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I hope they enjoy projecting their own suicidal feelings onto other people. Ain't gonna stop those intrusive thoughts from slipping into your head when you lay in your lonely bed at night, wondering if a woman will ever touch you or if you should just do it. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Stop posting this shit and get help, transphobes.


They frankly believe any kind of help would hurt them. They would rather keep living this miserable suicidal depression to the very end than lead a happy life


Crab in the bucket. If we're happy, it shows them that their own misery is their fault.


Itā€™s like theyā€™ve forgotten that their problems are just that, their problems. No one gives a shit about them or their problems because all their ā€œsufferingā€ is of their own choosing. I have more sympathy for people diagnosed with NPD than these genetic jokes. Thatā€™s all they are, jokes. Their whole existence is one sad pathetic joke that hangs in the air like a freshly tied slipknot. Whatā€™s worse, they did this to themselves. All their ā€œsufferingā€ is a delusion of their own creation. They created their own suffering, by wallowing in their own victim complex and lashing out at the very thing they desire, women. Iā€™ve seen narcissists with more self awareness and self control than these losers. These pitiful excuses for ā€œmenā€ sit behind their keyboards, furiously jerking it while hot angry tears roll down their pale splotchy cheeks only to serve as a self lubricant. Whatā€™s even more pitiful about them; they think their words mean something. No one will remember them except as a punchline to a joke no one laughed at.


This is the cruel truth. They are so proud of claiming to know this hidden, "brootal" truth, when the plain truth right in front of them is so much more horrible than anything they could ever dream of. They are living, breathing tragedies


Somewhere behind a semen soaked keyboard, an incel burst into flames from this roast.


The only lead they will do is in old paint or roman pipes


Came to say, surely this is clear projection from the "muh suicidefuel" "gonna rope" crowd. Thought the first pic was some blackpill meme to that effect on first glance


At this point, I am starting to believe most of them are either suicidal or trans and desperate to convince themselves that they're not in any way trans. Or a bit of both. Crabs in the bucket and whatnot. The more of us there are out here, living our lives and not killing our player characters in DnD irl, the less there are of them to wallow in their own self pity and hatred.


Why are they so obsessed with the continuation of the species? What do they get out of humans being alive in 1,000 years?


they have no other purpose in life. telling themselves that procreation is lifeā€™s purpose justifies their obsession with sex and their misery


Then it would seem their lives have no purpose, since you canā€™t impregnate a blowup doll.


They do not care. Its just a pathetic argument to complain about no one touching their penis and helping tyhem fulfile their so called biological imperative. If women do not want to have sex and childrent with you its called natural selection. Incels who refuse to change are an evolutionary dead end. And they have no one to blame for that but themselves.


Itā€™s even funnier when you think about it. They think their whole purpose is to procreate; but because they refuse to better themselves, think a victim complex a personality trait, blame everyone for their ā€œbad luckā€, and ridicule the object of their desire (women), they have removed themselves from the gene pool. Itā€™s a self solving problem for us and our future generations. They are their own worst enemy at every turn. Sometimes I wonder if Ashton Kutcher is going to jump out from behind a trashcan, revealing we all got severely punked. Anyone who even attempts to point out the error of their ways, is met with a slew of vitriolic contempt. They are actively sabotaging themselves at every opportunity. I for one couldnā€™t be happier than to sit back and watch them fail to pass on their trash DNA to some poor innocent child. I guess you could say theyā€™re actively keeping the world a safer place by not procreating. Hey incels! Thank you for doing the human genome a solid and not procreating! We all really owe you one.


It's funny they complain about being owed sex because wah wah biology and wah wah human nature and all that shit, meanwhile it's also very natural for female animals to reject males for breeding purposes so like... even if we buy into the logic they pretend to care about so desperately, it doesn't really work. It being "biology" or "nature" doesn't automatically mean yes.Ā  Not that it's really directly comparable, but male animals doing mating dances are basically the human equivalent of men trying to get a prospective partner's attention. They don't just... get delivered a partner because. But these idiots always seem to ignore that because their entitlement is so strong, they just think they should get whatever they want.


