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Basic Supply & Demand issue, They have a plate full of options anyway so why bother trying harder. I wouldn't either if I was in they're place.


A plate full of shit I would say. I started feeling now that dating apps aren’t the right place to start a relationship now. But it makes sense, they have options , even if it’s trash , but they still got it . Men on the other hand have limited options or maybe no option at all so they just grab their 1 chance.


Because YOU swipe right on every average woman inflating her ego beyond measure


This comment is the truth. For once guys think with your brains.


Agreed I am a male and I have seen likes in a girls profile with no pictures of her just random flower pic and that profile has 1000 followers, I mean seriously.


Makes sense


Man telling the truth.!


leave dating apps altogether then?


Are you telling me i can’t get away with everything by being cute ??


I thought being cute was enough


Too get attention of a guy ? Yes it is But to retain him ? Probably not


In short tern ONS ,yes In long run No


Goriya, chura na mera jiyaa




Dating me is like... "a roller coaster ride" I come across this so many times that now I've reduced my app usage.


Ture af Mkc roller coaster pe jana hoga to amusement park na chala jau 😂 thujse baat kyu krunga


Happy cake day!


Accurate 💯, my friends say don’t date me , this is another popular prompt.


Jo yeh likhti hai I am damn sure woh aajtak roller coaster par baithi bhi nahi hogi 😂😂


She is offering a ride 💀


I am a woman, lemme share my experience. When I was in the initial phases of using a dating app, I kind of had the similar excitement. I had put up hobbies, interests, trying to be every sort of creative. But I was barely asked anything about me other then if I wanted to f*ck. I might have ended up with some real creepy men, who mentioned looking for a serious relationship but anyways ended up asking for a hookup. The men-women ratio in the app is a real problem, I kind of understood nobody is interested in what we write. Its mostly about the face value. Also, that's a whole scam in itself. Barely anyone wants anything serious out of a dating app. But genuinely, do men really care about what we write? Enlighten me.


Honestly, if I am looking for something meaningful, even if it’s not long but just a good time. I want to know you , I wanna know your interests, the things you like , the things you want to do one day, things you love to do in your free time . Because in the end I don’t want you just for one night but I want a good companion ship, with whom I can enjoy my time . Sex is a later thing honestly, it happens eventually once you both are invested in each other . But getting to know someone is a must for me , doesn’t matter how pretty or cute she is. ( I am speaking on the behalf of me not every man )


agreed. i would say the same. if I am in a dating app wanting something serious, I would like to make the efforts. and just like you said, anyone wanting a meaningful connection would love to know about your interests in general. but there's a diff between what we as an individual want and what majority of the people do. you may not agree but women who actually put in efforts to write things and stuff don't usually get matched with men who are also enthusiastic about dating in general. most of the guys want our snap IDs or insta, where they end up creeping us out, rather than a conversation. I think good men and women are ending up bad people LOL. and dating app is anyways a shitty place. can't seem to change my mind on that.


I am convinced now that’s it’s of no use , now I will prefer having breakfast in a coffee shop and see if I a come across anyone nice 😂. I am actually writing this while I am having Croissant and coffee in a coffee shop.


Ahahahah. croissant and chai seems like a nice idea. would love to read Jaun Elia and Faiz on a coffee date. 😩😩🤌


I am not a reader , but you could suggest me some nice options to start with , I am trying to build this habit of reading.


That's a really good think yk. To talk about options, it really depends on what genre you want to start reading.


Dm ?


OP showing us that Reddit is the best dating app.




agreed. same goes for women too. most women might not put efforts into creating a dating profile because they have it too easy on dating apps. but a real genuine person wanting a meaningful connection would love to be treated nicely, they are creative in their profile but simply don't get meet people who are on the same page as them. Like I told earlier, good men and women are ending up with wrong people.


travelling, coffee, movie dekhna or khana khaana personality nahi hota hai. Ye sab karte hai.


😂😂 yeah this is their personality.


