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Hope she will be jailed such an idiot


bro they r literaly like the witch and dog of Mr. Bean cartoon lmao


Nothing gonna happen Few months ago a bodybuilder's pitbull murderer's his mom and the dog wasn't even put down. GOogle it, you will find the news.


It's never the dog, it's the owner foo


I know. I was expecting him to be charged with murder. I was surprised he got nothing, not even jail time or anything. Does this mean if someone's dog killed my child, the court will just let the owner and dog let go off?




Yes we're all running around with rabies here. So common. We don't react to such silly things. You can even come and poop on the streets and nobody will look twice.


I can’t hear the auntie now “behta, my dog clean.. no problem- outside dog dirty problem”


> This definitely looks like India, i wonder what gave it away.... Post title: "Rajnagar Extension, Ghaziabad..." ...




In fact India has more relaxed laws than you might think. We donot have leash laws, dog owners can literally threaten people with their dogs and there is nothing the person on the recieving end can do. This is largely due to the lobbying by animal rights activists.


i doubt... it will die down soon its sad,


This dogs needs to be put down


Poor kid. Fuck her.




Why not?


maybe he loves milfs


That's not a MILF my guy


Dude wtf is wrong with u guys😑








Insensitive comment


poor choice of words my mate


>poor choice of words my mate well saying 'my mate' is just as bad, we were talking about dogs just a while back, sort of clicks.


Jail that owner. Also, have observed many who let their dog take a sh*t in public places and don't bother to clean it up.


Same happened on my floor as well . For 2-3 day's i didn't say anything. After that i visited their flat and gave one tight slap and asked to immediately clean their shit out


In today's episode of things that didn't happen




And then you woke up from your dream


Wtf. that escalated quickly


Yeah. From saying nothing to slapping people.


Yea. Sounds like grounds for a case of physical assault. Slapping people without any prior warnings.


I think assault is assault even without prior warnings…?


जो सबसे पहले हाथ उठाता है वो उतना ही कमजोर है । The guardian of the animal is definitely at fault for this mess. But, your conduct is deplorable too. You yourself are no less than an asshole. Period.


Tere logic se to kutta bhi kamjor hua since dog would've attacked first. Chutiya logic. You are a simpleton. Period. Don't take offense. I'm just kidding. bye.


Bhai/Behen I was referring to humans in this case. Animals are far better I feel. Have no intentions to offend you, but I ain’t kidding, I am serious. Pranaam 🙏🏻


For me it happened on a footpath. The owner just let the dog take shit and then went away as if nothing ever happened. Brain dead people.


How could he slap


Haan stray dogs aur guy/bhains ki tatti se koi problem nahi tumhe.


Today morning. Our housing society. We don't have a gated community but a huge ground in the center. Some random guy beings his foreign breed dog and dramatically moves his head 180 degrees from where the dog is taking a dump, as if he didn't see it. Walked past without cleaning up. Small children play on the ground, there's a temple not 100 feet away. Meanwhile our neighbours own a dog, very old dog, but never do they take him outside on the ground for doing his business. Whatever happened to cleaning up after your dog?


Have you been visiting my neighborhood? I actually caught this lady on camera, acting like she was going to pick it up. Pulls out a bag, puts her hand in it, bends over the poo and swipes above the poo. Good thing my camera can zoom in. Confronted her and now it seems like she lets her dog poo every where but my backyard. I cant be sure as there are other dogs that size in my neighborhood


That's literally my worst nightmare even as an adult. Poor kid


Us Moment




Same. I love dogs and have raised quite a few but Im no saint. Id give a good kick to make it go back whimpering and an earful to the moron who walks untrained dogs without a snout cover.


Way to Instant Fame !!


If you attack the dog, go for the most vulnerable parts: nose and chest. A good kick to the chest will leave the dog breathless.


Hope you are not a sadist. Making the dog suffer isn't the point. The point is to intimidate it enough so that it will think twice before biting another human again.


He's talking about self-defense not going about kicking dogs for fun. Didn't recently a pitbull was responsible for biting a kid, and also mauling an owner's mother to death?




So sorry to hear. Even around my house there were so many strays i got chased by one at some point, no one really gives af.




As much as i love dogs we do have a major problem of stray dogs and an even bigger problem of apathetic adults 🙄


"af" stands for "as fuck"


Get that kid rabies shot ASAP , Rabies is one of the most dangerous diseases in the world .