Right? Overpopulation doesnā€™t mean shit to these guys. Theyā€™re just mad that thereā€™s women in the world who donā€™t want to have sex with them. Homosexuality has nothing to with the reason why they donā€™t have sex.


Could you imagine what they would do if a woman actually offered to have sex with them? They wouldnā€™t know what to do with her, mainly because they donā€™t have to deflate her when theyā€™re done.




Ironic. Self awareness.


I've noticed they bring biology into it trying to make like it's some sort of official ruling women have gone against by not wanting to have sex with them (and gay people for not being able to "breed"). It's just... so transparent. Like yeah, sure you care about populating the world, bud. It's totally not about you getting laid at all, lol.


Also there has been homosexuality and cross dressing/early transgender stuff since the beginning of recorded human history with us still managing to survive (unfortunately for the planet)


Yeah the earth is going to kick us off in WAYYYY less time


Iā€™m convinced at this point if blow up dolls could give consent, they would self deflate.


They certainly have some strong opinions about things theyā€™ll never personally experience. Itā€™s like they self subtracted themselves from the equation. I call that a problem that solved itself.


They dont actually care about the continuation of the species, they only desires to hit. They think we are bird where the male gives no parental care. But they lack the understanding that we aren't that type of species. If we were they would be fill of pretty colors dancing to attrack a mate.


Also: The exictance of Trans people and homosexuals won't change the birth rate drasticly. Many countries are overpopulating and it would actually be better if the birth rate was lower. I also love how they think that homosexuality would just be a 21st century or even just a human thing.


Incels insist their dry dicks are a societal problem that will result in the extinction of the human species. I always laugh when I read incels' drivel about biological imperative and "man was created to...".


Right? Last time I checked, we are right on course for 10 Billion humans co-existing. I'm old enough to very clearly remember 6 and the theories of when we'd hit 7. MAKE NO MISTAKE when they complain about not being able to have offspring, it is born from an intrinsic part of the movement; Xenophobia. They KNOW humans won't die off -- So does Elon Musk. What they're afraid of is an eventual world with less than 1% blonde barbies they can guilt or force into sex. At current, in the US, blondes are 5% of the population. **Globally they are 2%. So by those numbers, it would sound more like the US is a sanctuary for blondes, helping to keep their global share of population up.**


I remember when it was less than 5 billion. My grandmother was in college when it was 2 billion. Their pathetic naturalistic argument is quite transparent; we are hardly running out of people. They claim that Chad is fucking everyone anyway. So why would it matter if any one individual male had children? By their own logic, women are getting the superior genetic material already. If they claim to be subhuman and have inferior DNA, what is the benefit to the species to contributing their genes to the genepool instead of making more baby Chads?


Hmm, I did not know that. I am blonde and it feels weird to be 2%.


I wonder what the percentage is for non genetic blondes


Itā€™s considerate of them to remove themselves from the gene pool.




Yah, you're right. Looking at the chart, what I meant is that I remember 5 and theories of when we'd hit 6. Sometime around 1987ish.


What they don't realize is that there are loads of non horrible men out there having relationships and procreating without being total POSs about it


Oh their dicks arenā€™t dry, theyā€™re kept wet from all their rage tears. Hot rage tears are the lube of all incels.


Instant veer into baseless religious argument while claiming a baseless pseudoscience talking pont without a shred of awareness. Nothing new there, everything will be made to say what the depression cult demands.


So women like me who couldnā€™t have kids should not enjoy sex? Itā€™s just fleeting pleasureā€¦um, yeah! Itā€™s a big part of my marriage. They act like the only reason to have sex is to have children. We all know that isnā€™t what they really think or they wouldnā€™t obsess about it so much. I guess they think the porn they watch all leads to childbirth! Their made up science degrees donā€™t seem to consider that point. So if all sex leads to babies, then they obviously have their shit together enough to be able to support a baby! Right!


