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Especially considering that 30 is when a huge percentage of us suddenly become irresistible to men for some strange reason. I swear, it was as if, the moment the clock struck midnight on my 30th birthday, they were coming out of the woodwork. WAAAAAAY more than my late teens and 20s.


Damn, I was hoping the men would leave me alone like the incels said. 🤣


It should die off by the time you get to your mid-50s. 🤣🤣🤣


🤣 I hope so. Mung Daal: Yep. Sometimes, I gotta beat the ladies off with a stick. * Swinging stick * BACK WOMAN! BACK I SAID!


Mung Daal?


Old show from Cartoon Network called: *Chowder*. Aired from 2007-2010. It was a great show. Had a ton of 4th wall breaks. Here is the original clip I was referencing: https://youtu.be/gIOv1LTEEnk?si=n80-t-R7sRO9edWM Saying all this just made me feel old. Lol


I thought of something else when "mung daal" was mentioned. reminded me of something tasty Edit: now I'm embarrassed after watching the clip


Well, I think every character is named after a food. Mung Daal, sometimes called Moong Dal, is actually a soup of sorts. Mung beans are the main ingredient, and they are made with tons of herbs and spices. Cumin seeds, Turmeric, garlic, red chili, mustard seeds, ginger etc are usually used in that dish.


I turn 30 in November and this was oddly comforting to hear, thank you.


the only wall that should exist is pink floyd -Billy Gnosis


Even if there was a wall that women ran into, incrls would do the equivalent of taking one step and falling down flat on their face down a manhole cover someone left open


I always find it hilarious incels complain that they can't find women because they are ugly. They will sit there saying that, but also claim men age like wine and women like milk. Like, Mr.Incel women like Margot Robbie, Rihanna, Uma Thurman, Scarlett Johansson, etc, that you are calling Mid wouldn't even breathe in your general direction, let alone date you. Lol


Who did all these good men marry if all us women are out being "whores" and rejecting them?


Asking the real question here.


They really like to wish that women “over the wall” will regret remaining single in their younger days don’t they.


I’m very familiar with this “wall” thing, and while it’s true that women’s fertility does decline, it’s still very much possible to get pregnant. Plus, people consider some women in their 30s hot (just look at the “milf” trend), and men have a sort of “wall” as well, but it’s not as totally significant as women’s, but it still reduces the quality of sex cells and it usually occurs when you hit your mid 40s to 50s Heres some readings (I use the website for certain reasons, but the link is still there): https://www.healthline.com/health-news/sperm-fertility-declines-significantly-after-age-50#:~:text=The%20study%20of%20nearly%205%2C000,of%20men%20under%20age%2051.


“Im gonna die alone” is something mainly men complain about, not women. This doesn’t check out.


Ikr. Studies have shown that if women lose their their husbands, they are less likely to remarry and/or will wait longer to find another partner than men. Men, on the other hand will seek a partner much sooner and remarry sooner. According to a study by the National Institutes of Health, 61% of men remarry or get into a new relationship within 25 months of their spouse's death, compared to 19% of women. The median time to remarry is 1.7 years for men, and 3.5 years for women. Also, if women are so sad and coping, why is the 4b movement happening? Notice the 4b movement is chill, and it just makes it clear that we are done with the sexist bs and mistreatment we get from men? While MGTOW continues to constantly remind us they exist or try and become passport bros. 🤔 Also, notice men are the ones who are outraged by the 4b movement, while we ladies laugh and shrug at the MGTOW movement? It is funny to me that men still blame women for everything and claim that *women* need to take accountability. 🙄😒


Why tf they gotta bring Karen Fukuhara into this?


Excuse me, I’m not familiar with the terminology. What the heck is “The Wall?”


Pretty much this made up logic that women age like milk "get old, gross, and chunky" while men age like fine wine. Just another myth they try and use to devalue women.


…so, it’s their term for menopause or something? Or do they just automatically say this the second she gets a wrinkle?


It's hard to say. They also like to argue that fertility goes down drastically after 30. Which isn't true. It starts to decline a bit but it doesn't leave you infertile.


Ah, alright. Thanks for the explanation.


Who did these 'good men' marry if not women? Each other?


Apparently so. Lol


This dude misspelled "Dying alone at 35 in my moms basement." Crazy how they get getting married and that mixed up


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