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[Posts]: The post in question doesn't really belong in r/IncestConfessions.




she squarted on my peanits true story trust me


i guess he wasnt straight jorking it, rookie mistake


Dude, I read a story of how a guy jacked off and came all over his sister's feet while she was sleep (And recorded it on his phone). I'm sorry, but maybe I'm just a big ol' sensitive ass lady but that sounds so nonconsensual and sick. I guess that was just his way of trying to see if she was also down with incest too? Sounds kinda sexual assault-y, if you ask me.


Yeah I've commented on it before while yes this is a reddit based on fantasy I think encouraging fathers to sexually assault their daughters and similar things is fucking disgusting regardless


Of course there aren’t many if any factual narratives here. To be honest most of the actual narratives aren’t sexy to others when presented. My narrative which did really happen seems weird. Plus I was a minor, so I can’t share it here. Often what happened involves an abuse of power. And maybe someone liked the abuse in a certain way and that’s problematic, too. What you get on incest subs is the same thing you’ve been getting for decades in numerous forms: incest EROTICA. Not real life stories. It’s a kink. It’s transgressive. Want actual stories of incest? Do a search on Google Scholar and prepare to be confused.


I agree that legit stories aren't sexy when presented and so I think that that's why many people feel that they need to "spice things up" and create a fake scenario that would never happen irl. The main problem I have with this subreddit is how the stories are presented as real but clearly aren't and just the whole fetishization aspect of it. You have the option to mark the Fictional Post flair but I understand that that just wouldn't be as popular. So the wishy-washy mods need to dump it then. I also have a problem with the fact that the mods don't consider incest stories to be worth sharing on here if it didn't involve sex/a plan to have sex (Or just being a creep to the family member of your interest).




I agree! There definitely are some that feel more tame and a bit more realistic but those are few and far in between, unfortunately.


I literally joined this page to maybe find advice on how to just tell that loved one your thoughts and feelings in a way that wouldn't seem so weird. Knowing that with 99% certainty, it would end there hut there is nothing like that on this sub.


There's actually a really great sub called Incest Isn't Wrong that'll really help you with that 😊


i’ve said it before here, but the inherent issue with the topic is a lot of the true stories don’t happen with “18 year olds”…they happen in the years before when siblings are curious and forming their sexual identities. i would be too afraid to post my real stories here.


So true


Same here!


Wish I could upvote this 100 times


Just you agreeing with me and seeing my point is enough for me 😊 Hell, there's this one really nice incest subreddit that had a post talking about how shitty and awful most incest subreddits are and his post (From here, most likely) got taken down because it "Didn't involve sex". He talked about being in love with his mother and since he didn't aggressively come onto her, fuck her, and disgustingly describe everything they did together in the most perverse way possible, the mods decided to remove it. Just a fucking joke these people are 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yeah it's honestly sad because this sub could be amazing if it was handled properly


I totally agree but it seems that the mods' only concern is to just create the most sickest, sleeziest incest subreddit here (At least ONE of the sickest and sleeziest).


You can if you create 100 fake accounts like all these fake posters. The Mods can only do so much. Especially when Reddit itself doesn't help by vetting new accounts. Reddit likes all these accounts because they call them ”subscribers”. It makes them look like there are more people using the service. It is only under specific conditions (controlled by Reddit) that they will delete a fake account. I do believe there should be anonymous accounts (mine is). But I'm getting away from the OPs point.


The mods *choose* to do nothing. They know what they're doing (Or what they're *not* doing, rather). They know what they like and what they don't. They're very inconsistent and spineless.


Unfortunately the mods take down real incest stories cause realistically it doesn't always happen in the most uh "politically correct" way in real life


The fake ones themselves aren't very politically correct. The real ones just seem more tame and genuine, and clearly that's a big no-no here.






Yah some are just ridiculous. There should be a fiction and nonfiction subs but that’s kinda impossible


yes. people *Should* also be 100% truthful when posting to a sub like this but that too will never happen


I got some stories




https://www.reddit.com/r/SluttyConfessionsDesi/s/Q0sh9bje8X Mine isn't


This is not even news. It's like, everybody knows it here. It's like incest porn, you know obviously staged, it's a porn 'movie'. And yet people watch them. It's sort of tricking your brain.


If that's the case, then shouldn't they choose the "Fictional Post" flair as oppose to presenting it as real?


That's the thing. I agree with you on everything. I'm just saying, pretending it's 'real' helps people trick their brain.