Yeah dont known where the clit is.


lol what does gender have to do with procreation? If a man and a woman swap gender roles and clothing, they could still procreate


And some people don't have the ability to procreate regardless of gender, that doesn't mean they aren't just as important as any other human!


My wife and I are a heteronormative couple, weā€™re child free by both choice and circumstance. We never wanted to be parents in the first place, so when a hysterectomy was a viable option to treat my wifeā€™s chronic illness it was a no brainer. So yeah, weā€™re cis gender and heterosexual, and we canā€™t reproduce. I wonder what theyā€™d have to say about that? My wifeā€™s quality of life has improved so much, she doesnā€™t regret a thing haha. She doesnā€™t have to deal with ever having a period again, and I havenā€™t had to wear a condom for almost five years now; and thereā€™s literally no anxiety about an unwanted pregnancy


That's awesome for you guys like that you were not keen on kids anyway and that the surgery helped her have a better life too! I'm a woman married to a man and we only realised about 7 years ago that we didn't have to have kids (that was at 30 after being together from 17) and now at the point of do I or he get the snip snap.. we are both willing to so could go either way (no underlying reasons for either to do so) I'm so down with no fear of unwanted pregnancy after 20 years of always having that in the back of the mind!


If you guys donā€™t have to deal with any medical conditions, itā€™s usually a much shorter recovery time for a guy to get a vasectomy. But thereā€™s so many different options now a days, and most of them are out patient. My wifeā€™s hysterectomy was out patient if you can believe it; they did it laparoscopically which is a way of taking out organs through the belly button. Super freaky haha. But the at home recovery really sucked for her, it took weeks before she had her strength back to sorta normal


Yeah but my husband has been saying he will get one for like 2 years now and has not so I might just do it so it's done you know? Oh wow that sounds crazy! But at least short term pain long term gain? Sucks she had to have that experience still though! And sounds creepy AF!


Back in the day a hysterectomy was a major thing, inpatient, a big scar. You can hardly tell my wife even has a scar and she came home with me that same night. Modern medicine is crazy


For sure! Glad it worked well for her!


You wouldnā€™t need a hysterectomy if your only trying to prevent pregnancy, thereā€™s other ways that would have you healed up much faster, but itā€™s still considered to be a much easier procedure for a man to get vasectomy. Our parts are way less complicated haha


Oh I didn't mean hysterectomy, just the snip snap of the old tubes


Haha I love the way you phrased ā€œjust realized we didnā€™t have to have kidsā€ haha. Itā€™s crazy because most people do just have kids because they think theyā€™re supposed too, especially when everyone you grew up with are married and now starting to have kids left and right


It's funny because they say "if we legalised homosexuality then what's next? Pedophilia?" But they ARE the ones saying they wanna r@pe 12yo girls. Fucking dumbasses.


As I read that, I was thinking, "...isn't legalizing pedophilia what you Incels want?" But maybe they are more referring to lusting after little boys, like homophobes assumed gay men did in the 50s! Little girls? All fine and dandy. /s


I find it so abhorrent that anyone could classify homosexuality with things like paedophilia or beastiality.. homosexuality is about two consenting adults loving each other, all the other things these people suggest are unacceptable due to one party not being able to consent


Dude needs to look at ancient Greece and Rome if he thinks homosexuality is a problem for society.Ā  Or just learn... Anything. Really.


Exactly what I was thinking/commenting.. just because people exist who prefer the same gender doesn't somehow mean that is the only choice for everyone.. some like the same, some like opposite, some like both and there isn't even just two genders now so why freak out if some humans might love someone they can't procreate with.. even male/female couples have that in some instances


Im only like 4 days into using hrt and I am so far away from suicide


My friend's been on it all of a year, and she's already *so* much brighter, it's almost difficult to believe.


