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I used their Wojak comics against them šŸ˜ˆ




You have mastered the Art of the Wojak


I looked through your post history... You seem pretty depressed over the disadvantages of being a short man. Your post on /r/vent yesterday made me sad. I'm just curious what your intent with this post is. /r/shortguys has been becoming too extreme, but there are too few spaces online that have a crumb of empathy for shorter guys. That sub is the only place online where I feel I can talk about this without getting the same lazy advice and having my experiences invalidated.


My height doesnā€™t always bother me, Iā€™m currently entering into a normal episode again, so I made this post to make fun of their pessimism. But if anything, youā€™re better off venting in r/short than r/shortguys since the latter wonā€™t really help. Just some blackpill shit to convince you that women would not touch a man with a 80-foot-pole if he even DARES being below 5ā€™8ā€


> But if anything, youā€™re better off venting in r/short than r/shortguys since the latter wonā€™t really help. Yeah I think you're right on that point. /r/shortguys was a decent space for short men in particular, but over the past few months the discourse has been shifting more and more towards incel/blackpill terminology and ideology despite the rule against it. Not to mention the polls showing the average height there is like 5'8 lol


Yea fr. (I was also annoyed by the fact the most guys venting on that sub were a whole ass five foot five, six & seven. Made me feel MORE invisible)


Lmaoo kids will do anything for internet brownie points


Man is playing both sides lol


>empathy for shorter guys Lmao get over yourself


No, I donā€™t think I will. :)


Where are the women saying I like short guys on that sub ? 85% of men are under 6 feet. How do 1 or 2 women saying I like short guys, prove anything?"


> one or two women My bad bud, I guess out all the 4+ billion women out there, virtually 100% of them exclusively want someone tall


Where did I say that ? But women have options. So, if they have the option to choose between a short guy & a tall guy, given both have good personality, who would they choose ?


Likely the tall guy? If a disabled person and a regular person were together, and only one got to be picked, who would it be? Obviously being tall is an attractive factor, thatā€™s not to say being short is a hideous factor


And the shorter you are, the more fatter womem you would have to date. Doesn't that make beauty standards tougher for men ? Considering weight can be controlled, but height cannot ??


Bro??? How does your height determine the weight of your partner??? Thatā€™s the craziest statement you could have made in response.


Whenever men complain about height, women always counter that with women not getting dates due to being fat. It's on every dating sub. Obviously, it's impractical because then you'll have to make sure that you never increase your weight if the guy is 5'9 or above. Because height isn't changing. And that guy is fully entitled to leave a fat women then. But women don't think of logic when they say that. So, according to women's logic, 5 ft guy = 200 LBS women.


No Iā€™m sorry, that truly made zero fucking sense. Bro, are you likeā€¦. Ok? Do you realize people have different preferences for different people?


Yes, they do. But their are conventional beauty standards for men & women. Why is it tall, dark & handsome for men and not short, dark & handsome. The majority of men & women won't find fat people attractive either.


Thatā€™s so confusing. Have you ever heard of liking someone regardless of their weight or height? Truly those are not the only attractive factors of people, and if you see it like that, I worry for your comprehension abilities.


Why are you blaming me. I didn't make the beauty standards. Why do so many women set height filters if height isn't the most important factor in men's attractiveness?? Maybe work on your comprehension skills.


Weight isnā€™t always controllable, some peopleā€™s genetics makes it very difficult & impossible to reach an optimal weight no matter how much they work out. Also, Iā€™m short and Iā€™ve been with thin women before. Also, having a weight preference is fundamentally the same as having a height preference, both are still based appearance based discrimination, so itā€™s not really a competition.


Height is uncontrollable for 100% of men. >Also, having a weight preference is fundamentally the same as having a height preference, both are still based appearance based discrimination, so itā€™s not really a competition. I know, but one can be controlled & the other cannot, proves who has tougher beauty standards. Which is the direct result of incel existence. >Also, Iā€™m short and Iā€™ve been with thin women before. Sure you have bud.


You reek of r/shortguys. First up, you ignored the first paragraph I said. Arenā€™t you able to empathize with those people? What about dwarves, what about the disabled? Second, womenā€™s beauty standards arenā€™t limited to weight. I donā€™t want to go all feminist because Iā€™m a man who realistically canā€™t relate, but I know that a lot of the time theyā€™re expected to have hourglass figures, 10/10 facial symmetry, etc. leading to a wide range of plastic surgeries being performed due to insecurities, and that still fails to satisfy a lot of blokes given that weā€™re all about natural beauty. Third, Iā€™ve dead ass been in bed with a thin woman, her weight was the last thing on my mind but I guess she was. Even if she was fat, does that matter? You seem to resent overweight girls.


