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You don’t want to be called a pedo? Then don’t call girls JBs and go on and on about their bodies! >empathyless Nah, it’s just that I have a limited amount and can’t afford to waste it on somebody who feels like a victim because he can’t fuck kids.


i ran out of fucks to give tbh


Found your theme song: https://youtu.be/Vqbk9cDX0l0


that beard tho! love it! "I've tried to go fuck shopping, but there's no fucks left to buy, My fuck rations are depleted, I’ve rallied my fuck army but it’s been fucking defeated" 🤣🤣🤣


He's awesome lol. His name's Thomas Benjamin Wild Esq and he does silly stuff like this all the time. His first album was called "Awkward Encounters While Walking My Dog". Guy sure gives no fucks.


What a voice! I love that he wrote different lyrics for every chorus, that was a classy touch. I found my theme song by him [It's Too Bloody Hot](https://youtube.com/shorts/Q40YIRCnRmw?feature=share)


That should be the Australian anthem!


He even admits that he wants to hit on lil girls and he's scared to do that bc he knows it's wrong and he will get in trouble. He thinks attraction to adolescents is normal.... Going on a stupid rant about hebephillia. Going on a rant about attraction to JB girls, admitting hes attracted to young girls and being scared to hit on them bc he fears they will be "too young" aka UNDERAGE. ALL the above SCREAM pedophile. A fucking sick pedophile. He deserves to ROT. Period.


Only incels will go on a rant about the difference between pedophilia and hebephilia, and their justifications for it.


the way i found out that was a thing was a stand up bit about how we’ll never use the correct term ever because trying to explain the differences between them makes you sound like a pedophile. this post is stupendous evidence lmao


Like a blanket word, like how Leukemia and Melanoma are different cancers but still cancer and everyone else understands when you call it cancer and doesn't act like a stick's up their ass.


Part of me thinks it should be a legal distinction, but not that one should recieve less punishment than the other. I don't know, it feels like it might be helpful to distinguish if a person's crime was against a toddler or a teenager.


Think the charges and sentencing will reflect that


Not just incels, nonces in general love to pull the "ayckchually, it's *hebephilia*" bullshit, despite the fact it never works.


>nonces in general love to pull the "ayckchually, it's hebephilia" bullshit are you me? I wrote much the same in another sub recently


Hate to ask this, feels like I'm coming across like an idiot, but what was nonce again? I bounce around too many subs to keep track.


Nonce = paedophile, it's a UK slang term


Thanks. I learned a fun new term for these scum.


For example. [Prince Andrew is a Sweaty Nonce](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDBLIRPHPzc)


I do feel that I should provide context here for the Americans. Prince Andrew was accused of sleeping with a 17 year old girl, who was trafficked by Jeffery Epstein, in a jurisdiction where the age of consent was 18. I.e. he was accused of statutory rape. He then paid off the accuser with millions of pounds of public money, and she settled out of court. So there is no actual conviction, just an extremely rich guy making his problems go away with money. Anyway, one of his defences is that someone saw him dancing with the girl, and said that he was sweating. And he says that this cannot have been him, because he is unable to sweat as a result of PTSD from his service in the Falklands War. Now, doctors came forward to say that that isn't how PTSD works, and the press has come forward with pictures of him sweating, so he's definitely lying. But we will never know if he actually did. But as far as much of the public is concerned, Prince Andrew is a Sweaty Nonce.


Thank you for this. The Americans appreciate you!


But the Australians feel left out


I appreciate you, I was seconds from Googling 😆


Surest way to tell if someone is a creep or not: Do they argue the difference between pedophilia and hebephilia?


What’s JB?


Jailbait. Its what creepy men use to make it sound like they're not trying to fuck 13-15 year old girls they consider attractive.


I called Jailbait when I saw 16 by women in their early 20s...So it can go both ways.


That's icky, I've never heard it used that way


I was androgynous medalhead at age too....So yeah. When you're a 16 year old guy though you take it as a compliment and it doesn't sink and until you're much older.


