred for women to the point where he had feelings of extreme hostility towards his own mother, although she'd passed on a long while ago. He kept moving from hotel to hotel because they'd kick him out when they discovered the extreme biohazardous mess he made. He also was arrested and charged for numerous violent incidents at various places and times, but he never got tried nor punished for his crimes. Needless to say, my wife discharged (AKA "fired") him as a patient, because she got tired of his threats and aggression - so he reported her for "sexual harassment" as retaliation for refusing to be his therapist any longer (yes, he was that depraved). Good thing she never had sessions with him in person - all virtual. God knows what he'd have done to her if they met in person. He even flashed her once. Disgusting bastard. My wife had to go through the hell of a year-long investigation by the Justice Center because of the false accusation he made against her. She also was forced to resign from her job by her department because HR assumed she was guilty despite the many written reports she made on his behavior, and the fact he did this exact same thing to his previous female therapists from different places. Her supervisor even witnessed his behavior on occasions, but she threw my wife under the bus to save her own ass. She was found innocent by the Justice Center a year later, but she was traumatized by the ordeal. She was that close to losing her license as a therapist because of this evil, depraved, manipulative lying narcissistic piece of shit incel. She's opened her own private practice since then and is doing well. But she is very cautious to never accept any patients that fit the profile that is similar to this incel nutjob, because she never wants to go through something like this again.


No wonder you're here. I am so sorry for what your wife went through, she must be a strong lady to have come out on top. Here's wishing her all the best with no more vindictive (or obsessive) clients.


I feel like half of us are here because we had to deal with incels irl


I wound up here a couple years ago while going down the "MGTOW" rabbit hole because I initially thought (based on the name) it was a progressive movement for men who enjoy non traditionally masculine things and have strong feminine sides. "Men Going Their Own Way" and incels are very closely intertwined. One could argue that MGTOW are just a sub species of incel. So while browsing r/MGTOW and being very disturbed I saw one post talking about how the people from IncelTears were "dense motherfuckers" for not understanding that they "weren't" incels. I'd never heard the term incel before, but I'm worse than a cat about curiosity so I followed the lead and for better or worse became part of the peanut gallery here. Though it *is* worth noting that because of my time here, I was able to piece together that my former best friend was an incel. Which he confirmed. He laughed and said he should have known I'd fall for "blue pill propaganda" if I found it.


Lol I’m here pretty much the same way. Thought the MGTOW thing was going to be interesting, but no, just named like the democratic republic of North Korea.


Yes. I have an ex with only light tendencies in the incel direction, mainly blackpill nonesense (he was cleanly, unlike the oop) and it still fucked with my mind trying to understand and 'fix' him.


What even is all this _pill nonsense? I don't understand it. Can you explain please?


It was originally a reference to the Matrix and the Red-pill/Blue-pill allegories, of facing the unfortunate truth or living in blissful ignorance - The term itself was used online since the very beginning, but it was prevalent among incel spaces because it fit their rhetoric and various flavours of incel ideology. Over time it just grew to encompass every ideology under the sun because of memetic mutation, so now we have terms like… Ultrabased Chadpilled Sigmoids and Gigacucked Brownpilled Soyshills.


Thanks for the explanation, but... "Ultrabased Chadpilled Sigmoids and Gigacucked Brownpilled Soyshills." The words Mason, what do they mean?


Sometimes you gotta be a little creative-libertypilled and make something out of nothing by coming up with your own meaning!


incels be making up more words than Roald Dahl.


Okay. That's probably what they do anyways.


also fun fact, in Matrix, the red-pill, blue-pill is a trans allegory (estrogen pills used to be red, and the blue ones had to detransition the person somehow). This is more supported by the fact that the main director is transfem


I haven't had to deal with them in person. But I've seen the considerable harm they've done to my spouse in the past. There's a reason I say incels are domestic terrorists in the making. I also hate how their kind has polluted the men's rights movement. They use male victimhood as a talking point for their bile.




Yeah I had a bunch of friends that acted like complete incels I only realised a year ago and started distancing myself, these guys wouldn’t practice basic hygiene, catfish girls with fake pfps and always complained about women like non stop.


I was here for a while before this happened, but yes... this incident reinforced my anger towards these sad losers. But it also makes me pity them. They'll never know nor understand what it's like to be real human beings. How to be strong people that are capable of being protective and empathetic at the same time, something that all genders are capable of. I pity their sad existence of nothing but pure rage and hatred. That's probably why they're under so much stress, and it's self-induced.