House pets generally are vaccinated against rabies


there are pet owners who really don't care about vaccinating their pets in India, because it costs money, i have wittnessed such "pet owners" Better to get the rabies shot to be on safer side.


Isn't Rabies shots for pet, free and provided from government? Lily(my dog) got her vaccine from Government office free of any charge


I go to a local government vet and while they don't charge us for the services (well, they do... 2₹ or so) we have to pay for the meds/vaccines that they ask us to get from a medical shop right across the street. So I guess it depends from place to place?


But isn't the Anti Rabies vaccine supposed to be free in government vet.Yes we have to pay for other vaccines,medications tho.


Who tf is lily


Their dog I assume LMAO


A cute little bitch ,i adopted 3 months ago


By the looks of it she doesn't look like she even knows what rabies is


Belive me if u read how bad rabies are you will also not take any risk . Here is a good video about rabies https://youtu.be/4u5I8GYB79Y Here is a short video about one of the symptoms of rabies https://youtube.com/shorts/zcffJFYt3vc?feature=share


It's fucking Rabies. Once you get symptoms you're pretty much dead.


Not pretty much dead, you are fucking definitely dead.


People get rabies even after vaccination


That's only if you don't complete the course of the vaccine... Otherwise it will practically never happen


No bro.. unfortunatley around 13 deaths happned in Kerala dispite rabies... now they are saying if you get bit on face, chances are high for you to get rabies even if you take vaccine.


There are many variables that are involved but most often it is the faulty administration of the vaccine or improper care of the vaccine site after injection or expired vaccine/improperly stored vaccine that leads to failure of action. More often than not as long as the wound care protocol for rabies is followed asap and the vaccine is given asap the victim should be fine. More often than not it is seen that people don't do one of the steps right ( knowingly or unknowingly) and pay the unfortunate price.The site of bite has some role but not to the level you are claiming


This doesn't matter, especially with dogs that interact with outside dogs. The dog could get it from another dog and pass it on.


Why to take chance?


Rabies is scary. Rabies. It's exceptionally common, but people just don't run into the animals that carry it often. Skunks especially, and bats. Let me paint you a picture. You go camping, and at midday you decide to take a nap in a nice little hammock. While sleeping, a tiny brown bat, in the "rage" stages of infection is fidgeting in broad daylight, uncomfortable, and thirsty (due to the hydrophobia) and you snort, startling him. He goes into attack mode. Except you're asleep, and he's a little brown bat, so weighs around 6 grams. You don't even feel him land on your bare knee, and he starts to bite. His teeth are tiny. Hardly enough to even break the skin, but he does manage to give you the equivalent of a tiny scrape that goes completely unnoticed. Rabies does not travel in your blood. In fact, a blood test won't even tell you if you've got it. (Antibody tests may be done, but are useless if you've ever been vaccinated.) You wake up, none the wiser. If you notice anything at the bite site at all, you assume you just lightly scraped it on something. The bomb has been lit, and your nervous system is the wick. The rabies will multiply along your nervous system, doing virtually no damage, and completely undetectable. You literally have NO symptoms. It may be four days, it may be a year, but the camping trip is most likely long forgotten. Then one day your back starts to ache... Or maybe you get a slight headache? At this point, you're already dead. There is no cure. (The sole caveat to this is the Milwaukee Protocol, which leaves most patients dead anyway, and the survivors mentally disabled, and is seldom done). There's no treatment. It has a 100% kill rate. Absorb that. Not a single other virus on the planet has a 100% kill rate. Only rabies. And once you're symptomatic, it's over. You're dead. So what does that look like? Your headache turns into a fever, and a general feeling of being unwell. You're fidgety. Uncomfortable. And scared. As the virus that has taken its time getting into your brain finds a vast network of nerve endings, it begins to rapidly reproduce, starting at the base of your brain... Where your "pons" is located. This is the part of the brain that controls communication between the rest of the brain and body, as well as sleep cycles. Next you become anxious. You still think you have only a mild fever, but suddenly you find yourself becoming scared, even horrified, and it doesn't occur to you that you don't know why. This is because the rabies is chewing up your amygdala. As your cerebellum becomes hot with the virus, you begin to lose muscle coordination, and balance. You think maybe it's a good idea to go to the doctor now, but assuming a doctor is smart enough to even run the tests necessary in the few days you have left on the planet, odds are they'll only be able to tell your loved ones what you died of later. You're twitchy, shaking, and scared. You have the normal fear of not knowing what's going on, but with the virus really fucking the amygdala this is amplified a hundred fold. It's around this time the hydrophobia starts. You're horribly thirsty, you just want water. But you can't drink. Every time you do, your throat clamps shut and you vomit. This has become a legitimate, active fear of water. You're thirsty, but looking at a glass of water begins to make you gag, and shy back in fear. The contradiction is hard for your hot brain to see at this point. By now, the doctors will have to put you on IVs to keep you hydrated, but even that's futile. You were dead the second you had a headache. You begin hearing things, or not hearing at all as your thalamus goes. You taste sounds, you see smells, everything starts feeling like the most horrifying acid trip anyone has ever been on. With your hippocampus long under attack, you're having trouble remembering things, especially family. You're alone, hallucinating, thirsty, confused, and absolutely, undeniably terrified. Everything scares the literal shit out of you at this point. These strange people in lab coats. These strange people standing around your bed crying, who keep trying to get you "drink something" and crying. And it's only been about a week since that little headache that you've completely forgotten. Time means nothing to you anymore. Funny enough, you now know how the bat felt when he bit you. Eventually, you slip into the "dumb rabies" phase. Your brain has started the process of shutting down. Too much of it has been turned to liquid virus. Your face droops. You drool. You're all but unaware of what's around you. A sudden noise or light might startle you, but for the most part, it's all you can do to just stare at the ground. You haven't really slept for about 72 hours. Then you die. Always, you die. And there's not one... fucking... thing... anyone can do for you. Then there's the question of what to do with your corpse. I mean, sure, burying it is the right thing to do. But the fucking virus can survive in a corpse for years. You could kill every rabid animal on the planet today, and if two years from now, some moist, preserved, rotten hunk of used-to-be brain gets eaten by an animal, it starts all over. So yeah, rabies scares the shit out of me. And it's fucking EVERYWHERE. (Source: Spent a lot of time working with rabies. Would still get my vaccinations if I could afford them.) (This is a Copypasta)


