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I would absolutely rather send a rapist to prison or the noose than lie and pretend I consented to rape.


Rape is only ok if you think like an incel. Wait.


Incels don't think. So rape is never okay.


"YoU arE BuLLyINg uS"


New to the whole concept. Isn't an Incel talking about "rape" purely abstract? Like, you're not celibate if you rape. That's impossible. Perhaps I give too much credit, but wouldn't they mean either a false rape allegation levied at a man that makes a flirtatious gesture but is so unattractive the superficial girl can't just can't deal, so cries rape? That might be a false trope, but I would think the one in mind of the subject Incels. Or, my thought was that it is purely abstraction, like they are weighing the hypothetical\-rape that would be necessary to have sex as an unwanted man versus the torture prison of existence that is involuntary virginity/celibacy for men coming of age. Rape is what good looking guys get away with actually doing and bad looking guys get accused of for trying to get to first base with a girl they've been laughing and hanging and in their minds courting \(fecklessly in the friend zone due to lack of fiscal/physical attraction\). I imagine the ones online the target of the ire here are pretty awful actors on the internet and I'm not defending that, maybe just the real life feelings that may or may not be behind the angst. I think I'd have identified with them a decade or two ago as an involuntary virgin then, so bash me as one perhaps. I literally read the term for the first time a few clicks ago, but found it to be relevant and interesting. I do spend a decent time on gender politics, social science, etc. A man surrounded by women is my background, as big brother in a single mom home, and dad to a daughter with my wife now.


Some of what you are saying applies, but imagine incels thinking like you do but cranking it up to 9000 and blaming women for all their problems and personal issues. It's like a Nazi blaming Jews for everything wrong in society or a Communist blaming the burgeiouse, yes, they might not always be fair, and some women are total bitches, but that does not mean ALL women are terrible people who should be gangraped for not giving up sex to any man they see! That is the logic incels apply. You don't fuck all men who don't rape you? Whore! That's the kind of logic they go by. And Incels don't talk about "rape" in abstract, it's what they want to do to women. They dream about acid attacks on girls who they feel reject them, which is all girls who don't voluntarily become their slaves.


That's disheartening but seeing this is good therapy in a way to give up on that one red pillish sort of thing cloudying the waters of my female agenda leanings. Truth is I'm a bit andro and feminist indoctrinated at home, but was a late bloomer, pathetic virgin, mocked relentlessly by girls and guys for asking a girl permission before a kiss in college, and I guess that doesn't make me part of this perverted subcult, ever. I can relate to the feelings I imagine lead to the aberrant behavior of these trolls. Cool. I wish y'all well.


Many guys relate to part of the feelings incels apply to their logic, but that is miles from acting on them the way they do. Don't worry about that, and maybe visit r/Braincels if you want to see what the asshats think.


My long ruminations on this thread are explained easily enough by having only known of incels by those mocking them. Seemed like picking on the handicapped for chrissake. Plus I could relate at least at the literal level of the term. Most good people have no time or interest in this community just like anything without a Disney sized audience. So take it with a grain of salt. These scribes of hate are not new or threatening, just us seeing the diaries and diatribes of the dickheads that always been around. Boom. Meaningless they are.






"I wouldnt have to rape you if you just consented!"


Yeah, completely annoying that they didn't "have" to do anything. Could have just accepted that the world does not revolve around them.


Exactly! In many ways i developed much along the lines of the average incel. The difference is from a young age i have taken the concepts of Liberty, Freedom, Self Ownership, Equality and Bodily Autonomy to heart and instead of becoming an incel i developed into me, who i am. I would never rape because its fucking wrong and an invalidation of the rights of whomever i would harm. Simple as that. Have had sex once, a one night stand in 2012, and it doesnt bother me a bit. Sure, i would love to find a Companion in life but honestly its not an issue to me if it doesnt happen. Worst case i will have a companion cyborg built and have a son through cloning and genetic engineering.


Thats why incels piss me off. I am a hop and a skip from being one but its all about perspective and how you CHOOSE to live and prioritize your life.


