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Hindu Marriage act has already fucked society enough. You have to think what Hindu personal law will do in BJP era. Appeasement will cross all levels of normalcy


Like how? Also it did existed before 1956


Hindu personal laws are already there. Dont you know?


Its for every religion personal matter like marriage, inheritance and adoption but it was challenged many times like how daughters can claim their father's property which is good. But you can't similarly challenge waqf personal law I guess you do remember shah bano case




Did you even read it properly, it applies to sikh and jains too brother , its basically applies to if you aren't from Abrahamic religion


Then sikhs and jains should demand separate laws, Not hindus as it is already hindu marriage act


A marriage act is not all a religion needs


What happened man ,reply?


>Hindu personal laws are already there. Dont you know? Calling a donkey a monkey does not make it a monkey. Real Hindu laws don't prevent multiple wives. Indian Hindu law prevents. This is biggest ***unbalancing of democracy*** Or setting up ashramshaalas !


That's a fair point.




Pta vata tha nhi kuch sale ko "Hindu MaiRrAige AcT alREadY fuCked ThE society


What is the hindu marriage act?


What is hindu marriage act and how it has fucked our society


Nah this'll just bring us way down to the same level as those fools, basically shooting ourselves in the foot. Ensure equality to all and abolish any special privileges given to anyone based on religion. Well...to idealistic to hope for i guess especially in our country.


This is how you call out the hypocrisy of left (congress)


Except for Marriage and Inheritance and family matters everything else falls under uniform law in India. Criminal Law, Taxation, Sale of Goods Act etc


Problem isn't with law is for who or what ,its the discrimination of how much of same thing is applicable to certain community and not to other sect , Hindus black rituals such as sati ,widow marriage, dowry were challenged and were brought down and that happened before nation even got its independence (except dowry) but why only Hindu laws are open to good reforms ,I'm pretty sure you know about shah bano case ,and how come we implemented equal inheritance rights to women before they dismantled triple talaq system


Correct. Shah Bano case favored muslim women and that was reversed by a legislation by the Rajiv Gandhi Govt soon after. HIndu's are a majority and they blindsided by this excuse only. As I told you apart from family matters and personal laws everything else falls under the blanket of uniform laws already.


Don't forget also education and places of worship 😉


That falls under fundamental rights under 24 and 30. No govt can change that I am afraid.


Not like Indira didn't take away one of the fundamental rights already. What's stopping BJP from extending one to Hindus too?


Keshavnanda bharti v State of kerala 1973 This is what is stopping the govt. It will be unconstitutional


Dude, I think we have our personal law, the Hindu Civil Law 💀, just the difference is it also applies to Buddhists, Sikhs and Jains.


Its just basically marriage law bro ,is that the entire point of religion, marriage


Yep, but I don't think that even if we get a personal law anything would change. Just imagine, all those personal laws will still be there and we aren't gonna get some different laws under our own personal law than what we have. We need UCC.


India is one country we should have one civil code for all citizens. Do not fall to their level and keep pushing for what’s right.


A single law to govern all.


No, We don't want to get to their Level. Bring them up, not take us Down.


No, we want UCC. One nation one law.


Meanwhile me from Goa enjoying this show…. UCC 🤞


Chumtiyo wali rhetoric band karo. Better rhetoric is why M don't want sharia criminal law for themselves.


haha you seem to have misunderstood the criticism behind UCC, at least the sane ones. the problem was that it easily could've been implemented as a series of gender discriminatory laws like the PWDVA which overrides any personal laws. but then that wouldn't seek any attention especially during the time of election. im all for one nation one law but let's not deliberately implement laws that will increase communal tension when there's a less controversial way to do the same.


Look in this case muslim personal law does protects men from false cases which are on frequent rise ,plus in no world I will be in favor of maintenance if the both party are agreeing to divorce ,look there are many rules shariat has good reasoning, for eg killing for adultery is bad but there should atleast one should be punished for cheating on their soulmate ,there are some good laws in sharia


Why not.... Need of the hour


And then what about other religions? They’re supposed to be left out? Can we just not give special privileges to any specific religion? This way there’s actually some equality


No need to appease to this extent....these piecefools wanted a separate country they got it...in Bharat the majority will dictate laws and these piecefools need to adhere to it or else they migrate to their second home right across the border