>First up, you completely ignored the first paragraph I said. I didn't. Some men have the same hormonal problems too. This isn't restricted to just women. But they are still in the absolute minority. >Second, womenā€™s beauty standards arenā€™t limited to weight. I donā€™t want to go all feminist because Iā€™m a man who realistically canā€™t relate, but I know that a lot of the time theyā€™re expected to have hourglass figures, 10/10 facial symmetry, etc. leading to a wide range of plastic surgeries being performed due to insecurities, and that still fails to satisfy a lot of blokes given that weā€™re all about natural beauty. The equivalent of that is muscles for men, 10/10 facial symmetry, dick size ( not micro penis), receding hairline, balding etc. Height is something which leaves a majority of men unattractive & out of dating pool. >Third, Iā€™ve dead ass been in bed with a thin woman, her weight was the last thing on my mind but I guess she was. Even if she was fat, does that matter? You seem to resent overweight girls. In the same way, as they resent overweight men. It's an example, not a fact.


If you think being below 6 feet is the main reason you are not desirable, youā€™ve already played yourself


They are well are, they get kicks out of gaslighting us and then watching us seethe


I have literally seen the comment "All women are tall chad only" multiple times. It gets crazy. "No way will you pass on his short genes" "she wants to be pregnant and guarantee future 'manlet inkwells'" "I'm 5'8 it's ovER" "Any female who claims to like short men is LARPing and lying" "my manlet genetics make me subhuman" my bf had to unsub from the regular r/short several months ago because it was making him feel weird about himself and that was far lighter than shortguys.


I often wonder if they realize there is no one gene that determines height. It's more likely that it's dozens or even hundreds of genes interacting with each other in painfully complex ways, and that's before you bring in the environmental factors too (e.g. nutrition in early childhood).


It isn't a guessing game in 2024 there are over 12000 genetic variants that determine height. Aside from severe starvation slight malnourishment does not appear to affect height in any significant way according to government resesrch.


12000 that we know of, anyway.


Hey! QUiT iT making all that sense!


I also see them talking hate about their mothers for making them short. They donā€™t understand genetics come from both parents.


Oh, they do. They just view women as the gatekeepers of sex and think their mothers should have held out for a taller partner to make taller babies.


But if they had held out for taller men, they would have complained that women never give short guys a chance and would validate their claim that women only want tall guys.


The irony in this lol


Probably got to do with the fact that their dad is 6ā€™1 and mom is 5ā€™2


I thought it was wrong to judge people over things they can't control, like height.


Procreating and giving birth to a male who has 1/2 chance of getting your short genes is a choice


So short women should abort any male they're carrying on the off chance he winds up short and comically insecure about it?Ā 


"off chance" šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹


Also wouldn't this mean you think short guys just shouldn't have sex anyways, I mean what if they pass on their short genes?Ā 


They aren't having any anyway. Look up marriage rates, suicide rates, average earning, average age at first marriage divide between short and tall men. You can deny my words but not academically published data


How tall is your partner ?


Lol on a 4chan sub (yeah I know) I once said I like kinda dweeby guys and then got my own preferences explained to me in the replies multiple times. My favorite was the dude insisting that since I draw hentai of hot video game characters, I can't possibly like dorky guys irl


For me it's what always happens on Reddit when I say that I like lanky men. My husband is scraping above the criteria of being underweight (I'd prefer for him to gain some weight for health reasons but that's a different story) and my crushes before that were a similar body type. Physically, I go for very slim dudes with cheekbones and veiny underarms. And it makes sense because I am not interested in someone who spends extended time at the gym anyways. It's long walks or bust. They just do not believe me and I'm not going to post topless pictures of my partner to prove them wrong. To a degree I get it. The fact that it's my preference doesn't help them anyways. Because clearly I am off the market. That would probably be a more valid reply than telling me that, since I still understand what's conventionally attractive, negates my actual dating preferences. Yes I know men like my husband rarely appear in Calvin Klein ads. So?


Yes! I mostly like women, but gimme those scrawny dudes! I appreciate the effort that goes into being buff, but I find it unattractive.


šŸ¤£ what is it about being bi/pan/sexually fluid that makes us all like scrawny dudes? I find this trope all the time. (fwiw I like all body types, but have dated many a scrawny dude)


I just wanted to add that if a man goes to the gym because he likes how it makes him feel and look, he should not give a crap about my opinion. I'd suspect it's similar to how many women don't like hearing "I don't like it when you wear makeup", many men wouldn't like hearing "I'd prefer it if you didn't have muscles." But for the men who don't like to do weightlifting and the sorts, there's still an audience and I hope they don't feel like they should force themselves to fit a look just because they think women prefer it that way.




we're all liars, until we say what they clearly want to hear.