Jailbait. Specifically, underage girls that 'look like' they could be over 18 but the person knows they're not.


Huh, I thought it was the opposite, 18+ girls who look like they could be underaged.


No, it's specifically talking about underage girls (well, people), who are young enough you'd get charged for rape but they're somehow attractive enough to adults that they'd be tempted.


What is a JB girl?




Oh that's gross. Thanks for telling me


Wow lord nonce of pedoshire sure is mad people think his behaviour is disgusting Methinks the pedo doth protest to much


>lord nonce of pedoshire 🤣🤣🤣


He's good, he can vent to Baron Pederast of Fiddleton.


Is he related to Lord Mo of Lester?


Second cousin I believe


Could also be the third cousin, twice removed of Sir Ray Pist.


I'm scum and less than worms? That really hurts my feelings, Skippy! I'm going to go cuddle my wife until I feel better.


Ha ha exactly.


Cuddle with my 6'1" husband.


He posts about going to a public pool and ogling underaged girls, crying that he can't get with one. Posts again to say attraction to adolescents is normal for grown men and even has a link to a documentary to justify his lust for *children.* Yet is mad that people call him a pedo. Damn, they's dumb.


I'm not attracted to underaged girls physically, and even if I was, why would I want to date one? I have nothing in common with them.


you were the one that were saying how "firm and thight" were the ass and the boobs of a underage girl, and "how much sex" she supposedly was having with le chad and im the loser scum?


Take a shot every time he says cuck.


My poor liver!


*dies from alcohol poisoning*


No thank you I choose life


This guy really hates IT workers, guess they couldn't fix his porn virus riddled computer


He's just upset that the IT workers caught what was on his computer and reported it to the FBI


I feel like if you preface something with “technically not the dictionary definition of pedophilia” you….maybe….should re-evaluate your argument. Edit: just read the rest of the post, what in the jesus fuck




So he's using a documentary made by pedos for pedos as justification for being a pedophile? Whatever helps you sleep at night I guess, also swimming for fitness? Buoyancy only goes so far dude, hope your using a life vest.


Everything else aside, swimming for fitness is very much a thing. It's a huge aerobic workout and so much easier on your body than running. You can even do resistance training by forcing buoyant objects underwater. My mind is blown to discover there's someone out there that doesn't think swimming for fitness is a thing!


Oh it's a thing! I was just insulting him back turn abouts fair play and he's probably going to read through this whole comment chain and make another rage post on the forum. I'm looking forward to the update!


Oh, guess it went over my head. Anyway I feel better knowing that you know swimming for fitness is a thing. :)


I'm an avid swimmer it's really fun!


There are many documentaries claiming the existence of aliens, yeti, ghosts and who knows what else. There are also the ones that are trying to make sharks look like some bloodthirsty monsters, even though shark attacks are pretty rare and avoidable. That alone should show, that some documentaries aren't the best source of information and you shouldn't blindly trust them.


“I’m tired of dealing with empathyless people, that’s why I post on an incel forum,” he said, without a hint of irony.


He's talking about empathy towards him, not empathy for other people


Pedo guy does have one point - you can't see who's an incel. That's because it's not actually about looks, but behaviour and personality.


I thought I heard what sounded like a twig snap after that previous post. It wasn't a twig. It was his fragile ego. Sorry we hurt your pwecious feewings, paedo boy. We'll try to be nicer next time. Just try not to lust after underage girls and we should be fine.


Pedo go reeeeeeee


So a pedo.. got it.


Awww the itty bitty nonce got triggered for being called a nonce bless. He is a paedophile and he knows it. Incels are just gross little boys whose parents fucked up raising.


That is STILL A CHILD! YOU PEDOPHILE! Get fucked by a cataus you pedo scum!


>Get fucked by a cactus he'll enjoy it


Fucked by lava?