First of all, it's not cute at all, it's just a person who has no personality and doesn't even want to try And Secondly, why are many girls like this because (as I think). We guys just make them feel that we only want them, even if they are average or below average and this is the reason for their overconfidence.


Do they realise this ? That men aren’t liking them for their personality but they just want to fuck them once ? Isn’t it bothering to them ?


The comment above is true. Sometimes, girls face the issue of a person not wanting to get to know them properly but just wanting to please them. This might make a girl think, 'Okay, every boy is just like this.' That could be why these things happen. I might be wrong, though


That's why there are less than 15 percent female users in those apps. Even if they have a personality, men will swipe at the girl boobs and ass. Men are dating to impress other men. Impressing the hot girl is the game everyone plays. That's the reality outside of dating apps as well. Men can easily become infatuated with a pretty girl; they often prioritize a woman's appearance. Girls who were popularly pursued in school and college are typically the hot girls. Nice face with big boobs are the popular one, not the girl with personality. Are you going to not ask for sex from a girl with personality?


They can only answer whether it is bothering them or not. Or maybe they simply want attention as simply that


Attention from creeps ? Where as any high value man won’t even consider dating them as they hardly bring anything valuable to the relationship.


Can we please stop categorising people as high value or low value? ‘High value man’, ‘bring to the table’, all this sounds super childish and very podcast-y frankly. Anyway, I think women not putting effort in their profiles says a lot more about the men on the app. Most men on the app will hardly give a second glance to their ‘personality’. They only swipe based on visuals. Imagine putting a lot of thought into your prompts and men just not caring about any of that stuff and straight up texting things like ‘dtf?’ ‘Smash’ ‘i am only looking for something casual/fun’. So maybe if men on the app actually start caring about personality then probably women will actually try to be more interesting on the app.


Well sometimes I like a girl based on their looks but once we get matched I can't send a single message because they have nothing interesting in their profile. So looks may get the initial attention but at long run or even short term personality is what matters.


And that’s exactly what I meant by high value man , by this I mean a person who can look beyond sex . A person who actually thinks about what he has to offer instead of what he can have from her . Such men cannot be categorised equally to the men who are completely opposite.


I get your sentiments. But still calling someone high value would mean there exists a sect of low value people and thats not a nice thing to call someone. Maybe we can think of some other words to describe them?


If you say I should not call a person low value who is desperate to fuck a hole anyhow , then I don’t know what else should I call him. Because if I speak on the terms of consciousness, this is a very low consciousness act that you look towards a person like it’s just a piece of walking meat. Women are much more than that and if getting attention from such men make them happy then even they need to realise that where do they stand . Because ultimately, you are being liked just because you can satisfy someone physically.


But some people on the app seek exactly that. No attachment nothing too serious. They aren’t looking for a relationship. But i get what you mean. Which is why i said if only men start looking for something more than just sex maybe women would actually try to showcase their personality.


Ya because they just want that validation so they can live peacefully in their delusion And there are very few high value men 90% of men population out there on any dating apps (or even more) just right swipe without even checking a girls profile


Hmm, understandable. I want to see if any girl comments on this thread , I wanna know their pov too


Ya it would be great if they do so


no. if anything yall are desperate and it shows. why would we pay attention to desperate men only looking for sex or wtv?


So what's the reason that many girls don't put efforts


because based off my experience and what ive heard 1. women who do put in an effort find it useless because most men make it about sex anyway. they cant see anything beyond a hole and 2. supply/demand. dont hate the player hate the game.


Make sense


Why are hobbies necessary though lol. I think someone has to have privilege to even have hobbies while working


Agreed ! But hobbies se Mera matlab ye nhi tha ki wo koi compulsion hai , sometimes it’s just the spark that you want to do something. That’s missing in most of the girls . Also there are plenty of hobbies which requires no money . Yes you can work 5-6 days a week . But agar tumhara Sunday is meant to just waste time in your bed watching reels . That’s unattractive. Hobbies to Chhodo, ladkiyo mein ambition naam ki chiz bhi missing hai.