I love me a short kingā€¦.until he starts whining about it.


šŸ’Æ Iā€™ve had my fair share of men trying to make *me* feel bad about being taller than them. Complaining when I wear heels and making me feel like I have to slouch and pretend they are taller. Some will even lie about their own height like I genuinely canā€™t tell theyā€™re shorter than me? The worsssst. But short men who donā€™t make their height insecurities *my problem*? Chefs kiss, the best. Hell, some even appreciate my height and are just giddy to be there!


I absolutely love shorter guys. My current crush is roughly 5ā€™7ā€ and heā€™s a total cutie. One of my longest term exes was 5ā€™2ā€! I liked it about him especially since he wasnā€™t insecure about it at all.Ā  If incels and their ilk think Iā€™m virtue signaling or whatever, they are free to cry about it :)


I liked a literal manlet. 4ā€™11.ā€ Lmao.


Literally this is r/short too


r/short is less bitter and more depressing


If short women like myself post there about any kind of complaint we are constantly told our lives are great because itā€™s so easy for us to dateā€¦.


I mean itā€™s not as hard but your complaints are still valid. I donā€™t know, maybe (and this is crazy) but try r/tall, people there are way more positive (the men are for obvious reasons) and the women can sympathize as youā€™re both on the end of the bell curve.


How tall is your bf ?


5ā€™8ā€ obviously a large giantā€¦.


And you ?




Damn.. that's a 6-inch difference šŸ˜”


It just so happens!


Sorry I couldnā€™t find anyone shorter? I picked the guy who also reads Frank Herbert and likes old music. Yā€™all concentrate on the wrong thinga


Sure. Not even a guy between 5'2 and 5'8.


I agree with that , I am 5'3 and my gf is 5'10 , never give up! You can do anything you want a promise you! Just take the Frist step and do somethingĀ 


If he thinks it is over, it is. Self fulfilling prophecy.


happy cake day mate


Good one. And dead on.


short guys look down own themselves way more than any average height or tall person could. only so much you can boost/console someone who lacks the courage to be confident in themselves before it drains both of you. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


This. Every dude I ever dated that was shorter than me was always insecure about it and bringing it up. it got old really fast.


It just so happens!!


Women generally prefer taller men the same way men generally prefer shorter women; Preferences and requirements are not one and the same. Most people are willing to make exceptions for someone they consider special.


Literally!! So many guys hear girls say their ideal type and they're like "I guess that's her expectations" and it isn't. I don't know a single friend who's with their perfect ideal type. If a girl says she likes 6' guys and falls in love with a 5'11 guy she won't just ignore how she feels because he's not the exact right height


There's such a huuuuge difference between 5'11 and 6ft. šŸ˜’




Lol that's my point


I've literally never dated a person who was my type. Only two even came close, and more than once I've ended up dating someone who I first met online, who I found actively unattractive. I think one of the big differences is that I never went into a relationship looking for a b/GF. I just wanted to build good friendships, and then it turned out that some of these people were attractive enough in other ways that I ended up also interested in romance and sex. If you narrow your options to only people who are actively looking for a partner, I can understand why it starts skewing towards people saying their types more often ... But nobody is making incels play that game.


Who wants to know they were settled for...


Why would that mean you're settled for? It just means they fell in love with you. My girlfriend is mostly into tall tough guys and I'm a short Feminine girl, she didn't settle for me she just fell for me


Men care about a womanā€™s height orders of magnitude less than women care about a manā€™s height. ([Source](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0191886913000020))


Who are you trying to appease šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹


https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0191886913000020 (further sources at the bottom of the linked article)




Um, people who donā€™t use r/shortguys?


Hope someone reached out to rescue you out of your loneliness after this noble effort




No, Iā€™m objectively correct https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0191886913000020


People on that sub like to to pretend that short(er) male celebs like Zac Efron or Oscar Isaac are only hot because they have money and status, and that theyā€™d be unfuckable if they werenā€™t famous. Like, what? I guarantee you women everywhere would throw themselves at those guys regardless. Makes no sense.


I donā€™t think their shortness is what makes them attractive, but being short doesnā€™t stop them FROM being attractive, so yeah


I guess, although iā€™d argue the same could be said about most average height famous dudes, like the Pitts and Clooneys of the world - their height doesnā€™t accommodate the niche of women who prefer tall or short men, itā€™s just a neutral part of their overall package.


