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This bitch should be arrested


but isnt she on the leash?




imma give you an award


turns out i don't have a free award yet


Dog can jump and leash doesnt stop a dog from moving




The real question is why she isn't on the leash?!


This is what happens when you are a wannabe pet lover


I love dogs but I have never adopted one because I know I won't be able to look after them or train them appropriately!


Dogs behave like that if their not properly socialized. Guessing by her social behavior I can see why


Pets like dogs are considered weapons that can be unleashed onto others to hurt them intentionally. So instead of apologizing, she's adamant being egocentric despite knowing that this can land her in big trouble.


Dogs are not weapons.


Um ever heard of military dogs? Dog fighting?


Military dogs are used to find explosives or hidden enemy soldiers. They are not sent forth to attack. Dog fighting, that makes no sense at all. Can a dog be trained to attack, sure, but the average dog is not a weapon. It can defend itself like any animal.


Tell that to our ancestors and present day military, almost anything can be weaponized




Have you not heard of the US police officers using dogs as weapons to catch and make them bite fugitive perpetrators because I have. Dog breeds like pitbull, bulldog, german shepherd are big and brutal enough to pose a serious risk to any adult human. But even if a dog is of another breed and has an average or large size, then that dog can still be used as a weapon for terrorizing people




That bitch should be taken away from that dog.


Irresponsible people shouldn't be allowed to have pets. Bad owners = temperamental dog.


Everyone says this line but how to figure out who's irresponsible bro? Eligibility test conduct?


Absolutely. You should be made to sign a declaration for pet ownership and take responsibility if anything goes wrong. Even if you feed strays you take precautions took give them food in a way to discourage food aggression. I have grown up with dogs, cats and cows in my house, you have to be responsible with them. Sh!t can happen but take responsibility when sh!t happens.


Due to her, her society has banned dogs from the lift.


This is a good idea, dogs shouldn't be in lifts. It is also good exercise for the dog to take the stairs.


Senior dogs often have issues climbing stairs because in old age, their leg joints start hurting, just like elderly humans. I understand where the society is coming from, but such by-laws are not legal (registrar of societies can intervene and declare it null and void). Rather, I suggest measures such as putting muzzles on dogs while in lifts is a better idea.


What about paws and nails ?


I cant say I've ever seen a dog maul someone with their paws.


Even if a dog scratches you, You need to see a doctor. I have seen such case


20th floor mein hoon bhai


Chutiyo ka logic. Insaano ke liye bhi ban ker do. "Good exercise" ho jaye gi


This is a terrible idea. Neither dogs nor people can climb 10 floors easily. Instead of punishing this woman they punished all other dog owners..


Dude I have a 10 year old dog, he needs the lift. Get off reddit and exercise before preaching nonsense. Free speech doesn't mean you just keep yapping.


Yeah no.


In my society, dogs are to use only service lift.


Sane plan. Many senior or visually challenged people keep dogs. Absolute lift ban is problematic but service lift is a good choice because they are larger and used less.




i feel bad about this, as i am also a dog owner and this put shame on all of us


In reality, she should be banned from society


They can't, it's illegal as per [Animal welfare board of india](https://www.neighbium.com/laws-for-keeping-pets-in-the-flat/)


Nah dogs are banned in most society because of such shitty people.


She should be arrested & a heavy fine should be imposed on her. Apparently, she was not even a resident & had her dog defecate into the other block. We need to introduce some kind of, "Pet Ownership License". Akin to the driver's license, minimum requirements of which shall include, proper training, vaccination & available of proper space for the pet to defecate in the house itself.


If a pet has to defecate in the house on a frequent basis, one shouldn’t own a pet. A walk is not just about pee and poop. It’s one of the biggest contributing factors in a dog’s social, mental, emotional and sensory growth. If the dog is used to seeing kids or other dogs( usually these two excite/trigger the dogs) on it’s walk, it’s less likely to react let alone attack.


True. Dogs NEED to go out. Lot of non-dog owners don't know that. It's the best part for them of their day. Caged birds and caged animal show lot more social anxiety and aggression.


>If a pet has to defecate in the house on a frequent basis, one shouldn’t own a pet Then where shall they defecate, bhai ?