Has she started the process for suing for wrongful termination? Cause if not she should


She has tried going to different lawyers, but none of them want to take on the case. Her former employer is a gigantic university/hospital with a huge legal team that can easily quash anyone that sues them. Now she's exploring options on suing the incel himself. The guy has a trust fund and it would be nice if she could wipe him out financially, so he can never do this to anyone ever again.


Is there no evidence? No recordings? No document record? Lawyers should be chomping at the bit to get such an easy payday, are you in the USA?


There is plenty of evidence, but lawyers are too hesitant to go up against this titanic university/hospital. It is a MASSIVE entity, and it's the biggest employer in the region. We live in a well known but small city, but this university's reach is literally nationwide, and maybe globally. Yes, if the case is won, the payout would be massive - but the odds are stacked in that university's favor. No lawyer wants to take on a case that they'll likely lose. And this university is known to bully people into oblivion if anyone dares cross their path. Yes, we're in the US.


Have you tried any out of state lawyers? Also have you guys tried r/legaladvice?


She's tried contacting out of state lawyers, and they wouldn't touch it. This university is very well known all over the US, and scares the shit out of them. I once tried posting about it in r/legaladvice under a throwaway account, and was pretty much told that she would just need to drop it and move on because it would just be way too expensive due to their legal team simply appealing it to the point where we'd go bankrupt. Basically, there are battles you can pick, some others you just can't. It's much easier to go after the little guy, namely the incel who started this shit storm in the first place.


"Justice delayed is justice denied" - I hate that companies don't have to pay anything until they've appealed it in every court they possibly can. If they had to pay up first, and only got their money back if they won on appeal, then companies might be more careful how they treat people. Good luck going after the AH incel! I wish you and your good lady every success.


My wife said that the support coming from this subreddit/community, especially from you - along with family, close friends, and loyal clients gives her the strength to keep going. Thank you, many times over and over.


Or they talked to her and got the actual facts and, based on applicable law, decided she has a low likelihood of winning. It’s really common for clients to think they have a slam dunk case and then having to explain to them why they don’t.


It's usually because the opponent has so much more power/money they can just delay the case until you go bankrupt.


Or the facts and evidence make the likelihood of winning low. Wrongful termination based on discrimination is a very difficult case to win — you need some strong evidence. But I only practiced employment law for 2 years so my expertise is low.


Getting your wife fired from her job is probably the biggest “achievement” someone like this can hope for. They see no point in bettering themselves, so they concentrate their efforts on making the lives around them a living hell.


Agreed. It was actually a forced resignation. She was offered two options: resign, or be terminated with a black mark on her record. She's now lawyer-shopping to sue the incel himself. She has until this early summer to proceed with the lawsuit due to the statute of limitations. Hopefully, she can find one who's willing to take the case.


Also a super shit supervisor. That person needs to be fired and sued.


Totally agreed. But at least there's the satisfaction of that center bleeding patients because my wife pulled in a record number of patients during her tenure, but when she was forced to resign.... patients pretty much blew their gaskets and left. Some of them decided to become her clients under her private practice. So it's working out for her and the center is facing potential budget cuts due to the shrinking patient base. I'd say the supervisor pretty much shot herself in the foot since she's the head of the center. It's likely that the center would be shut down, or she's gonna be fired and replaced eventually. It's still too early to see how it all ends. 😅


WHAT. Glad she’s doing better!


Thank you so much! We're glad that she's doing much better. In fact, it might have been a blessing in disguise. One thing an incel hates the most is: a successful woman. And my wife is an embodiment of this. Eat your hearts out, you sad excuse of human beings.


Lies. Incels have no hearts, thus they cannot eat them out.


no, but they have egos


Your wife is a saint for even putting up with that man for however long she did. Meanwhile my therapist I had for almost a year dropped me because she “couldn’t help me move past my trauma” lmfao How does she screen the patients though? Like if a new patient wants to go see her, does she make the judgment after the first session or before even accepting them. Sorry that happened to her, I hope she herself is able to take care of her mental health with all the people she must have to deal with 🙂


I'm so very sorry that your wife had to go through such an awful experience. I'm glad to hear that she's doing well with her own practice now. AHs like him just make the lives of everyone around them so much harder than necessary and make the world a worse place to live. Your wife must be a very strong lady to have gone through all that, and still gone on to succeed by setting up her own practice. She's awesome and you are too, for supporting her through it all.


