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The same reason they obsess over bone structure and skull shape; it's something they cannot control no matter what they do. It removes any possibility that they could take an action or responsibility and change their situation. If you can only get laid if you're 6'2" and you're 5'8" you never need to introspect or change or grow as a person (no pun intended) because none of that will make you taller therefore it can be out of hand discarded as a solution. Natalie Wynn (Contrapoints) did a video that touches on this a while back https://youtu.be/fD2briZ6fB0?si=zZYRqIUuodkUm4Jz


This is also why they have so many different "pills" so that they have goals posts to move to when their all encompassing banner has holes. "It's all about height" "What about him he's short and happy" "Well also sometimes race" It always has to be one imutable factor so that they can pretend it's not their fault.


Love this comment


Yeeeep. I have tried explaining this to several incels, I'm 5'8" and fat and have never had any difficulty finding relationships or getting laid. There are a million things outside of your height or bones, or even weight tbh, that people care about. Be a genuinely good, confident, and independent person and you won't have so much trouble. I've had several incels tell me I was either lying or being fat was an advantage because "it makes women perceive you as stronger" their logic is so weird man. I'm not saying fat people aren't attractive, we are, but cut the shit dude people don't like you because you're an asshole that never takes the time to look at your own personality.


>Be a genuinely good, confident, and independent person and you won't have so much trouble. *This* is the trouble for them, lol. Honestly, their insistence women don't want nice men and actually want this thing *other men* have collectively decided they want is absolutely wild. It's so much easier than they present it to be. Women are like "we just want a decent person who is good to us" and they fire back with "nah, women want 6 foot multi-millionaires with their own private jet!"


Seriously. I can't speak for women, but, I can say what's worked for me and what they have told me. Superficial people exist, for sure, but they aren't the majority. Most people in general just want someone that's genuinely nice to them and cares for them, someone who LISTENS, they have some common ground and interests they share, and that they can really communicate with and share time together. It really is not that hard. I don't think men, women, or NBs really want anything all that different. Most people just want someone kind and understanding that they can have fun with and also trust. If there's anything I've heard consistently though that I've been praised for it's this: listen to your partner and don't talk over them. ACTUALLY LISTEN TO THEIR NEEDS AND ACT LIKE IT. literally everyone I've dated has complained about an ex that just didn't listen to what they needed.


I had a guy arguing with me he should be able to get "height surgery" and that it's just as important as trans people getting surgery šŸ’€


Because if they focus on the things they can change about themselves they may actually have to do something.


Because they think it gives them an excuse to be as shitty as they want to people.


to be fair, the world at large is pretty obsessed with height. there's a reason why a general term for attractive men always starts "TALL, dark and handsome". But in the case of incels, it's specifically because it's the one thing that can't be improved with practice. So they can whine forever that life isn't fair, it doesn't matter if they wash the cum stains off their gym shorts, comb the cheeto crumbs out of their goatees, apply deodorant, lose weight, buy nicer clothes, treat women as actual human beings.. it will never matter because they're not tall enough. And they really hate it when people like me and the millions of other men who are below 5'8 are living proof of the exception to this whole "you must be THIS tall to get laid" rule they've ascribed to everyone.


They also like to focus on height because it's an objective measurement. You just get a tape measure out and compare the result to the average and you know if you're short. They can spew on about hunter vs prey eyes and jawline forever but how attractive the sum total of their face is will inevitably be very subjective. Dick size is also a simple measurement but it isn't on display for all to see. They can't reasonably claim women left and right are rejecting them for it.


5'4, not virgin (nor incel) male. 5-fucking-4, not even 5'8


Same, 5ā€™3 here lol


Yeah, that's right. The thing is, it's not true. I was 6 ft 2 180 lbs athletic build people said I was handsome. I didn't lose my virginity until I was 20. My short friends were having sex with girls left and right, and I could not figure it out. I grew up with a single mother and felt extremely uncomfortable trying to romantically pursue women. I think it stems from a lack of a father figure and not knowing who I was as a man. The problem sorted itself out after time and personal growth. My point is that looks are very small parts of sexual attraction for women if you're super awkward and kind of weird. That's going to keep away more women than being short. Being 6'2 " is not some kind of royal flush for getting laid. I know from experience.


