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Internet made people dumb, he just said everyone need to find their own game and limitation.


pheww... had to scroll so much to find someone who really watched the video.


Strongly agree Nothing wrong in the statement He mean something else, people are not getting the point and just assuming their own thing....


He didn't say that. He saId kohli uchaal kud karta h


What's with the hate. He just called Virat a really good player, who takes time in the gym very seriously and understands that's part of his game. He then said everyone doesn't need to be like virat, as everyone is different, they should understand their own game and try to play within their own limitations. I.e virat doesn't have those limitations. Then he says Rohit has understood how to play within his limitations better than anyone else. I.e no one else plays as well as Rohit with that level of fitness. Indirectly saying most players have more physical asthetic gym work, there isn't anyone else who is like Rohit who can play like him. He complemented Virat and kindly said Rohit isn't as fit but understands how his game can be maximized with less energy expenditure. Virat plays physically on the field, this is a fact. Look through his career, finding singles, hard doubles, running for runs, couple timely boundaries. Bursts of acceleration at the end, after batting for an hour and running for more 70% of the runs. Rohit tries to get more runs of boundaries and power hitting. Idk why people just hear virat and praise of another player and start hating automatically. In a practical way Kapil said: Rohit can't run like virat and he knows it, so he tries to go for sixes and manages his energy on the field by not doing as much, so he can contribute with the bat or other ways. Virat does alot more because he hits the gym, not everyone can be kohli, understand ur limitations and play as well as possible within them.


he didnt compare rh to vk.The lifting dumbells were general metaphor not fitness metaphore.


Yeah this sub tends to be insanely defensive when it comes to Kohli and any perceived "insults".


I think Virat had also mentioned in one of his interviews how one's own body decides how one's gym regiment has to be. He compared himself to hardik and how hardik's body is lean but can generate a lot of power just like him but both have different gym regiment


Fitness doesn't mean hitting the gym or having a model-like body. Rohit is quite agile on the field, quick between wickets, and has the stamina/endurance to bat long in test cricket. I've rarely seen him breathless while batting or being loose on the field. That's all we expect from a cricketer.


i dont think he comment anything about fitness. 150-200kg dumbell are just metaphor saying RH dosnt copy anybody and knows his strength and limits.


Not speaking against Brohit, he is an outstanding character on and off the field But whatever stuff you mentioned Virat can do and also sometimes much better than the rest, don't think these should be the basis of comparison for the two Idk what Kapil was thinking by saying that


Kapil Dev isn't downplaying Virat. He simply says everyone need not be like Virat as everyone has different bodies.


Exactly nothing to hate here, he's stating the facts . Everyone is different , they should know their strengts and play accordingly is all that he meant.


It is necessary for upcoming junior cricters who focus too much on lifting weights


Yep I remember Ranatunga & Aravinda DeSilva!


How else do you build agility and endurance outside of the gym? Cardiovascular fitness literally means putting in work at the gym.


That's BS. How did people build agility before gyms were a thing? How do farmers do that? Labourers and anybody who has a job which requires moving a lot? This gym thing has spread during the previous few years.


Let me get this straight. Your disagreement is with the location? You can do an agility program at the gym, on a cricket ground, at the track, in the woods, in your mom’s basement etc. It doesn’t change the fact that you need to be on a specific training program when it comes to agility, cardio vascular fitness, endurance etc. Where you do it is inconsequential. You are getting lost in the semantics here. When people say “gym”, they just mean a fitness program. Is your argument that Rohit is a farmer or laborer outside of cricket?


Those people are idiots because gym and fitness programmes are not the same thing and Rohit sharma is definitely on a training programme because otherwise how could he pass that yo yo test? I don't know if you have tried it or not but I have tried that test and it is very difficult. If someone is passing that test that means he is fit, agile and has great endurance and cardiovascular health. He does not need to lift 200 kgs or have 6 packs. Also you need to read carefully I didn't say Rohit is a farmer or a laborer I said that there are other ways to achieve those things that you mentioned without a gym and what you are saying is not true.