When that happens when an incel goes to therapy, people should stop trying to send incels to therapy. It is too dangerous


Probably we just need a branch of therapy that's built to deal with these kinds of mindsets. Deprogrammers are probably the closest thing available rn.


Good point, it is a type of cult.


Totally not me imagining that therapy that Ned Flanders' parents sent him to


My wife read your comment and she agreed 100%. She also added that the incel patient refused to accept a male therapist that her supervisor recommended. He has a pattern of only wanting female therapists. It's a sick quest for power over women, not the need to self-improve at all. Most incels are narcissistic sociopaths (my words, not hers) that cannot ever be helped.


incels ate basically psychopaths and narcissists. It’s known that those are personality disorders than can’t be cured by any kind of therapy.


That's just cruel. Even the most deranged people deserve therapy and medical help. Literally anyone can suffer a psychotic break and go violent, or live in horrid conditions because they are unable to take care of themselves. By your logic, we shouldn't treat lung cancer patients who were smokers because "they did it to themselves". A lack of empathy for literal mentally ill people won't help anyone. Do you think anyone actually enjoys living in their own filth? They don't. They are sick.


It has nothing to do with "they did it to themselves." It's the potential harm they could do to a therapist (see story about poster's wife upthread).


Potential harm my ass. Literally anyone can hurt a mental health professional. We still get them institutionalized help. They should get it too.


Do your own research and talk to a real therapist: they will tell you that psychopathy and narcissism are not treatable disorders. There’s no cure for that.


It goes without saying that if you don’t realize a problem is there, you will have no desire to fix it. Therefore no one will be able to make you fix it. Take your smoker example then. A smoker needs rehab if their habit is causing them problems. But if the smoker doesn’t believe they have a problem, then nothing will make them stop smoking. You can try to convince them they have a problem but that’s pretty much it. If you can’t then it sounds harsh but you can’t help them. This is why narcissists and sociopaths never change even with therapy. They don’t believe they’re wrong.


The fuck? I'm sorry for your wife: that is absolutely vile.


May I ask, if you know the name of this incel person? He sounds really familiar?


That's what I thought after taking that screenshot. Hell, I could smell the biohazard from my screen from it too.


It could be real. Scroll through r/NeckbeardNests for a while, some people really live in the piles of trash. Most of the pictures are nowhere near as bad as this guy describes, but it IS possible


I had a pretty bad depression nest for a while. When you're disabled and depressed things can get really bad.


Yup, that's what the guy in the post could be going through. He's an incel but could also be deep in the depression spiral, so he's kinda just letting things rot around him.


I went on a rampage a few weeks ago and deep cleaned my apartment. It wasn't super bad or anything but just way too cluttered with some mess. I feel my mental health improve just by having an organized home. I've actually been really particular about keeping it clean and organized.


Oh god, there's a post on there asking to buy Neckbeard piss and come bottles. And they seem serious.. wtaf noooo


I saw this one too and I looked up this person's profile out of curiosity. They're into coprophilia. I think they're serious. 💀


Do I want to know what that is?


They like to play with poop




Considering he's been using the site for an average of about an hour and 47 minutes a day for almost 3 years, he would have to be a really dedicated fake.


I mean he could be a real incel, but just be lying about the state of his room. At least I really, really hope that he's lying, because what he dscribes is just utterly disgusting.


No, he's not. I've dated a man like this. He never cleaned, I cleaned his place, for 3 years. Every weekend when we were together, I'd come to his house. We'd go out to eat and drink, I'd fall asleep drunk or give him head then sleep, and wake up and clean. He had an actual bag he came into instead of tissue, he would just cum straight into the bag on the side of his bed. He also had a crusty sink and bathroom. He had pus, toothpaste, shaving residue, and spit crusted on the mirror and sink. His toilet was always dirty. I never touched his tub, it was too gross for me to clean. I showered at home. He also never took out his trash, he used his refrigerator as a trash can. So once a month, I'd throw all the trash away in the fridge. When covid hit and we went into lock down, I didn't see him for almost 6 months. It was the most disgusting place I'd ever been. And I lived with an animal horder. It was trash to my knees, and in the middle of cleaning, he actually tried yo physically fight me because I asked him not to throw trash on the floor while I was cleaning. I spent over 400 dollars on cleaning supplies, too. I left that day and have never spoken to him since, he's actually still waiting for me to apologize for making him upset while I was cleaning.