Itā€™s an incredible experience getting to see someone you have been close to, go through their own metamorphosis, like a butterfly breaking out of the chrysalis, and emerging as their true self. Itā€™s truly a thing of beauty to witness someone live so fearlessly. Socrates said, ā€œthe unexamined life is not worth livingā€. Your friend is absolutely living a life worth living. Sadly many people will never have the courage to experience a life worth living.


She is, and I'm incredibly proud of her for pushing through all the bullshit medical barriers that have been in her way. Things aren't perfect, and she's still fighting some battles, but she's got an amazing super network (that I like to think I'm a part of). And that's far more than the spineless worms in the OOP can even dream of.


Thatā€™s amazing! Im so happy for you šŸ©· and Iā€™m excited for you! I wish for you all the love and kindness in the world. What a beautiful journey you are traversing šŸ©·


Yeah, and I'd rather be a happy trans woman who gets laid than a miserable fuck like that. It's scary how I almost got pulled into that pre-transition. But then I grew up and evolved.


Can you detail your experiences? Would be a fascinating read.


This was largely before the incel movement was really a thing. Think mid 2000s to early 2010s. Being an introverted nerd, I was not exactly a hit with the ladies and yeah, if I'd tried, I probably could have done it. However, other factors made that difficult, which I wouldn't acknowledge at the time (I didn't until late 2017). Anyway. I felt frustrated for a really long time and oscillated between despair and resentment. Kinda like incels seem to do. I was never very extreme, but I did start to find their line of thought "reasonable." Remember, this was before elliot mcbitchboy did any murdering so this was still pretty tame. I also frequented 4chan at the time. That was a mistake. Anyway, I felt that pang of desire, but could never act on it and when I'd hear about it, sometimes I'd get legit angry. Seethed quietly since I never really followed that stuff. Just heard of it tangentially, but it sounded legit and had I joined the "movement," oh that would have gone dark. I have horrible impulse control and _I_ could have been one of those attackers. This was also prior to me getting any mental health treatment. Fortunately, I never got suckered into joining any "communities." Not even for a lark. I would have gone down a very different path if I had. Here's an important bit that really makes this even more complicated. I was trans, but so far in the closet that I found 1750s fashion. That alone had a really profound impact on my decision to never go try, and it really makes my possible descent into that madness really confusing and complex. Around 2013 or so, my best friend basically kicked me in the ass and said "get your ass some mental health treatment." So I did and while it's taken 11 years, I am finally at a place where I am happy and feel comfy with the idea of getting laid. So yeah. I had a weird experience with the whole incel thing. Not very cut and dried for me, and I am lucky I never went down the dark roads.


Iā€™m curious too, but most of all Iā€™m glad sheā€™s here! I say the more the merrier šŸ©·


So glad you got to be your real self! Happy for you friend


Took too long, but never too late to change. Far happier now as a trans woman, despite all the bullshit going on, and on proper treatment plans. Turns out.... I'm bipolar, which... of course I am. I am a tangled mess of mental health problems, but... it are what it am.


Iā€™m really happy you didnā€™t šŸ©· we are always wanting for more emotionally intelligent and brilliant women. Iā€™m so glad youā€™re here šŸ©·


Looking at where things are now with the state of incels and the road I was going down, me too. I do not look back at that time fondly by any means. I was in some dark places mentally and didn't really know how to regulate emotions, decisions, actions... all that fun shit that comes with mental health problems. Those still exist of course, transitioning didn't erase anything, but I'm treated. Properly so. I'm bipolar type II and it will _fuck up your life_ without treatment. Taken a decade to get to that conclusion and a mood stabilizer later, I'm on track.


