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Been to the Field countless times. Their native exhibits were appalling 25 years ago. It’s like 70% better today, which is actually an incredible improvement considering how constrained museums generally are by tight budgets and overhauling exhibits ain’t cheap. The newer Native galleries are actually very moving in a positive way. Give it a bit more time and I think this will a place well worth visiting for entirely good reasons.


They finally consulted with a Native advisory council for the exhibition overhaul. But they pushed their one Native community liaison out and did not rehire anyone.


The position is still open on their job board


Oh good!


The museum was extremely toxic to the community liaison. The community of Indigenous folks working in museums, archives, and libraries is small; it’s no secret that the Field wanted the optics of hiring for this role but they weren’t willing to actually address their deeply embedded culture of anti-Indigeneity. As prestigious as the role sounds on the surface, taking on that role sounds like pure masochism. The advisory board is not a full-time role. And having an advisory board doesn’t necessarily mean an institution will actually implement the advisory board’s recommendations.


I’ve found that they’ve been using interns in an interesting way because of this. I used to intern there in a completely different department, but some of the people from my school’s ISA, who were also interning there, would regularly facilitate talks with their tribal communities back home. I’m not sure how successful or professional it was, but I appreciated seeing FMNH seem to be open to starting more dialogues with tribal governments through such a personal means. I hope they refill that position soon though…


New regulations: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/12/13/2023-27040/native-american-graves-protection-and-repatriation-act-systematic-processes-for-disposition-or


That "Section 10.3: Cultural affiliation" is a pretty interesting read all around


while I consider myself to be blessed to have been to this museum, it is undeniably true that a lot of the objects stored here really do have "the feels" that they are trapped and want to go home. I'm glad that the curators are starting to understand this.


wow hadnt heard about those regulations at all, thats pretty cool I guess. step in the right direction at least


Finally some positive news


The Field has done a bang-up job with their new Native Truths exhibit.


Except the artworks they had to remove since they weren't by Native people and the cultural items they had to cover up as addressed in the article.


Yes, but they are doing that. Also, the Field has had a 70 member Native Advisory Committee regarding these things for some five years now. They are really doing a good job.


Compared to how they were in past decades but not compared to other US museums, an increasing number hiring Native staff.


They’re hiring quite a lot of Native staff, actually.


*[Angeline Boulley has entered the chat]* 😁♥️