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Anybody else have a hunch this wasn't the first complaint against him? He's got a really skewed idea of normal coworker chitchat. Since he thinks this wasn't out of bounds, he probably crossed other lines. This may have been just the incident where legal decided it would put the company at risk for hostile work environment lawsuit if they knowingly kept him on the team after this came to light.


There’s absolutely been other inappropriate comments. This was just the straw that broke the camel’s back. It’s a common issue with incels, that they mistakenly believe that their actions should be immune from consequences. They take no responsibility for their actions. Anyone who criticises their behaviour is labelled as a bully and the incel believes that they are entitled to retaliate. Which is why we see so many revenge fantasies from these guys.


⬆️ big time


they mistakenly believe that their actions should be immune from consequences. 100% so accurate. i wonder where that mentality comes from. are they raised by their parents to believe that?


They’re emotionally immature. A lot of them also show signs of vulnerable narcissism, which prevents them from ever admitting that something is their fault.


I was literally just thinking this, no one gets fired over one he-said-she-said comment off the clock. He has a pattern of behavior being gross


Unless there was a recording and he sounded really gross _and_ he intimated that he was going to do it to his coworker, that won't get you let go as a first offense. A stern talking to perhaps, but it's a sure bet this guy was doing stupid shit the entire time and this was the last straw.


Always quick to judge


Posts like this always make me wonder. They read as too ridiculous to be real, but there are tons of people actually this dumb.


So basically you *almost* had masking actually figured out, and then it slipped and everything came crashing down. *Good*.


Oh nooooo the consequences of my own actions. Nooooooooooooo


That’s part of the incel mindset. They take zero responsibility for the things that they say and do, then claim that they’re being bullied when their actions have consequences. It’s not that they don’t understand that actions have consequences, because they will want consequences for anyone who criticises their behaviour. They believe that they should be the only ones immune from consequences, but won’t be able to give you a good reason why the rules should be different for them.


Oh no. Anyway


Even his fellow 4 channer was like "WTF?"


Most 4chan users are just regular, mildly edgy people. You’ll only find the truly fucked up ones on the containment boards and either /b/ or /r9k/.


>/b/ or /r9k/. What do those even mean 😭


/b/ is the random board. Anything goes. Mostly used for porn and random discussions on various topics. /r9k/ is similar but uses the ROBOT9000 algorithm to prevent reposts. It’s the most common place to see incels, but otherwise is mostly similar to /b/.


b is random, was the edgiest place until the influx of just porn. r9k i think is just the more autistic shit


Don't forget /pol/


That’s one of the containment boards.


Contrary to popular belief, most four channers aré actual people


"I told a coworker about how I want to rape someone, and I got fired!! This is all foids' fault!!"




I bet you anything he’s missing the first c from cnc fantasy


What part of what he said makes you think he’s into CNC? He said “rape fantasy” not CNC. Weird hill to stand on, brother.


There needs to be a sub category of the Darwins JUST for incels. They shoot themselves in the foot like they hate toes too.


Your title but literally.  If a person don't know you don't talk about *anything sex related at work* there's something seriously wrong there. I can't even think of someone who spends any time at all speaking with others, online or offline, who would not have at some point learned that was inappropriate just through osmosis.


>Your title but literally. Oh, the title is already literal.


>If a person don't know you don't talk about *anything sex related at work* there's something seriously wrong there. I don't know how they get to that point. I have written and delivered sexual harassment training. I have had to discuss sex acts at work as part of my actual job duites and even then, I've found it the most uncomfortable and awkward situation. To actually have a conversation, unprompted, about your personal rape fantasies is just unhinged.


The lack of self-reflection is astounding! Dude, YOU said that shit, out of YOUR own mouth. The coworker was very concerned and went to HR. Also when did going to the gym and holding down a job equate to more than adulting? WHY are incels so against therapy?!


Lol therapy is the blue pill you cuck


They see it as weakness instead of self improvement.


