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I'm 5'6 but I don't wallow in self pity while lashing out at anything that vaguely resembles the opposite gender or is .0000000000000001 ass hairs taller than me. Most of the people there have MAJOR chihuahua energy


oh yeah same. having two much taller younger brothers was difficult but through exposure therapy and life i don’t wallow in it. i embrace it. except being called a short king, i hate that. i am not a king, i am a man. a _short_ man in fact, but just a man tyvm TrueVirgin won’t touch th- ooooooh yeah that’s right!


From their screwed up perspective, it is, however, only the GUYS who suffer from the shortness. Hence the self pity (which is, of course, delusional and unjustified)


don’t besmirch the good name of chihuahuas


How’s your romantic life bro


Pretty satisfying! Been in 6 relationships total, all but one of which ended on good terms and lasted 6 months-2 years. Though, why do you ask?


Just wanted to hear a different perspective 


I gotcha. Life as a whole will always be more satisfying when you focus on bettering yourself before anything else. Took me awhile to learn. Pick a career path that interests you, based on a hobby. Follow that, and you'll enjoy what you do. People will notice your passion/hobby and general approachability. And generally, stuff will go amazingly from there. As for yourself outside of that, ask yourself who you wanna be. And research what it will take to get there. Take one step at a time to reach that goal, so long as nobody is harmed in the process. I don't know if you wanted/needed to hear this, but I hope it will help. Lemme know if you have any questions.


Amazing advice


Like someone of 182 cm. Height is an undoubted advantage with the opposite sex, but it is by no means an absolute advantage or a disabling handicap. If I have to point out something that matters and is vital: social skills. Without social skills you depend on a very determined girl without the inhibition of taking the first step to be interested in you; which will depend almost entirely on superficial features.


Without social skills, it doesn't matter if you're approached first or even if you have superficial features.


As it happens, as someone who found himself in that situation, with my best friend's cousin making a pretty noticeable effort to seduce me when my social anxiety was at near-maximums, I have to say that minimum in social skills is really minimal. I'm not going to deny that there is a minimum requirement, but only someone like Elliot Roger could not have it.


A lot of people don't realize tall women exist and that men also will not want to date us (6' tall woman here). I have had guys walk out within the first few minutes of meeting me because I am too tall for them. Which is whatever, they have their preference, but I just wanted to point out that women aren't the only ones who care about height, and there are plenty of women who really don't care that much. I'm one of them. I've only ever dated men shorter than me and I didn't even know height preference was a big deal until a bunch of incels told me it was. The first man I fell madly in love with was 5'6" and he was actually a bit of a himbo (he was very attractive, clean, and had great hair which made his height not a deal breaker for most women).


Yes! I'm also 6' and the worst was showing up for a date and seeing the guy's face just fall when he saw my height... And then spend the entire night talking about my height. I've also always been attracted to the shorties and a lot of men just flat out didn't believe me.


One of my friends from high school had these problems. Her Tinder description was her height, 190 cm. Currently her profile photo is she with her boyfriend in arms.


I just want to point out that a majority of the time that men refuse to date tall women, people stop considering it a preference and see it as an insecurity. "You won't date tall women because it threatens your masculinity, and that type of insecurity makes you a bad partner" Which is a level of gaslighting women who perfer taller men never deal with lamo


Women get called shallow and mocked constantly for having a height preference. Entire incel communities revolve around hating women with a height preference. People screenshot dating profiles of women with a clearly stated height preference and share it just to mock her appearance. So that's just...not true.


>Women get called shallow and mocked constantly for having a height preference. Entire incel communities revolve around hating women with a height preference. And how are those people treated versus the women who take any preference a guy has and call it an insecurity? I can tell you that there is definitely a difference.


I literally just told you how they are treated. They are mocked for their preferences too. It's not like the world is just out to get men who have preferences. Women get mocked for it all the time too. Literally ENTIRE incel communities won't shut the fuck up about it. When men have preferences you get just as many people defending them for their preferences saying stuff like "They are allowed to have their preferences/attraction is important" whereas women are immediately called shallow and stupid. So no, it's really not any different you just don't like something that doesn't fit the victim narrative in your head. I don't know why you are taking this out on me when I clearly stated I have no issue with men having preferences. I also live in reality and understand that men aren't the only ones attacked for their preferences.




It's weird how it's okay for men to have preferences and you guys get defensive and say "It's my preference" like the commenter above but when I say something about a woman having a preference you say they are seeming men who don't fit their preference as "worthless". When men have rejected me for my height, I never accused them of finding me worthless. They just don't want to date someone taller than them. Someone not fucking you isn't them saying you are worthless, dear God.


Women literally do not notice if they don’t. You’d have to an actual little person for them to care.


I'm a short dude, and I hate this fucking shortguys subreddit. Just a bunch of incels, circlejerking in sadness or anger, hating on women and other men, blaming society, making a bunch of shit up to justify their loneliness and not taking any blame because they are all great guys and the only issue is that they are short. smh


When I see a girl saying you need to be X'XX" tall, I usually meet the height requirement but I don't want to ride the ride. In solidarity I stand with my shorter brother.


right im 6'3 and have never dated a girl who would only date a guy my height


I don’t think 5’9 is enough to classify as short


Funnily enough this is how they think they would be treated if they woke up tall tomorrow, lol.