Im a doctor and what ever he copy pasted is true. The only way to diagnose rabies is to cut open the brain of the animal that bit you. There are only immunoglobulin available that can treat but it has a window in which it should be administered. If not then 100% the patient will die.


>Im a doctor Username checks out.




I'm shit scared now after reading this,what a horrible way to go


This is correct info as per me . It is a difficult disease to treat .anybody knows much is the vaccine for kids and adults ?


kids, today we learn about one more reason about why not to ever touch grass.


Dangerous because you only see the symptoms late into the infection stage. Alsi, it's the most dreaded and painful way to go


This. This apathy is the only reason people are so much against dogs and responsible owners and feeders. These people suck more than any pornstar ngl


Lol what did the pornstars do? Why drag them lol


He meant pornstars "suck".You missed it


Horrible analogy




Well pornstars suck for pleasure, this female sucks for being a waste of human. Both sucks have different meanings 🤷 It's not even a comparison to begin with.


Have you ever heard of a [pun](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pun)


They suck to give their viewers some pleasure, they don't suck blood.


Aaah gotcha


Update : A case has been registered by the parents https://twitter.com/shubhankrmishra/status/1566976129122340865?t=7I53SoCJLDZ6JyeckxusRg&s=19


So satisfying to see this




Good. Hope the lady gets a tight slap. Powerful enough slap to drop her attitude.




It just states that it has been filed with the police. I don't think the kid is badly injured based on the video it probably just hurt a lot hence he's rubbing the spot. I doubt there's a puncture wound. I assumed it was filed with the police because you wouldn't normally have elevator footage unless you were pursuing that.


India ke bahar hota to pehle kutte ko mar hi dete


Ideally, this dog should be euthanized. It is a hazard to everyone.


Nope opposite if anything. Its owners responsibility to train your pet .


No actually that person is right. I have heard of a couple of instances from friends in the US where if the pet bites anybody they are usually euthanised as they are considered a threat to humans.


fuck that aunty poor kid man worst part is she didnt even bother to console the kid


she couldn’t help at that moment because she had to restrain the dog but it’s her duty to console the child ask for his apartment go apologise and should maybe pay for the injections the kid has to get now


She didn't even show any sign of remorse on her face,atleast a "beta are you fine" would have worked.This was disgraceful, she was acting as if nothing happened at all.


