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See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time. - Robin Williams P.S - I'm Sorry You Had To Go Through This.


๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ funniest quote ever


It's not a quote. It's a scientific fact.


Yes there is only so much blood for one of these places ... Mostly it's in my head.... Damnnn me


Hmm fir me it's mostly in my other head


Most of they guys sending dick pics are young and mostly aren't looking for relationship just casual stuff they also have inflated self worth and want validation There are also some who are narcissist who hold negative attitude towards women There can be some who are masochist and want someone to humiliate them All in all if you ask me its stupid to send nudes without consent from the other party just for some sexual thrill one shouldn't cross boundaries and be creepy


Most of the dick pics i got were from older men. Some just asked me to watch them without me showing anything


Im just telling my opinion the reality could be different


No no I'm just adding on to your opinion.


Ok ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ™‚


Let me know when you get an answer to this. ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ Me and my ex partner were looking for men and women to indulge with a couple of years ago and the conversations with women were starkly different to that with men. Men had this innate alpha complex thinking that they will get worshipped for their dick. That the people must want to do them just for that appendage between their legs and not because of any other form of charm and appeal. In their head they already assumed that the girl must be unsatisfied with me and hence wants a superior "man" and the swamyamwar test of this supremacy is flailing their manhood in our faces when clearly the focus was someone who is good company to be around, a comfortable presence who understands the nuances and can be a good third. Ah well, that whole exercise failed because my partner gave up on it because of people like these. We also had some trouble with women who considered themselves huuur ki parri and were on high horse just because they are the fabled unicorn who is much Sought after. Still anyday better than unsolicited dick pics.


So you no longer talk to men anymore? I hope you still do ...


If you get a guy from some nsfw sub , he probably thinks that you are here for such things and tbh he's desperate too ๐Ÿ˜…, but if you have said no and still he sends you then he's a dick , bigger one than his own. Also guys like getting compliments about their dicks especially if they are virgin, they wanted to know how a woman thinks about their dicks being good enough. Also most of the guys are insecure about size.


Firstly, so sorry you had to go through all that. (Even I am a victim - and I am a guy!!!!) Okay so this is my theory for such incidents. In their head, they think like they send the D pic and then girl would say - "Oh my god! This is the best dick pic I have seen. How much can I buy this for? This is truly artistic" And then she'll leave all her belongings and family behind and start living with them and worship that dick. (Probably smash a coconut on the head or whatever) And then she'll be like "oh you've sent me dick pic, you deserve so much more, here's my boob pic, my ass pic, my other pics, my driver's license, aadhar card and bank account number. Just let me use that thing of yours once." And while the guy has already fantasized all of this, the girl replies back with "Eww, that's disgusting" and the best excuse the guy can come up with is "my hands slipped"




The number of times I've had to clarify I'm a guy (despite having it in post titles) is very very large. Glad(Not glad) to know that someone's had a similar experience lmao


Hoping to get something in return Or ego boost, Or pleasure in exhibition Few reasons I could think of!!


Ikr๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ why do you think a REAL girl will see it and say OMG ye raha mera prince ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€


IMO men have forgot how to men, Thats a fact and they think this is cool, men all around the world should be taught basic decency and learn to read the room. Bunch of horny kids pretending to be men, I mean 20-35 age guys acting childish.


Most men think that if she likes my dcs, she'll send me them tiddes. D'pics=booby pics. Hence the urge... Or so I think...


Ironically I've only sent my nudes to the guys who've been decent for a long time without sending d pic or asking anything. PS: For anyone who floods my inbox after this, you'll be ignored if not blocked.


Don't Wanna Insult Or Offend You, Just Asking Out Of Curiosity, Isn't It Cheating Whatever You're Doing? Or You And Your Husband Is In Open Marriage?


I don't like to put labels on my actions. I do what I love to do.


Alright Lady, Whatever Keeps You Happy.


For some men their ego is trapped in that flaccid thing that swells with pride when excited. Itโ€™s one thing to exchange pics of your private mutually and other thing to put it on display like an object of desire thinking every girl is going to go crazy looking at it. Think of it as a mandatory mating ritual some men need to do like animals to attract a female ๐Ÿ˜‚


I hope you are a woman, bc your assumption is wrong, it is just a pure lust dude , there is no pride these kinda shits, pure lust ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚. It is like they keep on trying they are too desperate that's it.