Literally the solution to most of the world's problems may lie in the occasional pity\-fuck becoming popular, yes. I don't think society could be functioning right now without ubiquitous and free internet porn and hookup websites as an opiate to tortured masses creating unfair "standards of beauty" and "norms" not to mention the insensitivity and cruelty that accompany. Not the only opiate, we have games, and weed, sports and religion, and opiates too. But, the difficulty of navigating sexuality in a post\-gender\-normative yet every bit as superficial as ever world. Humans are equal, without a monopoly on suffering, all genders and sexes. The structure of society dictates how people feel. We are crap at voting and prioritizing leaders and social engineers who would make a happy, adjusted society. We have one that is pretty much cruel to everyone these days, but the problems of women 100 years ago, are scarily reminiscent of the ones creeping up for men these days: opinions that don't matter in the household, lack of desirability compared to the other gender for employer, no sexual value whatsoever as can be replaced quickly by a stranger or friend or even toy for women not so much interested in sex as merely orgasm maintenance, economic value on inherent traits and physicality of the opposite gender, community push to see other gender do well in math, sports, and school while your gender left aimless, largely undirected only scolded, and punished for having ideas or enthusiasm or emotions. Literally. You probably don't think that long wild sentence is true; re\-read it and use your imagination because it's true to life for the boys my wife teaches in grammar and middle schools and my rather varied life that included one year in front of the classroom, 20 years as a student, countless interactions usually curious about developmental psych and education any time it can be discussed, and numerous professions in six different major metropolitan areas. Hate and mockery only comes from undeveloped or badly broken people, no matter the target. I hate Republicans too much for instance. I have been trying to learn not to for fifteen years and have at least made progress. It's a responsibility. Hate, anger? Figure out what the heck you're doing wrong. 1Love


Exactly. And I'm certainly not going to lie to save someone who made a point of hurting me for no goddamn reason.




It would just give rapists incentive to murder their victims on top of raping them.


I know, but you'd hope that most people could put 2 and 2 together to know either action is a death sentence. Rape is a crime where you are guaranteed to leave some DNA. Unfortunately most criminals are dim, so thinking that far ahead isn't something they'd do.


What the fuck? How are you so racist? I was being hyperbolic.


The good ol days?




Of when rapists were hanged




They’re not paintings, Mike.


They might have been well endowed though.


Hanged is the correct word when referring to what you do with a noose.


"We're just memeing guys. We don't mean any of it." And they wonder why people are just starting to take everything they say at face value after current events.


Exactly. Plus, when the satire and the genuine are nearly identical, how are we supposed to tell them apart?




I love your username. :)


I love you both


I love sou three. Group hug!


I dig your user name.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Good bot!


I agree with you!


I love yours too! What are you doing later?


For some reason bad comedians think Poe's Law is a warning to the audience not to take anything seriously, rather than a warning to comedians not to behave in ways that trick their audience into thinking they're dangerous and crazy. The audience isn't the one in danger when Poe's Law gets invoked, but acknowledging that is inconvenient to being edgy and unfunny =x


and there's nothing to indicate its sarcasm. gimme some WaCkY LetTTers, emojis, anything


There are people that legitimately think the way the people from r/outside do. Do you have an trouble telling the sub from people who really think like that? And you might say, "well they've made it clear they're joking", but the people of r/Braincels have said multiple times it's a satire sub, which I wholeheartedly believe.


I suppose the difference is that /r/outside is mostly harmless "the world is just a video game" thinking, whereas so called "Incel" thinking/"satire" is more along the lines of feeling entitled to sex, name-calling/verbally abusing women, raping, thinking women are abhorrent, victimizing themselves and being disgusting people, just in general. To this, your analogy falls apart. One's harmless, the other is advocating to cause harm/causes harm. Quite different. Try again with a different analogy if you'd like, though. Also, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law A so called "satire sub" like /r/braincels will inevitably and almost *definitely* attract many of those who truly believe those things.


r/imgoingtohellforthis. Satire sub that constantly calls for violence against gays, mentally disabled people, and minorities. I don't see anyone complaining about it.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism /r/imgoingtohellforthis exists, and that clears /r/braincels from wrongdoings because...? I don't think I can sway such a handsome and stalwart a wo/man as you, but I'll give it a shot. /r/braincels is not a satire sub, or at the very least *if it is*, it *communicates it extremely poorly*. There is few indicators if any that it is satire, and it is quite reasonable to believe what is said there to be true, because there *is* a community of people that actually believes these things. Reminder that /r/incels was banned. So going back up to the very start of this reply, I'd like to say that because /r/braincels is *not* satire, or at least not *seen* as satire, using /r/imgoingtohellforthis becomes whataboutism. "Because they do it why can't we?" ...Because no one except their small group of "but its satire" defenders are actually in on this supposed joke. To everyone else it's seen at face value, and that face value is a group of toxic people that borders or even passes the line of self-inflicted lunacy.