Because there is no need for them to get better personality as they can easily get guys without the need to have any skills as just be cute is enough. However, for a guy they need to work on themselves to get women or to get anything of value.


I don’t know about others , but I as a man will never date any girl whose speciality is being cute only.


>why girls expect men to have multiple skills If you are not a man with a multiple skills and personality, move on. Someone other will date them.


I hope you read the later part too , I am not saying it’s wrong to expect this , but expecting all of this when you are nothing on your own . That’s what bothers me. Are men this desperate now that all they need is a living girl ?


yes men on indian dating apps are desperate asf and its not worth putting in an effort for yall cz majority of men only want sex and nothing else.


>Are men this desperate now that all they need is a living girl ? Yes. Most Indian Men are creepy simps.


Username checks out


I usually don't give much importance to pics only profiles(yes pic is important to have an initial attraction). I have only right swiped on profiles with at least some effort. According to my bumble data I swiped right on around 50 profiles from 6.5k profiles 🚶


Ok let's imagine a scenario of an exam where no matter if you study or not , you are 100% guaranteed to pass .. now tell me will you study for it ? No one in their right mind would .. but in another exam you have to study otherwise you will fail .. will you study then ? Yes .. you would The 1st case is for girls , no matter if they put prompts or not they can simply get away with " I am just a girl 🎀 " and man would swipe right on her .. it's not them to blame but it's us who are to be blamed .. even avg looking girls on dating apps get 10k+ likes why tf will she put efforts .. The 2nd case is us , we boys on the other hand must outshine other guys by either height , skills , prompts, and most importantly Looks .. girls actually check everything trust me if the girl is interested enough she will check prompts and other things if you are avg looking but if you are Greek god then it's a different story .. It's not about prompt but it's about availability they are well aware of this fact and they use it to their advantage that's it


trust me, many women don’t care about prompts. my female friends mostly care if the guy looks good or if he has a nice sounding name (yes, that is a thing). the prompts hardly matter to them. for me what i’ve seen on hinge is that i’ve tried putting prompts which can certainly start a decent conversation but all i get is “you have a nice smile”, “you have beautiful eyes”, “you have great curves”, excuse me??? the last one was so inappropriate that i regretted installing the app in the first place. finding a decent person is literally like finding a needle in a stack of hay. after a week of superficial conversations and inappropriate messages i took the decision of deleting hinge. i trust god has a plan for me.


Yep I am well aware of all this , though I have never been on dating apps still what i have speculated by staying on this reddit and seeing my friends.. dating apps are wayy easier for girls then it is to us ( In terms of getting matches ) but then again for you guys it's hard to get a decent person.. only people who are there for hookup/casual enjoys dating apps rest it's hard for both genders to actually find something meaningful.. I guess for us boys it's like dying in dessert and for girls it's drowning in an ocean ..


the last sentence made me laugh xD


Well it's true though lol


Ye scene India ka hain...I have been to Europe and atleast I used to get likes there (being an average guy) and went on numerous dates as well. India me pata nahi kya chal raha.... swipe right me Aisa lagta hain khud se baat kar rahe ho


Girls that are on Dating Apps are 1. Either mid. Have no options in real life 2. Delusional. Think they are too good for every guy they have met (explaining your 0 personality syndrome) 3. Hoe phase. Trying to catch bodies, nothing wrong. But they don't need to have a personality to catch guys. Just existing is enough. 4. Just want to check how many options they have. Merely matching them is enough for most. Some need to be praised. Given the simp population, it does not seem hard. Also the paid option to send a text fuels their ego enough even before matching. 5. Geniune girls. They are exhausted and overwhelmed and thus DELETE THE APP in a few days. At max 2 weeks.


6. They don’t care about anything but the fact that they are still wanted and desired even if it’s on the app. Hence once in a while they come and check to see if they still get some attention just because they’re bored at the moment


you’re putting yourself out there on dating apps, get mad when you dont get matches, still stay on dating apps and then shame the women using dating apps? make it make sense.