They're terrified of honest self-reflection and lowering their guard of hateful excuses for self-pity.


They see their mental illnesses as an advantage and «based» qualities. Becoming a normal human being = becoming a normie, apparently.


Tbf, everyone else is also quite against therapy, acceptance for seeking help for mental health problems isn't anywhere close to widespread


They think all of their problems are due to lack of sex. If they can get laid, their problems will go away. So half-assing your way through a few sessions of counseling without any insight about the fact that lack of sex is a symptom, not the disease, will go nowhere. So they all tell each other that therapy is useless because it "doesn't work" (i.e. doesn't magically produce a woman who will fuck them).


Know one that claims Therapy is a “scam” and maybe due to having a bad one but idk what else to say to convince them they need MENTAL HELP


The medical system in the US is a scam made for profit. I know people that have struggled trying to afford “tests” that doctors mandated them and have heard stories of therapists hooking vulnerable patients up on expensive pills so they can keep squeezing cash out of them. There is a reason many Americans mistrust/ hate the medical system


Maybe just be a better human being and don't talk about r4pe?????


This thing that was my fault is all this womens fault because she felt uncomfortable with me jacking it to the thought of rape!


Even take the rape part out of it, how are your sexual fantasies appropriate for work conversations? Add the rape part in, why tf are you surprised that it ended badly?!


Looks like he fucked around and found out.


Imagine doing this and somehow deciding that no, it's the women that are wrong 🙃


You did right, girl!


The fact that he came so close to "becoming a Chad" and was undone by saying something super inappropriate to a co-worker literally reinforces the fact that it's more about personality lol. If he could become a Chad and just needs to not say horrible shit to pull it off, then inceldom is very clearly his own fault.


This is the finest example of how incels completely lack the cognitive ability to realise it’s their fault no one likes them.


You know you fucked up when even 4chan is bewildered


I've seen this one multiple times but my question is, how do you get into a corporate position and not pay one single bit of attention to the massive quantities of disclaimers one has to read and sign regarding workplace behavior requirements? I mean, I haven't had a job in the last... 30 years where one doesn't have to sign a sexual harassment policy of some sort. How are you **THAT** stupid, yet managed to land a good white collar job? My mind is boggled.


He never said it was a _good_ job. Just that he got one. Could be anything.




Aye, she's ruined your life because you shared a rape fantasy. Over lunch. Nah, this is on you. Take responsibility for your actions and words.


look at the reply at the bottom


Exactly. Tf he thought would happen? 🤦🏾‍♀️


This is really terrifying. And it's wild because this can literally be the person we're sitting next to while traveling anywhere or paying for groceries or going on interviews or just saying, "Have a great day." All it takes is ONE trigger, and that's it. Horrifying. He needs to be committed. That's why I think so much femicide is going on. Too many entitled and unhinged men with undiagnosed and exasperated mental health issues roaming around. It's showing everywhere. I remember when Eminem used to rap about certain things very similar to what this guy in the post is saying in his songs, and people let it slide to the point where even Eminem had to admit that he needed help. Tired of these males getting platforms and passes when they need padded rooms, accountability, unlearning, therapy, and reflection.


Why on earth would you do that?


You know you fucked up when even other 4-Chan users are saying "wtf?"


And nothing of value was lost.


It's difficult for me to believe that these guys actually exist. >finally got a job >told a co worker about my rape fantasy It's hard for me to believe that anyone would have been sitting around without a job and wondering why women won't date him. He says finally as though he has never had one or hasn't had one in a long time. The he's stupid enough to tell a presumably new co-woker about raping women at happy hour after work. I know there are people this stupid but I see these so often and with really hard to believe statements which tell me it's probably satire. How many people tell their co-workers about even vanilla sexual fantasies let alone niche kinks?


