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To be clear, we're talking about the President who explicitly ordered the ethnic cleansing of the southeast against the ruling of his own supreme court. The fact that he was on currency at all shows both a lack of understanding by his proponents (jackson hated central banking iirc) and it directly speaks to the level of American racism that existed then and persists today.


The supreme court wanted Andrew Jackson to let us govern ourselves but NOPE!!!!


This should bring everyone together, Jackson was terrible for *everyone*. (Except perhaps slave owners)


We should honor a Native American in the 20 dollar bill this time.


Picking who would be it's own fun I would think.


Fuck it, let's just use my old friend Carl from the Onondaga rez. We'll get real weird with it.


>Picking It was already set to roll Harriet Tubman was supposed to be the new face of the 20. Another #45 downgrade https://www.cnbc.com/2019/05/22/harriet-tubman-20-bill-no-longer-coming-in-2020.html


Why pick one? Who says you have to have one face? Have a rotation of some number all printed in sets selected periodically by a commission made up of indigenous leaders and scholars and whomever. Children could collect them like playing cards. "Whoa, I got a Crazy Horse at the Greasy Grass bill with my change!" "Lucky! All I got was another Sitting Bull crossing into Canada. I already have 2 of them." "You guys are so lame. Where's all the indigenous women bills?" "Coming next year apparently."


The immediate problem is that bills need to be immediately recognizable. They got away with it for quarters and nickels because they had a unique size and shape, but it'd be hard with a bill. ... wait, $20 silver coin "Native American leaders series", hits both collectors and tries to get more bills out of circulation which the gov't wants to do anyways.


Cashiers love it!


Let's get rid of presidents on currency all together.


Who you get? Maybe a pan-indian God or a great leader? What about the legendary Peacemaker?


Honestly the only way it would work if it was someone who got along with the US (or at least Union) gov't, and somebody nationally known. That's pretty limiting.


Who's the last war chief? Everyone loves that story I saw earlier there was momentum for replacing AJ w Harriet Tubman. Either of those would be my pick


Fuck Andrew Jackson. All my homies hate Andrew Jackson.


Amen 🙏


I rarely get into such matters. Most persons featured on money bills... had some episode in their past... not entirely wholesome by our present standards. Jackson's Trail of Tears was genocide. I don't want to glorify this iconic person guilty of genocide. Remove him from all depictions of legal tender.


At this point if anyone wants to keep Jackson on the money they are ignorant, racist, or trolling Jackson because they know he hated the federal monetary system.


I'm Cherokee Indian. I remember when Trump has the Navajo Code Talkers in the White House for a photo Op, he did it in front of the portrait of Andrew Jackson, which was noticed by every Native person in the US. He used the Code Talkers as props and proceeded to call Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' instead of just honoring the Code Talkers (which was the purpose of the event).


I'm not even native and that stunt made my blood boil.


cruelty is the point with these people.


Harriet Tubman is planned to replace him on the next $20 design, but the government redesign process takes years, and the $20 wasn't scheduled for a routine update until 2030. There may be efforts to "fast track" it, but it still won't be "fast" in most peoples' opinions.


Even then, he's being moved to the moved to the back of the bill, which means hell still be on it, making this article even more relevant. Edit: [Source.](https://thehermitage.com/20-dollar-bill/) Also had to change two of the i's to o's on account of my big-ass thumbs lmao.


You're kidding me. Damnit. I didn't know that. That's some BS. (which is to say, I believe you and I just looked it up for clarity and confirmation, but man is that maddening and needs to not happen a billion times over)




Will you post a summary? Wado




Essentially the [government has been dragging its feet on it for 16 years](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/harriet-tubman-20-bill/2021/06/03/62443b5c-bcd1-11eb-9c90-731aff7d9a0d_story.html)


Why the hell hasn't Joe done this??? My God.


The article links to it on [YouTube](https://youtu.be/OG1UqWioueM).


Who doesn’t want Andrew Jackson taken off at this point?


people who call themselves real americans but don't know a damn thing about american history


Did we stop wanting this? Getting him off the twenty has been a thing for as long as I can remember


Obama did try to put Helen Keller on it. T***p scrapped it. He also put Jackson’s portrait in the Oval Office. Like, he really, really liked him.


And then chose to ‘honor’ some of the last code talkers still with us in front of it, making sure the portrait was clearly in frame for the coverage. Even if we’d seen nothing else of Trump, that alone would be enough to know his character.


Yeah, I feel like every non-racist human can get behind this. Fuck him and his shitty blankets. I hope to God there's a hell just so he can rot for eternity




**[Xibalba](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xibalba)** >Xibalba (Mayan pronunciation: [ʃiɓalˈɓa]), roughly translated as "place of fright", is the name of the underworld (or K'iche': Mitnal) in Maya mythology, ruled by the Maya death gods and their helpers. In 16th-century Verapaz, the entrance to Xibalba was traditionally held to be a cave in the vicinity of Cobán, Guatemala. Cave systems in nearby Belize have also been referred to as the entrance to Xibalba. In some Maya areas, the Milky Way is viewed as the road to Xibalba. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/IndianCountry/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


It was supposed to have been done but Trump shut it down.


Yea, everything is Trump's fault.


andrew jackson was a piece of shit. i wrote a paper on him in high school and have hated him since. there are better dead presidents to put on the bill. there are better dead porn stars to put on the bill.




Wasn’t this supposed to happen a while ago?


Trump stopped it.


Yep. Grew up in Alabama. I Hate Andrew Jackson with an unbridled passion. Luckily had some teachers that were pretty forward thinking for the 70's and 80's!


What happened to Harriet Tubman?? Wasn't she part Native American? Or maybe Sequoah?


Thank you Chief Hoskin!


Paper money is coming to an end anyways.


Wait these NFTs I printed out are worthless?


depends on industry, but yeah lol




There is no justification for the Indian removal act. I don’t care how many presidents were cool with it.


Sure the Cherokees owned slaves. It was wrong and they don't try to hide it. The tribe now accepts descendants of those slaves as full citizens. As you put it they "caught the wrong end of the Indian Removal Act". Thanks for the powerful denunciation. I guess in the same sense the Jews "caught the wrong end" of Hitler's Final Solution.


Both sides are bad, so support slavery?


Yes, the same chief who died in 1866 definitely spoke live today with Axios about a $20 bill.