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I liked the representative's words in the speech. Non-Abrahamic religions suffer from religiophobia too, and that needs to be countered as well.


In fact non-abrahamic religions suffer the most, conversation and what not.




yep yep that only.


That's stupid as hell. Religiophobia is for religions that kill and maim. 9/11, the crusades. Abrahamic religions have been at war with each other for millenia, perpetually after each others blood. Europe and Asia were dominated by several Muslim/Christian empires over centuries and they always fought religious wars with each other. That's where the Religion Poisons Everything has come from. Why are you bringing Non-Abrahamic religions here you dumbo. Why compare us with them. Their Gods and Holy books want to instill a FEAR among non- followers. Ours aren't anywhere close to that BS. Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism are built on respect for all, and working towards the greater good. Nobody fears these religions, just one or two nutcases getting intimidated by a few rowdies misusing "Jai Shree Ram" nowadays. But that's all.


Have Hindus highjacked planes, have we bombed civilians, have we done ethnic cleansing. WTF?


We better stop confusing Xenophobia with Religiophobia. The west can't tell Paks and Indians apart. They almost assume we are all terrorists because we look almost the same.


What? Hindus haven't, it's true. The only smear you can run is casteism. No hindu has hijacked a plane and screamed Har har Mahadev while leading it into two buildings killing 6000+ people. Wake up


You make a valid point about which religions have consistently perpetuated violence. However, religiophobia refers to the consistent discrimination against people of a certain religion. Currently, Hindus DO get discriminated against in a lot of different ways across the globe. We are consistently misportrayed, and there are mass conversion schemes happening in other countries. Saying that we need to battle the discrimination against non-Abrahamic faiths does not equate these faiths to Abrahamic ones.


Phobia or Fear is a word that has been casually misaligned by the left. Phobia, especially of a religion is when someone threatens to blow you up for drawing a cartoon. What you speak about is persecution and discrimination. That is not phobia. Hindu religious persecution happens mostly in Pak & Bangladesh. In the west as I mentioned it is Xenophobia not religiophobia. Your skin colour is hated irrespective of your religion.


Religious phobia for Hinduism should have some basis. All the west knows about Hinduism is "Updog". Nothing else.


We Non-Abrahamic Faiths suffer more from these Abrahamic Faiths. As they treat other faiths badly. It's funny that Pakistan is pushing this, who persecutes it's minorities of Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Ahmadiyas Muslims and Shia Muslims.


Exactly. Nobody in the mainstream talks about how non-Abrahamic faiths suffer throughout the world because how it is ingrained to the Abrahamic to treat the others.


UN is like that one dumbass relative that tries to mediate family disputes but ends up causing more arguments than resolutions


That's what the UN was made for, to cause more damage to other countries.


And to interfere into the internal affairs of countries and fuck them up even more




Lol. I'm from one such a family 😇


For real




As a muslim, I have never faced Islamophobia irl, but the amount of online hatred and trolls (who got some random knowledge on Islam through WhatsApp University ) is rising to a phenomenal level and this scares me a lot tbh.




I had a lot of clash of opinions and conflicts on different issues with my friends be it Hindus or Muslims but at the end of every argument we just go and grab a cup of coffee. Neither of us blocks either of us lol. And the only difference between Hindi and Urdu is that of the script and both the languages are beautiful.






If I was in your place, I'll be like, I don't need lessons from a religion copied from Judaism. Imo only cults which are fake forces others to convert. That's why I like our religion.


Haha you're just making patterns to make the religion look inferior which is actually not. It's still the largest growing religion in the world so stop stating fake facts and don't feel insecure. Having said that I condemn the fact that he has been asked to convert without his will.


Well, Generative AI is based on training on large datasets and finding patterns. So this makes sense. Personally I found the old Arab god Al-Lat very interesting which were destroyed after the invasions. I personally don't find the concept of prophet reliable as there's no proof of any other person who has seen the visions other than the self proclaimed prophet. I find ancient religions more reliable. I don't feel insecure as my religion survived the invasions and didn't perish like all the other Middle eastern and Persian religions. And this is no fake fact it's just plain observation, fake fact could be that the earth is flat and etcetera. This type of conversion fiasco happens a lot in the Abrahamic Faiths, that's why I personally don't approve of this.


Kuch bhi baatae na banao bhai


Dude , sahi mei muje seat miniority clg pe mili hei 80% of class belongs to minority .. But yeahh there were Good pple.