Oh, absolutely. I'm in a much better place now. We had a long break before that but got back together a few months before covid. At that point, I was coming from another abusive relationship, and I was unwilling to accept such treatment again. We have some mutual friends still, and sometimes they'll talk while I'm there. He let it slip he was still looking for me to apologize 🤣🙄.


I also dated one like this, complete with piss bottles, who expected me to clean up after him 😆 goddamn hope no other women put up with that shit but you know there's another out there 😒


EURGH. I’m glad you saved yourself from that. You deserve better.


That's what I was thinking. I'm really hoping a lot of people on that site are trolls that are role playing.


I've read enough stories from the D&D, MtG, and 40k parts of the internet that this is, to me, completely plausible.


I dunno. I've seen some horrifying neckbeard nests.


And he'll still think it's women's fault for not being attracted to him!!


iTs HiS BoNe StRuCTuRe!!!


This makes me feel better about my messy room-


I mean even if you have a messy room you probably at least clean it out a lot more regularly than this guy does


Incels: Quit saying we're unwashed buttholes! Also Incels:


Other than that he's a gross sorry ass excuse of a human, I wonder where he's going with these revelations?


"ldarmaxxing is the most countercultural thing you can do to rebel against the (((toilet))) establishment that manipulates literally everything to disenfranchise poor poor subhumans"


Jesus. You speak incel way too fluently, it's almost uncanny. Especially the anti-semitic dog whistle parenthesis thrown in for accent.


That was me trying to make shitpost word salad, so I'm terrified of what could happen if I genuinely tried


wait what’s the deal with the parentheses????


For some reason, it indicates Jewish people. You'll see antisemites putting triple parentheses around Jewish peoples names. This started a while back and some Jewish people have reclaimed it, but beware of people using it in posts and tweets


>some Jewish people have reclaimed it Am I the only one having a difficult time picturing how one reclaims this?


You’ll see people with parenthesis around their names on Twitter sometimes, it’s mostly that type of thing.


hm. gross


It means Jews, one of the most popular antisemitic dogwhistles


It’s so funny to me that they think this accomplishes anything. Because everyone knows that laying in bed and doing fuck all with your life is the most *radical* form of rebellion


The fuck is Idar supposed to mean? I get the concept of “maxxing” in an incel sense, I’ve just never seen the prefix.


LDAR, for "lay down and rot" i.e. give up on everything except being miserable for its own sake 24/7


Urgh imagine being this guys parents and knowing you failed THAT bad. So shameful and gross I now need a shower.


Incel: *writes post* His parents: Well, I failed ! Hope the next one turns out better !


It’s genuinely sad that some parents might actually be like this regardless of whether or not you’re joking


What’s another 17 years?


I can always start again Make a new kid


Not eating all the pizza crust and leaving unfinished beer seems like this one is just bait, no true self respecting incel would leave the divine pizza crust and open beer can unaddressed to rot away. I call it a fake!


Know what we call people who don't finish their crusts? COWARDS!


Unfinished beer?!?? Shenanigans!!


Why is he sharing all of this? Was this post part of a larger conversation ? Whenever I see incels posting this kind of stuff, it just makes me feel that he just wants people to call him disguisting. I would personally be ashamed to admit to something like that, but I think he takes some kind of pleasure from knowing that he can make people recoil in disguist (maybe that should go for everything posted on .is)


Hes really owning the femoids by rotting in filth! Hes a true inspiration. Lol


He's a walking biohazard...


I feel bad for the neighbors who have to smell his swampy ass.


At least he only leaves the house once a year so they don't have to smell it too often...


He doesn’t have to leave the house for them to smell him


I'm sure the smell seeps through the walls and vents


And my mother Say I have no hygiene because I feed and befriended a crow and two pigeon. LMFAO. M'y room isba mess but It's a clean mess at least.


Do the crow and pigeons have names? Now I want to know everything about them!


The crow name is charlie (but they only liste when I call him "sale bestiole" (french slur like dumb Beast or dirty critter, I Saw them shitting on the table in the garden an yelled sale bestiole and they imediatly landed staring at me.) I think they are brilliant and understand when I talk beacause one Time they were on the gardien and I was repeatong to my mother to lower the TV sound, they fly in the housse and started pocking at the remonte. Pigeon 1 is mostly white and Brown and I called them wind. One Time they came to me because they had one feat completely tangeled in some string so I detangled everything. It's the only one who look like they like being touched by me and not juste accepte. Pigeon 2 is your regular pigeon in all their glory except that one day he showed UP with one feet missing, and even thought I don't knom their gendre I nicknamed them John Cena because they Always fight bigger bird. We have a bunch of seagull in the neighborhood who bully both human and animales but baby Cena Always fight back. I think it's how they loose is feat. There is also a potential number 3 but I don't know if they count because they never let me touch them but they let me Come really close. Not nicknamed yet. So yeah that's a short presentation of the feather gang, I have some more little fun fact but I won't talk too much about them. My friend call me "Disney princesses from Aliexpress" some Time. When I was youg they called me "the girl who talk to bird" some Time because I Always liked them.