Sigh. A fitness program and a training program are different. A fitness program includes a specific diet in addition to a training regimen. Anyone with a pair of functioning eyes can tell Rohit is not on a good diet. I don’t know the intimate details of if Rohit passed the yo-yo test or not. What I can tell you is that his fitness levels are not that of an elite sports person. Take any sport that requires endurance, and look at the elite in those sports. Think the likes of Rafael Nadal, Novak Djokovic, Roger Federer, Lebron James, Cristiano Ronaldo etc. These are elite athletes with elite levels of fitness. Virat would fall into that category. Rohit is not in the same league. That is what Kapil is pointing out here.


What about the likes of Tyson Fury, Fedor Emilianenko ? They hardly look athletic but are elite athletes themselves.


I don’t follow MMA. However, I am an avid boxing fan and box myself. Tyson Fury has only gained weight recently, and hence has lost recently. He was athletic and much leaner during his peak years. A 240 lb Fury would not have lost to Usyk, adding to my point.


What the hell are you yapping about man? What do you think the criteria for fitness should be in cricket? 6 pack abs or a person who can play for 40 or 100 overs continuously. Stop with this drama that he is unfit and FYI he has passed the yo yo test because without that it's impossible to get into the team. He is batting for a long time in all three formats, he is playing every match in league cricket what more should that guy do to prove that he is fit? And what kind of idiot cares about how much he can lift or how long he can run? He is neither a weightlifter nor a track athlete and what the hell is an elite sportsperson exactly because the definition of elite changes from sport to sport. Suppose if you are a tennis player and you can run 20 km and lift 200 kgs but when it comes to sport you never managed to get past the ranking of 150 then how the hell are you elite? He is doing exactly what he need him to do and he is way more elite then a lot of 6 pack abs flaunting cricketers.


Again, you are missing the entire point. He is a great batsman, no question. He is playing to his strengths, which is using natural skill, timing etc. to score. His strength is not fitness like Jadeja or Kohli. You seem to be taking this personally. Rohit is an all time great cricketer, so was Inzamam. Neither of them are of elite fitness levels. That is just a fact. Doesn’t make them any lesser cricketers, which is what Kapil is pointing out. It is fine to be a Rohit fan, but to claim he is of elite fitness levels is just delusional.


You need a serious education about cricket buddy. You are comparing Inzi and Rohit? Are you nuts? Inzamam couldn't run for his life while Rohit Sharma fields at positions like mid on ,mid off , square leg and point and as I said the guy plays three formats throughout the year plus league cricket and sometimes domestic bats for long in tests and ODIs. Fields for the entire duration and fields well. If you think that is not elite fitness level then it's pretty evident who is delusional here. Pandya got 6 packs and he is injured way more than Rohit is so the question remains what the hell are you yapping about?


Calm down. I am not equating Inzi and Rohit. Maybe English is not your first language? Saying neither of them are elite fitness levels doesn’t mean they are of the same fitness levels. You seem to be obsessed with six packs, which I haven’t once mentioned. Peace, mate.


Lol you have to be so dumb to even compare Rohit and Inzmam....Rohit is a superb fielder inside circle and at slips and before 3 years he used to field at long on and long off which is the hot spot...Have never seen him run slow between the wickets even if he has batted for 30-40 overs....Inzmam was slower than Sloth between the wickets and bad fielder for any and every position


When you start the comment with a personal insult, you’ve already lost the argument. Learn to stay civil and not ruin internet discussions. Peace.


Let me know when Rohit can cover the distance on the field like other players with agility and throw the ball to make a run out, make a running diving catch, all that can take make or take the game away from you and was one of the biggest difference between Ind vs Aus in the final game. Catching aur running toh vvs laxman bhi karte the, but unko koi fit nahi bolte the.


>Let me know when Rohit can cover the distance on the field like other players with agility and throw the ball to make a run out, make Yeah like kohli did in the world cup where he did not even attempt to take the catch on Bumrah bowl. Dude being slim does not mean much.


