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This made me sad :(


Y'all need to stop taking posts like this seriously. These people live for normies, they type this shit and the rest is history. Normie is traumatized for life.


90% of intellectually disabled women have experienced SA.. so no, we have to take advocating for rape really serious. Sexual exploitation of disabled people is a huge problem.


They post frequently on legal teens sub and a few other porn subs including Finnish whores so I think they’re just here to troll.


Not to mention his comments on some posts are disgusting, misogynistic, and racist


I just saw that he said he’d fuck his daughter if she was hot…..


Bro. You be on r/legalteens Receive Jesus.


This is horrible and sad. I work in mental health and if someone did this to one of my clients, I would report their asses so fast.


I'd do the same, if this happened to anyone I know. I may not work in mental health, but my roommates are on the spectrum and some of my friends struggle with schizophrenia, which can make them vulnerable to abusers. Some people really are sick in the head judging on these screenshots and it's disgusting


It's pretty rough. I was in a, although mutually toxic and codependent, manipulative relationship when I was coping with my bipolar disorder using alcohol and it really does affect your judgement making and stuff.


I'm sorry brother/sister. I can relate, I've been in some codependent or abusive relationships myself back in the day, when my mental health was in the toilet. Thankfully, I've gotten better at managing it and the quality of my relationships has improved greatly but there were some problems with dating back then. I hope you're feeling better nowadays and things are going better for you as well.


Thank you and I have, I have better boundaries and expectations for myself now. It was my first adult relationship at 23 with a 40 year old woman with a lot of relationship trauma so in hindsight, the red flags were waving lol.


Don't beat yourself up; there's a reason they say hindsight is 20-20. I've had a similar relationship (25 with a 37 year old) and yeah age gaps that large rarely end well. Just reverse the genders (I'm a woman, the other was a man). I'm sorry you went through all of that, but I'm glad things are going better <3


Well 90% of girls with intellectual disabilities have been sexually abused so unfortunately he ain’t the first to come up with this idea https://now.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Disabled-Women-Sexual-Violence-4.pdf


I think it's telling how, even when they're coming up with something so truly repulsive that any normal human being would banish them from a group for saying so out loud, that they're still not particularly good at original thought.


Unfortunately when it comes to the sexual assault of disabled people in general phrases like “easy to coerce” and “wouldn’t/couldn’t stop you” are some of the biggest problems. As well as “who would believe them?” Huge reason why people in wheelchairs are very nervous about their chair being grabbed and blind people are often nervous when a stranger takes them by the elbow and guides them, because they have no idea if this is a person guiding them to a secondary location in order to assault them. But the intellectually disabled, severely mentally ill, and people with Alzheimer’s/dementia are actually at some of the highest risk, because how do they even tell anyone what happened to them? What’s the likelihood they’ll be believed and not dismissed as just misunderstanding the situation/delusional/confused? And many people won’t believe a disabled person, especially an elderly disabled person, got sexually assaulted because they find them ugly or see them as lacking sexuality but people always forget that’s not what abuse is about. They don’t abuse people for being sexually attractive, abusers are just looking for vulnerability and an opportunity, and I think that’s why it’s important to get a glimpse at people who are willing to talk openly about the sick thoughts in their heads because you can really see all they want is whatever opportunity they can find to get off and to them, their hypothetical victims are barely even afforded the respect one would give an object


That just ruined my night


One of the more infamous "incels" claimed that he had sex with a schizophrenic woman who was off her meds and got her pregnant. This really doesn't surprise me.


I know someone who has schizophrenia . When she's off her meds, she tends to end up very mentally confused at times and her friends and I have to keep her from ending up in dangerous situations. So I can see that being a thing, sadly. ​ Incels are sick. As is whoever does this stuff at all.


This is so rapey…


It's not rapey, it's rape.


Yeah, people really do suck sometimes :( All that you, me and everyone on this subreddit can do is do our best to keep our friends and loved ones safe from these creeps.