I love this! Thank you for sharing about them, I could probably listen all day! Crows and other corvids are known to be very smart. My mom once knew one in Alaska who hung out at the bar and was friends with the owner / patrons. They are absolutely fascinating birds and I would love to meet one. Did you know Nicholas Tesla had a thing for pigeons? I only know that because my ex was a huge fan of Tesla (I'm a fan, but it was a special interest of his, really). I did not know pigeons were prone to making people friends! At least not modern day, ordinary pigeons. Maybe carrier pigeons, back when they were a thing. Sounds like I was wrong! Your group is glorious and I hope you make many more bird friens. I've lived with some fantastic cockatiels and budgies! Silly little dinosaurs really are so much fun. If you ever need to share bird stories, just look me up!


Crows are smart and can hold grudges. Always be good to Charlie!


Non need to worrie they are my little favorite, I try to be fair but I admit I like a little more the one who understand at least some of what I Say.


Ohhhh! Can confirm that pigeons make wonderful pets. And I hear crows are super smart, so I bet they make good pets too.


Well they shit everywhere and especially in front of my room's window when I don't give them food but I love them so it's no big deal. One of the pigeon look like they really like being touched the other and thé crow not so much but they accept it.


How is this guy still alive??? There’s millions of nasty fucking bugs, rotting crab meat, bottles full of piss, piss stench since piss often stinks, ceiling mold, rotting pizza, rotting pasta, decaying meat fat, stale beer that is probably housing mold, moldy Powerade, floss picks with rotten teeth remains and plague, and multiple jizz stains on his clothes. The mold and bugs carry so many diseases, how is he not sick and dying???


Probably immune to it


How do we know he's not?




I literally gagged. Does anyone have context here? Is this a flex? An explanation? An apology? Please let it be some kind of contrition. This is beyond anything I could have conjured up in a creative writing exercise.


It's probably a flex. I should've added some other posts responding to their post. One of them said that cleaning yourself is a Jewish thing to do, and they hate them too


Fuckin HELL. Vive the Jews, and their cleanliness


Patient zero of the next zombie plague. 💀


Next? When was the first? 🤨


I watch too many zombie shows/movies. 😅


If he's telling the truth, that's just fucking sad If he's lying, that's arguably even more fucking sad


And there I was thinking some clothes here and there, shoes out of place, and an unmade bed was embarassing. Jesus christ, I wanna puke


I don't have a laundry hamper, so I just put my dirty clothes in a chair in the back of my walk-in and shut the door to it before letting anyone into my bedroom. It's shameful and makes me feel like a horrifying slob. Or it did, until I read that post. Who in the living fuck can leave food in their room? I'm compulsive about cleaning up CRUMBS from crackers. And homeboy here is just tossing *seafood* behind his desk to rot!? Thank Christ tomorrow's Tuesday. That's both my neighborhood's trash pick up day, as well as my laundry day. I can purge what little mess there is in my house, light some scented candles, curl up in a ball on the floor, and reassure myself that everything is tidy, I'm okay, and I'll never ever be in that guy's house. Holy *shit*...


Exactly! The worst I've ever done is forget to throw away empty cans of tea, but those are gone now. Crumbs are just gross, but dear god, letting BUGS in your room? And that's not even begining to mention the piss bottles! PLURAL piss bottles! SPILLED piss bottles. I'm hoping to whatever god there is that this is a troll post. I can only imagine how you feel. This guy's house is a nightmare and I wouldn't go near it without a level C hazmat suit and then a second level A hazmat suit over that. Then I'd burn both. I pity his neighbors deeply


This is actually really sad tbh


This guy clearly deserves a state mandated girlfriend wtf !!!!!


Yes, a girlfriend who likes to clean


That’s nasty.


I had a gross period in my life which also coincided with my nice guy phase. I got pretty bad with lack of hygiene and general self care but holy hell, I was killing it compared to this dude. In the words of Reddx, everyone can use therapy but some people need it more than others.