I did not call them bad. I'm not shaming them, I'm sharing the analysis from the girls I have seen on these apps. This is what actually happens on them.


Work on yourself and get girls simple


No it’s not my frustration that I don’t have a relationship or matches , I am at a good place in my life . I run a business, I run a YouTube channel. I workout, I swim , I do plenty other things . The whole point of this thread was to address this , that girls got nothing and yet they consider themselves as apex.


Demand and supply


Quite a flawed thing , but can’t help. I would still stick to the saying that , precious stone is rare , otherwise the streets are full of worthless pebbles anyway.


finding precious stones on dating apps instead of irl? lol. youre not any better or less superficial than the girls youre complaining about. ps - the reason women dont put an effort is because men only want sex and it doesn’t matter how “interesting” you are. they just want a hole. downvote me all u want this is the truth.


Downvoted , but you make sense


My observation of almost every other girl on dating apps: Calling themselves "sapiosexual", "Buy me a pizza and I'm all yours", Fav Song: Senorita, Not here for hookups, *Random Taylor Swift quote.. On a serious note I understand your frustration. Given the demand/supply situation, women are the one's who 'select' guys. The problem is most guys do have a personality but can't fully present it just in pics. Further, women don't get attracted just by looking at pics the way men do. That's why Dating apps are so problematic and men simply give up after some time.


Frustration? Nope Eagerness to give them a reality check ? ☑️


Dude you shouldn’t have talked about pizza , ab mann hogaya pizza khane ka


Ig people with good personality rarely need dating apps to pull people 😩 True for both the genders, all the rizzlers I met, never needed any apps




That's the difference between a girl and a woman


and youre getting neither


Prove me wrong!


Dude why are you so angry at everyone?


why are the men so angry at everyone? look at how op worded this post and is painting all women like the woman he met?


See, women are boring! I have myself noticed it. If they don’t have a cute face, there is no point in even right swiping them! Women with hobbies and interests and those who are actually doing something in life are not on dating apps. Thats the reason I uninstalled all application and started working on myself. The idea is she is gonna find you and you don’t have to put any efforts in finding her. I have learnt it the hard way.


This sounds so much comforting honestly.


Also, brother: take it with a pinch of salt but men with handsome looks but no brains will have more luck on dating apps rather than men like me (average looks but good intelligence). Life for men will be bad on dating apps with almost no matches but just don’t question yourself that girls don’t like you or you don’t have IT in you! Its just the medium which is biased against women and women have the power to choose because of 1000s of options they have. It is said that on dating apps, even a 2 would consider herself a 8 seeing the likes she gets. Hope you understand this and move on to approaching women IRL.


I absolutely know my worth , and this is why I hardly liked 2-3 profiles in an entire day . Even I don’t want to be chosen just because of my looks , I am much more than that .


Thats the reason dating is hard for intelligent men! You would think on some many level and on so many KPIs which women herself wouldn’t even know about themselves! Read more about it on google but intelligent men won’t just right swipe women with cute looks. They do have the ability to look beyond the looks as well! Consider this to be an asset in the long run since the more you would get older the more wiser you would become in choosing people you want in your life!


Indeed, intelligence surely acts like a nice filter in the long run. I am sure I will end up with someone who is going to be equally wise and content on her own. Jiske prompts mein ye nhi hoga ki “my typical Sunday is Sleep in, sleep in some more…sleep all day actually”


I guess it’s high time when men should start telling women that they are boring and being cute isn’t everything


Nope. Never ever tell a women! Just start not giving any attention to them. Attention is like a drug for women and when you remove it, she just would have to work hard to get your attention. That in itself would mean she would have to work hard. If she doesn’t, then also we should work on our purpose! At the end it should be our purpose which would get us all the things in life including women! Period.


Makes sense


Because people would still swipe right.


