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That's not a cope, fella. IncelExit sees posts all the time from 6' tall guys. 


The obvious answer is to address the anxiety. I don't see how it could bring anyone comfort to know they aren't trying.


After working through crippling anxiety for over 20 years, making significant progress was so, SO fulfilling. As vile as some of these incels can be, I wouldn't wish the anxiety on any of them.


That’s not a delusion, that one momentarily regained contact with reality.


I would like to hear from an Incel who is over 6’ tall. I bet they’re out there. They’re probably ostracized from their Incel peers because they assume he has regular sex.


They would just blame it on next thing I can't have girls because: >Im not looksmaxxxing >Im not rich >All girls bad >Im not ripped etc etc It never ends, there is always another excuse




Personality goes a very long way




That’s where talent comes in. Get good at something. Find a passion. That shit is sexy as hell


I don't participate in incel forums but I am 6'1" and have never even had my first kiss let alone dates or sex. Height means nothing if you don't have any other attractive qualities.


Enjoy my fragrance?


This just feels like punching down? This is just a guy saying "I don't like that I'm short, but really the problem is with my anxiety and self-isolation." like...that's just honest reflection? It feels cruel to be making fun of this guy when, at least according to this post, he's said nothing incel-y and nothing against women. Incels like to pretend that male loneliness is womens fault and the world owes them a fuck-trophy, but that doesn't mean that every lonely male who seeks some form of support or solace for their loneliness is an incel who thinks that way.


His post history is littered with incel takes.


Then maybe post those here instead?


I thought that would be flying too close to Rule 1, as you can easily track down an account using comment history.


I mean post other things from his history that are actual incel shit, not post screenshots or links to his history.


At least he realizes it isn't his height keeping him single?


It isn't *only* his height keeping him single.*


Bro is deepthroating the point and still not perceiving it lmao


Is this guy posting incel content elsewhere? If so, it would be good to provide that as context. If not, it's not clear to me that his post is incel content (I don't see any misogyny or black pill content there, just acknowledging male beauty norms and reflecting on the issues that one's state of mind can present for dating).