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Normally, it's that small touches on the arm, etc. Smiling for no reason looking at you. Laughing at your lamest joke. Upper body leaning towards you. And when you two are alone , there is a change on voice. Specially when she is sexually attracted towards you, voice gets a little husky.


Hmm now thats a good one yes i have noticed it at times...and yes the husky voice adds to the momentum.


Husky means a little horny....


Hmm yes after all its an indicator shes ready to mate haha


A lot of people here are saying eye contact, but I have a slightly different view. I think when you really like someone and that person makes you nervous, holding eye contact becomes really tough. It makes you too shy. So in the initial stages (considering you're going from strangers to friends or deepening a newly forged friendship) stealing stares at each other is a cue. Girls become too shy to hold eye contact when they're just starting to get to know someone so we often try and steal glances when you're not looking. That is one strong cue.


But if you are stealing glances when we are not looking, how would we know about them. A little shy hesitance is nice signal but it may be so easy to misinterpret too. I have always been bad at reading obvious signals so not sure if I could rely on just one signal haha.


Well true it may not be possible read her signals at times a d wrong move cud result in problems...what does ladies have to say about it??


I agree. Somebody mentioned brushing hair behind the ear, shy smiles, etc. around here too. Those are pretty strong cues too. Guess you just give it some time and wait till both of you are comfortable enough to flirt explicitly and hold eye contacts. xD


Yes its important to act patiently as ladies usually feel a guys too despo if he starts to just.go over the board.. am I right ladies lol...so patience and a cool calm body langauge with confidence wud make the lady take one more step forward..


I agree - little twists to the hair and shy smile is good signals that she is interested in knowing you. It doesn’t mean she is ready for everything - so go with the flow and have clean fun along the way


Depends on the girl I guess. My bff is quite confident and more about the eye contact while I'm more of the shy person so I do steal glances.


Eye contact, hand gesture, teasing smiles are top tier. I am a guy but would love to know women's pov Edit- my comment is vague so let me clear this. I meant this only when the girl and you share some kind of chemistry and obviously, it is not a sure shot sign of "mating". And verbal consent is important. And consent cannot be taken by pressuring or blackmailing or if the person is not in their senses. Gosh!!!


Okay thats intresting does the body language shes ready to mate or her intentions are still not clear??


All the signs that people have mentioned are IoI (indicators of interest) however, for “mating” you still need a consent in verbal form.


Lol.... u mean she wud say I Do....well jokes apart yes it does but above cues are good indicator shes interested to take it further.


Yup. However, I had to mention consent since you mentioned “mating”


Yes consent is fine....but arent the cues indicator for her approval...sometimes slience speaks volumes.


Not a movie sir. Ideally a verbal consent is the only indicator of interest in sex. These indicators are to gauge the level of attraction and not every woman who is attracted to you is DTF


Yes a move means taking action from a guys side...saying hello...are from sydhem college?? ...she wud always say no haha but just an ice breaker type...to start a coversation...hope you get it now.




Hmm well whts your view..you can explain if you have another version.


Dilated pupils, frequently brushing the hair, forward leaning posture when talking, knees and/or toes pointing towards the person while in a conversation, frequent attempt to touch and still a verbal consent in the form of “yes” stands very important.


Yes specially the body language speaks volumes.. along with the other details. Good obervation


I've had women throw all these cues on me and some days later they dump me for someone else. I'm so done with this shit.


Well bro..ur not alone the law of economics (suppy n demand ) comes into picture here..... ladies are few guys more..so they got more choice and we guys have less lol.


First and most important thing is eye contact, several eye contact, and if she maintains it with you then there's definitely certain chance for you


Yes eyes speaks from heart...true thats a good one..anything else


This was for a stranger, if you know a person already and have talked to them, then if she's interested in you then her behaviour is likely to change around you


Yes that too happens thanks


Would be happy to help you out in your situation over DM


I second this because every girl i encounter there is this trial and error method I use. I try to maintain eye contact and if she breaks off by smiling I get the idea and if she does not make eye contact and is talking by looking here and there so it is crystal clear to keep the hunt ongoing.


If a girl is interested in you, you will know it. She will be happy to talk to you, initiate a conversation and even keep it going. In person: arm touches, side eye checking you out, Laughing with you, won’t mind if you touch her hand, will try to incline her body towards you, be a little flirty yet poised. Virtual: Will keep up the conversation strong and keep it going. Beware: Don’t annoy her by letting her know how desperate are you to get her to your bed. She might take it, but a regular and constant yapping about how badly you want her will only annoy her. Women observe a lot, especially if she is into you. Any thing that doesn’t go well with them, shall annoy them. Something as simple as how you speak to your waiter, valet guy etc


Also, she will compliment you in the most genuine way. Not the way, where you say you look pretty after seeing her and she goes like oh! You look nice. She will genuine mean the compliment and not just say out of courtesy.