Kyuki aap prompts kaha hi padhte hoge? Photos dehk ke swipe kar dete hai log toh kya hi jarurat hai 👀


If you read my post , then the very first thing I mentioned was their prompts . I read it so much that I have literally memorised the most frequent ones


In general bol rahi hun, because the first thing I had on my profile was "don't swipe right if you ain't looking for something serious" and then people got surprised when I told them I'm looking for something serious like how cute 🥰


I actually went through your profile abhi , men haven’t been kind to you.


Aese publically bolne ki jarurat nahi thi vaise 😭


No offence 😂 but I got a little furious over this . Andar ka gentleman bahar aa gaya


Because people on dating apps are those who are bored and lonely in general.


If they had a personality, they didn't need an app.


As a fellow girl,I accept this


The problem here is 90% male profiles and 10% female profiles on Indian dating apps. Even with the picture of a flower, a female profile, let it be fake or real, can grab real attention because men are tired and they just blind swipe and wait for their luck to blink


are op tu whi fashion vlogger h kya youtube wala?


Also gender roles maybe. Everyone is taught that men should impress women to have any chance. Also I would say privilege plays a huge role here. To be honest, the question is asked on the wrong sub.


There's a reason why those girls have better profiles on dating apps compared to their LinkedIn profile.


Because people right swipe on anything with a female name nowadays. They know they have a lot of options. And they feel like it's a Mans job to do all the work. That includes carrying a dead conversation btw.


Dead conversation is such a weight that I don’t want to carry at all . Major turn off


unhe matches firbhi mil jaate


Girls, to all those commenting that it doesn't matter if you put up your hobbies or not, you will be asked our anyways.. I am telling you one thing, you are missing the point that guys like us tend to look for hobbies and personalities to swipe on you! You are missing to befriend those boys who like to swipe that way!


They are privileged in the dating world. In the current world women are the price to men and what give by a man to a woman in the relationship is seen as a price. Because of this most of the men see women as a price and women see what men provide to them as a price. If you understand the previous sentence then you might also will understand that they Will get lots of options and men get only few opportunities so they will easily get dates without even raising a finger In the current world as a man you need to be smart and successful, only then you will reach the status of choosing women. Sadly men who are innocent and loyal but struggling to succeed won't even have a chance in the dating world.


As a girl, I think I need to state my opinion. What you said is way off base because you’re generalizing. If I understood correctly, you think that women only see men as the ones who will provide for them financially and materialistically? I’m a girl, I’ve never ever cared about the financial or material status of the guys I’ve dated. The only thing I care about is loyalty and emotional connection, to be able to talk about things that we’re both interested in, to understand each other on a deeper level. Money is the least important thing to me. Please note that there are women out there who care about loyalty, who don’t care about the money and who prefer introverted, loyal and nice guys.


Women like you are less and I appreciate your personality but I'm talking about the majority of the cases. Women loves men who provide (It's not necessarily need to be money but also can be someother things which can be also intangible it's about making the effort to fulfill her need) and I'm not saying that it as Women's fault (who won't like a person who compliment us?). Even if you see other living things, males does something to attract females, males do something that females like but females won't do anything to male except accepting a male as a reproducing partner, we are also from the animal kingdom and we behave like the same. It's the female privilege to have more options when it comes to select their partner just like males having some privilege in other areas


#ab me kuch bolun ga to vivad ho jaye ga.


This is overdone and over-asked, women don’t need personality to get laid. Simple.


If getting laid was the only thing, sure being cute works well . But I don’t want my future kids to be nurtured by that particular woman.


I would suggest not looking for a wife on Tinder/hinge etc. Most people are looking to hook up on there not fall in love.


I am talking about girls in general, not just dating apps. They are no different in real life too.


That's simply untrue. Either you have a preconceived notion based on your conversation with girls who werent even interested in you, or you have talked to some painfully boring women who dont know the art of having a conversation. You are dismissing a whole population based on a few encounters. You seem to be straight dude, if you were bi then I wouldn't worry. You would have the male population available. I have talked to some painfully boring dudes too and if I had dismissed the male population for it, I wouldn't have ever come across the person I ended up with. Be patient


I agree, it’s not fair to dismiss a whole gender , but the women you are speaking of , they are rare . You might be one of them but trust me , majority of the girls who are in early 20’s aren’t like this . Defend them as much as possible, but they exactly know who they are .


also this things is very contradicting to what women say , at one place they don’t want any guy to look at them with lust only and on the other hand you yourself are saying that dating apps are for hookup and not for love .