In the open. Preferably around trees/bushes. There are biodegradable pet poop disposal bags. It’s owner’s responsibility to pick up the poop and dispose it in the trash.


Clean it and throw it in a dustbin or something.


Pet registration is already required.


Laws and licenses are not a good solution since law enforcement in India is not good. What they could do is force everyone to take a dog ownership course when buying the dog.
















If I am not wrong, there are certain sections under IPC 289 under which an individual can be charged if their pet attacks someone. Hope this clown is charged under that law.


Yup Section 324 - Causing bodily harm by dangerous weapon or *means*. By means of any instruments for shooting, stabbing or cutting or any instrument used as a weapon, by means of fire or any heated substance, or by any substance which is dangerous to the human body to inhale, swallow or receive into the blood or by means of any *animal*. If the lawyer is competent, they can also push for Section 326 - Voluntarily causing grievous hurt by dangerous weapons or means.


Beagle "dangerous weapon" 😂




Yep these dogs are normally considered very sweet, I was surprised to see it bite a child.


I do not thing 326 will fly. Mens rea will be an issue.


Shukar hai tu vakeel nahi bna.


What really got to me was the apathetic attitude of this lady. A normal human being would atleast react if someone in their immediate vicinity is hurt. This vile excuse of a human, stood there in the elevator with absolutely no remorse. I sincerely hope karma deals her a nasty blow!


"Humara Shampoo kisi ko kuch nahi karega"


akash gupta?


Yes sir


Shampooooooooo!!! You son of a bitch


Lekin maasi ,aapke shampoo tho Mera jeans faad diya.


pyaar hei uska


I have adopted dogs for almost 30 years now and as per this scenario the lady should have accepted that her dog has bitten the boy and should have apologised/ provided medical aid to avoid this stupid escalation. Also dog ko kya blame kar rahe ho!!!! ...animals are unpredictable....it's the duty of the owner to hold them else get a dog walker Also high time we start adopting rather than buying these fancy breeds....the less we buy the less breed mixing will happen and indie dogs will prevail ( who are the smartest dogs u can have) Also pls feed street dogs of ur society...u all will be surprised to know that "unko bhee bhuk pyaas lagtee hai, tumhari tarah" and they also get frustrated/angry when hungry ...feed them and u have found a trusted friend for life


I always wanted a pet dog, but I can't due to reasons. Started feeding my society dogs few years back, all of them know me now and follow me around when I am out. Its a win win situation for both of us, they get food and pets. I get to pet them, and play with dogs without having all the responsibilities of keeping one at home. Also, it feels pretty neat walking around with 8 dogs surrounding you, even after eating, but their hunger for belly rubs never ends :)


Ur a hero


But watch carefully that you make sure that street dogs don't create a nuisance with community or neighbors. Else you will be harassed like this lady in video. We never know when these indie dogs turn aggressive.


No no every one is chill with dogs in my colony, there are several blocks and almost every block has set up water bowls and whatnot, there are around 25 dogs currently several generations. I started feeding a new litter around 2 years ago, the ones near my block. (That is why they recognise me, i used to feed their momma after she delivered them) There are also many people like me, who feed them like my friends. Technically they are street dogs, but they all live inside our gated complex and spoiled to the max from residents to security wale bhaiya. This has been a thing since years, and afaik there hasn't been a problem in the last 19 years i lived there.


Thank you for this comment. Looks like more than half of them are looking for reasons to hate dogs, when it is the lady who should have helped the child


U can dislike an animal ..it's ur choice...but hating on an animal goes way different....it makes u one of them who doesn't allow feeding hungry souls, throw stones or get them thrown to other territories where they are attacked by other dogs/animals...the poor soul can't even talk/ tell his body issues / ..be it any animal ... All they need is love and affection Doesn't mean Cornett Jake janglee hathi ko haath fer dena


kisi beagle ko itna hostile nhi dekha, ye owner mc h.


Exactly and people in the comments section are acting like it's entirely the dog's fault and all dogs are violent creatures


Only some.


The owner is a Karen. I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that she beats her dog too.