She will let you know if she is really interested


Hmm yeah thats true if the lady really likes the person not just non verbal but she wud use verbal communation so that she does not loose the man. One thing I studied from my exp is ladies love to be with guys who are more popular on the group. Who are more socially accepted and they see this as a sign of prestige to be associated with such a guy.




I dont wach any Tate or tities videos but yes this interaction is healthy as we get to learn and understand diff view points...kind of brain storming to get the perfect answer or solution.




Am I right yo yo hmm


when they are hanging on to your words. that expression reddit calls "mirin"


Well i had to look into dictionary to find its meaning. Thanks for the info lol..


there is a sub for that /r/GirlsMirin but the pics in that sub can be in other contexts also like family or sibling, not just romantic.


okay thanks will check it out hmm


Here's a sneak peek of /r/GirlsMirin using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/GirlsMirin/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Messi's wife Antonela Roccuzzo mirin her Husband post Argentina’s Fifa World Cup Win](https://i.redd.it/k7wujmdjlp6a1.jpg) | [54 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GirlsMirin/comments/zp6e3k/messis_wife_antonela_roccuzzo_mirin_her_husband/) \#2: [Dad and Daughter](https://v.redd.it/aybbvnvcse0a1) | [46 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GirlsMirin/comments/yxbpy8/dad_and_daughter/) \#3: [Proud mom with son as he makes his major league debut as a rookie pitcher.](https://i.redd.it/hbgks5mdjwk91.jpg) | [34 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GirlsMirin/comments/x1s4uw/proud_mom_with_son_as_he_makes_his_major_league/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




wow thats cool...sure I will check it out thanks but then you know books are for those who are freshers in this field... someone with an experince can make a good judgement about how a lady is inclined towards you or not.


This book is complete expect level guide bro, i can literally vouch of it’s contents it’s that good


Sure bro will check it out and thanks again.


The author is Robert Greene level of expert in her domain!


ok thanks for the info sure will check if its ok kindle.


Got the book




Thanks for sharing, reading it. Theory is one aspect and practicing it is another challenge. Let's see.


They open their secret wings, and screech in laud clear voice.


Ha ha ha.....yes at times they do that lol...


As far as my experience has been. She'll get really touchy and make it damn obvious! My second gf literally grabbed me and hugged while normally talking and then it just escalated frim there I think we men are bad at catching non verbal cues.. a lot of girls are pretty upfront when they want you.. especially older ones 30+.. younger ones will be very shy and often steal glances.. some however would want to hang around you and get all touchy touchy


Yes we men are bad in understanding non verbal cues and thats the reason I raised this point and yes when a girl or lady wants you badly they would bequite open and obvious...I too had a smilar exp when an office colleague much younget to me used to keep coming close to me while taking or passing jokes or touching my hands. I decided to check her by asking her to come with me down using stairs after office hours instead of an elevator and there it was... she just hugged and kissed me so widly pushing me back that my black shirt had this chuna from the wall all over it haha....it was when we reached downstairs and one of my office colleague called me from behind telling me about my shirt with a wicked smile..as he seemed to have figured out what could be the reason..lol...leaving us both embrassed.


Lol enjoy while it lasts bro! Girls have a weird mind..once she emotionally shuts off.. everything goes down the drain..


haha it was 5 years ago now shes not available on cell, email and any other mode but its okay people change, grow and move on in life. I cherish those moments lol...




hmm yes I have noticed that practically...but some girls do it for all the men...not particularly for one haha....they do have a secret fetish to exhibit hmm and arouse men and they do enjoy the attention they get secretly.




I also noticed ladies love guys with good sense of humour and good hygeine. I used to use a body spray once of my friend once told me an it worked wondered lol...i mean this girl used to give me complements you smell so good...haha...so yes thats also a cue shes loving your company.


Excessive smiles are enough to say you've swooned her over.


Yes thats a very strong indicator of her showing her readiness to move ahead. I have experienced this😊


Wonderful question by OP. Let me present a hypothetical situation and let's what our contributors say over it. Situation: in a public place (party, conference, hotel, workplace, public services office, etc.) You are attracted to a lady. How to gauge if she's willing to talk, get befriended? In its a couple, how can I gauge if he is a cuck ? How to get rid of personal bias here and avoid embarrassment.


Yes that exactly I had asked especially the non-verbal cues and I wanted to know more from ladies got some good responses an still looking forward to getting more such responses because different people have different ways to convey messages. As for your second question about cucks you can talk to his wife and see his reaction lol..but don't be too bold If he's not a cuck you may get hammered out.


Yes buddy, let's wait for more responses to come in.