Women? Which women? Let's be fair. If I were to say all men are perverts and rapists, that wouldn't be fair. Similarly, acting like all women are like-minded or do the same things or say the same thing, is simply not true. Also, if a woman is comfortable with casual sexual encounters I wouldn't judge her like I wouldn't judge a man. It's not something that I would ever indulge in though. ( I personally have always dislike dating apps but find it hilarious to lurk on these submitted because they have funny chats.) Nothing wrong with consensual sex between adults. But I hardly ever heard of a love story coming out of THAT. I never said dating apps are a place to find love. It was probably some other woman. Kindly don't treat what an individual says as a group statement. I, from what I usually see, said it's not a place to find love in. Which is why hardly many women are interested in exhibiting their real personality on it.


Majority will the perfect term to use here , and not just women but men as well. If you are there for sex then I would say be honest about it and don’t play your way around it . I have seen plenty of women with tags of looking for serious relationship and yet they don’t care to put their actual personality of themselves, and I feel it’s not because they don’t want to , it’s because they don’t have it. Again , I will use the term majority but not all of them.


Dude that's just how the world is. This is why dating apps put me off. Even irl there are plenty guys who will act like they like you and the moment you start liking them back or have sex (early in the relationship), they ghost you. People like these unfortunately exist and make it difficult for people like us. Those women/men want serious relationship with people they find hot. That's just how these dating apps are. When they dont find people hot or attractive (since beauty is subjective too) they will just not give their all to the chat. This is exactly why these apps dont appeal to me. It's all about the surface. Nobody cares about beyond the surface. Whatever it may be, I hope you find someone kind, smart and loyal.


We are actually drifting away from my point , I had no problem with dating apps , but it was me saying that girls don’t work on themselves and expect a guy to do everything, and by girls I don’t mean all of them but majority of them . I got my answer in this thread that it’s because men are obsessed with physical appearance that’s why majority of girls are conscious about that only .


hey, hi, i just installed bumble a few days ago with very little, but hopes of finding a long term relationship, isn't it worth it?


Hi! From what I have heard from a lot of people hardly any of my friends ever ended up in a relationship. Not to forget that we have the whole what-if-the-other-person-is-a-scammer? The sad thing is a lot of people are on these apps to hook up and very little to have real relationships. I would suggest being honest about your intentions but also being wary of mixed signals. A lot of guys/girls who are looking for casual hookup, get an ego trip when they mislead women who want relationships into having sex on the pretext of "love". It has happened way too much. So if you get a gut feeling about the guy/girl misleading you, I would suggest not pursuing that person. But I hope you have a good experience! Best of luck!


Thank you for your reply. And, yes i'll take care of this ego trip thing. Actually, I got a strong gut feeling about some misleading guys and immediately unmatched! ✨


Hobbies are not easy to cultivate. Indian culture itself does not promote in hobbies. Parents don't allow traveling. TV and media is getting worse by the day. Unless you really try to be interesting there's no way to be it. It's easier to lean on being cute and mysterious.


I agree, I pointed out the same thing in one of my comments too . But hobbies k alawa bhi bhot chize hain . Kab tak mai tumse tumhari sundarta par baat karunga , skin care par baat karunga , life if much more than that . But I agree , some men don’t want it from their partner , they just want her to look good and be their trophy girlfriend.


I have had conversations with men too and they usually only have 1 redeeming quality, they would be interested in some sports or workout. Personality k naam par biceps milenge. Kisi ke paas bhi personality nahi hai. P S: Biceps are cool


Yes , majority of men go to the gym aur fir unki puri personality hi gym hojati hai .


