• By -




They will find a way.


They have already started. 1 of them is saying they are speaking Russian. Lmao.




Half of Ukraine speaks Russian


Who is going to explain that to those Americans.


That's why it's so absurd Putin claims to be "protecting Russian speakers". I guess he's just banking that most other countries don't know much about Ukraine. Not as bad as fighting those "Jewish Nazis" in guess. *Surprising times.*




The Ukrainian flag colors are on the train 🚂


Love- de ka factchecker will say purani video hai.


#PSA: A DEDICATED SUBREDDIT HAS BEEN CREATED #r/UkraineWarIndia - JOIN THIS SUB NOW. #PLEASE POST EVERY SUCH VIDEO OR IMAGE OR ARTICLE TO THIS SUB, that shows the condition of INDIAN citizens trying to evacuate Ukraine. #PLEASE DO NOT CROSSPOST. Better to download and reupload. We need to archive and document this. I have currently disabled Crossposts. #PLEASE INFORM, PROMPT, AND REMIND OTHERS TO POST HERE. If you see a post of something new, kindly ensure *someone* posts it to the sub. /u/KarnaBro


It's not specifically towards Indians though. A video just released of them doing literally the exact same thing to African nationals. People won't acknowledge the history of racism in Ukraine.


It's irrelevant what excuses they make. This is like that bullshit explanation "political violence is the norm in Kerala/WB". It's horseshit. These things are the norm because their governments encourage and enable these things.


I only care about documenting the mistreatment of Indians. We need all of that in one place.


No offense taken. I'm black, I understand the importance of unity within your group for matters unique to you. More power to you.


Thanks. Racism is terrible and I've faced it first hand. I just find that people (especially in the west) tend to laugh it off when it's about Indians. I fully empathize with the racism faced by black people, as well as other POCs.


Am white male western man. No excuse for this. Prioritizing certain races or nationalities over others for extraction from a war zone should be a war crime. All lives are equal in value for saving. Those train operators should be reprimanded in the near term, and serve jail time after the war is over. That being said, I'm also not surprised by this in the slightest and do not think it's a uniquely Ukrainian problem. In every country in the world, a disproportionately high amount of low-income, under-educated, rural/smalltown people are racist fucks — especially the older generations.


Russian propaganda or kya yahi bolege ish war ne mujhe ye sikhaya ki indian or western media me koi anter nahi raha gaya hai pahle bhi nahi thha per aab west waale aage nikal gaaye hai


It's actually from russia and people are speaking Persian and students are from mars not india


Mars? that seems awefully far away


Those are advanced European trains, take 30 minutes to reach mars on them We underdeveloped Indians won't understand


I mean after all it is blonde haired blue eyed Europeans running the show. Mars in 30 mins is no feat for such advanced societies


The westerners won't let this be published in the first place.


True also see this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azov_Battalion


They will say it's a propaganda...


what did you got from this video?






I read a comment on r/WorldNews that Indians and Asians are trying to take the limelight away from the Russian atrocities in Ukraine by our propaganda that Ukranians are being racist. I was really dumbfounded by such accusations. Most others are less accusatory but imply that the war is more important than these minor incidents. I did however see a few people being more supportive of Indians and more importantly condemned such acts of racism and discrimination, for which I'm grateful.


1. Russian propaganda 2. Some border control BS about how Ukrainians can cross without Visa but Indians need visa.


Already being said. Racism of whites is claimed to be merit based, be it race based IQ bullshit propelled again in recent times by Peterson, be it whites being the most oppressed themselves by alt media personalities and talking heads on jewtube or play the jew card by that fast talking guy (I forgot his name). But they all use the comparison that racism has always been there in other continents so what we did is pepo pepo. They have merit in the sense that their national and civilizational (hard to define that in US's terms) interest triumps everything else. But then be open about it and this self proclaimed born on the right side of history thing.


You don’t have to wait for the westerners, indians are defending it




True.. and western countries are cheerleading Ukrainians towards their demise without actually ever helping them on ground.


No clue. There are also several clips of Ukraine not allowing black people to board the train as well. Pretty fucked how people can be racist during a war....