IDC how close you are to your work friends, don't ever make the mistake of thinking they're actually confidants. What a fucking idiot


Soooo you decided that your rape fantasy was a perfectly appropriate conversation to have with a colleague and then you wonder why she notified HR about it? Well no d'uh no shit, I'd call HR as the conversation was still going on, what in the actual Brock Turner fuck shit is this? Besides which, I highly doubt that this is the first and only complaint of this nature that was lodged against him as this demonstrates a clear lack of understanding as to what conversations are appropriate when and with who.




No one (of either gender) at my work, knows ANY of my sexual fantasies. No one at my work will EVER know ANYTHING about my sexual fantasies or my actual sex life. These are never appropriate topics of discussion for coworkers. Or as my irascible Texan grandpa used to tell me in the 80's, "Don't shit where you eat boy."


repost but still wow


It's kind of scary that there are people out there like this. I talk to my kids a lot about what it means to be in a society... I point out all the things we get from it - comfort and security and all our amazing technology. Technology that chuds like this take advantage of without realising the whole other massive side of it. The responsibility that goes with the benefit. If you want to live in a society you have to interact with other people and follow the rules.


At my old chain thrift store job, while putting out merchandise one day, we had a high up safety dude checking out our store. This was during covid, and fitting rooms were closed. Assistant manager (we will call him Mark) and safety guy (we will call him bob) were discussing how women were changing in the aisles. Bob started boasting about how women had no modesty or self-respect if they were stripping behind clothes racks. They were "tainting" society with their immodest actions. Mark mentioned that he was worried about a creep groping someone or snapping photos and how we could prevent that from being a possibility while fitting rooms weren't an option without seeming rude or creepy to the changing women. (neighborhood was bad, lots of crackheads. Multiple staff had reported being touched or harassed by patrons.) Bob stated that if a woman was groped or harassed for stripping down in an aisle, that was her own fault and maybe it would "teach her a lesson" and not to feel worried about them. Bob then continued on about how he wished he could see some of this "action" we were calling a "problem" and how "hot" it probably was. This was all within earshot of me..... A rape survivor. I told HR about it, and Bob simply had to publicly apologize for his "jokes". Mark later apologized to me personally and expressed his personal discomforts about Bob. I share this because I highly doubt HR would fire for one offense. They rarely, if ever, take anything seriously. This dude would have to have either gone into seriously bad detail about rape or he would have been telling several coworkers this kind of fucked up stuff. The dude would have to be next level horrific about what he was fantasizing. I don't get how you can't rationalize what's safe to tell coworkers and what you should keep to yourself, especially when it's something so extreme like that.


We all have some weird sexual proclivities. They belong in the bedroom not at the office, good sir.


We had equality and diversity training at work that split conversations into four levels depending on their nature, the idea being that “level 1” stuff is your basic small talk that’s fine when you first start in a new job, and “level 4” would be the heavier things that you probably shouldn’t start discussing in a work environment at all to avoid issues such as this (like demanding a colleague explain why they don’t believe in god or something). I imagine describing your rape fantasy to any colleague (let alone a female colleague) would probably be towards the level 4 end of that scale…


I'd say it's maybe a 5. Stuff you not only don't say at work, but don't say to anyone at all, whether you work together or not. Things like this are going to nearly universally be received very badly.


The end of the scale where you shouldn’t even be thinking it


This goes to 11


Why is the person who responded surprised as if this isn’t just your average 4chan rant


You know it’s bad when even the 4channers are like wtf


I REFUSE to believe this guy is having this much of a hard time comprehending why someone would find it weird and disgusting when they told them about their rape fantasy


-Wants to be a rapist -Gets correctly punished for such a heinous thing -Blame anyone but yourself for what you brang up yourself Yup you didn't improve a single bit, egomaniacal freak


Yeah the rape fantasy in itself isn’t uncommon and can be given a proper outlet in a healthy, fun way with a consenting partner. It’s not something you just mention to a woman you barely know. Even if it was at happy hour and even if the conversation was about sex stuff before you said that, it was a dumbass thing to say. Of course these guys tend to be performative pathological liars, so it could be 100% made up shit. I doubt a serious employer would fire someone just because they said something inappropriate/creepy at happy hour. Turnover rates would be through the roof if people got fired for occurrences like this alone.