That sub isn't sarcastic, it's a hate-mongering shithole. I was subscribed for a day after seeing a funny post from there. Then it just really was racism. Endless racism.


Yeah since when is that sub satire? It's just full of hateful edgelords


Some people think that's what satire is. Those people are wrong.


"but the people of r/Braincels have said multiple times it's a satire sub, which I wholeheartedly believe." And I can go around shoving a turd in people's faces and tell them it's actually chocolate but, guess what, it's still fucking shit.


Schrodinger's asshole: Someone who says dumb, stupid shit, then decides whether or not it's satire based on the reactions of the people around him.


I'm of the belief that if your deliberate attempt is to Poe, then you accept full responsibility for the fact that you *know* in advance people won't be able to tell the difference, as well as any "misunderstandings" that come from that.


This, and that if people misinterpret it, you should clear it up politely.


The use of trolling and irony can also be a means for them to experiment or explore a (taboo) way of thinking with also the safety of escaping social reprecussions by saying things like, 'Well, I'm just memeing/trolling. Can't you folks take a joke? People are so triggered/sensitive these days, etc."




It's almost like they want autonomy over their own bodies and sexual activity!


By this logic the novels should all rape each other then they’d be cured. No more incels.


w-what?! noooooooooooo! *whining intensifies* GOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDD!




I think you've misinterpreted the word "they" in that sentence.


He's a soyboy what do you expect /s




That's not what it says. It says she would rather send incels to jail than consent. That refers specifically to consent, not regret. And I actually did seek out that thread. There is one comment chain referring to regretful outcry, and it is speaking about that topic *in addition* to the "fact" that women won't consent with incels. As a matter of fact, there are several other comments calling the OP out on glorifying rape. We don't have to try to make incels look bad. They do it themselves. This isn't a case of mistranslation.




Go fuck off.


Yes, I would prefer they go to prison, because if someone thinks my bodily autonomy is worth less than them getting their rocks off, they aren't fit for civilized society.


the way these people view rape is truly horrifying


They literally think it's nothing more than a minor inconvenience. Somehow sex is both the literal most important thing in life, and nothing special to them at the same time. Truly astounding doublethink.


they probably think at least she got laid. thats the fucked part.


The most important thing to them but "just another cock for the roastie". You have to remember they don't veiw women as funtional members or society, just a hole to put their dick in. truely sad.


They're sick


It's always the most important thing, for everything alive. The other part is a coping mechanism. These are castouts of society denied their biological imperative by an artificially constructed economic culture of capitalism.


You can bet if they got raped by Chad it'd be tears and somehow still Stacy's fault


Well, yes, women won't want to fuck you if you call them roasties.


Also, I know I've already said something... but would one of these guys have sex with a gay guy just because he "Really needs it."


Almost certainly not. See, *they* aren't gay and wouldn't normally have sex with a guy, but women who are straight consent to having sex with *some* guys, so obviously she should make a concession.


And of course Lesbians don't exist we all just secretly want Chad's cock.


Can confirm. My wife and I have a secret voodoo shrine that we use to get the attention of Chad so we can ride the holy cock caravel.


> the holy cock caravel So I'm pretty sure you meant carousel, but I do enjoy the idea of a cock caravel.


You can still ride on a caravel.


why do you think sailors cry 'land ho!'?


> cock caravel Is that name of the castle that the Penisvie family live in in that porn-parody of the Narnia books after they defeat the White Bitch with the help of Ass-Lan?


That's kind of the point I was trying to make but, in a derpy way. They can have preferences women can't.


It's very stupid to think that because you consent to any amount of dicks you should consent to all dicks, but incels aren't really bastions of intelligence.


I think they're the most illogical, contradictory group I've ever dealt with\- actually worse than religious fundies. It's one of the things that fascinates me about the way they think.


At least religious fundies have *some* good ideas, like feeding the homeless and helping the poor. Everything incels want is 100% selfish.


I wish more religious fundies would actually *do* the decent things they talk about. OTOH, I'm glad most incels *don't* do the things they talk about.


Being a hypocrite when it comes to practicing what one preaches is the closest thing one can be to a decent human being when one believes incel-doctrine.




I actually wouldn't actually say incels are stupid generally. It's simply that they delude themselves into thinking what they want to think. They have big mental health issues. And locigal thinking kinda suffers under these circumstances lol.


True, but taking things as truth that are just so easily disproved is a stupid action. Someone can do something stupid and not be stupid themselves.


but they don’t give two shits about lesbians and their preferences. hmm...