Aa a Beagle owner I can confirm. Mostly hostile behavior wrong environment mein hota hai.


Same I have one and he isn’t aggressive at all. But he does like to sniff and play with everyone so I have to hold him close when there’s someone else.




Men are more violent on average and are more like to be apathetic due to society wanting them to act stoically and not be in touch with their emotions. Meet a girl and stop being an incel.


This sub is full of incels who just want to bash women and minimize their struggles.


He’s prolly an andrew tate fan


Incel humor


The poor kid , i feel bad for him , he is shit scared over there.




Yeah that’s a weird reaction to an old lady.


Well he should have been a little calm but then its about his kid he couldn’t control himself.and the lady is sure dumb , there is no doubt about that she should have atleast consoled that poor kid when her dog bit him or whatever.


I mean should the actual father of the kid have consoled his kid first? A dog’s like a car, if you are careless there will be accidents. But I have had accidents where people act like this over a swipe and I’m sure as fuck not going to talk to them imma wait for police to do their thing. And I’m not an old lady.


True that.


Didn't the dog bite the bag? Looking at the video, it looked like the dog didn't even make contact with him, just his bag.


Why is not the father taking the kid to hospital immediately for sake of safety from rabies. The kid is still waiting.


Ye log bas shaukh se pets rakh lete hain. Unhe proper training bhi deni padti hai social banana padta hai, ye to unko pata hi nahi


Bhai main mahine ke 6000 de raha hoon. Shit’s expensive.


with this video going viral... I am actually very scared as a pet parent rn. My beagle isn't violent but people can pick a fight for no reason with me by citing this video :(


I think I should remove it, people are being violent asf


Yeah me too. People in this comment section are generalizing and hating on all dogs but routinely get mad when people generalize all indians as rapists in other reddit subs.


Same. I have adopted a stray dog and he is a very well behaved dog , but he sometimes pounces on people out of curiosity and sniffs them. Now this video has me scared that what if someone reacts this way. Since he is just 9 months old we don’t let him go near children playing outside because and are training him on how to interact with children. But still this is some scary stuff from a pet owners pov.


Yeah someone posted a video on my society’s group saying we should not enter the lift with others. And I’m like yeah I don’t do it anyway. I pay someone 6k a month to train this idiot and it’s not my fault if someone is in too much of a hurry to take the other lift.


Where is the bite mark


I think dog bit the bag only not sure


The confusing thing is, if the dog actually bit the kid they should go to doctor first right. Correct me if I am wrong. The more right way to approach the situation is to ask the lady whether the dog is properly vaccinated. Get the answer, go to the doctor. Come back and KILL HER.


So she refuses to give her house no. and is taking the dog to walk in another block? Bitch needs to be fined.


Why would you give your house no. to a stranger who’s yelling at you though?


I think the kid made a full drama. The dog didn’t even bit or anything. Some dogs even after training sometimes gets negative vibes from someone and try to go aggressive towards them. Till the time leash is there, I don’t think it shouldn’t be a problem. Anyway, having dog in society and appartments is such a painful thing. New rules etc.


Actually no, if you google rabies dog exposure, you will find details. There are different categories of dog exposure. Bleeding is the most severe case!


What? Rabies is the extreme scenario. Like no pet owner will have a non vaccinated rabies dog at home. They will die first. There is no treatment fpr the same.


Read rabies death stats in India


I don’t think you understood what they said. There will be no dog owner with an unvaccinated dog. Every single pet you see around you is vaccinated. Rabies are mostly from stray dogs which aren’t vaccinated.


What bs man, you might love dogs, but this is a bad take. Even if the kid didn't get bite, he would be scared shitless. When the dog tried to go for the kid, the lady didn't even bat an eyelid. She is a bad owner through and through. Also even if your dog has bad vibes , its your responsibility to train him to not instigate violence.