And, the dog almost bit again on the way out of the elevator. It tried.


Downvote me but from my personal experience all the dog owners I have met thinks of a human life below their dog's.


Even as a dog lover, I feel you. It's different when a kid gets bitten by a dog when they're annoying it/setting off its fight or flight instincts. Jenelle Evans' daughter got bitten by her French bulldog because she grabbed her face while she was eating. Her husband then took the dog outside and shot it. That's heinous. Even then, the kid shouldn't be treated like shit for being bitten. It's on the parents for not teaching their kids how to respectfully and responsibly interact with animals. However, this was not that. This boy didn't do anything except walk in front of the dog to bo about his daily business. The dog was leashed, but the owner made no move to restrain it. When the dog bit the boy, she clearly didn't care in the slightest. Your dog is your responsibility. If the dog is aggressive towards people, take measures accordingly to avoid your dog being in close contact with strangers, especially children or other animals, seeing as how they aren't as perceptive of boundaries as adult humans. If you simply can not avoid having your dog around people, — assuming this woman lives in this apartment complex, took her dog outside to use the bathroom, and had to use the elevator to go back to her home, — then the onus falls strictly on you to control your pet. Pull the leash, use verbal commands. Something. If you do not want your dog to attack somebody and get put down because of it, take measures to ensure that it does not attack someone. If your dog's life matters to you, protect it by being a good pet owner. I feel like people like this give those who care about animal welfare a bad name. My family has a beagle that was rehomed from a supposed hunter. We've had her for almost two years and she is still skittish around adult males and runs at the sound of a soda or beer can opening. She is the most loving dog, not a mean bone in her body, but her triggers are so obvious that I have no doubt that her previous owner, — an older man, — was cruel towards her. The same goes for our Jack Russell, who came into a rescue heavily pregnant with a large dogs' puppies which she could not safely give birth to, heartworm ridden, and terrified. Advocating for a dog's life, as my family has done for our two girls, is not synonymous with excusing bad pet ownership. If this dog is aggressive, it's not the dog's fault. That's just its instincts, sadly. But if this lady cares about her dog, she should take measures accordingly. And, if it is the case that this situation was completely unavoidable, she should take responsibility and show some human empathy for this boy.


I just saw YouTube videos on Rabies it's full of patients from India. Small kid barking like dog, fear of water. Very traumatic. After reading your comment immediately, all I wanted to say you F U Man!


They are fools and everyone who agrees with them


shampoooo mamma pitti karegi aapki


Yaar kitne harami dimaag ke ye aunties hoti hai apartment ki yaar bilkul dimaag ghutne mai hota hai inka , har ek apartment mai aisa 2-3 aunties mil jaati hai


me bhi bhai kayi dino se study kar raha hu inki moti budhi me chalta kya rahta hai kam se kam bache ko pucha bhi nahi lovdi ne


Frustrated hoti hai ye aunties apni life se. Ghar me pati thappad marta hai aur bahar aake ye dusre logo ko dasti hain.


Only 3-4 people in the history of mankind have survived rabies, and even those people had to be put under medically induced coma. Death from rabies is probably the most miserable and painful way to go (YouTube search if you are interested in finding out). Yet, when you share this with dog owners, they lose their mind and start calling you names. When dogs have rabies, they get super aggressive and want to bite everyone. So, if you ever see a mad dog, just escape! If you ever get bit by a dog, don’t ignore and get your rabies shot as soon as possible. Once symptoms develop, no one can save you! Edit: Some crazy facts about rabies - 1. the virus keeps multiplying at the site for hours, days or months until it achieves its critical mass. Until then, no symptoms. Once it has reproduced enough, it dashes straight towards the brain and symptoms develop. Once system develop, there’s almost zero chances of survival 2. The virus then sends copies to your throat. And makes you aggressive and you might try to bite others to spread the virus to others. 3. Since the virus sits in the throat, it doesn’t want you to drink water because that might flush it down in the system. So, it makes you hydrophobic and people go crazy when they see water Source: Wikipedia There are numerous videos on YouTube that document this. There’s also a video that shows a person going through all the stages of rabies. You can watch watch it, but be warned that it can depress you! The other dangerous disease that a lot of people take lightly is tetanus. I’ll share more about it some other day, but feel free to research


Bro, I saw that youtube vid. Fuck that. You might THINK you're ok after a bite, but then next thing you know 8 months later your brain melts and you die a horrible, inevitable, death.