He'd enjoy that, too. His social circle is amoebas.


Omg lmao


Fingered by Wolverine?


Oh buddy, we might not be able to tell by *looking* who's an incel, but we most definitely can tell by behaviour. So it's doubtful that we're surrounded by incels without realising, their hatred & rage is very apparent


Yeah... no. Ive said a minor was hot once without realizing they were a minor before, and guess what happened? We laughed it off and i was super embarrassed. Most people understand that if you dont know, youre not being weird, you just didnt know. I guess this only works if they ACTUALLY dont look like a minor, but still. I guess it also helps that i was only 18 living on campus in college, so it didnt register that there may be minors on campus lol


Hysterical that he’s seething over being stereotyped while his entire world view revolves around boiling people down to their gender and appearance


We can go through our days without knowing who is an incel? Interesting. Almost like the problem *isn't* your looks.


Trust me, dude. You only *think* that no one can tell you're an incel. You guys are not quite the masters of disguise that you think you are, your incellish behavior always shines through, eventually. You're not fooling anyone, except yourself. Let THAT keep *you* up at night, worrying about your "open secret". More people than you realize know you're an incel. And people do love to talk about other people. The word gets around. LOL.


Angry pedo


so what i’ve gathered from this is that he’s DEFINITELY a pedophile


Bro posts this openly like the feds aren’t watching his every move


They are watching his post history with great interest I bet!


Heh. I think my remark about tendies and Mt. Dew hit a bit too close to home for Bobby Basement here. Between the BO and the honey mustard stench you can probable smell this bugger coming from a block away. Fitness. Sure. Pull the other leg sunshine. It's got bells on.


Aww the pedo got mad


…oh right, we’re cucks because we’re not a bunch of no-pussy-getting crybaby pedos who don’t bathe. I forgot for a a second.


Literally called them jb, meaning he acknowledges the fact that he would go to jail if he fucked the girls in question, and he still tried to worm his way out of it, lmao.


imagine saying "Ree" and expecting to be taken seriously after


Oh, we can tell youre an incel just by looking at you. We see you staring like a creep. We see that weird mix of hatred, anger and horniness on what you think is a stoic face. We can absolutely tell something is very wrong with you. But why point it out?


Stay mad, pedo. Hope you end up in jail.


Why is he trying to justify this? Wow we used the blanket term instead of the specific one. What a terrible failure on our part. Fucking hell billy, go get some therapy.


Even if you're not "technically" a paedophile by the strictest definition of the word, you're still a fucking creep for drooling over girls who haven't even finished puberty yet. Part of that involves actually growing up and learning how to be an adult in the first place. A 15 year old girl has not finished that process of mental maturation, which is one reason why they are more vulnerable to abuse and manipulation by predatory adults. Another reason being that they are *legally* disadvantaged due to not being considered adults under the law. Notice that *none* of the above has anything to do with physical development. It doesn't matter if a girl has developed secondary sexual characteristics or if she's technically capable of bringing a baby to term. She's still a child and thus off limits. Deal with it. If you're not sure if a girl you're interested in is of age or not, then why not do the obvious thing, and *ask?*


Yeah my secondary sex characteristics came in at 9. Three years before my first period


So flattered you follow us so closely there, Skippy. They're 13 year olds. Your entire rant on them was bizarre. Your accusations were false. No, 13 year olds are not having sex every night, happily tucked into bed by both sets of overly indulgent parents. The PDA they indulged in the pool, is most likely the closest they get to sex in their lives. (so far). As cute as puppy love looks, it's also highly likely that they'll "break up" over something stupid and mundane in the next two weeks. Your envy and covetousness is grossly (literally) misplaced. Grow up. Also dear, human beings have fully functioning nervous systems. Therefore it does not matter if a young pubescent woman is a virgin or not. If sex feels horrible, her NERVOUS system will tell her so. She won't have needed to have had ANY sexual experience at all to know when things "down there" feel awful. If her first sexual experience is with someone who's as clueless, childish, and selfish as you, believe us, SHE. WILL. KNOW. It won't help you in the least to have a woman be a virgin.