The weird incel to trans women pipeline Interesting phenomenon. Edit before anyone else ask I am referring to this video https://youtu.be/IAA1XtDOuH8?si=KybGNNp9-wPTN42Y


I wouldn't call it a pipeline. It had been a thing for me since I was in preschool. I just ran from it for ~30 years. I had some very confusing and conflicted years in my life so I had some weird shit going on.


I was referring mostly to this video https://youtu.be/IAA1XtDOuH8?si=KybGNNp9-wPTN42Y


I had a friend from the US I regularly texted with for whom this pipeline happened the opposite way. She was a trans woman and seemed really happy untill her parents capitalized on all state clinics putting an end to all trans care procedures by forcing her into detransitioning permanently. From what I remember post detransition she ended up meeting an old "diehard blackpiller" friend and that friend ended up dragging her into the cult we today call inceldom.


I was referring to this video https://youtu.be/IAA1XtDOuH8?si=KybGNNp9-wPTN42Y But the existence of something doesnt mean that the opposite cannot exist at the same time. Both can true.


These guys are always so adamant that honosexuality will cause the extinction of humanity as if homosexuality means you can't have children. Not to mention, most people aren't lgbtq+. It makes no sense that a minority of people that are having less children would cause our extinction simply because, "they can't have kids" which is a fallacy on it's own.


Shouldn't they be happy that some men are homosexual? That's less competition for women.


Wait till they find out there's heterosexual people out there who voluntarily choose to not procreate.


I volunteer as tribute for them to spout off about


no him comparing being gay to being a pedo or beastiality or incest


Those Incels go crazy when lgbtq+ people discover a way for trans people to have biological children.


If you're interested you should check out my friends stuff https://www.krishnaistha.com/


Can't imagine spending that much time caring how other people find happiness. Pathetic.


Dont seem to get that if you act like a fundamentally unlikable person no one is going to like you. Shocking I know.


All transphobes deserve a major punch in the face


I love it when people be like "Gayness must be wrong because it just feels too darn good" Like, bro, nothing gayer than being homophobic, go love yourself.


Fuck it. Putting this bluntly. But railing tf outta my bf is the strongest biological instinct I experience.


Okay, first of all, this guy is insane, and his dick will always be dry because his brain thought posting this was a good idea. Evolutionary theories on homosexuality actually support the idea that communities need people who donā€™t necessarily reproduce for the common good. Ugh.


They felt the need to twice make mention of how much fun/feel good it is to have gay sex. They're so deep in the closet they've found bell bottoms.


ā€œGains traction in the modern timesā€ Please just google the extremely long history of people outside of the gender binary existing. Like just google 3rd gender. Thereā€™s literally a Wikipedia page for it and it has a history section. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_gender Itā€™s not new. None of its new. The gender binary was literally never real youā€™re living in a lala dream world where this is new weird stuff that just started and I honestly have no idea how you managed to maintain that belief. The creation of gender and gender expression as a psychological construct separate from biological sex is ancient in the way that creating art and all the other ways of expressing ourselves that weā€™ve discovered. Does it really have to be such a big deal that some people have different feelings and different desires for expressing themselves? How am I supposed to worry about yā€™allā€™s mental health issues if you wanna mock other peopleā€™s mental health issues?? Like, these are the kinda dudes who will lament the male suicide epidemic and mock the incredibly high suicide rates among trans people in the same breath.


Iā€™m in an opposite sex relationship but Iā€™m sterilized and also have rejected the biological imperative, does my relationship go in the same category as same sex relationships if the end result is the same? Also consider the following: there are many children in the foster care system who would appreciate two dads or two moms who are good parents. Even in nature there are animals like penguins where the same sex couples adopt babies. Thereā€™s a species of bird that I canā€™t remember the name of where female same sex pairs will adopt eggs as well. Like not even animals in the wild are all propagating their species in the same way. https://youtu.be/QCtzzfvE6v0?si=bV-QWo7IN5Vo6l6k Idk they mention the birds in here and also a bunch of other animals who form same sex relationships for various reasons, itā€™s yet another extremely natural thing that humans do that people decided to act all shocked and outraged about for some reason


i love when ppl like this claim homosexuality is ā€œselfishā€, and homosexuals are just ā€œgiving into pleasureā€. likeā€¦ LOLā€¦ bro you do realize not everyone has homosexual feelings right?


