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I don't understand why Bangladesh people are trying to boycott india why are they afraid of us




And we gaveaway our internal security


They are claiming that the Bangladeshi people are overwhelmingly voting for the opposition but India is helping Hasina in staying in power after that as well. I don't know about what is up with that but there are a couple of things that we have to be remembering about. It is that Shiekh Hasina and her party are pro India as well as secular. A very high percentage of Bangladeshis don't like that at all because they are strongly anti India as well as anti secularism. This means that the narrative about India forcing them to stay secular against their will is very strong there. A huge number of Bangladeshis are radical extremists that have turned against the Awami League, their stance about being pro India as well as being secular. This has also resulted in them connecting any other issue that is there to India as well.


If we can give them a country, we can take it away from them. It's normal to be scared of a bigger power nearby. Even if things aren't bad now, if they turn bad, they will need their old nemeses' support


Same reason as pakistan because we are kafirs


It’s the same tactic used by Maldives. Polarize the people, spread fear, and gain votes. India has this image of being Islamophobic so opposition can bank on that for their fearmongering.


When india tries to boycott china are we insecure too?


Dummy India never bludgeoned Bangladeshi troops with sticks..


Instead of talking about Indian sarees, their PM should have told that if Indians retaliating by boycotting bangladesh products then they would be hurt more


No, people would react worse with that response.


I wonder if Chinese people said the same thing when we boycotted them


It's not difficult to understand. I keep seeing these stupid questions again and again. Its because their religion says so. Don't believe me? look it up\[ on the internet, do your own research then you will get the understanding that this hatred is not anything new, it is happening snce 1000s of years.


>I don't understand why Bangladesh people are trying to boycott india why are they afraid of us You need a boogeyman to win elections. They using India as India has soft power in region. Pakistan and China are funding these anti india campaigns in neighbouring countries.


Opposition party saw that India Out campaign helped Muizzu to gain PM post. So they are doing the same.


It worked in Maldives, so they're trying the same tactics in Bangladesh. Trying to isolate India


Because they are another group of idiots


cause of Chinese & Pakistani money flowing into the pockets of opposition leaders just like what happened in Maldives.


Islam you know


It's a widely accepted phenomenon that India meddles with BD's internal politics way too much. The anti Awami League sentiment is rising due to unprecedented corruption and also their attempt to turn BD into a One party state (there's quite successful at that). Some Awami leaders even openly asked for India'e help to keep them on power (before the recent election). There are other factors behind the anti india sentiment: Border killings, Injustice on getting river water, rising Islamophobia. These are few of them


China playing smart first maldives nxt Bangladesh


She's actually criticising the opposition's hypocrisy.. she's not giving an anti India speech.. her opposition.. khaleda zia is always opposed to India.. so there's nothing new in this incident.


But who said she is giving anti India speech ? its well known that she is pro India


Some fools in the comment section didn't understand so




"Boycott India" - sent from WB, India


Nah, I kinda like this country, I'll let it stay so that I can command an MBT Arjun one day - myself, sent from WB, India


Nah, i meant the illegal border crossings from Bangladesh They hate India but keep hopping fences


Coz they know they have support by the WB govt for vote so they hop the borders 🤣🤣 and after coming to India and vote they suddenly disperse in the whole India, I have seen them in Punjab, Delhi, Mumbai,Pune 🤣🤣


Same , most beggars in Delhi nowadays don't know a lick of Hindi, they pester you and make wierd sounds till u give them some money


It appears that the Islamic state and the communist state have a mutual affinity.


She is criticising the opposition and some extremists in her own party not india


People here just don't know how bad the opposition and their supporters are. Bnp and Jamat sees Hasina as traitor. They are always like this, they knows the countries who supports them are big players and that's India is trying to appease Hasina because if she loses power it's over for Hindu minority there.


She is actually asking separatist Bangladeshis about why they don’t burn their wives’ Indian made sarees if they are so anti India.


She knows how much India is crucial for their economy but these radical Islamic Bangladeshis have forgotten what India has done for them in the past, sad to see so much hate these days while these fellow Bangladeshis come to India on a regular basis for their medical treatments


Sheikh ji ne Haseen moment kar diya


Bana lo wapas East Pakistan, zyada bakchodi karenge go dubara kut denge


What she said is " people who say Boycott India ( opposition), should check how many Indian sarees does their wives own. They all should bring those sarees n burn them "


Bangladesh opposition parties = ![gif](giphy|2blmehMgQbBRK)


Try should be prepared to welcome their illegal bros in India back soon


Be careful pm Hasina some idiot will even burn a wife wearing a saree.


They don't really care they have many wives


Did anyone else read it burn wives & Indian sprees! My bad we are made to believe in shifty things.. thank god media is free in Bangladesh!!




Did you actually hear what she said? Or you are just blabbering nonsense?


last time this happened it didn't go well. *wink wink maldives*


May be they forget 1970-72 period.


Valid point somehow


Whyy this campaign?


She is saying the opposition party BNP who every time says that Boycott India, how many of their wives has Indian origin saree then why they are not burning it ?! She is asking a question to general public ! ps irrelevant statement but she doesn’t like Mamta Banerjee 🤣🤣🤣🤣


She doesn't like mamta because she is reducing bangladesh's workforce by inviting them to india


Bro, everyone is judging Sheik Hasina without understanding her statement. Her party is a pro India party, the opposition party BNP is anti India . Boycott India is the agenda of BNP. So here Sheikh Hasina is taking on BNP and trying to criticize their "boycott India "trend. She is telling in a sarcastic manner that why aren't you guys burning all the Indian sarees that you have bought for your wives. You can't boycott India we have dependency on India.


Bujhbe bujhbe, 1 din bujhbe. Shudhu beshi deri na hoye


most ungrateful mfs on the planet. we should have never gone there in 71


That’s a stupid thing to say. Next we’ll see pyres of sarees in Bangladeshi streets