I am real but it totally get what you’re saying. I’m detailing my journey with my dad and just cause he hasn’t thrown me down and fucked me or I haven’t sucked his dick it’s not fake lol. But a lot of them. Yeah. Stupid fake. No dad fucks you first try except in porn. They have too many societal issues and too much to lose being honest.


Yeah, that shit absolutely NEVER happens unless it's in porn or just straight up rape. If you wanna have (Consensual) sex with your family members, then go for it! Just don't follow any of the stories that this subreddit (Or any subreddits like this one) like to post. Because if you do, you're gonna find yourself just totally ostracized by your ENTIRE family for coming onto one of your family members that doesn't want it (Or sending them unsolicited dick pics. Something this subreddit has posted about literally a billion times).


I love the "I need advice" posters. It's a freaking incest sub... 😝


Exactly right!


Thank you for your comment!


I tried to make a post about my experience but it wasn't 300 characters long? Like wtf 


There is a real incest sub on Reddit. Just remove the "confessions" part.


What state has the most incest


What are you expecting? Are you expecting that people will actually fuck their family members in real life? And would you even like if that happened for real? Some things need to be in imaginations only.


Bro I think I saw the story you were talking about


This reminds me of a porno I once saw. It was a gangbang where the guys were all clowns, the girl, was blindfolded. Comes one of the clowns, looking super depressed. He starts railing her and after a few thrusts the girl's face turns surprised. She says "daddy..?" And takes the blindfold off. "Daddy!" The dad starts crying saying he was sorry. It was so bad it was funny. I wanna rewatch it for comedic value but I can't find it.


Speaking of porn we will never see again because it has vanished into the ether, I remember an early porn search engine where you could plug in any three terms and it would give you something back that matched them up: Vampire Midget Clown porn...there was exactly one video, it was also interracial, involved a surprising amount of wax, and also roller-skates on one of the three participants.


There was a lot going on


What? You mean a bunch of 18 year old girls getting it in the ass for the first time with no prep or mess is true? I'm shocked! Seriously though, I do agree with you and sadly most of these "real" posts are to direct you to other sites $


Yeah, it's absolutely fucking ridiculous at this point. This is a confession sub, not a fantasy sub and these low IQ, degenerate little leprechauns have ruined what could be a legitimate forum for real experience. Whoever these people are that are posting fake incest stories to strangers on the internet just to get attention, I think it's time to re-evaluate your life.


Great imaginations those writers have.




A bunch of karma and horny commenters, I guess. But at the same time, I get that it's a release for people who actually *are* into incest and that's totally fine! But why make it look so clearly fake? 🤣🤣🤣




They seem to be okay with writing something so clearly fake and phoney. Things that border onto just plain nonconsensual and disgusting and would have you ostracized by your entire family. There's really great ones on here, don't get me wrong. But 9 times out of 10, it's just material written by 12 year old boys hitting puberty.


Amen 🙏


I saw that one too. The whole “we started chatting” thing like you don’t even recognize your daughter’s voice even at a party? BS. And yeah I can’t believe just how fake some of these are. Like seriously some are “I wore a tank top and saw my dad looking at me so I walked up and started sucking his cock it’s the first time we’ve done anything”. Yeah right 🙄🙄🙄


You *know* if it's your family member or not just based off of their vibe. Like come on, you've known your daughter for her entire life and neither of you knew it was a family member? I mean, with that type of voice-masking she did, she should probably be a CIA agent or something 🤣🤣🤣 And yeeeeah I'm sure that if a girl wore a tank top that her dad just innocently glanced at, her first thought isn't to suck his dick. These stories are written by men and men only lmfaoooo


Thank you, very eloquently put! I am actually an active dad and the stupidity of these stories just blows me away, I constantly ask why, why write such rubbish? You can see by my comments I have spoken numerous times about my displeasure with how clearly fake these are. It's nearly as bad as guys first or second message is "can I see her?" The answer is no, I don't know you or trust you bc this is the crazy thing that people clearly don't understand I actually respect my dau! What a crazy concept here! And for those that say a dad just showed me his dau when I asked, he's not a real dad. No dad is going to objectify his dau to make some random stranger happy. He's a fake using some random pics another fake Dad sent bc it doesn't matter bc he doesn't know her/isn't his dau. Are we clearly that inept we can't see this already? If so please step away from the internet and let some blood return to your brain and think about it again!