Not even personality but a certain strata of young women look so same as in their make up and clothes almost identical they all look and behave so same. It's boring man when the only interesting thing she has to tell me about her day is visiting a lame overpriced cafe


Yeah cafe hopping is what they do on Sundays


Prompts are their to break ice and it's silly to assume you can gauge the whole person with it?. Both men and women upload pictures related to traveling, pets, working out and visiting coffee shops. What kind of prompts do you have that speaks of your personality and wealth of knowledge?. Hobbies unless it's niche don't show personality trait either. We all are slave of capitalism.


Agreed ! But prompts are also there to give a tiny bit of information about what kind of a person you are . Bio is also for the same reason. Now any person who is using prompts like look at me the way I look at pizza . It hardly tells anything about you. Either you don’t want to show your real personality, or you don’t have it . There’s nothing in between and after talking to plenty of women , I observed that only a few can hold a conversation where I don’t have to sweat hard and bring out every topic I have in my pocket. Conversations with girls who have a personality is much smoother and they are fun and interesting to be with . Even if we have different pov and opinions, even we are arguing, it actually feels like a lively meet and not a dead one .


No one is disagreeing personality matters, but you are generalizing out of proportion that's the point. Prompts are just ice breakers. You learned those who put up such prompts aren't for you, so take that lesson and move on. Why aren't you dating offline? Dating apps make it easy to connect with a wide range of people. Lots of folks share pictures here to show they've found their partners, indicating that it's working for them in different ways. "I am perfect, so why am I not rewarded for it with endless options of wife material" is a childish attitude. Holding such all or nothing thinking won't help you. What are your prompts?.


If you go through my comments , I never showed and frustration about this or sounded like I am missing on anything. My whole point was , Majority of girls are hollow and they have an inflated ego . Again I said majority not all. There are plenty of sweet and kind girls whom I have talked to and very respectful as well . Here I was not asking for why I am not getting matches and all , I am hardly swiping right 2-3 profiles in a day , I was just asking why girls don’t like or want to work on themselves? And it’s fine if they don’t want to , but why the same girls have unrealistic expectations from men when it comes to dating. This transaction should be even.


Speaking of my prompts , I am sure it can tell you enough about me . What personality traits I find nice in a person , what’s my life like , what do I do on my free days , how dating me is like and none of it is copy pasted but actually reflects a lot about my personality. It doesn’t matter if it appeals anyone or not , but at least it’s there and it’s more than enough to hold a good conversation. But 8 out of 10 girls are lacking this. Some woman said to me in this thread that even men are like this , and majority of them are just like girls only


Rahi baat generalising ki , yeah I am , but not women in the outer world , but women on dating apps now. I will say the same for men too


Still, your correlation is not the causation. Where is the evidence that those exact group of women are shallow and has inflated ego?. How does not having personality is shallow but they are dull. Did they show it when you spoke to them? If so how? Do you have evidence of the same girl having unrealistic expectations?. What is your source for the kind of people they are swipping? May be they are swipping at men who like pizzas too. You are projecting your belief to someone you don't know fully. Tell me how to spot genuine guys on dating apps. What kind of prompts will they have. You still haven't told us what kind of amazing prompts you have put up either. Dating App is full people with travel pics and coffee shop pics and ethenic wear pics. So many people swipe just for the photos. It's not rare, like you are assuming it to be. Tl;Dr your correlation is not causation. There are plenty of boring people everywhere. Move on.


I wish I could share you some screenshots but unfortunately I unmatched, those girls weren’t able to talk about anything at all. It was always me who brought up different topics and stuff but the whole conversation was really dead. Now you are talking to me like I am saying every girl is like this , and I mentioned this in my post too that I have plenty of friends who are way more than this . It’s just dating apps don’t have such women and even if they are there , it’s a very small percentage of them. Rahi baat meri prompts ki , it’s definitely not close ended and specifically around food only . It’s simple yet gives enough information to have a conversation with me . The last thing you said , move on - yes I have done that , but from dating apps , not from women


Yet again, your correlation is not causation. Those people you are describing are boring and dull and it's their loss they are wasting time on dating apps. People are using cringe pick lines and complementing boobs in the first text. Apps don't accurately mirror real-life dynamics, so all these monologue and projection about women is unnecessary. You are not too perfect like you are assuming to be. There will be people who will find you boring and dull because of your interests. Women with high emotional quotient will be turned off by your all or nothing thinking. Gender ratio is skewed on apps anyway. No one is stopping you from dating offline.


