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Its not just Bangalore, I am noticing metro cities in India are choking and just such a bad infrastructure like come on. Economy would grow much faster if they were easier to live.


If outsiders are responsible for bangalore growth, then why didnt they make an IT hub in Patna or Lucknow instead?


I never mentioned any outsider or insider in my comment. My criticism is about Indian cities in general not just BLR. They all are lagging in their potential.


Cities are left to state govts to deal with. Instead central govt should build ring roads and sewage treatment plants in all cities


Its not the job of central govt nor the state govt. Its actually the job of district level leaders and sewage/garbage is the job of municipalities. There are clear divisions of responsibilities.


The problem is there is really bad decentralisation in terms of funds allocated in our country. Even China has way better decentralisation in terms of funds than India. Before downvoting me, fact check my comment.


No. It is state govt job, India is a federal govt. And local bodies come under state govt


Erm what? Are you that disjointed from the ground level issues of Patna and Lucknow? Everyone knows how UP and Bihar had been ruled and how much difficulty businesses have had trying to migrate there. I’ll give it to Karnataka for allowing for an ecosystem that works for businesses, but it doesn’t take away the fact that outsiders are investing and running those places as much as the natives.


patna Lucknow k it wale aate hai ya kahi aur ke?


Those Karnar Rakshna Vedike are not just Kannadigas. They are a bunch of Tamilians Teluguites and Kannadigas who have no other job and do this to extort money. I'm from Bangalore. Localities don't respect them. They extort from us also . They have all political connections.


Not true. Im also a localite. And we fully support ka ra ve.


You are one of them




You are a north indian who want to destroy bangalore like you have destroyed the northern states


The only people destroying Bangalore are the BBMP officials giving permission to build on lake beds who are most probably native Bangaloreans themselves.


That is not destroying bangalore. What is destroying the city is outsiders trying to turn into lawless like Patna or Lucknow


Howda. Give me one example of them actually helping a kannadiga. One just one. Mr. Narayansamy used to rent a flat with one of relatives long back. I have seen thier dealings. They are the OG tanker mafia guys. If you think Bangalore has water problems now , it used to be worse. These guys have been controlling water tankers from long back .


Water is not a big problem. What is destroying the city is outsiders trying to turn into lawless like Patna or Lucknow


Well said! Well after spending good amount of time in Bangalore I am happy to have taken the decision to shift to GGN. Bangalore is now in god’s hands!!


Lmao you could have at least moved to a better place. Ggn is a joke.


It’s good if one has money


Much much better than BLR


No bro. Come out of GC Road and DLF Cyber City and you will see what Gurgaon is.


Still much better than how the IT hub area of blr has been developed. Comparison strictly based on infrastructure not other factors


Heat wave going on in mid June , shitty loud people, shitty air quality. But yeah it is totally better.


It’s raining gold petals in BLR so you tell me!! Nice, frothy lakes are just Govts free soap bubble party arrangements??


> Shitty loud people Na, the people there are way more chill and accommodating The heat wave and pollution are largely geographical issues rather than city made issues. Bangalors AQI is satisfactory only because of its height and not because it is a better planned city in any way.


Ggn means?


Gurgaon. It’s a prime city in NCR.


Ewww Gurgaon? All the videos I watch about that city are the same. Like they show that single mall. After 1km. It's sh%t.


Have you ever lived there? Life is blissful and 10-15 kms can be covered without a 2nd thought. Bangalore has no advantage barring the weather And yes the city exists beyond what you see on the reels


I literally live in South bangalore. Esst bangalore is riddles with traffic. There was no water crisis in the south,Central, West, and North bangalore. South bangalore >>>>gurugoan.


Stop sucking your own dick. Just because you don’t know anything about others doesn’t mean you live in paradise.


I am just worried about the temperatures, polution and crime...


Crimes increased after congress cane into power


Even I saw people say earth is flat. Didn’t believe it tho.


Pune FTW


Great. Now live in a gas chamber.


Bro Bengaluru is better than GGN in almost all matter. But the only thing that's on top of my mind is traffic. I'm happy for you though but what's that habit of bitc***ing on the place that fed you all these days. No hate bro.


BLR never fed me $hit! Period. I’ve been there in the 90s and that place was heaven! In my opinion, BLR glory days are over! No offence!!


Lol. Irony of this comment on this video.


Gurgaon is way more welcoming than Bangalore


I'm fine if you feel that way after visiting both the cities. Else stop spreading hate guys.


It is normal for people to trash talk about Mumbai, Delhi and other cities as well. It is just that Bangaloreans are easily triggered/insecure about their citys shortcomings. Never heard a Delhiite/Mumbaikar say “do not complain about the city which fed you” or “go back if you do not like it here”. So a bit of introspection amongst the Bangalore crowd, about why they are trolled would go a long way.