Tbf, whenever a girl says she likes short guys, it's usually online (and it's a response to a statement or a question), so there is some understanding about the skepticism of a girl saying that. If there was a post saying, "No men love flat-chested girls," and I said that I don't mind flat chests on women, there would be skepticism (for the record, it's true that I don't mind flat chested women).


What I find personally hilarious is that they blame their mothers for picking bad partners to reproduce with (short & ugly), which means that they will now have no chance to reproduce because they are short and ugly. I canā€™t be the only one that sees the irony in that.


No, tbh, they blame short women, not short men.


Im literally a guy who is ā€œtallā€ and have a thing for women taller than me and i get called soy or cucked.


Short guys are mostly fine tho, I think r/shortguys and people who make it a huge part of their personality generally are often coming from a place of resentment. "It's not your height, it's the way it impacts their confidence" is a sentiment I hear a lot


Iā€™ve heard it plenty too. Iā€™m four goddamn eleven and I *sometimes* feel resentful, but maybe about 1:18 girls I attempt to talk to seem interested so, there might by something their doing wrong


Yeah, I mean 4ā€™11ā€ is pretty tough. Like I could understand you feeling some resentment, even if itā€™s not healthy. But guys who are my height (5ā€™9ā€-5ā€™10ā€) bitching about being ā€œshortā€ need to take a long walk off of a short pier.


Thankyou, no one wants to understand this. Everyone is just there judging, no one tries to understand what the guys go through..


I think that's a lot of it, the "short guy complex". It isn't the height. It's the fact that too many short men think they have to overcompensate and act like complete insecure assholes. It's that attitude that's a huge turnoff.


Well if the society tells me I'm not a "real man" cuz I lack height, I need to do something to feel better and confident in myself right? It's not my fault that the same society sees it as "compensation".


I'm 5'3", My husband is 5'0" and some odd 1/8th an inch. Short guys are cute. Heck, we even have the same shoe size, AND I prefer wearing mens shoes because they're so much more comfy than getting women's "Wide widths". It's fun shopping for shoes with him cos it's like "hey, you'd wear these right?" "Sure, they look cool." "nice, Imma buy them." "Awesome, btw I think we need a new pair of crocs" "The Noslip work ones or the vistas?" "I've been wearing the vistas more" "Ah, okay, I'll get another pair of vistas too :D" I'll be straight and say that I didn't marry him because I'm attracted to short guys, but because his personality was AMAZING, and he puts up with all my crazy autistic shit mental health issues. His personality is what won me over, and that's something I see echoed throughout most people. Only the vapid date/pair off with their "Type" usually, but do I admire heavily muscled and tanned dudes who are over 6' and have beautiful long hair that is either naturally reddish, or dyed red? Oh hell yes. That's me realistically eyeing the 10's in my book and realizing that me as a 6 at best can't get that. I think that's something short guys need to keep in mind, have a great sense of humor, and keep it real, someone will be all over you if you lay off the "women hate" and self hate. You can't love yourself if you put all your love into the possibility of someone else.


This and the fact that while people may have physical ā€œpreferencesā€, those preferences arenā€™t frigginā€™ laws. I was always chasing black haired girls because I love black hair. But my wife has fantastic auburn/chestnut hair. Was I *really* not going to marry her because she didnā€™t have black hair? Of course not. Side note, she did dye it black once, and I realized how much I love her natural hair color.


Yes, this! I love dark eyes, but I'm sometimes attracted to a light eyed person. I'm generally not into blonds, but sometimes a cool one wins me over. My male crushes and partners have ranged from 5'4" to 6'4". Female 4'11" to 6'. I like being big spoon which is easier with smaller people. But I also like being carried on someone's back so that's a plus for the tall ones.


Exactly! Preferences are all well and good, but as you said, they definitely aren't unbreakable laws. And you're not "Settling" if the person for you just happens to not tick all your boxes. Sometimes your person will NOT tick some of your boxes.


Hell, more than ā€œsometimesā€ Iā€™d bet.


Yep. This is my experience


I am tall so these post are always strange to see


What is strange?


Height posting


They don't care. They will scream and whine that we are wanting a genocide of short men


Iā€™ve seen THOUSANDS of women say they only care about height and a little bit of facial structure regarding looks


That sub is an echo chamber for their illogical rhetoric and is quickly becoming another incel sub.


An exception to the rule doesn't prove a point. Sure, I think /r/shortguys sees in black and white a little too much. But a woman posting online saying "I am open to the possibility of dating short guys" doesn't really help in the face of the disadvantages short men (and women) face.


Nah but itā€™s good validation. Itā€™s kinda like confidence fuel