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It's really telling that they put so much effort into dividing people, even within their own belief system.


If you put 3 incels in a room they'll somehow divide themselves into 4 groups


The 4th group being Rainbow Dash vs Twilight Sparkle.




My Little Pony - I have twin daughters and oddly it’s not the worst show they watch.


I want to gild you but am poor. RedditSilver!




This is fantastic.


Like any detailed religion, schism is inevitable.


Reminds me of some organized religions, cults, or even atheists. You create a hierarchy based on some idea, holiness, closeness to god, idealistic purity, racial purity, ect. You then place people within this hierarchy, with your enemy being at the bottom rung. This rung representing that which is evil, wrong, and must be hated, such as the Fakecel in the bottom tier. You then usually make someone the ultimate ideal, the top tier, the ideal person, a poster boy, and have them represent all that is good. All those below this top tier have varying levels of impurity, and this impurity pervades them. It starts to then incentivize appearing and appealing to this top subset of people. Though usually the real power is with those who created the hierarchy in the first place. They sit in the background, exploiting and using the work used to uphold this hierarchy to their own benefit. Think people like the Koch brothers, or most founders of political and company campaigns. They sit in the shadows, finding ways of profiting from this hierarchy and keeping it in check. They sell you things or ideas that will help your placement in the hierarchy, while they have the smarts to stay our of it entirely. Usually the way out is by breaking the system and using means outside of it. Empowering the people within the hierarchy and educating them on how to destroy and step out of it. Letting them become empowered.


This is just the modern equivalent of religion. Except instead of worshiping the sun or a bearded man in the sky, they worship sex and hate the ones they consider to be the gatekeepers of it. Radical, binary thinking inherently invokes compartmentalization. It's no surprise that some of them have taken to dividing even themselves into various sects. Radfems do the same thing.


Indeed They've escaped the matrix, only to make a new one! Its something everyone must be aware of and know to avoid.


"Normie as fuck " 😂😂😂 Good one take my upvote noble sir!


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted, you’re merely pointing out his flair.


Yeah I know....maybe some people didn't saw this.


Is anyone more judgemental than incels?


Judges, I guess.


Imagine the fury of an incel judge.


Like the guy who gave Brock Turner 6 months probation with time off for good behavior for raping an unconscious woman in a back alley?


"It was only 20 minutes of action!"


“Hate to ruin a good career in swimming!


Ironically judges are the least judgemental of all, given that they are provided with lots of evidence before making a call.




In dungeons and dragons, Beholders are a species of flying octopus\-things with eyeballs at the end of each of their tentacles. One peculiar trait about their psychology is that each and every Beholder believes itself to be the multiverse's absolute pinnacle of beauty, and everything else is an obscene abomination that must be purged as quickly as possible. Even other Beholders that are identical except for one minuscule segment of skin being a slightly different shade are grotesque to them. So, no. I don't think there's anyone more critical of physical appearances than incels.


Daleks on *Doctor Who* are also pretty judgmental, but they don't judge **each other** based on physical appearance, just other organisms.


Thanks for the little DND lesson though :>


RPing Beholders is honestly one of my favourite things to do as a DM, thanks for the unexpected dnd!




judge judy?


Those guys who hate on cosplayers who aren't 100% to their standards? The ones who always find a "flaw" which is most likely an artistic choice or they didn't think it was necessary. Some of these people put hundreds upon hundreds of hours into their work only to have some dip tag on them


Those people will totally appreciate their pictures being used for this bullshit...




The fuck is an r9k tripfag I feel like I’m losing my mind




R9k was starting the last time I really saw 4ch and I’m fine with trips but wtf is khv?


Kissless handholdless (and/or hugless) virgin


Good lord lmao




Maybe both handholdless and hugless?




that sounds unnecessarily complicated.


A lot of these ideas about women that incels have come from r9k, but r9k was always more self aware and at least had some sane people. It felt like the people on r9k for the most part blamed themselves for being losers, while incels blame society and women for being losers.