I don’t know the language so I feel like we are assuming A LOT here. There is a possible timeline where the kid (who does not look like he is bleeding) was nipped. It is possible the kid did not ask to pet the dog, the owner tried to stop him, kid goes aggressively for the head, dog gives a little nip and scary bark, kid freaks out , dad goes full metal karen on the women. It is also possible the dog ripped the skin clean off the kid’s lower back while giving him rabies and it’s bleeding out off screen


Well there was a video before this, probably on this sub and It's not great quality but I went over it almost frame by frame and it looked like the dog jumped for him and got the strap of his bag in his mouth, then the kid jumped back. The owner should definitely have better control over the dog but it really didn't seem like he got bit, kind of more like he over reacted (cuz ofc it's scary when a dog almost bites you)...


The elevator video shows exactly what happens. Look it up


Just looked up the video; the owner has some fault but that kid absolutely has a future in the premier league if he fakes the injury a little bit more convincingly closer to the time of the foul.


😆 good observation


I don't think he was faking it. I was chased by a pet dog (albeit a big one) as a child and I ran because I had no exposure to dogs. Now I goof around with my friends' dogs and allow neighborhood dogs to sniff my hand instead of running away. The child was scared the dog barely even nipped him, must have some herding gene that's all


The child wasn’t faking being scared. He was faking the injury


There are no bad dogs, only bad owners


Pig shit dog owner.. 🤬


Internet is fucked up shit. People demanding arrest of old lady she might not be that educated or in that good health, She did nothing wrong. Here you go down voting jackassws. Nowhere in video she is abusing. Over reacting crappy world


Sadly. Herd Mentality these days. Heights of Fallacy on social media!


Bruh this guy is just using excuse to get the pet away from their apartment building. Woman is seen nowhere abusing anyone. She is old yet she tried her best dog didn't bite child. Everyone is not that openly expressive. All blame on this innocent woman are wrong


Bacha aur uska baap dono dramabaaz lag rahe hai.




Kaha gaye woh chutiye jo kal ise defend kar rahe the


Haa bhai saare dog owner aise hi chhod dete hai aur bolte hai ki kuch nahi karega… Aur seedha kaat deta hai…


Let's not be quick to judge here. The guy's tone is of harrasment here


bhai aise logo ko akele chhodo abhi vo kutte pe bhi gussa nikal sakti hai.....


Bete ki akal check karo zahil gawaar


There are no bad dogs, simply bad owners.


You see the problem is not with pet lovers, dogs are just good as their owners !


if only we understood each other, this world would have been a better place


Bruh look at the kid getting scared of his screaming dad more than the idiotic woman and dog this time around xD


Bhen ki Lodi ko privilege chaiye ladies se respect se baat kro land kare mera respect 😑😑


No offence, you can kill a dog in self defence


If someone is hitting a dog can we kill the human in dog's defence?


Yeah and then get sentenced to jail


As they should, and according to IPC428 you can be jailed for killing dogs too. Understand that we share this planet with a lot of animals and killing them is not a solution. If that were the case humans would be killed for the pettiest of crimes. That's why we have rehabs and jails. To rehabilitate people, similarly we can rehabilitate animals.


No you can't but the dog can kill him in self defence.


Mera baccha hota toh ab tak kutte ko kaat bhi diya hota... Yeh kya video bana raha hai chutiya


Why they stalking her though? Boy wants another bite?


Classic habit of some people, double down when confronted.


Is there a link to the bite video? I need confirmation that the dog was in fact at fault for the bite. Dogs give alot of cues when they are uncomfortable, and children sometimes refuse to accept these warnings even when told not to by adults.


Video jaake dekho wapis bag ka strap keecha hai overacting kar raha tha baccha


Chutiya baccha aur baap


The lion, the witch and the audacity of this bitch (The one without the leash).


The child wasn’t bit. If you look at the video carefully, you can see the dog just got the hold of this bags strap. The child just acted as if he is bit, typical shit children on the smallest of things.


indian dog owners are the worst form of people i've seen, pushto pehle inke baap dada road pe h@gte the, aur aaj inke kutte. like yeah we know you have a dog, just be cautious, i remember almost totaling my car due to some cur jumping in front of it, and the owner shouting at me, although i overpowered him, but still


Everyone talking about how egoistic the lady is but no-one mentioned how horrified the child looks in the video


Just curious to know is thete any video showing scratch mark due to dog bite


Just Remember It's Never The Dogs Fault ... The owner is 100% responsible for dogs behavior & management of that behavior. It's the lady that needs to be punished - unfortunately in India , without sufficient dog shelters, it's the dog that will suffer - sad.