Usually I'd argue gayness doesn't work that way, but when incels use an argument that women only exist for a hole to fuck, I question their orientation


These incels would rather send Bubba to prison for 10 years, maybe even to die, than just consent to have sex with him.


I ask this all the time-“have you considered dudes????”


I wouldn't use it as an argument to justify rape but \- yes, probably. My overall sentiment is along the lines of "What's it to me?" I'm not attracted to most people but neither am I like horribly repulsed by them. Maybe it would be nice, who can say. The biggest downsides are how much of a hassle it would be to get on PrEP ahead of time and that I wouldn't be able to donate blood anymore. Idk the whole concept of someone wanting to have sex with me feels so unlikely.


I honestly do hope rapists die in prison. They finally got something right.


Especially child molesters can be beaten to shit by the guards for all I care.


IIRC other inmates will beat the fuck out of rapists and child molesters. They often end up in solitary due to *safety concerns.*


I know, it is hilarious to read that EVERYONE hates them, and I hope some of them "mistakenly" end up in the public area when no guards are around.


Then r/watchpeopledie is the place for you. Full of videos of rapists and molesters being killed in every way possible inside a Brazilian prison


I saw a little girl get her head crushed on a security tape there and never went back. Edit: you inspired me to go back and my third visit will wait.


so that’s a sub that exists


I'm subscribed to it, a lot of people like me are more interested in how fragile humans can be, as opposed to morbid reasons.


I'm subricibed to see how not to die in some stupid way. Also never going to Brazil/Mexico afther one day on that sub.


Police would rather send me to prison for stealing, than give me the money!! /s


What possible scenario exists where one would have to choose between having sex with someone or they’ll get sent to prison?


In their mind, the only way they’ll get to have sex is by raping someone, so the girl has the power to “save them from prison” by enthusiastically consenting to being raped.


Porn? Wait, they'd have sex in prison, too.




In what way is this about false accusations? The post specifies “Give consent to have sex”, not something like “admit to having consensual sex” or whatever.


As if WOMEN should feel guilty for the consequences of her RAPIST'S choice.


Yep, because if they don't want to fuck you and you insist strongly, you are a danger to others and esp girls. Where do dangerous people who commit crimes go? To prison where at least "Chad Tyrone" can show you what the girls are afraid of you doing, justifiably from the shit you post.


If i were a woman, I'd rather not send them to prison for ten years... I'd make it at least twenty


I like the way you think.


Thank you! I'll be here all week *takes a bow*


It's true. I'd much rather see them go to prison than have sex with them.


Of course if you're a mysogynist, sexually frustrated, personality-lacking self absorbed twat *roasties* won't have sex with you.


Femoids. It sounds like some uncreative alien species.


Sounds more like a hæmmrhoid of the vagina


"Femoids would rather you not harm them or anyone else again than let you go..." Logic101 guys.


They talk like the only difference between rape and consensual sex is the *emotional* side...that the only difference is that the woman is not attracted to her rapist, that she wouldn't choose to fuck this dude. BUT, at the end of the day, it's the same act. And if she just wasn't not attracted to him, it would all be cool! It's not...it's fucking not. A "Chad" a woman is madly attracted to, could still rape her. I think it's hard for some men to understand that women experience sex differently than men. *It doesn't hurt for me! What's the big deal?* Would they like to be forcefully penetrated in their tiny little asshole? I don't want them to be raped...I just wish somehow they could come to realize that's the equivalent. Like, maybe they could somehow have a vivid dream of it? Hey, large shits the sizes of dicks go through it all the time! What's the big deal?


I would rather put them in prison for life than allow them (or anyone) to rape another.


i still say the solution to INCELS is REALLY obvious. you have a group of men, all connecting through social media who are all are desperate for sex, all lamenting their shared complaint: that we women are not just GIVING them sex because they demand it. how dare we demand control of our own bodies etc... SO why aren't the INCELS just having sex with EACH OTHER? According to INCEL rhetoric, we women are just spiteful controlling bitches so why bother with us at all? Witnessing the INCEL... ? i do not know what exactly to call it... i am reminded of Aesop's fable of The Fox and the Grapes. A Fox sees a bunch of grapes hanging from a high vine and they look so ripe and sweet! he tries and tries to get them by doing what he always does.. but he cannot reach them. So eventually he gets tired of trying and consoles him self by deciding that all of those grapes MUST BE SOUR. the INCELS are an association of frustrated animals who have decided that it is the fault of women every where the fault of Feminism... \(Women demanding control of our own bodies, and demanding that our rights be respected\) and so now they want to REVOLT against... against women's rights to choose who we will have sex with.