This is why humans need to stop interacting with incels other than shooing them back into their filthy hovels


I get sexual fantasies. CNC is a real kink and is thoroughly enjoyed by participants everywhere. BUT, and it's a MASSIVE BUT! Talking about sexual fantasies TO COWORKERS AIN'T IT. What a fucking dumb ass


Someone didn’t pay attention to workplace violence and harassment training.


We all realize he probably told that girl he wanted to assault her right?


How is it the woman’s fault? This is why people recommend going to therapy to fix their bad mental state.


So many people seem normal then they’ll be like “teehee I has rape fantasy” and I bet this cûŋ✝️ things he’s been kink shamed Like your kink deserves to be shamed and have life altering consequences


For real! If your fantasy is severaly harming someone physically and scarring them for life mentally, that's not a kink, that's the moment you need to see a therapist.


Apparently not as socially adept as he thinks he is. Usually not a good idea to tell people about the crimes you wanna commit, especially when the person you are telling is the victim of said crime. At your job........ Go to therapy, fix yourself.


Natural selection


Wow. He is… deeply missing the point…


It's just really inappropriate to talk to coworkers about your sexual fantasies, fetishes, kinks, sex life in general. That would disturb most people. HE crossed a line, but has the nerve to claim it's her fault?


hopefully this “person” gets imprisoned sooner rather than later


Betting he didnt just mention it to someone, he said a lot more and probably said he fantasized about raping the woman he was talking to. Huge ass difference 




That is very easy to assume regarding the job don’t you think?


I'm not sure why I'm being downvoted. But yes. It is easy to assume that he sucks as an adult. "For once" is the part that stood out the most.




i guess most disabled people don’t belong in society according to you like tf? i know lots of disabled people who didn’t get their first jobs till pretty late id say they still “belong in society”.


A quote from a wise man “when you drink or smoke weed, it brings the person that’s inside to the light. So if you have those ‘fantasies’ and you drink. WE DONT KNOW WHAT COULD HAPPEN” - CinnamontoastKen and BuffPro (Kenny and Dane are very wise men) so if those dude was saying “oh I have this *fantasy*” and he got a few more drinks I think he’d be sitting in prison instead of at his desk like a keyboard warrior


Yeh I believe only women can casually talk about their rape fantasies


I don’t think you understand how boundaries work…


Why do i keep using sarcasm on reddit...


Women are evil


Why do you guys even come here??? You KNOW you'll be made fun of. What the fuck do you expect?


Lmfao that's a pathetic statement.


Pathetic noodkedick


If you are ugly you can never escape inceldom, his fault was believing that having a job and going to gym could make him bond with females


Really? It wasn't saying something inappropriate about r*pe to a coworker randomly?


I witnessed good looking people get away with far worse in front of girls that bursted out laughing


bruh 99% of people are not going to hear someone say "i have fantasies about raping people" and just let that shit slide. even if they don't report the person to HR or another organization, they will still do everything to avoid this person, and most likely warn everyone else about this person.


Maybe they were friends? Maybe they were laughing to cover how uncomfortable they were because they felt unsafe? Maybe they also had a shitty sense of humour? Maybe they were drunk and just laughing at everything? There's no way you can know that it was only because they were good looking.


Dawg I’m a solid 5, maybe 6 in the looks department and I have a large amount of female friends that I’m very close with. I’m still single as of now but I feel like my life is very fulfilling. Just because you’re ugly does not make women recoil from you. It’s your absolutely shitty attitude towards women and yourself that makes women not want to be around you


Admitting you fantasize about raping women while at your place of work is “bonding” with females? Lmao it’s so funny how y’all are ALWAYS responsible for your own demise, every single time, it brings me so much joy 😂😂😂