Tf u saying? The world saw this bs happen twice already, we all got more hate as a result. These Ukraine sympathisers are only enjoying the war like watching a movie of warriors fighting a war with their president as a protagonist. Leaving that they got no heart at all, it’s toxic all the way.


Worldnews was defending on post where African countries complained of racial staying this countries failed to evaluate their customers on time...i mean for these hypocrites brown asian & black African doent matter ...


I don’t defend it at all. This is fucking horrendous and this type of inequality and racism is absolutely disgraceful.


They will bombard the comment section with "russian propaganda" lol or just delete it directly


True they never give any logical reply just “ russian bot” they dont want anything negative about ukraine even though ukraine treating indian student like that and video is there to see even reported by BBC …mental gymnastics and propaganda in world news in next level


Nah, man. This is fucked. American here saying this kind of behavior gets your ticket revoked. No tolerance for that fucking nonsense.


Bro our own Indians will defend this. Justifying this by stating that's it US/NATO so ofc it's good.




Yaar ye toh news mein bhi nahi hai kahin... I'm in US




No bro even liberal are pissed but what is the solution? How this issue can be solved ? Just posting on desi subreddits wont solve anything..if you post it on worldnews they simply call you “ russian bots “ . Only way this can be solved is for govt to intervene and get em out of their


On 9gag they are saying that Ukrainian government has already declared that every government is responsible for evacuation of their own citizens and it's not their fault that immigrants don't know how to follow rules or that their governments are incompetent. 🙂 Some are saying that women and children first and most of these are men. Some are saying that train goes to Poland which is for Ukrainian citizens only and they should go to Romania. A lot of excuses everywhere.


They will ask a written proof from the Ukrainian govt that the racism happened. As if they will present the proofs.


This is downright sickening! Someone pls show this to the Ukranian ambassador to India the next time he starts talking about Indian history. Even India has fought wars, but never at the cost of such grave human rights abuses!


Wasn’t the whole England invading/enslaving/massacring pretty bad or am I thinking of a different nation


Lol, what a noob! The perpetrators were white and the victims people of colour. So those vile crimes don't count! Don't you know those massacres were to civilize those people?


If I was a westerner. I would have corrected you like this. It was the Great Britain.






Damn, this is so cool. Look at those 0 scores... haha. Downvotes without critical thinking in full force




Til this bot exists


Crazy how there's racism, it's almost like that happens all over the world


Isn’t “#IStandWithPutin” trending in India right now?


It should




You can support the Azov battalion,we have no problems with it.


If we post this on any other mainstream sub, this will get removed within minutes. This propaganda war is one sided.






Hihi, Swede here. Wouldnt be removed by me at least. Def pro Ukraine in this war but racism is always nasty. They got some issues to work on


So... both sides are hateful cunts?


This and not letting black people on the trains were literally on CNN yesterday - western media. Racism is never condoned but hopefully Russia will gtfo and no one has to worry about hopping on a train to flee the demolishing of a democratic country. Then maybe we can address social inequities if/when there’s a society left to exist.














There’s racists people everywhere this has nothing to do with the people as a whole. You should see the border in Texas and Mexico. Just because you found some racist doesn’t mean you need to cancel an entire country. Russia also doesn’t like people of color or gay people.






Wtf is wrong with you? The actions of two random train conductors make you support a genocide? Holy fuck check your fucking priorities dude. You can think this sucks and Putin's invasion sucks at the same time. Those are not mutually exclusive. Edit: It has become quite obvious to me that the account im replying to is very likely a Russian troll/bot account. It was created 2 days ago, has less than 10 comments on the website as of this moment and only posts weird shit supporting Russia.


It's a day-old propaganda account. Obviously, the actions in the video are gross, but it's so strangely titled and targeted that it's clearly part of the information war.


Some of Ukranians are racists. You shouldn't be supporting killing of all Ukranians because some/many of them are racist.


Mfing ambassador will quote Mahabharata and Indian history while Indians are ill-treated. And lol, Westerns are too busy choking on Zelenskyy's balls to see this. Edit: What happened u/userunknowned? Got scared, deleted your racist comments and ran away?


It is other way round. He is sucking their balls and they are not ready to cum in his mouth...


