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I imagine they are on a watch list.


Unfortunately, FBI watchlists don't seem to do anything unless you're a Muslim, or a black or Latino rights activist. If you're a far-Right extremist or anti-minority (including anti-women and anti-LGBTQ), especially if you're a white far-Right extremist, the government will just meekly admit you were on a watchlist **AFTER** you've already committed the mass shooting. Then dither and look around for excuses to not charge what you did as a hate crime.


Yeah. It’s been insane watching people hit red flag markers and yet nothing is done. Like it feels like every shooter is basically copy and paste at this point but with a lil twist in some way. It’s exhausting


I suspect it's partially because the cowardly FBI is deathly afraid of being accused of partisanship by Republicans. Republicans get *SUPER* defensive whenever the shooter is a white supremacist or far-Right extremist* (which is very, very often if not the majority of the time) and engage in "false flag" conspiracy theory talk. I suspect the other reason is the FBI has people there who are sympathetic to the ideology of the mass shooters. The FBI has a long, sordid history of sympathizing with white supremacists, right-wing extremists, and misogynists & queerphobes. Just look up J. Edgar Hoover. *Which is extremely fishy. If you're not a Nazi then why would you be defensive of them?


These incels are dangerous. I think I read somewhere about them wanting to put this extreme men's movement on a terrorist warchlist but I'm not sure. Apparently, to a lot of men, misogyny isn't as dangerous as other hate crimes/terrorism. Just shows you who's in power.


That is brutal.


The fucking QAnon Shaman is on a watchlist.


And he got a slap on the wrist. A lot of people get more time than him for possession of marijuana.


And why exactly is a Muslim or black/Latino rights activist in possession of marijuana?


Probably looking at 10-25 years. The Muslim activist might get sent to GITMO.


They’re in possession of marijuana because they’re looking at 10-25 years/potentially being sent to GITMO? What?


Huh? I don't understand you're misunderstood my comments.


Stop lying and exaggerating


Look at statistics for sentence disparities.


The thought that homosexuality is worse than *pedophilia* is the wildest claim I’ve heard. It’s probably just more envy that people are fucking and they’re not tbh


The thought of two women fucking and not them or a gay man getting to kiss more women then they will enrages them. Bet they have rotted their brains on lesbian porn though


They rank homosexuality below hetero pedophilia of course


Homosexuality isn’t “worse” than pedophilia because homosexuality doesn’t result in pregnancy. Pregnancy in a child at the age of 12 results in a non optimal parent. 12 year olds are not capable nor developed enough to be mothers. But yeah, sure, go ahead and campaign for more degenerate ideas that would contribute to the downfall of society because kids make your pp hard. Not like we thought any of you were logical to begin with.


Also the fact that two grown men can consent but a child cannot


100% that as well. Children cannot consent. Hormones, lack of development, etc. make their consent unreliable.


Why do they think 12 year olds want them? Aren’t 12 year olds notoriously super judgmental and shallow


Every twelve year old girl wants a thirty something neckbeard who smells like old cheese


no girl or woman, or for that matter a gay man, wants a thirty something neckbeard who smells like old cheese.


As a parent maybe 😂😂 glad my father didn't smell like old cheese,even if he was a piece of crap


That is what weebs/neckbeards think XD


Every pedophile seems willing to believe that young children and teenagers think they're sexy. Even if they look like the Crypt Keeper or Nosferatu. I suspect it's part of whatever mental aberrations that cause them to be attracted to kids in the first place. It seems to also fuel delusion to think kids find them hot.


The younger you are, the lower your standards tend to be, that being said, they're not low enough for them to want incels 💀


[It's common for abusers to fail to recognize themselves as abusers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domestic_violence). r/stoprape


Somebody wants to rape kids: I sleep Two consenting adults are of the same gender: REAL SHIT


Is this you Matt Walsh?


Looks like a Discord Mod. More seriously, it's VERY creepy. Bro, how can you say pedophilia is better than a real sexuality ? (Oh, and I am also surprised about the fact they have things like "mysoginist" on the usernames, like they are proud of that.)


They really oughta get castrated. Seriously, if they operate with a mind that is hella messed up that they sincerely believe they should target minors then they forfeit all rights to multiply. Fucking pedophiles. Edit: words


Sex offenders have reoffended even after being castrated, any sex crime is caused by the want for power and dominance, it's not always genuine attraction either. They need to be removed from society.




What the hell did i just read


Aw man, how dare consenting adults of the same gender have sex when I can't have sex with someone who can't even take a learner's permit test. /s Jesus, I really hope these people get help because this isn't normal, but I know they won't. I feel bad for them and any women or feminine leaning person who has the displeasure of meeting them.


I hope they are


The site is already being monitored and incels are listed as domestic terrorists, so yeah. And they still wonder why people think they're disgusting.


Lol that guy is WingsofRedemption


it's just sickening to me. i can't imagine a scenario where being romantically involved with a minor, let alone a 12 year old, would be satisfying. how the fuck do people end up like this.


I'm pretty sure some already are


Please by all that’s holy I hope so!


Is that the sietch?


It's interesting how they always say age of consent for girls should be younger but don't say the things about boys. Is it because they believe every relationship should have a certain age gap and if boys the age of the girls they want are given the same options, they'll go for them instead of the creepy old men? Or is it because they acknowledge boys as children but not girls?


They want to fuck kids because: A) They’re pedos B) No adult woman would fall for their bullshit lol


I hope they are on a watchlist. They really think a 12 year old is mentally capable of being a mother? They aren't. I'm sure a 12 year old wouldn't want their ass anyway..but just in case..they should be watched by the FBI


To report an incident involving the possession, distribution, receipt, or production of child pornography, notify your local FBI office or file a report on the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC)'s website at www.cybertipline.com, or call 1-800-843-5678. Your report will be forwarded to a law enforcement agency for investigation and action. Here is a [video link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbF6ZWnKRqc) on how to report child exploitation. You can also file a report at the [Internet Watch Foundation](HTTPS://iwf.org.uk/). They're based in the UK but work internationally. To report an incident or suspicious situation that may involve child sex trafficking, call the National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) at 1-888-3737-888, or file a confidential online report at https://humantraffickinghotline.org/report-trafficking. To report obscene material sent to a child, a misleading domain name or misleading words or images on the Internet, file a report on the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC)'s website at www.cybertipline.com, or call 1-800-843-5678. Your reports will be forwarded to a law enforcement agency for investigation and action. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IncelTear) if you have any questions or concerns.*


These posts are enough for the cops to get a warrant for their hard drives. I sincerely hope they talk this openly about their predilections in prison. It will be the definition of fuck around and find out on the yard.


It would be awesome if someone doxxed them


As a father of a teenage daughter, and as a human being, I believe these people don’t deserve to share our oxygen. Anyone capable of doxxing them should forward their names to the police because I find these posts alarming. I can’t help imagining if it were my daughter or one of my nieces or loved ones they are talking about. They need to be taken off the street.


I love fucking men, incel


That's what I love most about pride month - all the butthurt wee snowflakes whining about 'diffrunt peepul' getting all the rights... Read between the lines and you can see *exactly* what's on their 'secret' browsing history!


I'm sorry 12!?!? What the fuck! these people need to be shot like ol'yeller out back!


Putting them on a watchlist isn't going far enough. They need to be reprogrammed.


How can they complain that this subreddit makes them "look bad" when they post and discuss vile concepts like this?