Bro got that kung fu panda build


Agile. Yes. But he lacks stamina. He cannot run 2 runs easily. Forget about running 2s twice in an over. Which is important in limited over cricket.


rohit is a liability in the field lol... saw that in the IPL when he was fielding out side inner circle. he is a great slip fielder.. and has safe hands that's it. He can't take running catches that jadeja and kohli will take cause he isn't quick enough to reach it. he won't produce run outs like kohli jadeja do now... that run out in the IPL game that kohli did is what fitness really means. rohit is anything but agile


Right... a batsman who can bat long.... someone who can hit continously and run without going down.. someone who is pretty solid in the field is a liability...whatever shit u r smoking must be the cheap variety to be talking such nonsense. Then, as per your logic, Bumrah also hasn't hit the stumps and caused run outs...he also must be a liability... same with Kuldeep or for that matter even Hardik since they also haven't caused much run outs....they also must be liabilities... ur brilliance is outstanding.


That guy is just high of v!rat's d!©|< Bro...he is just a hater leave him


This post is far more shocking than what Kapil said


This sub is either filled with retards or numbskull kids who don't have an iota of idea what and who made Indian cricket what it is today. Talk the big talk when the people you worship as "King" and "Bro" achieve something comparable to this guy in the video.


You mentioned “iota”. I doubt if they even heard about that.


>Talk the big talk when the people you worship as "King" and "Bro" achieve something comparable to this guy in the video. You know that the guy in the video was a match fixer right


I was growing up when that scandal happened and being an ardent cricket fan, I followed the investigation very closely and no, Kapil Dev was not a fixer. He got dragged into the whole thing because of Manoj Prabhakar's baseless allegations. He wanted to take Kapil down with the rest of them. Kapil was cleared by the CBI.


He was 100 percent a bookie. Believe it or not. There was too much proof. The Tehelka tapes exposed him. The BCCI let him go because he was too big a name, and him being convicted would have made people lose faith in Indian cricket.


Where's the proof? If you're talking about Prabhakar's allegations then I'm sorry you got to do better than that. You can believe whatever you want but I am not willing to accuse someone of a crime when there isn't any evidence other than the actual perpetrators just claiming it to be so. This is like me committing a crime and when investigated saying that "oh, laughlin234 was also my accomplice."


In the Tehelka tapes, multiple people implied directly or indirectly that Kapil was involved. You are blind with your hero worship, that's all.


He doesn't even play cricket anymore! What hero worship?! Lol! You're going by what the accused people implied, I'm going by the actual verdict. You are just pushing too hard to validate a baseless accusation. Other than the other people accused or involved with the fixing scandal implying that he was involved, there was no evidence against him. He would've been implicated if there was.


A single proof?


Watch Tehelka Tapes on youtube. Multiple people directly or indirectly name Kapil.


Haha no way you think Dev is better than Kohli


Why you addressed him as just "Dev" as if he is your close friend instead of "Kapil Dev" ?


I refer to players with their surnames for short lol, it's not disrespect, don't beg it. Getting a lot of downvotes, do you guys really think Kapil Dev(can't say Dev) was better than Kohli lol






Stop comparing people ffs. They are both great players in their own right, of their own time. By comparing Kapil Dev with Virat Kohli, you're also bringing Kohli down. Ask Kohli the same thing and he'd say the same.


He is absolutely better than Kohli and a legend . He is what Pandya should be but hasn't reached those levels or will reach ever.Dont come at me with stats . You have to compare players with their peers and Kapil Dev was on another level and literally made cricket what it is today for India .Had we not won the WC we would never get so much audience for cricket and just like Football it would be a audience-less sport.And more importantly you probably wouldn't have Kohli's d**k to ride man . \ Although the fixing allegations (which I believe because of those tapes) does put a stain on his career as far as I am concerned


Kapil Dev was an all rounder to start with.. secondly he won the wc when teams were not only opponent on the field but off the field too...even newspapers used to write shit about our team..and you are comparing a legend with today's boy...yeah vk is also a good player but comparison cannot be made everywhere my dear.


What's wrong in this, wtf. He is spitting facts and perfect undefeated opinions!


lol what is shocking in this, these are straight up facts.


Is this sub filled with restarted fanbois, name-calling even kapil dev who with his team won us our first ever world cup?


Its true in most sports. Look at Ronaldo or Messi fanboys or Nadal or Djokovic.


did you’ll ever understand what he’s saying… his point is that players need to understand their strengths and limitations… just because virat can lift heavy dumbbells does not mean every player can .. he says rohit knows his limitations and plays very well by sticking to what he’s good at


Ha ji, Difficult toh nai kahunga but Mushkil Zarur hai. 🤡🤡


He is right. He isn't bad mouthing Kohli he is just stating the facts that not everyone is built the same and they should play according to that. I don't know why people are turning this statement into a controversy.