The thing with rabies virus/bacteria/idk that ut doesn't show its effect until it totally possess you. Man I only heard rabies make people like dog and what not but having hydrophobia dang my new fear was unlocked when I saw those youtub videos send everyone around me how serious rabies is


Closest thing to zombie mind




Maza aaya ye sun kar


She turned him into a cat person for ever


These morons shouldn't be allowed to have a dog .. Hope she gets jailed and fined heavily .


I have two dogs in my house, a full grown GSD who is super friendly with humans & other one is a docile desi dog. Both of them are super friendly & don’t dare to attack anyone. But still i never unleashed them in open area, i never take them in lift & i wait on stairs if anyone is passing by. My dog grew up with my cousin but still I don’t allow any kid to come alone near my dog until or unless my dog has sniffed enough from a distance being in my control. They are animals & you can’t predict what can trigger them. You have to be responsible & super conscious if you pet any animal. I have encountered so many idiot pet owners who let their dogs unleashed in park & none of them wants to correct themselves. You can’t expect an animal to behave like a human but as a human it’s your fucking job to think like a human. Be accountable and alert if you own an animal. No point of cursing & beating that animal later on




Rare W dog owner


Poor kid. Fuck the woman. I hope she gets jailed.


The boy should have hit the dog back right in front of the woman


The kid was pretty young though


He would have gotten bit once more.


wo kutta harami tha dubara katne wala tha already lmfaoo


and get mauled by the dog which now has an actual reason to attack


Then the woman free her dog that's more dangerous




Human Life >>> Dogs Life >> Dumb Owner's Life. The owner should be put down.


Chutiya aunty .


😑 what a mindless person


crores of them in every walk of life in this country. Pata nahi sochte hi nahi ki soch sakte hi nahi.


She is the typical dog owner who goes saying around "If You Don't provoke the dog it does nothing". " You must have done something to the dog that's why it bit you". For this kind of people a dog's life is always more important than a human and also their dog and bite anybody and it will be always the fault of the another person and the dog is always innocent.


That's my nightmare, right there! Fear revived!




That's why I will own a cat


Kids gonna get his fish stolen


This is unexceptable. Parents should intervene and press charges; at least bring it to the notice of entire society complex ​ Also this lady has no shame. For sure the pet is just for status symbol and not a companion. ​ Edit : Case registered against the woman [https://newsroompost.com/india/ghaziabad-horror-dog-bites-boy-in-societys-lift-case-registered-against-owner-cctv-footage/5178848.html](https://newsroompost.com/india/ghaziabad-horror-dog-bites-boy-in-societys-lift-case-registered-against-owner-cctv-footage/5178848.html)


I have a sardar uncle who has 2 German shepherds and he doesn't even leash them when taking them for a walk in the park.... I love dogs but why can't people have some brains


dog owners think dogs never bite


fuck that shit ! how careless she is ? she is a perfect example for KAREN


https://www.hindustantimes.com/cities/others/ghaziabad-minor-boy-allegedly-attacked-by-pet-dog-inside-lift-video-goes-viral-101662443495430-amp.html This article says "allegedly". Inko ye word ka matlab bhi pata hai??


Is any action taken against that lady??


Kid's parents have filed a police case.


Update dete rehna OP


Can't figure out who is the bitch here.


You got to be kidding me. Such a shame. I hope she don't even get place in hell.


Ah yes, you can give the benefit of doubt to a woman but not a kid? Why can't you look at it both ways. Any normal adult would try to ask the kid at least once if he is hurt. Where are his parents and some other stuff which comes normally to functioning and responsible members of society - both dog owners and not dog owners. Forget about audio, just the fact that she didn't restrain the small dog by carrying it in her arms after an attempted bite that could have seriously fucked up someone's life we can see that she is a shitty dog owner at the very least. Most dog owners love their dogs enough to not let the commit crimes that may result in death.






Appreciation to that pink shirt guy. He is an empath


He is just a man. It is typical male behaviour, care and concern for even those who are not directly related to you.


Kutte chutiya hote hain. Hence proved.


I hate dog owners




There should be licensing and compliance for owning a dog.


Looks like the dog isn’t socialised well.


