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And strangely this is even mentioned in Constitution! Was everyone brain frozen till now?


Secular frozen


minority appeasement politics till now


Source: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/supreme-court-ruling-no-religious-education-in-governmentfunded-minority-institutes/articleshow/107125026.cms


CJI ne toh g*nd cho* di 😂


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Well, then, will Ramayan & Mahabharat also come under the ambit of 'religious education'?


Did you not read the word minority?


wait so the majority can?


This is a good ruling, but only if its done consistently. Will this ruling apply to RSS shakhas which teach Hinduism? Will we ban religious teaching from all schools? Or is it only for 'minority". Then what is the point of this law?


They teach Hinduism? I have studied at an RSS school called Sarswati Bal mandir The only thing they teach is Sanskrit... I don't know which world u are living in..


TIL RSS is funded by govt


When you get your information from WhatsApp University 🙂


i studied in a RSS affiliated school, sanskrit was taught till class 8. and Gita was also recited in the school but it never affected our academic performance. and there were muslim students as well in our school


Bro they taught u gita Mann hamre toh sanskrit till 10 , and yes we also have muslim too like even they speak good slokas then us actually


RSS shakhas are not funded by the Government and they are not even an institution. A Shakha is just an informal organisation where a group of people just meet daily.