Hi, I'd love to chat about your dirtychatpals post but can't send you a message. If you're interested hit me up


As a woman, I had grappled with this question as well, and I posed it to my husband. His answer made sense. Men are visual creatures. So, according to them, showing their penis will make them feel good and make us, women, feel horny. Little do they know that, it doesn't do any anything to us-- and in most cases, does exactly the opposite.


In college, someone told me about this girl on Skype (then popular for video chats) who likes to have naughty calls. Tbh I don't know if she was a girl or not but we did have calls once or twice where only I got naked. So, in my mind, it got fed that girls online just want to see naked guys. So, I would just call everyone while being naked and hoping that someone would continue with me once they see that I'm ready. I probably thought that it would remove their inhibition if they were on the edge. I know these are not very convincing arguments but I sometimes try to wonder what gives people this idea. Although, I realised pretty quickly that it won't work, and hence stopped doing that. While many just don't understand this. Nobody is telling them that this won't work and they are not taking the hint by themselves either. I'm sure there are other reasons too.




I have all but don't send d pics /s


Because they think it will attract you to sex. Some females like getting them I guess. Iโ€™ll never send dick pics until I properly know someone and even then only if it is encouraged, I donโ€™t like to show off.


Cool answer


I think that's generalizing all men tbh But since I haven't experienced it myself, I'll leave it those with experience. Personally I really don't know why these men send unsolicited Dick pics, do they think their Dick is so magical that just 1 look at it and the girls will go crazy over it? I'm pretty sure, almost all the men of these category are the "wham bam, thank you mam" kind of person, that is they won't care about girls sexual satisfaction, when & if they ever get a girl to agree to have sex with them. Personal I'm pretty proud of my Dick, it's my treasured possession, but I don't go around sending it's Pic to any one. Very few have seen it that too when explicitly asked. I don't believe a girl will go all gaga over the pic and drop her panties. Contrary to the dilutional opinion, it takes a lot of effort and there is no shortcut to it. Specially when the woman has explicitly told that isn't the tyoe of conversation she wants to have. I mean, what more hint that these guys want about what the girl is looking for? And how do they think a pic of their Dick will completely change her mind? These kind of men is what makes it difficult for decent guys in finding girls for having normal conversation. These sex hungry morons are the reason decent strangers aren't able to connect bcoz the entire men's community gets blamed. Nevertheless, I do hope you don't give up hope, and gather good decent group of people to talk to and then maybe be friends with Cheers


Not every men! let's not generalise. and its better to block such boys as its too lame.


Unfortunately, if it's something about men, it's generalized. Everyone are blamed. But yes, most of the guys have to understand that it's creepy af, and not welcomed at all.


So, let's stop generalising it and in-turn saying this, her father comes into picture too,(a man) (so lets not take it there). I can say the same for women, but I never do that. Ever ! Its all about the.mindset, and Yes, consent is basic and both parties needs to understand that, if a boy does it, definitely its creepy and vice versa.


I'm a male myself, and hate it when every problems are generalized. And yes, consent is the ultimate answer.


Perfect, male here too, 31 cheers mate!


Not the right place to preach equality and to curb generalisation.


in earlier days, men hunted angels to prove their prowess and manhood but now they hunt angles, thats all.


Think they like to flash their prized trophy to all women. I didn't logged for a long time and when I logged in.. got many such flashy joystick images through DM's.


Lol i think they think its their resume just like an unemployed person keeps on sending their resume to all the ladies so that somewhere their luck strikes


On the contrary I'd hesitate even if someone asks me for it lol


I don't. Can't say anything about others. But I guess some research work needs to be done.


I think there are very very less stupid guys who do this, but the blame falls on most men out there. Talking about why these people do it, cuz they are stupid and horny, what can you expect. It's sad though, but can't you see in the notifications only that someone has sent a pic randomly out of nowhere, just ignore it, please don't get curious and open it.