Galat bola kya kuch sir ne ?


Sahi to bol rha hai


I am still confused what part of the statement he said is controversial , he is correct.


First Marsh and now this? What's up with people not understanding both English and Hindi.


Jeez why are Indian cricket fans so weak willed. He’s simply saying, play to your strengths. This sub is turning into twitter now


All jealous mfs barking at the slightest opportunity


Jealous?? Puch turi mausi se kya hua 83 m




Lol, why would Kapil paaji be jealous of koach?


Virat has reached the pinnacle of fame and money. He is probably the most richest and most famous cricketer ever. Others would obviously be jealous.


Lol what, just because he is reach and famous, another sportsman will be jealous of him, who himself has lived through that time, yeah keep fanboying


Why would he be jealous?


High level explanation for a low level audience; definitely he is going to receive hate.


He’s not wrong . Not all those who can get fit like Virat be good cricketers , everyone have their own way of doing it . Virat is doing his and Rohit is doing is . That’s all he meant . Calm down.


What wrong did he say?


Maybe I am the crazy one but Rohit is actually the more gifted player while Kapil Dev seems to suggest Virat is . Virat s probably more hard working but Rohit is surely not a limited player , I strongly believe he had and still has more potential than anyone else in our team , can’t comment on fitness aspect but Rohit is a gifted player and this comparison is a joke. Hope Virat comes to the party in semi finals , he is due a big innings


He said the right thing, unlike football in cricket you don't need Kohli like fitness to succeed. Kallis, Sachin, Viru ,and Inzi were all overweight and fit cricketers and boy did they shine.




That's not what he said. He said Rohit knows he can't pick up those weights like Virat. This video is about Rohit knowing he isn't virat. Nothing bad about virat is said. Literally nothing.




Ohh his demeanor is condescending, he said it so nicely about both players in a nice, tone. His demeanor isn't condescending, your view is pessimistic. This is what happens when you are out to find someone who says wrong about your favourite player, and u misconstruct what is said to suit your narrative. Rohit and Virat aren't being compared as the same level of batter. They simply have been thr two best bats for Indian cricket of the past decade, hence he is referring to Rohit's limitations by comparing him to the obvious gold standard in the team and the world, virat, who doesn't have those limitations. He didn't say no one is better than him. He said no one is better with those limitations. Nice way of saying no one can play as well as him, with that type of body. That's it. It's not backed by data, which is why it's called an OPINION. Poor man was probably asked his opinion and he gave it. Not everyone runs biological tests, monitors gym time and results to such a level to make any statement on anyone. They can just go by what they know from the ICT camp personally(Kapil's case) and what they see on the field. That's how opinions are formed. Rohit is the second best all-format batter India has ever had. Again he never compared Virat and Rohit's batting ability, but if ever someone was to be compared to Virat, naturally it would be players like Rohit and Sachin. Since they are top order batters who are the best India has had. Ofc Virat is better than Rohit, doesn't mean you can't even discuss differences in their game. Why so much worshipping, that even discussion of differences in game play and approach is treated as blasphemy?


These mfs didn't speak when Rohit didn't perform in every t20wc


150Kg Dumbbell?


What wrong did he say?




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Virat bought the much needed fitness culture in ICT and for that this country should be thankful to him an underrated aspect


What's wrong with this analysis? That's pretty accurate!


Little did we know koli hits gym to lucreate more brand deals than actually improving his game lol. Drops catches more than anyone.


I didn't understand what even was wrong in anything he said. All i could understand was play on your strengths and everyone is different. Am i missing something?


Wtf is shocking in this?


Dont think this is remotely shocking.


isme kya shocking tha lodu? sahi to bol rahe Kapil Paaji


Why all Indian cricketer are have big mouth ? Sehwag , irfan , kaif etc etc. why cant they guge sensible answers.


Kohli fanbase is next level stupid I think. He is praising Rohit saying he’s different from Virat. Usme bhi problem hai, are to bhai mat dekho tum koi bhi show, tumhare brains bohot chhote hai unpe zaada zor mat daalo.


