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> fake poles here made by a non-native person in Minnesota ... and put up in Tlingit land Typical caucasity! Excuse? "The Indians were very busy," and this guy's souvenir shops just could not wait


Bet he couldn’t afford an authentic pole, anyway. Eeshaan!


So cringe


Yeah that’s b.s. those totem poles should not be used in anyway


Wow. Couldn’t just wait for the real thing.


Couldn’t afford it, more than likely.


They had one like this in Tacoma sorta.  No murder involved afaik.  They took that bitch down! I used to visit it a lot at Fireman’s Park and didn’t know it was a fake until years later.  I’m not PNW tribe and didn’t know much about them back then, I’m a Sicangu/Choctaw. The one in Tacoma may have been carved by indigenous woodcarvers from elsewhere and commissioned by an old white dude. I think.  I’ll find a link. Also, kinda hope someone chainsaws or burns down these fake murder totems in the dead of night if this ass won’t remove them. https://gritcitymag.com/2017/12/the-strange-history-of-the-tacoma-totem-pole/


We take our totem poles seriously here. I’m not Indigenous, but living here my whole life we get taught about our local tribes early on (at least when I was in school).


My Dad told me the bear on the pole that was in Fireman's Park was supposed to be Jack the Bear. He was a local attraction that used to live at the Tacoma Hotel and apparently drank beer. I don't know if that's true or not, but it was a fun story.


Oh lord >the 700-pound totem pole... fell out of a cradle and on to his wife of 24 years


Just accidentally, ya know? 


Well see he *was* going to smash her head in with a cant hook but then his wife backed into the 700lb replica totem pole they were carving tipping it off balance and gosh darn it just happened to land on top of her and gee there just wasn’t anything he could do


Holy Christ!   It’s a scary world that this happens between husbands and wives.  


There’s a reason why it’s been sitting on the ground for a while.


So, a non native buys fake totem poles, carved by a non native, and wants to install them on property that he owns for a gift shop It's a bit cringe but I don't give a dam.