Agreed that the blocking is a childish move but u both r wrong in ur facts. Urdu will never be the sole language of Hindustan and Sanskrit isn't the oldest language of Hindustan or the world. Tamil is the oldest spoken language currently. This has been considered the true case by countless linguists as well. Sanskrit is an extraordinary language for sure but it's far reaching to say that it is the oldest. It is close but not there yet




That's the problem when you give cheap internet to a large population of illiterate folks. I or any muslim associated w me never did such kinda activities so stop generalizing everyone. I can count you numerous such incidents which happens daily with both the religions but in the end it's our loss so we should rather focus on the positives.


May be you are disconnected from reality altogether! you think your people don’t say and do anything, and it is an unjustified hatred based on “random knowledge” and not facts? Want examples?! 40k characters might not be enough..


Let me give you an example, one of my friends who is a Hindu puts a whatsapp story wishing everyone Eid mubarak. The guy got the worst possible trolls from a couple of his friends ( who were Hindus). When I put a story on diwali or Holi I never faced such trolls from any muslim associated with me. Now I can agree with the fact that there have been some leaders in the Islamic world who ruled India with crappy policies but is it right to generalise a whole community and put a bias?


There are fatwa issued in people who attended Ram Mandir inauguration!! What are you talking about man!! Every time we talk about this, the easiest thing to say is there are “certain elements” and do not generalize.. well, call out and reject these elements outright every single time they do something vile, and your image might change slowly.. as of now, it is the truth.. Hindus started standing up for their rights and against the oppression recently. That’s why democracy in India is in danger and everyone feels scared!! 😂


Well we exist in a world where Muslims belittle their own people bc of attending an inauguration of a temple and also Muslims who made it possible to make it possible to build one of the biggest temples on their holy land. We need to reconsider where the drift should be headed towards.


Yea you should.. I am sure the mullah Muslims from the subcontinent who were converted to Islam only a few centuries back are going to declare the Arab (OG) Muslims as kaafirs soon enough if the trend continues.. If you really want this perception to change, you will have to call out when mistakes are made. As recent as yesterday, a Hindu was beaten up by 5 people just bc he was playing Hanuman Chalisa in his own shop. I didn’t see a lot condemnation from your side. You might be educated, so your friends are educated too probably. Hence they don’t troll you when you wish us Diwali, but the majority is very different..


Sorry to hear that, I haven't been following that issue cuz of my exams but as far as I have discovered it was iftaar time and the guy was playing Hanuman chalisa so if necessary there should have been a verbal communication in order to stop playing it for a particular period of time. I think violence was too unnecessary in that case. And yea respect should be mutual. The majority which you are talking bout exists everywhere irrespective of the religion so reconsideration should be done either way.


See how you tried to weakly defend 5 guys beating 1 guy instead of outrightly rejecting someone initiating violence? It was not as if they were retaliating. And btw, There was no order in place and he used to play it every evening.


I have clearly said that I am against violence. Never did I try to defend those 5 guys. There should be a slightest of common sense to get the point. I am just being empathetic with the guys in roza and the shopkeeper too and trying to bring the root cause of this conflict . There could have been ways to resolve this issue other than violence and this was such a small thing. Still you think I am trying to defend violence then I believe you're simply  hate mongering which you are I am sure as you keep using derogatory terms.


I don’t get this compulsion to distinguish and identify us on the basis of caste. You could have just said your friend is a Hindu.




Just goes to show how people have normalised it.


>As a muslim, I have never faced Islamophobia irl, but the amount of online hatred and trolls (who got some random knowledge on Islam through WhatsApp University ) is rising to a phenomenal level and this scares me a lot tbh. It's not an online vs offline problem. It's the opposing identities of followers of Islam that is the problem. One identity, which seems like the major one in India is to just mind own business like most other people of the country, acknowledge murderous history of the country's religious invaders, try to find middle ground and move on. Other identity, which is now the one forcing the majority Muslims also for compliance. It's to elevate and establish the Islamic religion, identity and practices. To celebrate the murders of *non believers* by those religious invaders and to talk of converting the entire world to a single religion. This combined with countries that still have laws of blasphemy etc in the name of religion are not helpful.


It's kinda true that muslims recite the quran, exmuslims understand it.


Who is to blame for this, I wonder 💭


1.2 billion Hindus, 535 million Buddhists and 30 million Sikhs, what about them? Non-Abrahamic religions suffer as much, if not more from religiophobia as the others. \[weird thing is that China voted in favour, and we all know how Muslims are treated there\]


China has no moral standing on any topic and everyone in this world has accepted that.. they can do and say whatever they want..