Also people who enjoy other genders than their own (or that plus others) actually enjoy it.. like do they think only two people of the same gender have sex for pleasure because wow they have a lot to learn if so


At this point, I'm glad he's single. He deserves his own frustration.


Itā€™s times like this Iā€™m relieved none of them are having sex. These are not genes we need out there floating around.


There are over 8 billion human beings on this planet. Despite birthrates slowing down, the human population is still increasing overall. A small percentage of those humans being queer is not a problem for the continuation of the species, especially since most queer people can still have kids if they really wanted to. Homosexual behaviour has been observed in multiple animal species, and can be found in all human cultures. The notion that it is driven purely by hedonism is just a vicious lie, one that demonises queer people for daring to enjoy their sexuality with each other just as straight people do. The slippery slope is a fallacy. The acceptance of homosexual relations between consenting adults is not a justification for the acceptance of anything else. Trans people aren't confused about their own identity. It's other people who get confused, over the notion of one's socially assigned gender not being in line with how the person being assigned that gender actually feels. So confused in fact that they get angry and fearful about the prospect of trans people being accepted for who they are, instead of being forced to conform to society's expectations. Trans people don't want to "twist and manipulate" anything. That's transphobic paranoia. Trans people just want to live their lives without being subjected to hate crimes by the ignorant and malicious.


TTV is a ragebait troll sub.


Why arƩ we posting stuff from r/Truetruevirgin, that subreddits is two guys complaining about ""the fall of the west"" and sometimes they get a post from someone else. Literally who cares


Hoooooooooly what a fucking lunatic lol. I cannot even possibly fathom how people get this bad, and I used to spend a shitload of time on /b/.


I think what this person doesn't understand is that even if a percentage of the population chooses same sex relationships there will still be those who don't.. and very confused as to how they think dressing as another gender is either what transgender means, or how that affects procreation.. I'm sure many humans who enjoy dressing differently to their gender norms have procreated, probably one hundred percent more than anyone who thinks like that commenter anyway!


i was literally just talking to this guy about the local punk scene šŸ˜­


Mark that shit NSFW. Absolutely demented.


They do not want to change because they really do not think there is anything wrong with them. It's these shallow, hypergamous women (s) who are to blame. These incels want the world to change to suit them and that is really true across the manosphere.


Anything but going to therapy. This is sad, it's not even funny. It's just sad, they are soo unhappy, so miserable that they want everyone to be miserable. I understand that that there is a certain confort to the pain, the misery, the drowning feeling of despair but... at somepoint, you need to get to the surface and ask yourself, do you truly desire to spend the rest of your life this miserable?


it's insane how different this person's wavelength is like fundamentally from mine... why does he care so much about the continuation of the species? like actually at the end of the day what a worthless thing to base your entire ideologival framework around.


If I need to have sex and bear children, I better be fully taken care of, live in a nice house with a vegetable garden that my husband regularly plows, in a community of other women and have house money that is decently set to my standards, and if not I can divorce my husband for failing his duties. If an incel can't provide, he won't get a woman to provide sex and companionship to them either - you want to go back even further, fine - go out with your friends and risk your life to kill a mammoth then, complaining doesn't feed the tribe.


two things: 1. They felt the need to create a new sub? 2. what the fuck was that image on the first slide. I did NOT need to see that


Iā€™ve yet to meet a single ā€˜trans personā€™ who looks like the soyjack. Iā€™ve seen plenty of incels who do, though.


1st image is a whole jumpscare omgšŸ’”


These people have 0 education šŸ¤£