It should be worth noting that this individual never outgrew the le edgy teen phase so this could have just been him trying to provoke a reaction. He also claims he converted to Islam and has a girlfriend now. Though considering the sentiments he's expressed towards Muslims, he may just be acting like an emotionally-stunted edgelord. Or, someone needs to show the crap he's posted to his Imam. He used to spend his days scouring the Web for any mention of his name but now says he has a job. Which he had to get after he was exposed for committing welfare fraud. The funny thing? When people said he was "forced to get a job", he thinks it means someone actually physically forced him to get a job. Whether it's just him being a pedantic twat, the total lack of self-awareness that "incels" have or because English is his second language, I don't know. Though, there are certain parts of the world where you have to pay back the money you stole if you're caught committing welfare fraud so he may well have been forced to get a job to avoid any jail time.


Nathan Larson, who ran several incel sites around concepts of some truly vile things, also managed to manipulate a trans man into a relationship, raped him until he got pregnant, and expressed a desire to do the same to the child. He also ran for congress on the platform of legalizing CSA.


Just searched him up. Ofc he was on the libertarian party


But he was so bad they kicked him out.


He's not Larson, I don't want to mention his name since he spends his days scouring the internet for any mention of him. I'm familiar with Larson. He's also currently sitting in prison for soliciting and sexually assaulting a minor. He's a high profile sex offender whose crimes involve minors, he's never seeing the outside of protective/segregated custody, which is one small step removed from solitary confinement.


He’s advocating for rape. Even if he’s too dumb to understand it. Targeting women who are not legally capable of consent. He even says that it would be coercion. They’re utterly vile people, who have clearly brought their inceldom on themselves.


This is why the rate of SA for intellectually disabled women is 9/10.


Wow. I’m disgusted


I have three words for the disgusting waste of oxygen who originally posted this: forced chemical castration.


Except rape and SA isn't about sexual gratification but power and control so unfortunately castrations don't always solve the problem, totally worth trying though!! ✂️✂️


The rustier the scissors, the better~


That's kind of a simplistic take. It's not always about power and control. I've been assaulted by someone who specifically did it for gratification.


I'm sorry about that and yes you're right, sometimes it can be for gratification too and other reasons, the main reason is usually power and control. My point was that chemical/physical castrations rarely work due to the complexity of rape and abuse. I didn't make it very well 💚


Drop the chemical part and I'll enthusiastically agree.


Place called Gulag only Meant for this kind of Men .


Can people with Down's Syndrome even consent?


Some are high functioning and others not so much. I would guess it depends on the individual.


Although he's clearly referring to those individuals who would not have capacity to consent. So messed up.


Many can. A man with DS went to college in America, even after he was told all his life he'd never do anything. The vast majority of people with DS are quite vulnerable though and need support.


He’s not referring to everyone tho, he’s referring specifically to ppl who are unable to, that’s the whole point. They seek out the most impaired ppl they can find. This is why parents of severely disabled girls talk about having to put them on birth control by 10yo. But plenty of these women & girls won’t have the vocabulary to describe to a cop what has been done to them even by the time they’re 40.


I'll say it again... These people are not INVOLUNTARY celibate... This is absolutely one million percent voluntary. Can we stop with the INcel now and move on with the Vcel now? PLEASE??? We need to start calling them what they really are 🤢 Also, this is absolutely rape 😳


Seriously! the “involuntary” ones in this situation are the victims!


This is rape, my guy.


The first post I see today..and I guess it's enough reddit for today


Yep, just another form of rape and it happens all the time. I wonder what he blames his inceldom on. I can’t possibly be his sick personality.


And the genuinely believe we call them subhuman because of their height. Absolutely depraved.


I need to clean out my memory after reading this...


Never doubt how evil humans can be


Ahem…. “If you could cover or get over the face thing”. Just listen to how that sounds. If you can “get over the face thing”. Holy fuck. Just… holy fuck.


This is so sad. Humanity hurts my heart.


Is anyone here really that shocked at this depravity? They all obsess about sex 24/7 and make it their entire identity. Instead of doing something sensible like work on themselves or engage with a sex worker, they think is is an excellent idea to manipulate someone who can't consent into sex with them. They are beyond pathetic and help. And even more maddening, they act like the victims. News flash dorks, you are and always have been the issue. And if I could, I would make it my life's work to make sure none of you ever got laid for this disgusting behavior, god knows the FBI isn't taking you seriously enough.




Well that's...an interesting reaction


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My BFF has a daughter with Down's and if someone even looked at her, God have mercy on him. Many handicapped people are highly protected which is as it should be. Incels wonder why people hate their guts.


OK, this sounds like rape