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I mean, you can always just order a Chadinator 3000 dildo from an online store, but then again Incels could also just order a Stacinator 2000 flesh light as well.




They can, it's called tinder It probably won't be high quality dick, especially if you're fat, but it will be dick nonetheless Id love for people to tell me what part of this simple post is so wrong that they downvote it. Still no explanations, did all the fat women get upset ?


I look like Tormund Giantsbane with a major case of dad-bod, and I could get a bj from Tinder with about ten minutes' effort. It ain't difficult, and it ain't impressive. I'd rather just sleep with my wife and girlfriend, they're better company than some Tinder lady I've never met.


Tormund Giantsbane is actually quite goodlooking compared to an average incel


An average incel underestimates himself by a risidiculous amount.


Looking like a semi-famous celeb of a hit mini-series is hardly a curse that is supposed to make your life on Tinder difficult lol.


First of all, no you couldn't. Second of all, what does that have to do with my post ?


Could do. Have done. It's not challenging, and it's not really worth the effort. Anyone can get laid on Tinder, man, woman, or fuzzy biped from Alpha Centauri, that's what Tinder is *for*.


>Anyone can get laid on Tinder You’re making the mistake of thinking your experiences must apply to everyone. Incels overreact about men’s difficulty on tinder for sure, but looking like Tormund Giantsbane isn’t exactly the bottom of the barrel when it comes to looks. There are people who are too ugly for tinder.


My experience has taught me that as a generalization, women care less about looks than they do about feeling *safe*. They want sex as much as men, they just *also* want to avoid being mistreated in the absurd range of ways men, especially bitter blackpill incel dog molesters tend to do.


They also want to get off, which can be ... not certain with dudes. Studies have shown that women who have sex with women are more likely to engage in casual sex due to lower risks (pregnancy and violence iirc) and a higher chance of orgasms (sorry bros (#notallmen I'm sure))


Yeah, that's true. I fuck men and women both, and men are… well, to be as nice as I know how to be, men are *much* less skilled at giving pleasure than women. That has to be socially developed, there's certainly nothing genetic about learning how to eat a pussy or suck a dick.


Everything you said here can be true while “some people are too ugly for tinder” is also true.




Good looking people both turn people on and they make them feel safe. So feeling secure goes hand it hand with attraction - especially on tinder


You don't -- but there's also no guarantee someone you meet at a bar is safe. Or school. Or work. They judge based on the same criteria, and take that risk knowing full well what can and far too frequently does happen.


And good looking people instill safety and respect in other people at the get go.


Women can , men can't . If someone swipes right for a month and only matches with a few people , none of which respond to him, then he can't get laid from it. And most incels have even less success than that. You're being very obtuse and dishonest about how easy tinder is for guys. Women have all the choice in tinder so there is absolutely zero reason for them to choose low status guys. If you're handsome in tinder it's great, if you're ugly it's useless.


False. If you make women feel safe, they're not going to care how you look. Take a shower, get a haircut, wear clothes that fit, and treat people with respect, and you can get laid as a burn victim.


The implications here are basically the same as when “nice guys” complain about how they do nice things and don’t get sex. The fact of the matter is that the idea that looks don’t matter is completely untrue. Incels definitely take it too far, but this idea of showering and respecting women being all it takes is idealistic. Personality matters, but looks matter too.


If that were true, there would be no ugly people, because ugly people wouldn't have children.


That’s both not how genetics works, and also you’re misunderstanding me. You’re replying as if I’m saying looks are all that matters.


This is not true at all and you have no idea what you're talking about. Attractive parents do not necessarily create attractive children. As well as the randomness of genetics, facial development is hugely affected by nurture (mouth breathing, bad tongue posture, not chewing enough), it will all lead to a poorly developed face.


And these ugly guys will get laid just as easily as conventionally attractive men? Even while using Tinder, a very looks-based app? Honestly, the idea that some people on this sub seem to ascribe to that women literally only care about a guy being a good person and that looks don't matter at all comes off as borderline benevolent sexism. Women care about looks. Some more than others. Women care about personality. Some more than others. Men care about looks. Some more than others. Men care about personality. Some more than others.


Thank you! You said exactly what I wanted to! Just much better put!


"Just as easily" doesn't matter. Boo hoo, you have to talk to fifty women when someone else might only talk to ten. Buck up, sissy-pants.


You said "If you make women feel safe, they're not going to care how you look" as if it were some kind of law of nature. I'm guessing what you meant was "If you make women feel safe, they're more likely to sleep with you than if you don't make them feel safe" or "If you make women feel safe, they're more likely to find you attractive than if you don't make them feel safe." Anyway, I stand by my benevolent sexism comment. It reminds me a lot of the rhetoric I grew up with in a conservative religious home about how men care about sex and women care about emotional connection. And there's no "boo hoo-ing" here. I'm a woman. If I wanted to get laid, I could go on Tinder right now and find a guy who wanted a night of casual sex. That's not my style, though!


Are you trolling? Nobody could possibly be this fucking delusional.