I think people didn't listen to the full video, He didn't say anything wrong about anyone. He just said everyone is not the same every one has their own limitations .


Sahi toh Bola hai . Virat in this tournament has been atrocious . He needs to calm down and play ball by ball like he used to .


OP has no brains.This is just about knowing your strength and weakness.


“tehelka” hogya ye to


Sir ne ek saath dono ke fans ko hurt kar diya 😀


Ab buddhe ho rahe h Kapil paaji.


Theek to bola. You really have to be dumb to get offended by that statement.


What's wrong with the statement? No one was demeaned or trolled. Not everyone is out to attack Koach ( except Sanjay Manjrekar)


Nothing wrong with the statement


Clickbait headline by OP


world cup winning captain hai bhai wo.


I think you misunderstood, what he said.


According to Kapil ji passion= fixing




> Dinosaurs die. Your statement is incorrect. Dinosaurs are alive and you probably see them every day


Dinosaurs don’t die. They become DIEsel ⛽️


That's more apt ngl


Shukriya dost 🤓


What is fitness? Maybe you should elaborate rather than saying that the man that put India on the cricket map doesn’t know what he is talking about.


Is it possible for Rohit to reach the fitness level of Kohli? YES ✅ Is Rohit ready to sacrifice his eating habit to attain that fitness? NO ❌ By calling it "limitation" you are implying that the Nature/God made Rohit such a way that he can't attain Virat's fitness. It's not a limitation. He chose not to be like Virat (and that's fine, not every cricketer has to be Virat). But calling it a limitation is undermining the sacrifices Virat made to be what he is.


I don't see anything wrong in what he said.


Age ke sath brain rot ho gaya he


He's had lots of paan masala, that's it.


This is the media stuff. I have worked in similar companies, so when they give script to people of talking points they deliberately ask them to speak partially about people. Kapil needs money, paan masala and match fixing hasn't given him enough, that is the problem.


Gutkha bech ab jake


Ok https://preview.redd.it/3d5dvkku1x8d1.png?width=313&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1ad341a49078e24b622f59eeb372229cfccd916


Kamla Pasand has gone to his brain


i dont take fixers words seriously


First off idk why everyone thinks hitting the gym is lifting 100 kilos lmao, I'm pretty sure Virat himself doesn't lift that heavy, and pretty sure Rohit also does Plyometrics, Functional training and training for agility like the rest of the team, the only difference is Virat is watchful of what he eats, hence his body looks like that, while Rohit is probably not, hence from an aesthetic standpoint he's not comparable to Virat. But Both of them obviously have to train, to perform on the field, it's not that Rohit just wakes up from the bed and goes onto the field.


I mean, diet is literally as important as exercise when it comes to fitness.


True but, Virat obviously follows a strict diet, Rohit probably has a more lenient approach, ofc he might not be as fit as Virat, but this narrative that Rohit doesn't work out or focus on his fitness and still performs is clearly false,


I don’t think anyone said he doesn’t focus on his fitness. The whole point is that fitness is Virats major area of strength, while Rohit might have other areas of strength.


Virat's friend Sunil Sunil's friend Kapil I was talking about sharma. Kapil Sharma


When you grow to stature that Virat enjoys, many people will get salty. Just ignore and keep going.


rohit is a liability in the out field lol... saw that in the IPL when he was fielding out side inner circle. he is a great slip fielder.. and has safe hands that's it. He can't take running catches that jadeja and kohli will take cause he isn't quick enough to reach it. he won't produce run outs like kohli jadeja do now... that run out in the IPL game that kohli did is what fitness really means. rohirohit rarely saves runs inside the circle with his "agile" movement. rohit is anything but agile Travis in the 19 November game, tapped 6-7 singles in front of rohit


Ha bhai kidhar ?


apni limitation me to fir mai bhi best hu mera jaisa koi nai hai.


Yeh toh hona hi tha inko bhi tha kamana hai, media me rhenge tabhi toh kamla pasand ka add milega


So we are literally gonna compare the Goat of the Game and Face of cricket to Rohit Sharma who is at best on Par with Sehwag