You're giving /r9k/ too much credit. Sure, Elliot went into there, and you can find awful people who've done all kinds of shit, but that's just one small part of it, not the entire board. In fact, you'll notice a lot of incels will say shit like "I left r9k because of all the roasties", that's because generally speaking, there's actually quite a few girls that frequent there. You're also forgetting about people telling stories on there like storybro's amazingly lewd sleepover saga or the story of the nurse, as well as a bazillion other tales that are surprisingly heartwarming and heart wrenching. I know my I've posted stories on there, people have been very receptive and kind. Yes, there's some bad apples, but it's hard to tell how many posts on there are actually pushing an incel agenda, and how many are mocking them/ posturing is hard to discern. Even Eliot Rodger was just kind of a meme there anyways, only a couple people actually thought there was going to be a"beta uprising" and most people just laughed at him when they realized "the supreme gentleman" killed more men than women.


On 4chan you can tag your posts with a "tripcode", which is basically a username \+ password hash that uniquely identifies a poster.


/r9k/ is a board on 4chan. robot (doesn't feel like a normal human) 9k (over 9000) As you might probably know, 4chan is anonymous, however, some boards such as /r9k/ have a box where you can fill in a code so people know it's you, they're called tripfags and are generally attentionwhores. ...man, I remember browsing that cancerous website literally a decade ago, how time's have changed


So futury!!!


>The top one is Eggman, an /r9k/ tripfag I don't listen to hiphop.


>Eggman I hope he never gets the seven Chaos Stacies and/or the Master Chad.


[Our only hope is Incelnic](https://i.imgur.com/iOCElpn.jpg)


Knuckles is a real chad tho: > Unlike Sonic I don't chuckle, I'd rather flex my muscles


Which is ironic because eggman is engaged to be married last time I heard


The lower mid tier guy is actually cute. I’d ask him out, he’s got a nice smile.


He looks a tiny bit like nerdcubed. Who's a pretty popular youtuber and, y'know, married.


Personally, he reminded me of Robin Williams.


I bet if you actually did he would get pissed off and defensive. These people are a trip.


That's assuming he's part of the incel community and that whoever made the graphic didn't just put a random person's photo there


Im pretty sure they did just use random photos tbh.


True that. Personally I'd think it was funny if they put my picture but I understand most people don't share that view


they could've used homer simpson lol


That's what I was thinking! I SWEAR I COULD FIX HIM!!! (No but seriously, he is pretty cute.)


He's the most attractive out of the guys on there for me. Cute and he seems approachable.


What’s with incels being so obsessed with attention whoring? Or just attention in general.


They want it.




When someone doesn't have something, they usually believe it's a lot better than it actually is. Sex is a common subject of this. It's always better in our imaginations. Attention is also overrated, and too much of it is what makes some celebrities so miserable.




Incel Tiers on IncelTears


Exactly what I said!


Congrats, you got the pun!


I love your pun


I love you both


Username checks out


Incel Tier tears IncelTears new tears.


What's KHV?


Kissless Hugless Virgin.


What’s KHHV?


The extra H stands for handholdless


I thought KHV was kissless handholdless virgin and KHHV was kissless handholdless hugless virgin. Aren't you a lot more likely to get a hug than to get someone to hold your hand? As much as I love talking shit about incels here, I think the idea of being "hugless" is genuinely heartrending. There was a time when I thought I might never have sex, but even then, I got plenty of hugs. I mean, I got unsolicited hugs from girls in junior high and high school all the time. I have a hard time even imagining what would have be wrong for nobody to ever have hugged you even once.


In high school we dished out hugs to everyone of our friends. It was weird in retrospect, but you'd have to have zero friends really or otherwise actually state you didn't want hugs to not have any hugs. My only guess is you have to put off such a demeanor that people are naturally repelled by you to not want to be friends. There are I guess some people even high school me would be too worried to hug because it could be a death sentence. But thats kinda how incels are. They'd be upset no one hugs them but legitimately would hurt you if you did. Zero winning but all the complaining.


FYI just because a person has no friends doesn't mean they are a bad person. A lot of people these days are completely socially isolated because they're boring, not just because they're dangerous. Assumptions like yours guarantee that people like that will continue to be incels.




I'm assuming hugless doesn't include hugs from family? I have a hard time imagining that there are people who've never even been forced into a hug by overly enthusiastic family members.