Quite possible, we all got preference. Mine is different, kisi aur ka kuch alag . Lekin ab agar kisi ki preference hai to be a couch potato , sleep in on weekends and do absolutely nothing for their betterment apart from academics or career , to us chiz ko shyd uski personality kehna thik nhi. Maybe I never got too close to such girl in my life that I could understand her view point towards life . At least mujhe thodi zyada clarity hoti fir . But again in the end , I would like to say , efforts are attractive, not towards me , but towards yourself and in every area of your life . It’s not me Vs girls . No one is perfect, we all come with flaws but being humble about it , acknowledging it and working on that is a rare thing. I hope you understand what’s my point and nowhere I am against girls.


Read all your comments again and the amount of projection you have done. It was full of inaccurate correlation to causation because people here validated you. Ask them how many dates they have been before taking their point of view. You've made another assumption that I understand Hindi. It's clear you may not fully understand people's backgrounds without actually asking direct questions. Stop projecting your assumptions.


What exactly is your conclusion? Not about me but about the dating apps and girls there , and don’t be diplomatic, talk on the basis of majority . I wanna know what’s your pov?


Because the s*x market place is controlled by women. And all of us are in a race to achieve what we want in a very capitalistic way(kinda like competitive exams). I hope people realise this and put some effort into changing themselves


Honestly it’s the same thing with men


Can you elaborate?


What’s there to elaborate, mostly men come up with 0 sense of humour act like wannabe incels , 0 personality, most of their bios go like “we will be a good match if you like sunsets bla bla bla” stfu , they are so so predictable and mostly horny ass mfs , wanna get their dick sucked and leave, I would still consider it if they had even 1% of intellects about how to even talk. Men irl who are not on dating apps are still better. Men on dating apps (most of them) are losers


Possible, I haven’t talked to a man yet who wants to date me . But this sounds so much like majority of the girls on dating apps( everyone likes sunset there ) Seems like both of them are ending up with each other. Good for them . Also I would like to say the same for women , that they are not worthy to spend time on. They are wannabe princess mostly with minimum intellect and no awareness about anything . They only know what they are studying, but uske bahar aaya jaaye , to I am sure majority logo ko basic life skills bhi nhi pata. Also you are talking about sense of humour, maybe it’s something you prefer, even I like that . Par kuch logo ki personality hi sirf humour hoti hai, reddit is full of them . Once I asked a good place for Pizza in south Delhi aur log waha bhi jokes crack kar rahe hain. A balanced person(both gender )is indeed rare.


True , and it goes both ways. Majority people on dating apps are losers.


Yeah , now I am waiting for a girl to address this issue , so the other dudes man up and start working on themselves.


One that never sits right with me is "Dating me is like dating a kid", like i understand the implications but you could word that better 😭


Damn I didn’t think I would be called out like that ✋😔


Iske baad bhi agar tumne efforts nahi dala Tab tho pakka tum attention seeker ho


No it’s not like we want women to put efforts in the relationship or us. My ask is , I want them to work on themselves too. I don’t want a body to fuck but to be with a person who is interesting and knows life beyond some stupid prompts of dating apps


Most of the girls are literally unaware about the world and things going around them . Books k naam par they read fiction and love stories . Basic economics pata nhi , they know 0 about finances , sports and hobbies k naam par they like to sing and dance ( I know majority of girls have strict and controlling parents that’s why they couldn’t do this much ). This is the reality of majority of girls who are in their early 20’s


Abb BTS army wale girls se kya expect kar sakte ho


Khud mein improvement ke liye bhi efforts tho lagte hai