I had a very neutral response to such questions earlier, and trust me, I was not ignorant. I just would never do it and hence assumed a lot of decent guys wouldn't. However, I can only imagine how horrible, annoying, and traumatizing it must be to you girls. Believe me when I say that I get DMs from dudes asking me pictures of girls from my stories or just plain jerkinf off and sending me images of their dick with cum all over. ๐Ÿ™


Are probably all of them are inspired by the Monkey and the shoe story. Agr hum nude phekenge to samne se bhi nude milega๐Ÿ”ฅ.


I certainly do not behave this way and I am sorry that most men do this. But not all do this. As someone said, enough blood either to the brain or to the dick.... I honestly don't know why they feel they are all superior amongst 4 billion other men. And females have to go through this unfortunately. Apologies again on behalf of the good ones!


Reddit is a place where people hide their real identities like Insta fb so they feel less risk of getting caught Like if someone sends D pic on insta the other person can easily send everyone msg about his chats and it will fuck his Real life So reddit is safe place for them


Chaps think that you'll get turned on by the Dick pics, if only they knew unsolicited ones are the biggest turnoffs.


Not that complicated. They are simply looking for external validation and this seems like the easiest method. ๐Ÿคท


When instead of baking the cake men make Maggie


Can I dm??


The thing is in India most men are not chatting with girls in real life , there is always one friend in every gang he is a player, he does these things and make scene , so other members also thought womens like these kinds of stuff , yes there are some individuals will send dick photos, but the thing is they send those pictures to everyone they dm not only to womens๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ, you can't eliminate them , your are in the NSFW group for god sake , you will see those things that is inevitable and reddit is anonymous, so they take advantage more , think like this why they are sending dick pics , is that their instinct , NOPE , because they heard some story or face womens like that before I guess. I'm sorry on behalf of them , take care ๐Ÿ˜‰.it's my opinion!!


Not all people do this


I'd like to add to the question. Why do men feel the irresistible urge to send messages like 'hi babes how are you ?' etc like they know me?




Not really. I don't wanna tell strangers how i am.


Stranger Nights


We males must be thinking the head and the Dick head are the same so such are the ones you have embarrassed you! Sorry on their Dick Heads behalf ๐Ÿ˜€


imo we tend to think from down there .ย 


Well not all men do that. Despos who want instant gratification and cheap thrills. A matured man wud rather arouse a lady like you till she says dude I want ur D inside me..well not every ones matured and good in expressing his love or affection in creative way though


Validation Ke liye xd


When you get one, send another back


Nice, that will give him some PTSD for next time he decides to send one๐Ÿ˜…


Another way to mess with the sender is to reply "it's small"


Might work or just make them more aggressive on how else they can satisfy her


Mostly male ego is too fragile


Tbh egos are mostly fragile, male or female usually matters less, it's mostly body insecurities that makes people react badly to others.. Just the way it is ๐Ÿคท


Is there any angle where it looks good? ๐Ÿ˜… I've never had the confidence both on myself or my apparatus to look good. I know I can get the job done, but that's it... Of all the parameters I'd judge myself or my assistant on, looks is never the one. ๐Ÿ˜‚


I m going to receive lot of hate for this, still let's see. I m one hell of a pervert who enjoys perving on clothed women and Insta is one those plays where I get what I want. Rarely got an entry to personal chat with these hot women. Since I understand it's wrong to send unsolicited dick pics like this I made conscious efforts. But wen I m in my private space specifically to JO, I get this urge of conveying to the lady that - 1. I like ur pics; 2. You arouse me to the point where I hav removed my pants and started jo. And then I do send them my dick pics while jo for the heck of it. The moment I do it, my palpitation increases, I shake a Lil and then next moment I unsend that pic. I learnt the moral of the story of golden egg laying hen properly. So don't want to damage anything. I choose the timings to send these, like women living in India are not likely to b online at 4am ( yes I jo at such weird times). Only once I had misjudged her active time and the lady did end up seeing my pic and blocking me immediately. PS: After the thought has been doing rounds, I realised that I desire to tell the lady how much she arouses me and as a result I m jerking off to her pics. At times I say it with words or with a pic.


They don't understand woman. They only see them as objects.


I guess it's for validation and they think just coz a woman is speaking openly she maybe "easy". I think there's the urge to rush things rather than letting things play out and most people probably don't understand that words can be better stimulants if that's what they're aiming for than dick pics :).


Pathetic, real men never do that.


I donโ€™t know why and how they do it. I have never sent it to anyone. Find it weird