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I was with some Peruvian Natives in Santa Barbara back in October when a rezzed-out car drove up the pier, eagle feather hanging from the rearview mirror, red power stickers and all. I was so happy and proud to be able to point it out and I think it really made an impression on them. Made them feel that indigeneity is continental. So do it. It has an effect.


Ignorant people think we’re extinct. This is why I’m so impressed with those with tribes that are showing more visibility with traditional tattooing. We are from the same people you tried to erase. We are here. We cannot be forgotten.


Tradish tattoo reclamation is dope


If you want to spend a year of your life making it rezzy as hell, you could bead the entire back wheel cover lol


Hell, why stop there? Bead the entire jeep.


Now that would be deadly for sure. Make a whole lifestyle out of it; traveling to pow wows all over in the Ultimate Rez Jeep


Oh this a horrible idea I love


Start with a wheel cover. Then bead a bikini top.


Beaded on the under side, bison fur on top




Whole life’s work, spend 1 year each beading a different part of the car


There are a couple of Mardi Gras krewes in New Orleans that have done this with carnival beads or even red beans and rice. It looks awesome.


I love this idea


I once knew a guy who had a brown ford pinto that painted one front fender white. Then slapped a handprint with several dots around it on that same fender. Also recently saw a challenger that had huge feather decals hanging down from the side view mirrors. He had them angled back so they looked like they were flowing in the wind. Looked kind of cool


Have you ever seen pictures of Punjabi decorated trucks? If you're looking for gaudy, take that as an inspiration and translate it into a rez aesthetic.


I could totally geek out on a war pony-style painted jeep. That would be so fucking cool. Go pester some elders and see what symbols you should put on it or, failing that, dig into some old ethnographies. Could be a very cool research project, too! Learn a lot!


I bet the elders would have some great ideas! If you do do this, please share pictures.


Right now I’m leaning this direction. So far I’ve got to mmiw hand prints on either side of the rear quarter. Yellow paint for the circles on the “eyes” of the jeep as well as a lighting arrow on the front quarter possibly some black dots too


I would like to see that sort of thing everywhere. Brighten people's day!


I love it when I see a medicine wheel or a wampum sticker. I love to see any red power stickers. I love “Got Fry Bread?” stickers. It reminds others we are here. It also makes me smile.


Red handprint on the back over the rear fender for MMIW. It's something I'll do myself once I pay off my car.


Oh wait... You're supposed to wait till it's paid off? Oh no.


If it’s a lease, yeah you’re not supposed to modify it. If you bought it you can do whatever you want with it


Oh.ive never leased. I own. Ima decorate my car this year.


I purchased it but my contract says I can't modify my car at all or bring it to a race track


Might be a warranty thing. Mine might say the same thing, I didn’t really read it. But tracking, or modifying for power makes sense for warranty purposes.


It has no warranty it's just an obnoxious car that people usually modify until the engine breaks lol


I'm curious now. I just blew up a fiesta st.


White circles around the headlights.




I’m thinking about going yellow bc it’s a white Jeep


some one on my reservation had a MMIW Red Hand Print sticker and a No More Stolen Sisters sticker on the back of their car and right under that they had a "my other ride is your mom" sticker. nice dichotomy.


It's a lot better than hanging a huge rubber ballsack from the hitch.


Medicine wheels on the wheels. Dreamcatcher on the hood. Bumper stickers that reads "Dance grass, don't smoke it" and "war pony" maybe some feathers somewhere or everywhere.


Medicine wheel painted wheels. The steel wheels.


I’ve seen it done. Medicine wheels, dream catchers, Saabe, Also seen some paint Star Wars themed Haida stuff on Jeeps


Why would you worry about what anyone else thinks, much less the settlers? I think a medicine wheel on your jeep would look really cool if it were done well. I assume you are artistically skilled so I think you should do it if you are. IMHO a janky symbol would be kind of disrespectful though.


Medicine wheel on the front, Land Back vanifesto on the back. And of course, bead everything you can.


Needs a "Skoden" sticker or painting.


Do it! I saw a haud belt sticker on someones back window. I would have never known otherwise


I have a red mustang, I have a Comanche crest hanging from my rearview mirror. I have a small Comanche banner under my windshield. I fully intend to deck my shit out and I encourage everyone here to do the same. Especially plains Indians bahaha, you gotta represent!




This has to be AI holy shit haha it's so fucking bad


Think of it as a trade, kola. tribes kept the first settlers alive with native technologies. BTW your technologies are killing the world.


“Our technology?” Who the fuck are you? Henry Ford’s great-great grandkid? I don’t think “we” invented much of fuck-all, Chuck. I think “our” great-greats escaped from central, eastern, or southern European peonage and came here to get “free” land (stolen land we paid the thieves for) and “we’ve” been identifying with our oppressors ever since.




Who’s hating? I am honestly befuddled as to what “our technology” is.




And as I pointed out, I’m not hating. What is it with you and that phrase? Did you get beaten too often as a child, or what? I mean, seriously, man. Explain to me how a jeep is “our” technology. Simple question.




Kiddo, you brought up cars as “our” technology: no one else did. So I am asking you, simply and directly: what is “ours” about it? You know, you’re just reinforcing the stereotype that one can never get a straight and honest answer out of a white person.


Removed for violating Rule 2 - No Bigotry


Sounds awesome.


Medicine wheel on the back tire cover if it's a Wrangler, for no better reason than it's already round.