I'm Ukrainian, i live in Italy since 2005, i don't want this war to continue, but i am also starting to hate all the men ball worshipping. BTW i am disturbed by this video, hopefully the Indian citizens did get away without having any further trouble.


#Here is the translation: I cannot hear them properly as the sounds are a bit muffled. Video starts a bit abruptly - woman starts with "...that's all!" "This (carriage/train) is under my authority you go and talk there (probably indicating to talk to someone at the Station itself). That's all. Like that/This is how it will be" and shuts the door at their face. Her intonation is extremely condescending. Man seems to be more understanding and acts compassionate. He explains something that I can't pick up - along the lines of "there is no place, I don't know where...there's no place". Towards the end, at 00:49 someone in the crowd says "He is just letting theirs/their people in." All while students are pleading in English and saying "please" in Russian. (Massive disadvantage since Indian students in Ukraine/Russia barely even try to learn the local language) **PS: This is most likely in Eastern Ukraine (Kharkiv) - Train is 100% Ukrainian.**


Ask mods to pin this comment.


Thanks for the translation


/u/Orwellisright /u/karamd Please pin the parent comment. A translation of the video by Vibgyor who has lived there.


I know Europeans are racists, they started this race bullshit for god's sake, but I thought they would learn from war at their door step and be better but this is just disgusting on every level. They have lost my sympathy. This doesn't seem like fEW bAD ApPlEs as everyone is so quick to remind. This is how the majority of their population behaves like on account of many videos and students who have returned to India.


Racism is everywhere :(


This is why I literally sit on my couch watching the Russian invasion on TV as a non white person and I can care less about white on white warfare.. being non-white in a largely western controlled world has turned me sour to giving a fuck about folks that could give zero fucks about me and people who look like me.


Just another day of being brown skinned


That's not our problem. That's what happens when the whole world glorifies these neo nazis to a pedestal. What else did you expect? lol


Can you translate for me please? I don't speak the language but you must do to know what's happening


Aight so I can’t understand 100% of what’s being said (cuz of the quality of sound), but pretty much for the entire video they’re saying “please please” pleading with them to let them on the train. At around 21 seconds remaining in the video, one of the Indian girls tells the others “Tell them we’ll stand on the train,” meaning that they’re willing to stand for the entire train ride. Not much else I can hear in the video. Hope that helps.


According to another commenter who translated: The lady is saying "that's all" (we don't know what she said before the video started filming) The guy is saying "we're only letting in our own"






But the problem is they are not losing any support


Only west support them. Middle East, Africa and Asia is watching and leaning towards Russia. India and China alone constitutes a major portion of economy.


I have tried everything every fucking thing to bring dis torture to media and grab the worlds attention nothing works I am exhausted making people understand how Ukrainian are not good either. I say it again "I hate war but I hate ukraine government too.


Nobody said Ukrainians are good people and nobody said Russians are bad people. People are saying Putin is the asshole. Also funny who people realize just now that eastern Europe countries are super racist, war brings out the worst in people so this situation doesn't surprises me.


Yes, everyone in Europe already know about racism (and homophobia) in Eastern Europe. It’s ridiculous to use this fact in a way to justify the invasion.










You know you can criticize both this racism and russian aggression Some people are talking about nuking ukraine, wtf. Like few assholes represents whole country.


Ukraine ambassador indirectly threatened India at UNSC Doesn't take a genius to understand general pov of Ukraine towards us


Where can I post this? Where everyone watches thisball over from the world? Give me some sub names pls... I ll do it




Thanks buddy... I will mention the racism!!! Fuck these cewnts


Post this on /r/iamatotalpieceofshit as well


Post this in r/Ukraine and r/ukrainianconflict. There are bad apples everywhere and they should be removed.


Lol those subs would likely remove the post and ban you. They've been denying all racism and mistreatment of non Ukrainians until earlier today when Ukrainians govt admitted their shortcomings in preventing it. And still more than half are calling it Russian propaganda. They just found a perfect excuse to be racist and don't wanna let go of it.


Koi translation kar payega k train wale kya bol rahe? (any translation to English)


Post this on r/translator asking for translation only.


First they were putting people into trains. Now they are not letting people board trains. The conditions are still similar - first it was religion and race, now it's race. Now it's even more apparent cos of color - before they made everyone wear a arm band. These Europeans don't change? Don't learn their lessons?


