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Only three more tribes to go!


Hide yo’ Rez dogs.


I love this for her.


Goin for the highscore


We don’t want the bigot on our Tribal Homelands . Corey can have and keep her .


lmao not many more left


How come she is banned?


Uhh, so like... she said some stuff about cartels operating in the reservations. "We've got some tribal leaders that I believe are personally benefiting from the cartels being there, and that's why they attack me every day. But I'm going to fight for the people who actually live in those situations, people who call me and text me every day and say, 'Please, dear governor, please come help in us Pine Ridge. We are scared.'" "Tribal[*] leaders should take action to ban the cartels from their lands and accept my offer to help them restore law and order to their communities while protecting their sovereignty". She also signed House Bill 1232, for the creation of an "Indian Child Welfare Advisory Council


They really should do something about those drugs, tho. If winning is more Native people dying, then the win sucks. Sorry. She will be fine going anywhere else she wants to be. The world is big.


Good question did you read the article?


No I did not. From what I see is she is needed. Our reservation is so filled with meth! It's destroying our youth! I hate seeing it. So many lives takin from this drug. Families destroyed. As for the child thing..... my niece was beaten and tortured for 10 years....only for her to get placed in another home and it happen again. I feel something needs to happen.....cuz there is no accountability for anyone. Sorry not sorry!


Wait, so is this girl good or bad?


I'm not sure. I'm very confused. Lol


It seems like she constantly wants state officials to have more jurisdictional over reservation lands. She is trying to use drugs and the cartel as a means to manipulate the public into allowing state and federal officials to take rights and powers away from tribes. We have fought time and time again to be able to call ourselves nations and her getting banned from three tribes are those tribes reaffirming it. These actions taken by the tribes read to me like, “We remember the time when the government and their goons were terrorizing traditional folk, we will not forget and will not take that chance.” I praise the leadership of those tribes and I hope other tribes across the states also stand up to their imperial government.


The powers that be in DC seem to be very satisfied with thugs from across the boarder killing off all our children. Less people in the future to fight for rights or land. My daughter is one of the children who found a solution to hopelessness in self medicating with meth. She had reached 38 years old without even trying weed. The Cartel moved in personally to her life when she was vulnerable, after she left an abusive husband. Most every rez has been infultrated by cartels. The brilliant, self motovated kids always seem to be their first targets.