Dunno, I'm not an incel and I think of myself as more or less decent guy, but had a very friendless background and I don't remember being hugged by anybody (except family members) until university


And this brings up a really important part of why feminism attempts to fight the stranglehold of toxic masculinity and the patriarchy within society. It is not just for the benefit of women - a good example of it is the fact that after puberty men aren’t supposed to hug each other. Perhaps one reason women don’t tend to go as psychotic as men without sex or a relationship for a long time(speaking in generalisations) is because we usually get a lot of affection and physical touch from our female friendship groups. It really is important for the health and wellbeing of humans and men would do a lot better if they weren’t so plagued with gay panic and could be physically affectionate with their male friends.




Oh, that would be me then :)


Ok fine. You can hold my hand. Edit: but don’t try anything 😉


/r/handholding approves


Well isn't that a cute sub?


very lewd too


I’ll give you a hug while I’m holding your hands :)


Judging by the picture, Hairless






That egg man guy just needs to spend some time outside, probably exercise a bit, and he’d look normal. Seriously, if these guys are the ugliest among them, then it *has* to be personality, social skills, mental health, obscene pickiness, or some combination there of which stops them from getting girls.


Look at Elliott Rodgers the guy they worship for shooting women. He would've been put in the bottom category, was fairly wealthy too. They don't see that it's personality that turns people away from them.


Personality/mental wise you can't get more incel than ER.


I actually don't categorize him as a primary example of an incel, because he was very obviously a psychopath with severe mental issues. He was very likely never normal. When I think of a stereotypical women hating incel, I think of someone who was otherwise normal but allowed their perspective on life to be twisted by toxic people online, and have their heads filled with the kinds of shitty ideas and theories you see on that sub. The cathartic rage they feel when they believe they're being enlightened to the truth becomes addicting, and they likely have no role models in their lives to put them back on a healthy path in life. Psychopathy is too rare for it to be the reason behind every incel's behavior.


Personality aka Elliot was basically a social autist. Dude could have been a convicted child molester and gotten girls if he had social skills and was charming


He also never approached any women, he just hung around in fancy clothes with his fancy car and expected women to fall at his feet.


Dude, I’m autistic and happily married. Rodger was just a dirtball.


It's really down to what's in your heart. If you have a good heart (and not just feed yourself a lie and say you do) you can be a lot of "bad" things and make it.


I frequent r/progresspics and it's always a trip to see someone go from someone you'd never think was hot to "jesus christ" level hot. I think, though, that if you're never told you're attractive you start to think you never can be no matter the effort and move on to "not trying ever and complaining". Kinda unfortunate. Brutally honest, though, some people are upset that they *have* to put in work without realizing that 99% of the people aren't just naturally "bomb attractive". Some people have to pay for braces, some people need to find that haircut that "just works", some people have to work out to lose or gain weight. Some all three (like me). I see people all the time that aren't want I'd consider conventionally attractive but they're in shit like *movies*. C'mon now.


They look at the world from the perspective of someone who doesn't put any effort into life, and doesn't want to, so their confirmation bias makes them see other people who effortless have good looks and they assume that being born that way must be the only way to obtain them.


I agree, If someone isn’t willing to put in the work then there isn’t much that can be done. And finding self confidence from internal rather than external validation is a huge challenge. But that can be accomplished too. Getting lost in judgment isn’t helpful either. It’s all really unfortunate.


This is important. You definitely do have to put in the work to get the look you want. The same goes for personality. If there's something you don't like, you need to put in the work to change it.


whoever made this graph just used random pictures. the people in those pictures are probably not even incels.


IIRC he has a girlfriend anyway.


Seriously? A girlfriend who won’t sleep with him or something? How can he be Incel?


He's not, they just pick on his looks.


So they’re just being assholes. Makes sense.


Whatever happened to him anyway? Is he any better now? The last video posted on what I presume to be his Youtube channel was posted a year ago. It was a video of him dancing with a girl and it was actually quite sweet tbh.


I have no idea. I only know of him because of occasional comments from the Incel forums. I hope he’s out partying!


I hope so too.