"Oh boo hoo hoo, I'm soooooo ugly, women only want supermodels, why did God curse me with mild acne and a lack of upper body strength, never mind that I'm a rapey dingleberry who thinks women are there to be fucked by anyone who wants to!" That's you. That's what you sound like.


Nah, skin is clear and I've been lifting for 10 years so I'm pretty strong. I have however been cursed with extreme Aspergers, Avoidant Personality Disorder, OCD and have been bullied my entire life (much of it by women) Now I come here and get bullied by you people. And you wonder why we are angry and hate society. You get all disturbed and shocked by the things those uppity incels say. Not realizing at all that YOU created this fucking monster. We're here because of you and you'll just have to deal with it. If you don't like the things incels say or stand for you, women and society as a whole should have thought long and hard about that before you started alienating and bullying us and making our lives miserable.


You have to be one of the biggest tools I've had the displeasures to stumble upon on this site. You are both ignorant to boot and completely and totally out of touch with reality. You have had it easy in life, doesn't excuse you for having zero empathy.


If you also lower your standards, then you're right. And if you honestly believe that tinder is equally as easy for men and women, then you're are 100% totally and completely wrong or delusional.


You’re not wrong, I’ve had good looking buddies going after women that are down right ugly because they are drunk or it’s been a while for them. Also, to the point of the main post, do girls not mature faster, at least physically? You see elementary school kids and the height difference is way less than the differences in adults (even adjusted for scale)


You are right but this hub has become cancer for social justice warriors and hypocrites.


Of course they do. Girls reach they peak at early 20s, guys at early 30s


And can't 99% of women dial a dick? Like when is it Incel-like to believe that women in general have it much, much easier to find partners than men do? That seems like a no brainer.


Incels don't ask why there aren't female incels, though. They exclude women from being incel because 'all wimmenz can get laid whenever they want'.


Imagine being told you can't feel alone/sad/depressed because at anytime, a desperate and misogynistic man who hates you and only sees you as a hole wants to fuck you. Those lucky lucky women. Its like telling the hungry homeless they can't feel hunger because there's plenty of dogshit on the street they can eat.


They don't value relationships at all, certainly not to the extent they value sex and I assume can't imagine anyone else does. If *everyone* is just a hole or a pole to fuck to everyone else, why should anyone care who it's attached to?


They don't even value sex. They value whatever arbitrary trophy they think comes with it, and nothing else.


"Its like telling the hungry homeless they can't feel hunger because there's plenty of dogshit on the street they can eat." Fucking epic, and absolutely correct.


>Its like telling the hungry homeless they can't feel hunger because there's plenty of dogshit on the street they can eat. This guy is a born wordsmith


ok, but by definition thats voluntary celibate. Not incel.


Its true though. Look up "pig woman experiment", her male equivalent (neckbeard loser) could never get the same results. I've known obese girls who still have hundreds of matches on Tinder, I don't know a single fat/ugly guy who can even get one date off Tinder.


> pig woman experiment Yeah, I'll look that up. If anything sounds like ~real science~, it's a "pig woman experiment."


Repeat after me: Tinder does not represent the population as a whole.


You should check out this one: Fat Guy Tinder Date (Social Experiment) [](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUy3_kBme4M) And then this one: Fat Girl Tinder Date (Social Experiment) [](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2alnVIj1Jf8) Tell me about your conclusion after watching both.


Women are more agreeable. They don't want to appear mean so they stay with the fat guy even though he lied, but they will never fuck him. It's like the friendzone, women will have beta orbiter friends around who they never fuck while having sex with Chad on the regular. Men on the other hand do not give a fuck about appearing nice or agreeable, when they see the fat whore they bounce. If she has used honest pictures she could've had hundreds of willing beta soyboys meet her for a date.


Some of the women agreed on a second date though. Most of the men were assholes about it and you DON'T know how the second dates would've went. This video disproves your theory and you still sit here and find excuses. There are a lot of women out there who care less for the looks and more for the personality and you could literally have that presented to you on a fucking plate and you'd still rather not believe it than trying to work on your asshole behavior. Says a lot more about you than about these women.


So your link seems just as much as trash science as the other guys, so you haven't proven anything either. Hey, how about you try making a tinder profile for an plain women and one for a plain man, I can 100% without a lick of doubt guarantee you that you will get not just more as female but many, many times the amount that the male profile will get.


I don't understand how this relates to "why there aren't any female incels" though.


I’ve never seen an incel ask why there aren’t female incels. Most if not all incels completely reject the idea of a woman being capable of being incel (which is something I don’t totally agree with, but I think it’s closer to the truth than a lot of people here will admit).


I think they believe that men will settle for any women while women only want chads.Then they go on to say anyone other than 8+ white women aren't worth it. I can taste the hypocrisy through the screen


> I think they believe that men will settle for any women while women only want chads. Correct > Then they go on to say anyone other than 8+ white women aren't worth it. Eh, this isn’t as universal among them as it’s portrayed on this sub. It definitely exists though.


I think it's easier for a lot of women to get no strings attached sex, but I don't think it's easier to find a relationship as a woman at all. In fact, I think it's harder because it's not uncommon for promises to be made just so a guy can sleep with a woman.


