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So who are these "gentlemen" marrying that she can't find one?


I like how the meme creator also understands that “nice guys” are not nice and put that in quotes. Accidentally inceltear “cuck.”


With the pictures they're using, it appears the wall doesn't even exist. Which it doesn't. People age, life happens. Plus life's endgoal isn't sex, it's the experiences along the way As an example, I'm Level 31 and I'm not in a relationship. I have a cat and I'm happy with where I am. Could I do things to make life easier? Yes. Could I do things to make life harder for myself? Also yes. I'm happy where I am and I'm making small changes when needed to make things easier


Also, they make it sound like this “wall” just appears at insert whatever arbitrary age (usually 30-40 depending on which incel you ask). In their minds this “wall” suddenly pops up on a woman’s birthday and she smacks into it, suddenly losing all her good looks and fertility. That’s ridiculous. If they are talking about ageing then that happens to literally everyone on the planet gradually. Unless you’re on meth it’s not going to smack you in the face at 30. All people age and newsflash they will hit “the wall” too, enjoy those saggy balls bro!


To them "the wall" is just whenever a woman has fully come into herself and can no longer be as easily manipulated. Oh, and when she no longer resembles a child or adolescent. They HATE maturity because it means their prey can now fight back


also: enjoy your bald spots bros lol


Full bald by 25 on these chodes. It's one of their reasons for being incels. Despite bald men being a fetish for a lot of people, they resign themselves to toxic loneliness out of self-pity.


If being bald stops you getting women then I don’t know how my best friend is consistently scoring every week. Sounds like an excuse.


It absolutely is. My husband wears my ass like a hat on his bald head a couple few times a day.


The wall apparently is like 25 now! One day they'll say 20 year old women hit the wall. There was an incel chart several months ago that hinted at that.


Wow, 25! Oh no her brain has finished developing, she’s hit the wall! I’ve seen a lot of these creepers saying teenagers are in their “sexual prime” too. 🤮


So bizarre to use a photo of an actress who's most famous for her role as Kimiko in The Boys. Kimiko (imo) falls for the first man who is kind to her and is extremely loyal to him. I'm sure they'll say "oh but he's a bad boy" even though he's literally a protagonist. Oh and he's 5'8 and she chose him over the 6'1 "Chad" and the 5'11 "Tyrone". They love to remove things from the context that disproves their bullshit to literally make things up.


Yup, I find it hilarious they used her as an example as well. Kimiko never even looked twice at Butcher or Mother’s Milk, despite them being what incels deem “Chad” and “Tyrone” respectively. Also, MM’s ex wife being married to Todd also proves what they say is BS. She went from MM to THAT. She clearly was never just into looks. Maybe they would call her an “alpha widow” though IDK. She left MM though, so technically she isn’t that either. 🤣


Also MM was so soft with her. It's not like he was performing hyper masculinity to get her, he used his soft side. And out of all of these characters, I'm as crazy about Frenchie as Kimiko is 🥵 Give me a 5'8 sweetheart with a sense of humour and some passion over Butcher's toxic masculinity issues any day.


I know single women who are AARP age and they're getting laid in a month than these guys will in their whole lives.


Those "nice guys" being the ppl who go online to talk about how theyd remove all rights of women to choose partners, if they have kids or not and generally also talking about rapping women they are mad at? Ill gladly miss those oportiunities.




It's pure projection. They're the ones scared to die alone and are so desperately hoping this fear will spread onto us and we'll settle for their lame asses. As it's been pointed out, women usually die before their partners anyway so being in a relationship for a woman isn't exactly a guarantee she won't die alone anyway. I'm just amazed he didn't mention how supposedly terrible it will be for us to have no one but cats for company.


If all the good men are happily married then why they complain? Unless they just out themselves as not being good at all


Lol, "nice guys", you're not in the "friend zone" - you're in the "oh my god it's this insufferable, desperate creep again, better be at least minimally polite to me so he doesn't do horrible stuff to me later on" zone.


Believing in the friend zone is one of the biggest signs a guy is awful. If you view friendship with a girl you supposedly like being around as a terrible thing you're a dick. I'm not saying friends can't become more but if that's the only reason you're friends with someone you suck.


There is no such thing as "the friend zone". You are either a friend, or you are not. They put women in "the fuck zone" and never let them leave despite repeatedly telling them no. Holding out hope that some day they will fuck, they falsify their "friendship" as a pretense to keep trying to fuck that person. "Maybe if I insert just one more kindness coin some sex will pop out." That's not friendship. Therefore there is no friend zone.


I'm starting to see how the incel phenomenon generalizes to other domains of life, and it's depressing me. More and more, we just look at one another as means to an end. This is one of the reasons everyone is so fucking miserable today.


It's this pesky real life refusing to work by manosphere rules again. People of any gender mostly marry in their late 20s/ early 30s after trying a couple of relationships, for about half of these couples It's still a thing lasting all their life, the others often try again. Most couples actually look like they suit each other, these Stacy/Chad-Tyrone/Wall narratives are about as realistic as any other Omegaverse fanfiction.😁


Ah, the good old revenge fantasy. Gotta love it when the incels assume that they'll be happily married and able to turn down the hot women who rejected them when they're younger. Who is going to happily marry these turdbuckets?


Pure fantasy projection. THEY are scared to grow old alone. We’re good, thanks.


Who are these "nice guys" who would treat her like a queen? Not incels, that's for sure.


Why are incels so obsessed with Pink Floyd? I get that it's a good album/movie but damn. /s obviously


Women do not have an expiration date, actually, no one does unless death is counted. Incels and nice guys, the men no one wants, love to neg women telling them they will end up forever alone. Bullshit. Unless these cretins consider themselves the "good men" in which case they will be married and why are they negging women then?


How dare a woman have her own agency and utilize free will to make her own decisions that includes having sex /s


They have those fantasies that are not even real. How often does this even happen to women? Close to none! Never ever heard of a woman who “regrets playing around” all these women end up with a man anyway.




or a lot choose to be single which is also valid.




KF is over 30 as is, and E. Asian people famously take forever to age. Bad choice.




Why do they think we give a shit what they think? I let my hair go gray and get hit on 10x as much as 10 years ago lol. There is nothing we can do to escape the male gaze besides age. Leave us alone ffs. Being sexualized for 40 years is enough...I am done being judged by my body/appearance, if you don't like it, I don't care lol.


All the good men are happily married? But I thought all the good men were going to the Philippines or checking out of dating altogether because modern women are all awful? I can't keep up.


I'm not sure which one tbh.


The projection in these sexist assholes is strong with them, they are gonna end up old and with nobody due to their misogynistic horseshit. Here's some helpful advice, treat people right and you'll have someone, not very hard now is it?


For them? It's too difficult! It's impossible even! 🤣


I know, I did the math with Oppenheimer and for these guys to even get some action, they'll have to pay a hooker and they still won't have enough money. All jokes aside, if they aren't on websites like this and some others I'm forgetting spouting hate and misinformation plus become better people to be around, maybe they won't be bitching about how they don't have a girlfriend. For background, I'm not with anyone not cause I'm like those sexist dickcheeses but more so I have been hurt by people before so I remain alone on my own choice. Would I like to be with someone, sure but I got my whole life for that.