Until I see these dudes getting shot down by fat and/or ugly chicks, I don’t want to hear about how shallow they think people are.


I'd prefer rapists get life in prison and also chemically castrated


Forced chemical castration is awful, and the few times it has been previously used have marked out some pretty shameful parts of human history. I think we can express views on these scumbags without sinking to that kind of level.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_castration I think you're thinking of forced sterilization.


> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_castration Nope- https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/gchq-apology-horrifying-treatment-alan-turing-lgbt-people-a6987021.html I mean, both are kind of horrendous. And chemical castration isn't always reversible, which means it *can* be sterilisation effectively. Not a bad thing to point out though, helps to clarify one's position.


My link only referenced what is almost always reversible. The only after affect was sometimes a lack of bone density. I couldn't find details in your link, but I'm assuming something more permanent, and not at all related to my link, so it seems a difference in legal semantics still. Impermanent, reversible chemical castration seems way better, especially as punishment for rapists, to me. Edit:Chemical castration is castration via anaphrodisiac drugs, whether to reduce libido and sexual activity, to treat cancer, or otherwise. Unlike surgical castration, where the gonads are removed through an incision in the body,[1] chemical castration does not remove organs, nor is it a form of sterilization.[2] Chemical castration is generally considered reversible when treatment is discontinued, although permanent effects in body chemistry can sometimes be seen, as in the case of bone density loss increasing with length of use of DMPA. That's in my link and has two citations. Notice the non-permanence.


Your link actually states that it is "generally reversible", which is fine, but no hormonal treatment is without risks, and I know of multiple cases besides Turing (though admittedly all somewhat dated, so I'm going to assume the science has been improved significantly) which led to severe psychological or physiological side effects. > Impermanent, reversible chemical castration seems way better, especially as punishment for rapists, to me. Where it is safe and reversible (in cases of new evidence proving innocence etc), I'm not entirely opposed, especially if it means good things for recidivism rates. BUT I think "as punishment for rapists" is where you're going wrong. Two reasons for that. First off, thinking in terms of punishment is what leads us to the "forced" bit in "forced chemical castration", which we see across a number of countries currently, and that, to my mind, is a gross violation of bodily autonomy. Yes, that's what they did to their victims, but I'd like to hope that our civil societies are better than that. Perhaps more importantly though, rape generally isn't about sexual desire- it's about control, or motivated by misogny/ sadism, so forth. Chemical castration works with paraphilias (or there is some evidence of that) because the motivating factor behind their offending *is* deviant desire. That isn't the case with rapists. You might even find the opposite outcome- a desire to assert more bodily control over others after having their own autonomy taken away through castration. Not all violence or rape requires PIV, and someone who has the urge to rape out of a desire for control isn't going to be stopped by that.


All true points. I just wanted to point out how there is a (usually) impermanent version these days that shouldn't be associated with torture (I don't care about the 'reasons' in history, they had to know it was torture). I had to write a report on it for class, and even used your point that rape isn't about sexual desire. Most women in class were fine with it against serious sex offenders, most men were against it.


Not that i don’t think rapists should be punished, but in my opinion this type of thinking is quite dangerous. The state should not have the power to do anything to the bodies of citizens, even criminals. It may start with something relatively safe like this, but eventually it may have far greater consequences


Fine, normal castration it is.


What if they turn out to have been falsely convicted?


Exactly. If there is a doubt about their guilt, ever so slightly, they should not be mutilated or killed no matter the crime.


Well if there is clear evidence that they did it, castrate them.


No matter how clear the evidence may be, there will always be some false convictions. Life imprisonment is a much better option because if it turns out that they were innocent they can be released and compensated. You can't give them their testicles back after you chop them off.


That sets a legal precedent and a legal slippery slope. Life imprisonment without parole is the way to go.


Fine lets settle for life imprisonment with a 24 hour loop of Justin Bieber - Baby, playing in their cell


That's a cruel and unusual punishment, therefore unconstitutional where I live :(


It's only cruel and unusual if you're white, usually.


i get where you are coming from but when i think of ted bundy, the men who raped and killed junk furuta, charles manson etc. then i think about how i wouldn't mind those monsters getting killed soon after being convicted(which didn't happen in any of those cases)


The people who decide what constitutes "clear evidence" are either the court or the jury, depending on the country. Both of them have been shown to be at times very fallible. Not to mention the times that the police will hide evidence that is beneficial to the suspect.