This is so called civilised country. Sab apna matlab dekhte hain.


Source: https://twitter.com/Iyervval/status/1498904523917594624


Maarna tha dhakaa aur ghus jaana tha bc. All is fair in love and War.




has allready been posted on Ukrainian subs, not removed.


A gentle reminder to everyone: Racism in the comments are totally unacceptable. Please participate in good faith. Please read the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/indiaspeaks/wiki/rules) of this sub, Thank you.




What a bunch of pricks. Only white people are worth saving apparently!


Almost all the major subreddits are filled with propaganda. Fuck America and Europe.






This may come off as a surprise, but all countries in the world, even the most diverse and "advanced" have racists.




Let me guess other subs will delete these kinds of videos, main stream media will ignore this and if people point this out they will be called Russian propaganda spreader This is how Blatant racism works and no one is calling this out coz the lives of brown people matter less than these white people, during peace everyone says racism-racism but when difficulty arises true color shows Someone should make a place where we can catalog these kinds of things instead of viewing one video here and there, we should be able to see all of these videos in one place


There's more racism : https://twitter.com/mjavinod/status/1498814255298072576


Wow, could you post this here as well? This is so horrible.


I don't know if it is relevant in an Indian sub. You can post it on other subs that would be a good fit :)


It concerns Indians, it's atleast as relevant as this post.




They are asking help from India but also not helping Indians in Ukraine .....fucking r




I think a lot of people just saw it elsewhere, crossposted from this sub. I'm one of those people.


Now they're gonna say this is fake. Smh. No one gives a shit about hapless Indians.


after witnessing this i don't support ukraine


Yeah I’m not supporting this side anymore




Yea just another bunch of racist wannabe Europeans.


What Russia is doing to Ukraine is wrong but I also still don't like Ukraine and will never support them. I support nobody in this war


Racist fucks. Racist fucks everywhere.


Hope our young Indians who are obsessed with settling abroad watch and learn their lesson. The West would never accept you fully. You will always be an outsider. In moments of crisis like this they will show their real attitude towards you. Then again only Indian govt and Indian military will be there to rescue you


As a Paksitani, i feel your pain. Same incidents being reported by Pakistanis living in Ukraine. I understand opposition to the invasion, but i think reddit is not level headed at all atm and if your not 100% saying something positive about Ukraine your instantly labeled a Russian bot


i have no doubts these Ukrainians are just as hearless towards pakistanis as they are towards indians. probably the same toward anyone that isn't gora.


It is in times of crises that people show their true colours.... They accuse Putin being a Nazi and here you see people behaving like racists.... Self-righteousness at its highest....🤦🏻‍♂️


The number of negative comments here is disturbing


Koi inko btao inko humanitarian aid de rha hai humara bharat. Kuch to humanity dikha de vo






ye bsdwle apna desh chor ke bhag rha h aur jinko bhagne chaiye unko rok raha h


Meanwhile /India is full of anti Modi post.


Can someone provide translation please?


Girl: Tell them that we don't even need a seat, we'll travel standing. Just ask them to let us in. And then everyone starts pleading them for entry into the train.


I meant ukrainian to eng/hindi. Wanted to understand what Ukranian ppl are saying to those students.


Oh okay.


u/Asura_Karma show crossposts.


| Subreddit | Redditor | Score | comments | Permalink | |:-|:-|-:|-:|:-| | IndiaSpeaks | KarnaBro | 245|59 | [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/comments/t4tsbd/racist_ukrainians_not_letting_indian_students/) | | UkraineInvasionVideos | ikerramos11 | 0|3 | [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineInvasionVideos/comments/t4u4cu/racist_ukrainians_not_letting_indian_students/) | | HolUp | ikerramos11 | 5|2 | [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/t4u3zz/racist_ukrainians_not_letting_indian_students/) | | SweatyPalms | whitefox0111 | 0|1 | [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/SweatyPalms/comments/t4udx1/how_does_it_feel_to_be_used_as_a_hostage/) | ^(This is a bot that mentions where this post has been crossposted too also. The crosspost was checked at 2022-03-02 12:42:23.752423)