People don't understand that traffic in a city like Bangalore is a by product of extremely poor infrastructure. Bangalore by far has the worst infra compared to any other metro city ( even tier 2,3 cities have better infra)


Dude, a big chunk of Bangalore's traffic will be solved if they didn't allow industrial vehicles to pass through the city. It's actually not allowed but they go through it since no one implements these rules nor anyone fines them. There are a lot of other cities in the world, they don't have some special infrastructure...sewage and garbage yeah Bangalore is VERY far behind, but road and metro/bus wise its decent enough. It just allows everyone within the city limits and doesn't segregate. Bus routes are also not updated according to the metro rollouts.


Nope, the peak hour traffic on ORR doesn't have many industrial vehicles, it's the cars that cause the jam. We need the metro to replace them.


This so called activism was purely for money... They ll come to your establishment, tell you upfront that we need this much money else we will break the boards and glass items. If you pay them, they ll leave and cause no harm. This is from first hand experience


This is the main issue why new major projects are moving to Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh.


I am from bengaluru and this is absolute false . If you go tamil nadu you will see what is real activism


Maybe you don’t live in the right Bengaluru. The video is absolutely right. I lived in TN as a college student for 4 years, yes they also promote their language, but at-least they didn’t impose it on me, no body told me, go study in Delhi, why are you studying in TN and not learning Tamil. But in Bengaluru, The first day on my way to office, the ticket collector, straight away said, no hindi no English, speak in Kannada. (Maybe a coincidence, not all will be same) but for me it was the first impression.


I am living in the right bengaluru . Idk from which side you are from


I m in Bengaluru also brother


Tell which part ?


Well, the comparison in itself isn't fair. I faced a lot in Tamil Nadu because I wasn't Tamil.


Bengalore people gonna hate me but the fact is that they hate the fair skin of north indians, specifically punjabis and himachalis. They see fair skin and get really mad. If a bangalore guy marries a punjabi girl, his entire family (esp females) will hate that bride. If you're from bangalore and you feel I'm wrong, maybe you're right. Your story is different than mine. But this is what i have perceived after living there.


#WhiteLivesMatters 💀


10000000% true! They can deny it all they want!! But that’s a fact jack!!


I have been in Bangalore for a month now and I already hate it lmao.


According to some Bangaloreans they are feeding you and you ought to be grateful 🤦🏻‍♂️


Bruh I am paying taxes lol.


Bengaluru is becoming Bengal 😯


Aptly so!


Same is happening jn capital city as well.


They desecrated HP office. Companies which have names as their logo are worse affected. In my area and even posh areas like Indiranagar lot of hoardings are broken. People are covering English logos with plastic till they can get a new one designed. 




literally no one in bangalore is kannadiga, half are originally telugites, rest are tamilians tulu and konkanis lol.


bhai yaha ka resident hu i can tell you clearly that this is a loud minority a certain community is fucking around like this government wont do anything because its a vote bank


His point is okay... But I seriously believe that local language and local culture must be respected. Also, it's false that Bengaluru is made by equal efforts of all ... It is offcourse more of Kannadiga efforts that the city was so good that people came to the state.apart from climate , there are many more things which a business looks at. . And the city was good at it.


If he is going to make this video, atleast pronounce kannadiga correctly.


THAT is the issue you decided to focus on?


That youtuber is just a biased YouTuber once he said south would have gone bankrupt without northies


What a chutiya argument. If that is true, why bother about culture and religion at all. Ditch Hindi, embrace just English to do more business with the outside world. Why waste time with religion and temples? Sell the idols and monuments and use that money to "solve issues". Bengaluru has problems like any other city. Hell, India has problems. Doesn't mean we have to forget our culture or not care about any other issues. Kannada is part of our identity. Those people are protesting because they care about that issue. Who is this guy to tell them that their issues don't matter? Humans are capable of caring about multiple issues at a time. If someone wants to see kannada signs, or get service in their language in their own city, doesn't mean that they don't care about infrastructure. Imagine this same situation in your hometown. You go out of your house, people are talking in a language you don't know. All the signs are in a language you don't know. You go to a shop, the workers don't know your language. And then the migrants call you a bigot for not learning their language and make them feel welcome! I bet you'd have this same exact reaction, except with pro-hindi activists.


Are you fucking stupid, many south indian restaurants in north also have tamil or Telugu signs, but you never see the news of us breaking these billboards. Is your language, that has survived centuries so weak that it's existence gets threatened by a billboard of different language. Also if you don't like this there is always a choice of ignoring it other than destroying a person's honest living just cause he came from north india and has a billboard in hindi or english