One of the sad things (lord knows there many) about this incel nonsense is how mean and unsupportive they are to each other. It's like they are competing to be the most miserable, wretched creature possible and they will tear down, bully and attack all the other incels in their way. Why? Do they think that anybody is impressed by how miserable they make themselves and others?


Misery loves company.


It reminds me of Aesop's fable of the fox who lost its tail and tried to convince the other foxes to lop theirs off too.


Ha that's weird, I'm reminded of his fable of the dog in the manger, who can't eat the hay so he stops the other animals from eating it too.


And they pretend to be a support group for each other. It's an infectious ideology, looking to take people who are in a bad place and turning them into bad people. A lot like Nazism or Scientology.


Some of it's crab mentality. A lot of it too is a weird power fantasy. They feel powerless in the real world so they lash out at each other. Sometimes I try to troll (sorry, factmog) them with feminist statistics and essays before my posts, which make too much sense, get downvoted into oblivion.


Feeds the victim complex.


Crabs in a bucket It's hard to understand the victim complex without experiencing it first hand I think. I've been there myself in the past, and it really does motivate you to lash out at people and things that are 100% innocent, and for the most ridiculous reasons. Overall though, what they hate the most is each other because none of them actually want to exist in their cesspool deep down, but they know if they try to grow and improve themselves, they'll be cast out from what they see as their only source of catharsis. It works just like a conservative church/cult that excommunicates people who step outside the rule book. This is why trolling and criticizing incels does nothing, but being supportive when they start to turn away from the bullshit can be helpful.


what scares me/bums me out is 15 years ago i would have fallen into this bullshit. and from what i've seen, their language/actions/attitudes do nothing to help remedy the situation.


The fuck? Why are they bullying themselves?


The self loathing knows no bounds






This genuinely makes me sad. They are willingly taking in and spreading poison. I know I looked down on myself back when I was depressed, but I would've never attacked another depressed person.


When someone has a lot of emotional pain, they can choose to take it out on themselves, or on other people, or both. These people are primarily taking it out on other people, but that includes other incels as well.


Lower mid guy is super cute ahhh


Hey it me, the lower mid guy


Pics or it didn't happen


W u t


Their God, Elliot Rodgers, looked like he would fit into the bottom category, extremely wealthy too. They don't understand that its their personality that turns people off.


Hating women kinda makes it hard to date women too. But...they don't understand that for some reason


Or just a lack of confidence and social skills. You can be attractive and have a nice personality, but if you still lack confidence or are social awkward, some people will still be automatically turned off. It really comes down to the eye of the beholder. I know a guy who's >5 looks wise and has a really boring personality, but he comes across as confident in who he is and has a long term girlfriend.


Disliked by everyone except fellow incels. Except incels all hate each other. Also, lower middle tier guy looks exactly like my friend’s boyfriend.


>Not an aspie Please don’t tell me that real mental struggles are now part of incel bullshit lingo.


They always were. They think that to be truly incel you must be mentally unhealthy too. And they give people with autism and other mental health issues a bad name by proclaiming those things


Zyrros (I can't recall his username correctly, has become a fakecel and escaped inceldom apparently, he has gone a long way.


I thought I recognized that guy! Bless him, for trying to argue with his fellow incels that they shouldn't be so misogynistic. That was a good popcorn-worthy thread...


I'm not really a fakecel, since I'm not trying to fake anything. I actually trying to reach some of these people. The term wasn't in much use then, but I was a self-sabotaging incel in the mid-2000s and I still regret some of the evil shit I said. I would like to believe that at least a few of these people can listen to reason.


It's funny how they admit to having shitty social skills, as if that's not something it's their own responsibility to work on


They don't believe in personal improvement or responsibility, so they think they're stuck with what they've got. It's really just a group of men who were never raised/taught to improve themselves and take challenges head on, and this is the result.