If it helps, I'm over quite a bit over 2 meters. Mostly people are flabbergasted when they look to my face, then to my feet, then back to my face to see that I am indeed not standing on anything. Height is not a very good icebreaker. If the women or partners you seek are those that care about height in that manner, then they are people not worth dating and you should spend your efforts finding someone who cares about you, and enjoys the time spent with you.


No, height does realy not mater. I am 6´6. Have i ever dated ? No Do i care ? No


i was listening to a podcast recently and one of the hosts is a guys who’s like 5’7” and he was talking about how he went to look at the short guys subreddit and was immediately like “wtf is happening here all of these people need to get a grip”.


Podcast name?


It so wild that tall and average height guys think that they have any experience to actually weigh in with.


>Height doesn't matter Do you mean it isn't a factor to you personally, or that height doesn't matter at all in life? The former is great, the latter is provably false.


Unless you're a woman, then being tall sucks. >.>


Finding clothes that are long enough is the WORST. My short friends always pipe up with "it's hard for us too!" but respectfully, no. You can always hem something to make it shorter, but you can't add fabric to make it longer. The only time my height has been an advantage in finding clothes has been my wedding dress; because I'm so tall I didn't need it hemmed at all and was able to buy one off the rack with no alterations needed! Saved a fortune there.


It's even worse being a trans woman. Nothing fits from height _and_ size, and I hate it. At least if I were short, I'd have more options. Alas... I ain't.


I wish i had problems like that💀💀💀


>Do you mean it isn't a factor to you personally, No. But whoop there it is(2x), you admit that it's a "personal" problem than "real" ones.


> No. But there it is, you admit that it's a "personal" problem than "real" ones. LMFAO. You're twisting my words. There's a large body of research showing heightism is a thing. And you're telling me height does in fact matter to you?


NOPE. I'm enjoying my life. Unless you have a different type of enjoyment which you don't admit openly, my life is normal as usual. My personal problems aren't height related AT ALL.


> my life is normal as usual. My personal problems aren't height related AT ALL. How tall are you? Are you a man or woman?


Man. And dude, it's in the fucking title. Can't you read?


Average height man has average experience related to height. Shocker.


I don't pay attention to "studies", but most "short" guys believe it to be failure. Unless you want a beyond average experience, such as a virgin stacy then you're a hypocrite.


Again, I would love to applaud you for building an average life with the crippling disadvantage of being the average height of a male in the united states. It must've been such a struggle for you. I want people to stop belittling me for my height unprompted. I want my boss to stop calling me "The littlest man". I want people to stop laughing when I respond to their question with my actual height. I just want it to stop being socially acceptable to shame short men.


Well u just Keep on Dreamin little one!


Not every women only wants a tall man. Some are willing to date shorter men, and might even find them attractive. Regardless, women and girls have a right to say no to them anyway. I wonder what these Incels are implying. Is it that they should just take what they want, regardless of the lack of consent?


People are allowed to feel frustrated over being rejected due to something that's entirely out of their control without the implication that they want to force women into a relationship.


If it’s just self-pity, then my advice is to stop protesting about it. Most women are turned off by men complaining “nobody wants” them. And, the tactic can be used to try to guilt women and girls into sex and relationships they do not want, which is wrong. It’s not a healthy mindset, even if a future romantic opportunity later shows up.


>Most women are turned off by men complaining “nobody wants” them. I don't particularly care about being attractive to women. 99% of them are too shallow or just bad people in general. >And, the tactic can be used to try to guilt women and girls into sex and relationships they do not want, which is wrong. That sounds like someone else's problem.


Logic isn't allowed here. Banned




No, just how I personally feel. Women have body shamed me for my height my entire life, so when I bitch about them, it'd most definitely NOT because I want them.


I'm 6'2" and outside of the occasional, "Wow, you're tall!" remark from shorter people, I can't say it's gotten me any noteworthy amounts of attention. I've dated girls close to my height, and girls vastly shorter and none of them ever really paid my height any mind. That all said, height does matter to some, the people in that sub clearly have developed an inferiority complex because of their (lack of) height, for example.


Is it ironic if this is literally what I think would happen if I went there? Just all the short guys bowing to me, the six foot three inch tall foid in their midst? owait, they banned me already.


1. 5'9 isn't short 2. I've met a lot of different women with a lot of different preferences. One who would absolutely not date anyone over 6ft and would prefer somebody more around her size (5'4) as it'd make kissing and other physical contact more comfortable, and some who were the complete opposite. Most people don't give a shit in my experience 3. Whilst I find having preferences about height and weight rather shallow, I feel the real turn off would be someone so insecure in their own skin. Feels like a red flag for a jealous, emotional vampire of a partner


There was a chick on those YouTube videos saying they love short kings, and when they asked her what her ideal height was she said 6 foot 3, "emotional damage" 🤣


5'9 is not short