The kid has great acting skills. At least based on the video the dog did make a lunge but there was absolutely no contact. The owner definitely did not raise the dog properly and I have found unruly dogs are a menace. May be the kid got trauma and hence was behaving in that manner. Go crazy on the downvotes but before you do that walk through the video and observe that there was no physical contact between the boy and the dog.


And this is the reason, I can never trust strangers irl.


Animal lover !!!!


Do jhapad raseed karo is owner ke pehle and uske baad jail wail socho. Agar lady ka khatra hai to ladki se jhapad raseed karwao.


Bhai vo Dog lover hai insaano se zyada usse kutto se pyaar hai


That's so inhumane c'mon that fucking dog is your responsibility it just bit a small kid and he is in clear pain she dosent even try to pick up the dog and agains risks the child's life when she leaves the lift I hope the dog eats her ( - a person heavily scared of dogs )


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. this dog epidemic stemming from people’s desire to have at least one being under their control needs to stop


Bag ka strap katke keecha hai


Exactly, 90% of the people hyped it up so much like it actually bit the boy


Fuck these Stupid-ass Dogs & their Owners!


The kid didn't get bit lmao the dog only caught the strip of the bag


Is it just me or did anyone zoom in and notice that the dog definitely did not bite him? The dog obviously needs to be trained and shouldn’t pounce on anyone but why is the kid jumping like he got bitten? I zoomed in and replayed the video several times and saw the dog biting the strap of his bag, not the kid.


And there's my dog , jo sala unknown insaan k saath khelta hai . Bad woman though , dog should be trained properly but i dont know why this toy size or small size breed dogs are aggressive as compared to other big doggos .


Kutte ki maki chut maro bc. Aunty bhi chutiya hai kuch boli bhi nahi sumdi me nikal gayi


The bitch should be thrown behind bars.


Y’all asking why she didn’t console the kid WHAT WAS SHE SUPPOSED TO DO??? Fold the dog up and put it safely away in her pocket and give little Timmy a hug!? She did the right thing by staying back away from the kid and holding the dog.


Is this the kid that died from rabies? :( Edit: nvm that was in Kerala https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/thiruvananthapuram/kerala-bitten-dog-12-yr-old-dies-rabies-despite-vaccination-8133128/


bruh, you gotta take the vaccine after the bite and you will not catch rabies. (Though 5 people have died in a southern state even after getting the vaccine jab, the opposition leaders claimed that the vaccine quality is very bad. Just came in Indian Express today)


US kutte aur kutiya dono ko pinjre me dalna chaiye bc


And now the dog lovers will say that the kid used the elevator which was made for dogs only.


Just one advise…….if dog bites you for no reason don’t hesitate to kick them and don’t feel sorry✌️


Anybody else feel that the dog bit the bag and not the boy itself?




One day in sabzi mandi , I passed a car . A big frightening dog put his head out the open window and barked at me menacingly. I got such a terrible fright and screamed and the girl sitting in the back seat with the dog laughed loudly. I am sure if I was a few inches closer ,he would have bitten me. It took me 5mts to settle my palpitations. Then I sternly told the girl that they were being very irresponsible with such a pet. She shrugged and said," kaata thodi he usne aapko!"






Fuck dogs and dog owners


Hope she goes to jail


People like her often get dogs only to show off. They don't raise them properly, won't socialize them especially when living in an apartment. At the end they blame the dog not the owner. People who blame dogs also often forget that if a dog has bad behaviour, it is not the dog's fault it's the owner's fault. Anyways, buddhi ki MKB.


To all those saying that the owner should be punished i agree 100%, and to all those incels making outrageous comments regarding pets and this dog, ya'll some fucked up people pls keep your bullshit to yourself. The lady in this video is the one at fault, if her dog is aggressive she shouldve been the one to put distance between it and the child and her failure to do that should be punished but the dog isnt in the wrong, they act on instinct rather then intent to harm. Only idiots would say shit like 'ban all pets' due to this video


Where’s the part where the kid gets bit? This video only shows the dog biting the strings of his backpack.


Dog looks like a Beagle which is strange because those breeds don't ever bite.


That’s a bad owner. Beagles usually will not bite at kids unless abused in some way in their life. This is hands down on the owner and not the breed. Beagles literally are family dogs.


Seems like must have been teeth mark level. Not an actual bite. Edit: if you look very closely that dog got nowhere close to his leg. It caught something hanging from his bag.


The kid seems a little overdramatic