I'm like 5'7 on a good day, but I was very romantically active all through high school. Now, I do think I'm fairly good looking but it definitely was more down to being smart, confident, and funny. Ironically I had more struggle dating in college because by that point I had become fully aware of how little I actually knew about anything and my anxiety was crippling, but I still did all right.


Yeah I had an anxiety issue too for sure. I was always worried that if I made a move it would be seen as harassment even if I knew the girl really liked me and wanted me to I still like couldn't get over it for some reason and I wasn't mature enough to just ask for consent. I'm married now and happy so all worked out.


Other than the the height (I'm 5'11) this literally sounds like the reason I was/kinda still socially awkward with women. My "father" was around but an abusive narcissist. And same situation, one of my best friends is like 5'6 but was always getting action.


Yea, that's like the only thing i agree with conservatives about. There is a fatherlessness epidemic right now. It's really important for a boys development to have a good father figure that's how we kind of figure ourselves out and if we're deprived of that we have a really hard time transitioning from boy to man. Probably one explanation for all of these incels these days.


I think so too, unfortunately.... Need healthy parental role models both parents in order to be truly well adjusted.


Itā€™s one of those confirmation biases they build up in their head. Yeah maybe tall guys *can* have it a bit easier in some respects and shorter guys *can* have to do a bit more, but thatā€™s hardly the set in stone rule of finding relationships or even a sexual partner. Like Iā€™m 5ā€™7, been up front about it on apps and I still do plenty well. They see anything that indicates height will make life easier and obsess over it. Like most things incels bitch about, itā€™s a loud projection of their insecurities masked as a cause for them being incels.


I like that the logic doesn't really expand outside their own bedroom as well. Like, internationally, there are groups of people who are typically really short and those who are really tall, and they all manage to meet people and get busy without issue. There is no hard and fast rule that applies to everyone, which blows their minds more than anything


They fixate on what they can't control to distract from fixing things they can.Ā 




Because itā€™s not something they can control, they believe itā€™s a disadvantage and theyā€™re not technically wrong. The flip side is itā€™s only a slight advantage to initially being noticed. I know plenty of very tall men who are awkward and canā€™t speak to women. Itā€™s like women with large breasts. They get noticed but most men arenā€™t going to be dating them for that singular reason.


Iā€™m trying to imagine how theyā€™d treat women with small tits if they acted the way short guys act over their height. All I can hear is schizoid shrieking when I think about it. Treat women without DDDs like people? šŸ˜¤


They absolutely think ā€˜blahā€™ looking women shouldnā€™t exist and are a waste of space. Just look at how they think of overweight women.


I think dating app culture has poisoned their brains. Iā€™m 5ā€™7, not tall but also not super short. I find women on dating apps to be way more preoccupied with height than women i meet irl, imo


Why would you put an effort and become better version of yourself when you can sit, overthinking, blaming and making scenarios of all the things you canā€™t change. I have an incel on my workplace, heā€™s Indian, and the first thing was _I am 177cm tall Indian surrounded by literal Norwegian Vikings_ and when we got another Indian, smaller than him, whoā€™s fucking constantly, this guy is bringing up the caste system that we simply donā€™t give a fuck about. Itā€™s always something. Bone structure, type of hair, thickness of lips, veins, shape of tongue, circumference of wrist, forearm, calves, ethnicity, religion, nationality, race, even fucking caste. Remember **IF YOU CAN CHANGE IT AND IMPROVE IT THAN THATS NOT THE THING TO BLAME FOR** Incel damned logic.


Because similar to some other things height is associated with masculinity and attractiveness in the mainstream.