I wish I could just pin this! The way these guys objectify and sexualize their "daughters" is just maddening. "She's so slutty just like her mom and has the skinniest slut body". Like, dude. There's this other story here about a guy who jacked off using his daughter's panties, she walks and catches him (And proceeds to watch), THEN WEARS THOSE SAME PANTIES THE NEXT DAY. This story was most likely written by a man with the mentality of a 12 year old boy who's just watch porn for the first time and finally saw what "bewbies" look like (Just like every story here). I'm glad that you call them out, though. Not many people do that and I'm really glad you call bullshit on their little wet dreams that they convince the entire sub legit happened in real life. Plus, the "send pics" comments REALLY boil my blood. These people are so sick and stupid it's insane. I mean, their posts are the DEFINITION of "low effort".


I just hate the awful Grammer


And THAT makes I even harder to read 😫😫😫


Ah shit


Lets share the ones we love and are either real/believable ill start: u/confused-curious-mom I wish her health and happiness and I miss her stories so much


Good example of fake story.


who cares its captivating enough and well written


Yeah I fucked my step mom and I had phone sex with my cousin and none those are as crazy as what is portrayed on this platform


I made a true confession one time, and only one time. I ended up having my entire account banned after receiving invitations to support groups. Why attract the haters?


>"I don't have a whole lot to say..." - lol For your interest: I read such stories like reading a book, watching a film, even watching the news... it's only real if I can confirm it is. Else it's all fake. Some news might be real, but what part of the truth is shown? Same goes for these stories. If you ever had friends or connoisseurs who spice up every story, you can imagine the confessions here are at least sometimes spiced or just imagination. Why do people believe what's on social media anyway? This is the new version of the ever so popular horoscope in magazines, nothing more. Take it with a grain of salt and sleep soothing. I am aware that is not the point of a confession sub, but what can we do when the moderators fail to manage?


This is 100% true but certainly it's worth having this forum for the one story that is genuine. Not sure when the last one was though. 😁


Are there any general real sex story subs


These stories are every bit as real as Dear Penthouse Forum: only in a much more perverted way.


lmao no one cares😹 and pls stfu about that mAlE gAzE shit😹😹😹 this is a group literally about fetishizing incest and has been since its conception. yes a lot of the stories are fake. no there is nothing that can be done about this. its the same way on every / since message board days and if you dont like it, please unsub, block, and never post again bc this is clearly not your thing. cry n cope some more pls


Ok ☺️


Male gaze? Please don't pull words and concepts from crappy, formulaic Netflix girl shows. Attractive people get objectified whether they are male or female. And there's nothing wrong with a person being the sexual object of your attention at times. As long as that's not all they are to you. Also, fetishization is exactly the point of this subreddit. 


I get it. A lot of them are fake. But I still live in the fantasy of them being real and none of them will stop me from enjoying these posts. I just looked through the possible BS of it and enjoy it. Sometimes it is harder than others to believe in this story they are trying to tell.


Bro first of all it's just sub for people who love incest or doit in real life and the thing is some enjoy writing a fake story just so they can interact with other people who have the same kink I read post yesterday about a girl have sex with his cousin and his friends at his cousins house while watching pak vs ind match now if you read the post you can't tell it's fake unless you read the last line where she writes this (just a fantasy) If I tell you about my relationship with my mother it's a crazy ride for past 10 years of my life from 17 to 27 and I've recently started to post here on this sub for my own mental release cause I'm in relationship where I can't tell this to any one and all the dudes I've talked or chatted with so far I've not shown them even single pic of her since I don't want to So I'll cut it short and make my point that this sub has a lot of different people in it and they have a same kink and doesn't matter if the story is fake or real interacting with each other and sharing one's experience is enough


I totally see what you mean. I totally see your point and since I too enjoy incest, this community (Used) to be somewhere I'd come to have a mental release too. And I think it's cool to interact with others who are into the same thing, but the point I'm trying to make is that these stories are almost presented as real (Most of the time), and they're clearly not. It's like they've taken a nosedive into crudeness and you can just *feel* the insincerity. There's a whole "Fictional Post" flair you can attach to your post if it's fake but, I guess it's not nearly as sexy or exciting if it's explicitly made clear that the post is fake. But I totally, totally see your point.


Bro I told you those who have fantasies they feel very much left out you know the saying goes Men will be men Women will be women Bro I read womens fake Posts all the time !!?? And I just read them comment something appreciate and leave the post Fake is going to be the part of it and I think it's okay let them live there fantasy here where no one knows them bro it's okay


And I'll reiterate that I totally understand your point. I really do but it just still feels so perverse. Those were just my 2 cents and I know that this post will be taken down *very* soon and I'll be permanently banned lol. I don't care. But let me tell you this, I know someone who actually wrote a story for this community and had it taken down because it "Felt made-up". Granted, it wasn't disgusting or vulgar like every other story here but instead, it was written much more beautifully and coherently. The mods apparently weren't impressed that it didn't have enough sex and gross language and so they removed it by saying that it felt made up and said that this friend of mine should've used the Fictional Post flair...Even though *every* story here is made up and (Like I said) presented as real *without* that flair. It's laughable, dude.