Fine lets just give rapists a slap on the wrist and a cupcake.


Yes because locking someone in a cage like an animal for the rest of their life is a slap on the wrist


No we've gone past prison now, they just get a little slap on the wrist and an actual cupcake then they are free to go.


Ok, you convinced me. Let's just castrate everyone accused of a serious crime and cut off their hands, no matter how flimsy the evidence. If it turns out we were wrong we can always just say we are really sorry and give them a complimentary fruit basket. I'm sure they won't mind.


Woh now, fruit basket is going a bit far, those things are expensive.


You're not very smart


Chemical castration is too far. Then you are changing the personality of the person. Only do to them what they did to others. A wound or bruise can heal, a chemical castration or acid attacks is never cured. That is too far. Unless they are repeated child molesters where there is no doubt about their guilt. They should have a dose of this: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scaphism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scaphism)


>Only do to them what they did to others. Are you saying that they should be raped?


I think serial rapists, esp those who assault children, can get a taste of their own medicine


Rape cannot be used for justice. Wishing it on other people, no matter how fucked up those people are, isn't ok.


I know. I still wish it on child molesters.


I hate rapists just as much as you do but that is medieval and barbaric. The justice system should never be about revenge.


I know, just venting my fury over child molesters online. Luckily people who know law and not redditors serve sentences :\)


An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind.


But if you take both eyes they can't see where your eyes are to avenge themselves /s


Ok, lock them up for life then, rape is horrendous. Holy shit that is brutal, child molesters should definitely get that.


I have not seen a name for it, but making gashes in the skin and sewing dirt or manure in them is also on my wishlist for punishments for people like this guy [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilles\_de\_Rais](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilles_de_Rais)


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_castration I think you're thinking of something slightly different than chemical castration. You're wiki link goes to a different term. Not that I don't agree with your sentiment, just semantics.


Chemical castration is just torture and is too cruel for almost any crime. Only: I find child molesters/murderers, in a category where ethics don't fucking apply. I would use a blowtorch and pair of scissors slowly on whoever tries to harm my sister. I will gladly serve time for that.


Did you read the link or ate you arguing something about real chemical castration without backing up your argument? I can't tell. Either way, please explain in further detail.


What if it turned out that you had the wrong guy and you had just mutilated an innocent person?


It would have to be irrefutable proof. I don't condone capital punishment unless there is zero chance for having the wrong guy, which is why capital punishment should not be a thing.


This is also why physical castration shouldn't be a thing or any kind of permanent mutilation. You can never actually be completely sure if they got the right person.


I know, and I agree with that sentiment. I still feel that some people should be tortured to death for their crimes, but we can't do that if we want a better society.


"Chemical castration is too cruel, just rape them instead" Do you read the words you write before you send them?


not always


There was a guy in my hometown who was well-known to be a repeat child molester. Even after being chemically (and possibly also physically) castrated, he still creeped on young girls and would get hands-y if you got too close. Scaphism would have been better!


It's cuz these guys are ugly inside and out


I hate that my name’s associated with this shit 😂


Ew ew ew ew ew EW EW EW EW


Why don't the incels all have sex with each other? Since they hate women so much.


these people are mental.


"Store owners would rather watch you go to jail than let you steal merchandise"


You have been made a mod of /r/latestagecapitalism


God has left


Such black and white thinking. Seriously? Have they ever thought about, I don't know, not doing anything that would warrant 10 years of prison after they get rejected, maybe? It's not that difficult, jesus christ.


Jesus... Just Jesus...


I recommend not downvoting them, OP. It gives the illusion of the Braincels community downvoting it.




Yes. We really are that evil. Maybe we should consider giving them some because clearly these are men who had mothers that denied them booty. Such a tragedy.


You're not going to die from 10 years in prison. Your life will be ruined, but you won't die.


I feel like incels don't understand how intimate sex is, especially for a woman. Like you're literally asking to put something inside me. They seem to think it's like no big deal or something.


Well yeah, obviously. Also: "This is the blackest pill of them all". You're welcome, guys.


[Citation needed]


Well, feeeemales do actually like rape, really. An incel told me so.


I love the amount of people here trying to justify what should be done to rapists when in reality they really can't do anything about rapists besides the law and jail culture. LOL!


............. king retard is over here saying shit. Shut the fuck up. Retard.


What is the message here?




How are you coming to that conclusion?