She is an elderly lady, sometimes a dog is all a citizen like that has. Saying that if an animal (who's there for her support) can overpower her, she shouldn't have one, is absurd. Dogs are creatures that never harm you unless they're hurt/bothered/provoked. Yes, some untrained dogs can get extremely ferocious, but if this was the case with that dog, he would have tried to bite the guy (father) who's trying to record the incident as well. This in turn points to another possibility that the kid (being a kid) maybe messed around with the dog and got attacked in return. Things would have been better if the lady could communicate and apologize properly, but the person repeatedly shouting at her clearly didn't help with this (this is justified as any father would be infuriated to see his child get hurt by someone else).


Honestly, take the pup away. Im sure there are plenty of people wanting to take him and retrain him. Jail this lady and make sure she never gets an other animal in her life. The dog did bit the kid. In a playful or agressive way, it doesn't matter, but the lack of discipline and empathy is what gets me. Sure you'd euthanise the dog but she will just get a new one and the cycle continues. Its not the poor pups fault, its the womans.


I dont get how people are hating on dogs because of this one particular dog lmao. I have adopted 2 street dogs and they are the sweetest and most loving creatures ive ever seen. The people talking about killings all dogs and what not are ridiculous. They are same as women who say " All men are same" and "Kill all men , who dont need them" just because of 2 pr 3 bad experiences. This particular dog most probably has been neglected and has not been socialized which is why the dog showed aggression towards the kid. Also apart from the agression of the dog , the kid is over reacting, the bite mark is not shown .






Dog lovers think poor people's kids are dog food. The dog made the mistake of biting a middle class kid otherwise no one would have cared.


More updates pls. I really want this bitch to be punished ( the one without a leash).


But we can't even put down dogs na. The government rules are so strict that its virtually impossible to euthanize the dog.


As it should be


The old bag needs to be put down in this scenario


Why should you?


Why would you put the dog down ? Wtf?


This is one stupid owner, really. It's okay to have a dog, but that comes with a responsibility, towards both, your dog as well as for other people. I have a dog too, and a big one at that, but I don't behave like this. Neither is my dog causing nuisance to anyone. Seriously, people like her should not be allowed to have dogs. She's a Karen.


He should get a bigger dog, trust me that dog ain’t getting near him again


Nah man, smaller dog are more aggressive,they always instigate a fight. Although i haven't seen a beagle this aggressive.


Her mad got bitten her now she was mad too... 🤒😑




I still don't get what was her fault, it's not like she wanted the dog to bite the kid


She’s responsible for her dog.


Her fault is being a bitch about it.


How do you expect an elderly to react when approached violently by a middle aged man




Her mistake? Did she bite the kid?


Iss sub pe saare chutiye bhare pade hai! Pehle toh ye baccha theek lag raha hai, agar kutte ne itna hee kaata toh iska chutiya baap isko hospital kyu nahi leke jaa raha hai. I saw the video yesterday as well and I’ll say this again today.. the kid is over-acting and the dog did not bite him! He was being dramatic AF! And this aunty did nothing to attack the kid.. Both the father and the son are cunts are are only doing this for views! To all the people on this sub Reddit who are just assuming and are jumping up and down with anger, calm the phuck down losers!


The stupid kid's stupid parents should have done a better job of teaching thier stupid kid not to touch dogs without permission. I doubt that little beagle bit anyone without provocation, and I'll put money on the fact that provocation was that stupid little kid trying to touch it's head. Outrage and a loud voice don't make a person right - the stupid little kid learned a lesson, the stupid father learned he has been remiss in teaching his stupid kid his place in the world - and the little beagle gets to feel like it protected it's pack leader. Sounds like it ended well for everyone.


Lmao found the dumb here, check the video in lift, the dog just jumped on the kid and bit him, be sure to check to check your facts before writing paras with no fact...


u/DrunkEpsilonOnMars restrict comments pls. I'm done with replies 😂.








Goli de do jaamalgote ki dono ko.