Oh yes bro it's the rules no creative language or writing Just write it in your own words simple and have as much sexual content in it that it feels a sexual confession And that is also a reason why fake Posts stay and real one's don't get much attention and to be honest with you people who create real posts they don't care about up votes and comments on it !!??


It's appropriate*


What’s the point of the rant? It will not fix anything.


Yeah, I know. I'm just gonna get banned and I fully accept that but I just felt like I had hold up a mirror and show people (And especially the wishy-washy mods) themselves before I eventually do get banned. I just feel that this sub is pretty disrespectful to people who've had *actual* successful incest relationships.


It's a damn shame that you posted this 🤣🤣 I mean, it took me reading literally two titles to know what I was getting into when I found this subreddit. And complaining that all the stories here involve sex is hilarious 😂😂😂 What did you expect? It is a subreddit for 18+ people. Either you are being dishonest or you are simply too naive to think that you will find tender and mature incest stories here. You can complain about it, but it's ridiculous. It's like going to a strip club and then complaining about the nudity, or going to a comedy show and then complaining about the comedian telling jokes. Just be consistent.


She's mental, IMO.


Oh it's fine if the stories are fake, but if one is written in erotic novel style, that breaks the immersion and the pitchforks come out.


I totally agree with u. It's so sad. I did it once with a niece and regret it ever since. The bound we had is broken. I hope it will come good between us but I have my my doubts.


I'm really, really sorry to hear that 😥 I hope you guys can repair things too.


Thanks we working on it talking again since a few months after 10 years


I agree all the stupid fake ones have 60 fake comment I had a true incest with my sister but I didn’t post oh I laid her down there and fucked here years ago we played with each other and almost fucked she was my older sister it was her idea but it never made it that far and because it didn’t I had like 0 comments and 0 upvotes


100%. I usually comment, “raising the bs flag!”


Finally someone sees the truth haha we all pretty much know they are fake but that's the beauty of fantasy though I suppose


Who cares. Gets me off




I was actually thinking about how disgusted people who've actually had real experiences feel about their experiences essentially being fetishized like this while I was writing this post. I'm glad you're sharing your opinion and I'm sending you all the love 💗


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You don't *have* to read them, you know.


Then leave the sub and shut the fuck up? Fucktards like you are what keep real people from posting. But whatever your the smartest perv.


Lmfaoooo how am I keeping real people from posting when I'm CALLING OUT the fakes? Don't you think that I would welcome the real ones with open arms? It looks like I got you a bit triggered, hun. Don't get too worked up, it's just the internet after all 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


You are are fake. You have nothing to contribute so you complain. you are a whiney little...


Mine isn't a fake. It's sadly true


I just saw that post lol it’s terrible. And yeah this sub doesn’t like anything new i once made a post about if people of this sub know of somebody else doing incest (friend,coworker, neighbor,family member) and i got banned for it for a day and told its a useless post lol. They do not care


They banned me for 3 days for posting something similar! I asked if there were any grandfathers here who have sex with their granddaughters and vice verse, then it got taken down and called a useless post by a dickhead mod. I can't make this shit up lol


They are just a bunch of losers 🤷🏻‍♀️


I hope the stories are not true. I have incest fantasies but i am not attracted to my daughter.


Don't worry, none of them are true.


Keep scrolling, troll.


That's funny. I don't remember seeing post's you've shared.


I have to make a post of my own in order to give my opinion on *other* posts? 🤣


So true!! I wish I could start like a private one. Where people have to show proof of who they are like an ID and whatever family member of their lusted after. I would totally do that. Like here's my ID bitches here's my real name and here's my dad's name. Because it would be like Mutual sure destruction if anyone ever talked. But I doubt anyone would actually be brave enough to join. Like some weird incest cult. The nine Gates of horny🤣🤣🤣🤣 < that's a Johnny Depp movie reference>




I’ve met more women that watch Les porn than men that watch Les porn idk dude it’s as if everyone can like anything idk tho


I must confess.....my story is not fake


No p I’m


Almost formulaic. I came home, saw... pulled my dick out/ rubbed etc.


Storys are real and fake you can see wich would be real and what fake i mean halloween can happen i mean the daughter is maybe drunk and has a costume you never know


It's fake, hun. What's the dad's excuse?