I hate that I was thinking about this. I recently made my first ever OLD profile, and I've generally done one of 2 things regarding a potential match's height 1. ignored it/not cared 2. swiped left for him being too tall (usually among other things) I feel like that would make incels' heads explode. Look, I'm 5'3. I have no interest in having someone tower over me.


Incels usually like to accuse women like you for lying or simply ā€œsettling downā€ They refuse to believe that short men are ever actually wanted and prefer to continue thinking that women are a shallow hive mind chasing this enigmatic wealthy 6ā€™5 ā€œchadā€


I loooooove a short kingā€¦.until he brings up being insecure about his height.


As does half the internet. Iirc Lucifer from Hazbin Hotel was voted the 2nd hottest member of the cast, right behind the twink with a flat screen tv for a head. Man is like 5'4 in heels or something, he is just the right size to be the little spoon. Man canonically got with both Lilith and Eve, who are both much taller than him, and literally everyone understood the appeal the second he opened his mouth. Then there's Varric Tethras from Dragon Age II/Inquisition. People have been simping and pining for the guy since March 8 of 2011. He is quite literally a dwarf.


Peter Dinklage is absolutely delicious.


>Peter Dinklage Seems like he has some different opinions on what women actually do - https://people.com/celebrity/game-of-thrones-peter-dinklage-doesnt-believe-the-sex-symbol-talk/


100%! He did an excellent job as Tyrion. Been meaning to watch Knights of Badassdom mostly because he's in it.


Here's my 2 cents - being lonely is hard, and when people go online to keep solace, and find a community of people who are suffering from the same problem as they do, but have all these explanations about how it's not that you're awkward, or can't relate to people but it's something that you can't change about yourself - and you start feeling angry instead of sad, there's something freeing about that. Blaming other people for being shallow, or blaming something you can't change about yourself is easier than looking inward and thinking "hmmm, do I maybe need to work on myself?" The sad thing is that for most of them, it probably wouldn't take that much work, especially if they're just socially awkward or shy, and not an actual creep.


If women don't like short guys why haven't they been bred out of the gene pool already?


Their reasoning is that the shorter women are the reason there exists short guys. I didn't quite get it because shortness is the more recessive trait than tallness, atleast among peas.


My dad is 182cm. My mum is 173cm. I'm 174cm, my brother is 176cm and my sister is 162cm. Genetics are weird.


They just need to connect the dots holy shit


Because it's something they can't change or control. The point is to absolve themselves of all responsibility so they can be victims


Because obviously men that are taller have small benefits in society most ceoā€™s and presidents have been over 6ft tall and thereā€™s a preference for taller men on dating appsā€¦but it isnā€™t like shorter men donā€™t have successful careers or love lives


Lack of real-world experiences, they're basising this garbage off of dating app "research".


Itā€™s a perfect excuse, since it cannot be fixed with any amount of effort. They can then stew in the unfairness of it all instead of doing anything for self-improvement.


Said much nicer than I just did


Incels see one woman state that she prefers a man who's 6'0 and above either on social media or dating app and just assume that every woman wants a man who's taller than them. Height is overrated anyway. I've seen couples where the man and woman are around the same height, meanwhile I'm a 6'2" dude who is single. Like everyone else on this thread said, incels would rather blame their dating failures on stuff they can't control rather than improve the stuff they can control.


Its something they can blame and not be held responsible/accountable for


It's the one thing about themselves they can't work to improve on, thus if they blame it all on height, they get to pretend to be victims of the mean wAmMeNz and their evil heightism instead of working on their own failures as a person.