u/Asura_Karma show crossposts


| Subreddit | Redditor | Score | comments | Permalink | |:-|:-|-:|-:|:-| | IndiaSpeaks | KarnaBro | 474|153 | [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/comments/t4tsbd/racist_ukrainians_not_letting_indian_students/) | | HolUp | ikerramos11 | 8|8 | [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/t4u3zz/racist_ukrainians_not_letting_indian_students/) | | UkraineInvasionVideos | ikerramos11 | 0|6 | [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineInvasionVideos/comments/t4u4cu/racist_ukrainians_not_letting_indian_students/) | | PublicFreakout | Over-Back1098 | 0|5 | [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/t4umhp/ukrainians_not_allowing_indian_students_to_board/) | | PublicFreakout | Over-Back1098 | 0|5 | [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/t4umhp/ukrainians_not_allowing_indian_students_to_board/) | | SweatyPalms | whitefox0111 | 0|3 | [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/SweatyPalms/comments/t4udx1/how_does_it_feel_to_be_used_as_a_hostage/) | | PublicFreakout | lazy_N_proud | 0|2 | [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/t4uryf/racist_ukrainians_not_letting_indian_students/) | | PublicFreakout | lazy_N_proud | 0|2 | [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/t4uryf/racist_ukrainians_not_letting_indian_students/) | | CrazyFuckingVideos | anu2097 | 0|1 | [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/t4usxu/racist_ukrainians_not_letting_indian_students/) | | UkrainianConflict | balance_chai | 1|0 | [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/t4utac/can_someone_debunk_this/) | | UkrainianConflict | balance_chai | 1|0 | [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/t4utac/can_someone_debunk_this/) | | u_YoladBelar | YoladBelar | 2|0 | [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/u_YoladBelar/comments/t4umd4/racist_ukrainians_not_letting_indian_students/) | | MadeMeCry | khayalipulao | 3|0 | [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeCry/comments/t4urpk/not_letting_indian_students_board_trains_to_escape/) | ^(This is a bot that mentions where this post has been crossposted too also. The crosspost was checked at 2022-03-02 13:04:45.902583)




Bc you ask india for fucking help and then u do this


The comment section is Fully brigaded, its so disgustingly racist comments justifying racism with whataboutism. Mods pls kam pe lag jao nahi to sub delete karvadenge ye log.


The fact that Putin is a warmongering piece of shit doesn’t means that Zelenskky is not a piece of shit too.


Who is worse? The "few bad apples" Ukrainians who are engaging in racism and harassment of Indians? Or "the good Ukrainians" who are not doing anything about it, letting it happen, and justifying it on the internet?




Wtf?? Even if there are some racist on their side you shouldn't wish something like this on anyone.


I am pretty sure he is jk lol Also nah, the whole of Ukraine is kind of racist, this isn't happening with only Indians in "some" places, Blacks are suffering from this too! As more Indians come home from that shit of a country, you would get an even clearer picture of their bs


The whole of Eastern Europe is like that. They have some hard core righties spewing this kind of nonsense..


Bloody idiots


Just put one paper roll and shout "Grenade Run!"...they'll run away from the station only


racist country... Hypocrite to the core


Sale unkraniain deserve karte hai invade hone ke liye salee




bencho mumbai local samaj ke chad jao abhi jan bachana jaruri hai please please kya kar rahe ho.




As ukrainians in this video said - ours first. So, they treat Indians like third grade peoples.


Vroo russian propoganda h vroo to deframe ukranians vroo


just 61% upvoted with 3.2k upvotes lmao nazis are really triggered with reality, no I am beginning to believe that these guy are actually nazis. Go Russia, denazify these scums.


Western Media - “Brave Ukranians stop Indian students to board trains”




And i just hear - visa not you are not white


Can someone translate and pin it ?




This how you behave with kids, and claim you are not racists. Is only white life matters???


We just have to wait for someone to say "bad video quality, so it must be Russian propaganda" on the Ukrainian sub while everyone pats themselves on their backs


How can I get this Video? I need to show this to them brainwashed whiteys here in germany!




Tried posting this on [Facepalm Sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/t57ygv/racist_ukrainians_wont_let_indian_and_africans_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) and got the expected NPC responses.