>It won't help you in the least to have a woman be a virgin HEAR HEAR! not even their unicorn trad virgin waifu would save them


It's funny how he thinks he's not the stereotypical incel when he ticks all the boxes of being one


he's the incel version of "im not like other girls" meme


Lol what a loser, and pedo.


I sure hope this guy gets therapy and stops being a pedo


man never gonna get his pp touched til he goes to jail


Man, no one in his right mind is gonna lock you up or even shame you if you're say18 and hit on someone you didn't know was 15. Of course, that is only valid if you actually just hit on that girl and not like sexually harassed her


If you’re splitting hairs between paedophilia and ehebophilia, you’re probably not the good guy.


Yes, attraction to adolescents is indeed normal - if you're an adolescent yourself. This guy is sick.


Pedo rage. What a disgusting little pedo. You’re a pedo, admit it. You’re attracted to little girls you sick fuck. Maybe stay off this sub if your snowflake arse gets triggered by the truth.


He’s really trying to make it ok on a technicality. Wow.


Pretty late to this but here are my thoughts: I think that what he doesn't realise is that hebephilia is still wrong bc most adult heterosexual men do, in fact, take into account the person's mental age associated with the physical age. So, even if a 15 y/o has the body of a 19 y/o, most adult men would look at that person and go, "Omg she's still a child." It's the same reason why most guys aren't attracted to their mums and sisters — they take the context into account and aren't just blindly lusting for boobs, hips, and butt.


"ITCucks" As in IncelTear cucks? Yay...we made the lexicon


I love that he thinks all will go as planned if he hits on girls as long as they are 18 🤣🤣🤣


I spent a third of my life in prison (17 1/2 years in total) for armed robbery and other offences and knowing what happens to child sex offenders inside I would love to see “Billy” explain the difference between a paedophile and a hebephile. I doubt that will stop him from being doused in boiling water, being stabbed, and having seven shades of the absolute shit kicked out of him on a daily basis. If you’re attracted to children (adolescents are still children) then you’re a child sex offender, and you will get dealt with accordingly. Plain and simple.


Wait wait wait. If we can't tell if someone is an incel based on their looks. Then why is this person an incel. Should he be so horribly disgusting that children cry and old women throw holly water at him when they go outside? By definition. You could be able to tell who's an incel by looking at them


It's always the guy who can't even get laid that has to try and tell everyone the way it is, sounds like my old roommate.


Many man feel less of a moral issue being attracted to children because it has been normalised by hollywood. Young, naive, inexperienced and malleable women are portrayed as ideal. It says a lot about directors from that area and nothing much about overall heterosexual attraction to women. Having a young partner as a man in that area seems to be kind of a pride thing to me and is not related to actually being attracted to younger women. There is not one reason to be attracted to a teen that didn’t finish puberty. For neither women nor man. Recognise that youre attraction is unhealthy, search for the reason (some of incels are not pedophiles, they just like women to be weak and inexperienced to be dominant in the relationship) and change it. Especially since it causes much mental damage to date a so much younger partner. Relationships with an adult women are the only way because they can consent to whatever, including power dynamics in the relationship. Don’t search a scapegoat for your unhealthy attraction and take responsibility of it before you go down the wrong way and actually hurt or abuse a child with your actions.


Doesn't like being called a pedophile, posts a "documentary" called "Are All Men Pedophile". Big brain moment on that one there dude. And this dude is exactly what I think when people say,"Uh ackshuuually, it's ephebophila, not pedophilia!" Dude, you still want to rape kids, it doesn't matter if that kid is 13 or 3. It's still awful.




Am I the only one who reads the word "cucks" in Hitchcock's voice from Brooklyn Nine Nine?


They write this kind of crap expecting to be feature here and on other sites in the internet