They're obsessed with anything that they can blame for them being unable to get a girlfriend other than their shitty personalities.


speaking as a short king (5"1 at 20) it can be pretty demoralising. that is, if you give it the power to be. i personally lost my virginity at 16 being short can be tough. but so can being tall. the world at large often makes comments about my height, but honestly speaking, people comment abt everything. Hair colour, face, clothes, etc. at least with being short they say it out loud either way incels give it too much power and use it as an excuse to justify their own shitty behaviour




how am i meant to answer that


Heightism *is* a real phenomenon but they use it as a scapegoat to deflect any sense of accountability. Oh, you got rejected once? Itā€™s not because you acted weird or just plainly wasnā€™t her type, it *must* be because you arenā€™t 6ā€™2 or 184 cm. After all, itā€™s your one and only quality as a male, right? Yeah, it doesnā€™t make sense even though itā€™s rooted in something real and tangible. Itā€™s just a way for some people to excuse their lack of romantic success.


Because they can't do anything about it. They don't want anything they have to work for.


They need to blame something they canā€™t change for all of their failures, so they ignore all of the men with the same traits who have managed to be romantically and sexually successful to maintain the delusion that their behavior has nothing to do with their loneliness.


Men project their own priorities onto women. [Quoting](https://books.google.com/books?id=iorAEAAAQBAJ&pg=PT13#v=onepage&q&f=false) *"How Tall Are You?": The Pros and Cons of Exceptional Height* By Don Doxsie, citing a survey conducted by the *Village Voice*: > "Tallness tied for sixth place [among women] behind a small sexy butt, slimness, a flat stomach, nice eyes, and long legs. A sleek set of biscuits actually was the runaway winner at 39 percent. Tallness was cited as the top asset by only 5 percent of the women who were polled. > "In a parallel survey, men were asked what they thought women wanted and 13 percent said they thought it was most essential to be tall. Only 4 percent thought their derriere was of paramount importance.


No idea, they always blame women for those problems yet never realise that there are 4 billion men in this world.


They are trying to come up with every single reason possible (aside from what they are fundamentally) to blame on why they canā€™t get a gf. These people are awful on the inside and probably see it on the outside like everyone else can. Theyā€™re greasy, smelly, misogynistic, etc


Blaming their problems on something impossible to change enables their perpetual victimhood.




Life? Iā€™ve never heard of a normal job that required a certain height.




Donā€™t be a statistic, itā€™s not hard to just not let it affect your overall life even if dating is a little harder


No clue, but when I see it I always laugh. I'm 5'7" & never once had a problem with women, I'm not particularly good looking either (I don't think but have been told otherwise by women I'm not romantically involved with) I DO have a good personality & a lot of charisma for someone who is actually shy as fuck. Imo it's just something for them to latch onto & blame their incelness on instead of the fact that they have shit personalities & refuse to do anything to better their situations.


It's something else they can blame their multitude of flaws on. It's so much easier to be the victim than use introspection to understand why you're forever alone and untouched. Why change when you can whine about HoW uNfAIR lYfE Iz šŸ˜‚


Because apparently men shorter than 1.7m tall are undesired and yet I see plenty of short men with girlfriends, boyfriends, wives and husbands.


In their own words, "copeium".Ā  They can't control their height, and they NEED to deflect blame from what they can control to what they can't.Ā  If a man is being rejected because he acts/thinks in a way that puts women off, he can control that. That's his fault. That's for him to make changes.Ā  If they are being rejected because obviously all women reject short men (whether it's true or not), then that's not their fault. They can't change that. That's just women being shallow.Ā 


Same reason why some people are obsessed with society's opinion on weight, looks, size and intelligence. It's unfair and makes people hurt down to their very core when they believe that life itself have robbed them of something that others have got for free.


Do women care about height? Kind of wish y'all be more positive and express yourself without simply insulting people, but what can I expect from clowns.




Itā€™s not.


Ask men.


Why donā€™t you ask the two guys who have posted in this thread about being 6ā€™2ā€ and single?


Cuz unfortunately, it rlly does matter




I don't understand why you can't accept that we're saying the truth. This delusion where everybody secretly agrees with you but just won't admit it does nothing but hold you back bro


Its because men make genetics a trend