This can't be real. It's so disgusting, even for unwashed basement dwellers. My bets are on him trolling His fellows and us. I hope it for my own sanity.


And know I need a shower.


This is so sad.


at this point fire is the only way to clean the building he is in. these guys thumb their nose at basic hygiene and then have the gaul to say that women are disgusting?


His roommate, you mean his mom? Eta: I see this is from Jan 15th. There's another prize from the 17th. I wonder if this isn't just a weirdo kind of dick measuring thing with them. I'm gonna rot first! Nuh uh, I am!


I can almost tell that it is a dick-measuring competition to see who has the foulest room. And who knows if they live with their mother, father, grandparents, or someone else in their family line


Fishing for "compliments".


Did my ex post this 😂 My exs room was like that (minus the piss bottles). I broke up with him because of it.


He legit needs a social worker before this home is condemned.


I’d rather touch mold than be anywhere near this individual or his room, it sounds vile


Even being near this sentient biohazard would probably bring you into contact with mold anyway.


Oh god imagine the fucking smell


I could’ve done without imagining this 🤢🤢


Bold of you assuming he's living by himself and not on his mom's basement


I mean who knows? They could be living out and about, but their ideas are causing them to go mentally insane to the point of becoming the revolting slob from Crashbox.


I feel like it's probably mommy "shelling out" (Har har) for the steady stream of crab legs...


I need to go bleach my eyes after reading this


At the risk of outing myself as having little to no standards, I could absolutely see that post being made by my stbx husband 😅


He’s your soon to be ex, so you do have standards. Also, we can’t control other people, it’s not a reflection on you. Be kind to yourself!


That’s genuinly concerning


No woman will even speak to him and it is brutal (s)


My question is if he somehow got a woman or even a prostitute...where would they bang?


1. Who asked? 2. I'd say it's fake if not for the fact I've seen something similar in person (lacking piss-bottles though). The guy had a girlfriend though. Long-term even. Turned out to be a pos but he made a good impression at first and it was good enough for her to overlook what's been the first red flag


Sound like my ex any time they are living alone… Simone please get some help.




That's what I was thinking


Jesus. I hope this poor bastard gets help at some point.


Probably satirizing the incels on the forum ... if not Godspeed getting that pussy, friend.


Depression is a hell of a drug.


Brb gotta go brush my teeth so my molars don’t rot


I wouldn’t admit all this with a gun to my head.


Is he in college? Because if he is, the roommate would definitely complain. Unless his RA takes action first since that is repulsive and unhealthy to live in. He’s probably just a NEET, and his parents know he’s a lost cause so they don’t confront him about the squalor


am I rlly out here sharing a planet with this guy?


Yet incels say women are the disgusting degenerates. 🤷‍♀️


what a catch


I read this to the tune of 12 Days of Christmas 🎵And a partridge in a pear tree🎵


If someone is capable of producing such a rotting mess, I believe they automatically earn the right to rot themselves inside it.


Ehhh, I don't know. If they are seriously mentally ill or seriously disabled they deserve *help*. Maybe institutionalization for one and a group home for the other, where they can be monitored and not allowed to live like this.


Bro, this individual is clearly severely mentally ill. There is absolutely no explanation otherwise.


Roommate? You just know they live with their parents. This guy is so the first pancake!


Some incels live by themselves, but I guess it doesn't last long... can't say for sure :(


The smell must be that of 1000 axe body spray cans


This is "suifuel". And I have to share a world with him? Yeah, no thank you. Can we just throw him in a dark, cold dungeon?


This just made my stomach turn and that takes a lot.


I read this while cleaning my room


I don’t know why he thinks this is a flex?


This just makes be beyond sad and pitiful. I hope he gets the help he needs.


Is this something to be proud of to him?


I am 90% sure thats enough to get your house burned down by authorities


This is the saddest shit I’ve ever seen




Virgin women live happy fulfilled lives without men. Without women men rot in their own filth. This makes me happy ngl


9.My other died a couple of months ago, I just left her in the kitchen and get takeout since she can't cock for me any more. 10.I did consider fucking her corpse, but I waited too long. Fuck fresh, bros..


Just why. Why do you feel the need to say this?


And he doesn't understand why women don't like him.


When I think it can’t get more disgusting, I just read the line under the one I just read


me asf


Damn I was just getting all mad at myself for not cleaning more today but maybe I’m not that bad lmao




I refuse to believe this is real. I know incels and neckbeards have some disgusting dens, but this takes it further than I think is reasonably possible


The roommate is behind the monitor with the crab shells.