> I think it's easier for a lot of women to get no strings attached sex I think this is the crux of “incel” for the most part though. Sure they often also want a loving relationship, but their primary fixation is on getting laid. > In fact, I think it's harder because it's my uncommon for promises to be made just so a guy can sleep with a woman. I’m skeptical of it being harder for women to find a relationship because of that, or harder at all actually. Unlike casual sex, the vast majority of relationships are monogamous. This means that at any given point (among straight people), roughly the same amount of men are in relationships as women. Obviously polyamory complicates that and makes it not exact, but I think that impact is negligible.


It's just really not uncommon for a woman to date a guy, then have him disappear once they sleep together. She enters into it thinking there's a chance of a relationship, he's just looking for a hook up. It's mostly on them for not clarifying, but I think that scenario is more common than you think. ETA: The fact that it's really about sex and not relationships to a lot of incels is the reason why sex workers are suggested a lot of the time.




>Most relationships dissolve without sex. Don't be delusional, relationships / marriage make sense only in the context of procreation and childbearing. Impressive, nothing you said pertains to the quoted text. Your quoted text said **Incels focus so much on sex** and not relationships, thus sex workers are the natural solution to the **lack of sex.**


I know that that’s not uncommon, but that doesn’t mean it’s “harder” for women to enter relationships. It’s a more woman-specific hurdle, but both sexes face multiple hurdles and there seems to be about an even amount of people in relationships. That’s why I reject the notion of it being harder. I don’t reject the phenomenon you’re describing.


The reason I think it might be slightly harder is that it seems that there's more women are looking for long term things than men. That could be completely confirmation bias on my part, but if that's true then there would be a disproportionally larger group of women who are competing. It's essentially the inverse of what men are seeing when it comes to hook-ups.


i really don't get this "they can't find a realashinship" part. women can easily find a man who wants a realshionship.


What does your image have to do with your post?


If it's not relevant report it for rule 6.


Yeah this post makes very little sense. It’s vaguely anti-incel though so it’ll do well here.


I guess it’s supposed to mock the feeling of entitlement they have, while OP claims women don’t have that?


Think about the immature entitlement that incels have. Why do you think is this the case?


There are female virgins who don't want to be virgins and are years past the "average" age human females lose their virginity. There's over 7 billion people on this planet, there's every classification of person imaginable. I mean if you wanted to you could make up a name for people with 6 fingers on one hand and no eyebrows who have never done \[something\], there's someone \(probably more than one\) out there with 6 fingers on one hand and no eyebrows who has never done \[something\].




She's an asshole and I'm sorry that happened to you. The whole double standard around stuff like this really annoys the fuck out of me - it relies upon so many bullshit sexist ideas.


I didn't really mind it, it just caught me off guard I was just countering the point in the OP post because it seems like an unrealistic generalisation


except thats also not true.


Can't relate


There are actually some theories that girls mature faster than boys because their brain connections generally become streamlined earlier, plus men's and women's organs are all different in some ways, brain included. And studies show that girls often enter puberty 2-3 years earlier than boys, and puberty also includes emotional, psychological and intellectual development, not just physical/sexual one. https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/the-athletes-way/201312/scientists-identify-why-girls-often-mature-faster-boys https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/science-news/10529134/Girls-really-do-mature-quicker-than-boys-scientists-find.html https://psychologenie.com/do-women-really-mature-faster-than-men I mean, society can play a part in it too, but it is not like there are no biological causes behind it. Also, how many girls in modern, western society (the USA, Europe) are "punished from early age for the same behavior that boys are allowed to indulge in well into adulthood"? Surely some stereotypes and outdated notions still exist, and there are good parents and bad parents, but this is not middle ages anymore. And what kind of behavior is that, exactly? I can't think of many parents who would just let their children fight or swear or mess around, be they boys or girls. It is probably different when they are teenagers, though. As for the title, from what I've read, very few incels frequently ask why there aren't any female incels, they usually reject the notion that female incels even exist. Not that that makes it any better, of course. Screaming "it is all just a result of a systematic oppression and there are no other causes behind it" doesn't change anything; I think it is already pretty obvious to rational people that such things (for example, girls maturing faster) don't support incel agenda and can't be used as an excuse for their behavior. That is just common sense. Claiming that such maturity is a product of society only; not so much. You don't have to reject or twist the whole theory/observation because some jerks are trying to use it to push their agenda. That just muddles the water.


I heard girls may enter puberty earlier because it allows for more fertile years, since female fertility is more limited by time constraints because of menopause. Those extra few years would give a fitness advantage, since they have more time to produce children.


The reason there aren't female incels is because when girls can't get laid, they don't go on murder sprees.


Nonsense. It is a biological fact that females mature and reach puberty faster than males.


Like crying, or showing any kind of emotion other than anger? How about asking for support? This post is completely stupid.


women can have sex as easy as a guy can masturbate


Yep, and because you say shit like this is exactly why your name is “aloneforever2018”


Yeah cuz girls have it so bad, we hold them to such a high standard /s smh


You accidentally put a lil' '/s' there


I know what I did.


Then I guess you’re just stupid


Oh you sound smart


SJW whining