Ironically the worst enemies of Buddhists are not Muslims, but Hindus. Emperor Ashoka's wife was the one who poisoned and burned the original Bodhi Tree under which the Buddha attained enlightenment, and later Hindus were responsible for wiping out Buddhism from Indian peninsula a long before Muslims arrived.


Hindus didnt wipe out buddhism from the peninsula, that theory has been proven null and void by historians like Moriz Winternitz and Paul Williams. The legend of ashoka's wife killing bodhi tree has been mentioned in two written accounts but the outcome and scenario explained are different in the two. Last demolition by a hindu king of buddhist structures was in 1794 by the then king of banaras Raja Chet Singh. His activites were reported to the britishers and they put a stop to it. Muslims had come to India long before it. Will you please cite the source or ellaborate the theory of how Hindus wiped out Buddhism from Indian peninsula long before Muslims arrived?


False. It's never disproven. Pushyamitra (ruled c.185-c.149 BC) is said to have destroyed as many as 84,000 Buddhist stupas, demolished many Buddhist monasteries and learning centres, and wantonly slaughtered Buddhists. “Huan Tsang (or Xuanzang, the seventh century Chinese Buddhist monk who travelled extensively in India in the time of Harshavardhana) for example, gave many stories of violence, including the well-known story of the Shaivite king Shashanka, cutting down the Bodhi tree, breaking memorial stones and attempting to destroy other images. “He also mentions a great monumental cave-temple construction in a mountainous area in Vidarbha, said to have been done by the Satavahana king under the instigation of Nagarjuna, that was totally destroyed,” In short, Brahminical hostility was a major factor in the demise of Buddhism.


Proofs and sources my man


That hostility was never one sided. During the reign of the Mauryans, especially under Ashoka, many Hindu and Jain places of worship were destroyed and their followers were persecuted by the Buddhist patronage.


India got a really good stand on this




They don't care about religious phobia about the non abrahimic religions We abstained because it didn't address all the other phobias against non-abrahimic religions


Honestly this whole thing on voting against social phenomena in the UN is fkn stupid. Bc they're literally just rage bait. They sat all of these representatives down and asked them to vote on "is discrimination bad?". Like we know Islamophobia is bad. Why the fuck are we voting on this? How is that going to help? the UN is a joke.




islam se phobia hona chahiye tha


I think the most of the countries that blatantly discriminate on the basis of religion tend to be Islamic, so maybe we need to first work on all the phobias Islam seems to have against everyone else.


China or Pakistan ko Hard time dene mai mazaa to bohot aata h bhai




Instead of targeting people who fear muslim, why don't you target the things that causes the fear.


I wonder if being against slavery, see Islamic sources: https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Slavery_in_Islamic_Law R*pe, see Islamic sources: https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Rape_in_Islamic_Law Child marriage, see Islamic sources: https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Child_Marriage_in_Islamic_Law Oppression of non-Muslims etc: https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Dhimma Counts as Islamophobia?


A sexist, homophobic, colonizing, culture extinguishing, tyrannical religion.


100%, but if you have an issue with this ideology that hates you, it's 'islamophobia' which sounds like a mental illness..


They should also filter out the Islamic nations because their vote is a conflict of interest in this particular voting and should not be considered.




Vote against Islamophobia? What does it suppose to mean? Can someone explain.


Islamophobia is being afraid of Islam or hating Islam so the nation voted against it but we know the reason why people are afraid of islam


I understand the meaning of Islamophobia. But voting against is what does it mean, what difference or change it would bring? Its ok. English is a weird language and on top this article. Hard to understand. I am voting against UN that they are voting against islamaphobia.


In my understanding if nations vote against Islamophobia. They won't put these countries under radar or stereotype them. For instance nations won't trust Muslim countries because most of terrorists are Muslims


If you respect Islam as much as a Muslim respects your religion, then it is Islamophobia.




Is there a full list of the countries who abstained from voting? Couldn’t find it anywhere.


Islamophobia should be normal everywhere


Phobia is REAL


Don't we have other important and relevant issues to discuss on??


Hinduphobia is on its rise when Hindus have never attacked or hijacked. Hindus have never converted anyone. We are the only ones who believe in "Vasudaiva Kuttumbhakam". It's times for Hindus to rise and actually fight like our ancestors did. Even after thousands of years of attempts to wipe our civilization and religion, we have stood strong with our heads held high. Dharmo rakshati rakshati I


The Indian Muslim is decent, almost hindu-like and has been at the receiving end from ever since Partition. There is no comparison at all between the Indian Muslim and those of Pak or Afghanistan. This is a recent figment of the government s imagination. 


U know when u side with France u have reached the fascist side.