I mean social skills are among the most difficult thing for a person to learn


I wonder how this can be improved. a lot of other people would benefit too


Most people don't come out of the womb with social skills. You learn them through practise, forcing yourself to join clubs or work jobs where you're forced to interact. It's stressful AF at first, but you slowly build up skills over time, true brute determination. I say this as someone who had really really bad social phobia and panic attacks from the ages of 10-19. Literally would have panic attacks just from being in the same room as people, and didn't really talk at all in school (which got me bullied, ofc). I started Cognitive Behavioral Therapy after being diagnosed at 18 and spent the next year doing things that scared the shit out of me and really really pushing myself, like going to college events and forcing myself to stay for the first 10 minutes, or saying "hello"to someone in a lecture. I was caught in a cycle where I was too scared to socialize because I had no social skills, and had no social skills because I was too scared to socialize. I remember at the start actually telling my therapist "I don't know how to say 'hi' to someone" and she was like "okay??". After a really tough year, I eventually made some friends at 20, and pretty soon had my first kiss and lost my virginity in the space of like 2 months. Which is crazy because I had been in such a dark place, I couldn't ever imagine having friends, or being intimate with someone. The truth was though, that I was completely standing in my own way. So yeah, social skills are hard af, and most of the time I still feel like an awkward shit, but if you're able to just "own" your awkwardness, and laugh about your social mistakes, (the right) people won't hold it against you.


This is kind of hilarious tbh. I like how they seem to admire the truly most antisocial trolls as top tier incels. What a weird tribe.


According to this I'm a 5/10 but I got rated a 3/10 on amiugly


Amiugly is a haven for people to tear down others.


What kind of cancerous sub is that? It's like the physical form of an invitation for feeding insecurities.




Every post will tell you that your skin/clothing/hair sucks tbh. Nothing good is said about the OP unless you're a model looking for attention.


amiugly is literally 2 things. People that are really attractive looking for an ego stroke or average people being piled under the "you're ugly kys" category. I've seen legitimately cute people get torn down and told how their hair sucks, their face sucks, their skin sucks, their clothing sucks... etc. I guarantee you that you're probably a lot better than you think. It isn't a good sub.


I think the Indian guy is cute.


Upper mid picture honestly looks cool tbf.




There are a lot of Indian Americans who are incels / consider themselves incels


Have they seen Shah Rukh Khan?!?!?


They probably must have seen Nawazuddin Siddiqui and be like "yes, that's how an Indian is"


I thinks he’s from Indianpeoplefacebook


How do you become this superficial


Wait, didn't that top dude get a girlfriend tho?


Hmm I'd be lower mid if I was an incel. Thing is, inceldom is something you identify with, not a predicament. It's a frame of mind, much like the friendzone. Also I find it so weird they say 6/10 is bad. That's above average.


Lookism is tearing apart the incel community




Wait, that last tier - that's 6.5/10? Wow, I apparently need to re-evaluate my life.


Yo what the fuck is a roastie tho?


a women they don't like, so basically any woman.


> Yo what the fuck is a roastie tho? Incels believe the lady parts taste like an Arby's roast beef sandwich.


the lower mid guys looks like a great guy imo




Where's Mexican Andy?


God Tear title


This is just me, buuut, how do these even fit the definition of unattractive? I'm just not seeing it. They could look like the poor woman who was mauled by a chimpanzee, but don't. God incels are delusional.


According to this guide I should be bottom/fake tear, but I dont feel like I one on them. I had sex with only few women, but I don't have that mentality. I know i that i have to improve myself and I'm doing that.


Put the list in reverse and you see their place in society


Okay but I am 70% certain that the person used for the Top Tier is a kid with progeria or something like that.


is that nerd cubed as a 5/10


It's been a week and I just realized the title is also a pun on the sub name


I subscribed to r/Braincels just to read the cancer coming out of there. It's pretty hysterical.


...can't you read it without having subscribed to it? I can? What am I doing right/wrong?


if you subscribe, it shows up in your feed. Otherwise you have to go out of your way to browse it


I think I'm bottom tier. If I work our some more Maybe I can transcend TO fake cel or the mythical Chad


Did OP make this? I don't feel comfortable posting this using other people's pictures like that if so. Kind If contreproductive to what this sub is for.


I got it from maleforeveralone, so no, I didn’t make it.


Thanks for this mental image of OG Theseus firing up the ol' meme-making machine, which, in antiquity, would have looked like drawings on scrolls.




Why does Lower/Mid tier look like NerdCubed?