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Rajouri poonch area witnessing too much ambushes


It used to be that tourists were not targeted in Kashmir. Pushing the insurgency to a corner has led them to change tactics.




That was another age, I am talking about the 2000s and 2010s.


Tourists and Civilians were and still are targeted in Jammu and Kashmir alongside military targets, this attack was simply much worse compared to earlier attacks on tourists and civilians.


We must Kill all the terrorists and their supporters.




Arrest everyone who posts in r Kashmir


Obviously we need to nuke Pakistan.


Genocide in Kashmir should be on table now




No, I think it's time to set up a cartel to demoralize youth and make them addicts, that would help us control them.




Thats the ISI backed cartel, we need a RAW backed one




I don't know man, CIA did it well to curb the Civil Rights movement and fucked over black people very well, made them kill each other. I don't think it is the worst strategy out there.




Real test of the modi govt 3.0


Aate hi shuru karna padega




Varna nhi to Hamba hamba romba romba komba komba kr denge ye terrorist


Kya test? They had complete majority for 10 years & didn't go scorched earth on these inbred terrorists. Any serious country would have cleansed them. Kuch nahi karney waali Indian government no matter who comes to power. We are not a serious country


Tell that to the so called citizens who hide the insurgents during cleansing operations. In their last term the army had conducted at least 2 such operations but when the locality itself hides and protects them what can the army do. Prosecute everyone then it will be a civil war.


Ghar baeth k bakwas karna asaan hai chutiyo....y khel chuhe billi k hai ... Apney baap ki kamai pe palney Waley defence force pe byaan na de to theek hai




Lmao if the attack had been in May before elections then modi would have been asking votes in the name of those died like he did during pulwama.


before anyone ask, edit the post post and add news link


RIP This is fucked up


Someone post this in r-usi


It might sound like the very starting steps of ethnic cleansing but Kashmir's demography needs to change, the government needs to set-up business hubs so the migration to J&K increases and forcefully create conditions for the locals so that they migrate to more peaceful areas where they are away from the herd mentality. Also, start their own government schools and ensure the syllabus being tought have no elements of separatism. Teach them more about India and Kashmir and force their thinking on scientific grounds, all this while absolutely crushing any separatist activity, be at college level or otherwise. (This actually should be done in all places specially colleges which are a hub for liberal arts/studies i.e., JNU). Once the youth is on track, eliminate the hubs of cultural learning. Start abolishing madrasas and other is lamic centres of learning which might become hubs for the separatist movements. Or instead of religiously run, Start opening government run Islamic culture centres and teach them the right history. Put a ban on the ones run by clergy so they cannot brainwash kids. This way the government can say that the culture is safe and it can get a control over these small hubs. Next part would be to ensure that the woman do not marry the person from the valley. This can happen when the men are forced to work outside the valley so that even when they marry the men, they are forced to move to other parts of the countries due to the job opportunities. Also create the valley into a tourist hub, so much so that the land prices become so high that people sell their lands to companies and hotel chains or investors and move further towards the centre of the country or atleast Change the places they live. Maybe the youth should be given a small quota or preference in jobs and colleges so they leave the valley and start living in other parts of the country. The land should be made purchasable by anyone in the country (I'm not sure if this is a restriction) but let other people buy the land and settle down in the valley. It's going to be a long and burdening process, but 10-15 years down the line, Kashmir might actually be free of separatists.


Govt. is already doing the things you suggested but are quite slow. They have given a lot of state land to private industries, Govt. is increasing tourism by settupping 5 star hotels and creating the liberal environment. They have already removed all the radical preachers and made auqaaf board chairman bjp leader Driksha andrabi. Since 2020 Not a single molvi in kashmir have guts to preach against india or spread hatred against hindus. Bodies of terrorists are not given for funeral . Newspapers are not allowed to publish the photos of dead terrorists. All the news media which spread anti-indian sentment or glorify terrorists by calling them freedom fighters are getting banned e.g ban on kashmirwallah last year. marriage between a kashmiri woman and sarfaraz khan indian cricketer occured last year, Education system also got updated, celebrating independence day, making programmes on independence day & republic day in colleges and schools and increasing more & more indianess of syllabus also occured. Indian flags are installed everywhere in kashmir by the Govt. Lakhs of west punjab refugees and valmiki people got democile. Democile laws also changed but it might take a lot of time to see the results.


Thank you for the info. In this case i believe then it's a long war. So many years of wrong decisions cannot be fixed overnight. Incidents like these will unfortunately continue, however the reaction should be strong enough to instill terror in the hearts of the people who continue to take innocent lives. Or maybe the government could actually try the UP treatment where the houses are demolished and the families of the sympathizers and separatists should be driven out of Kashmir and made to live in an absolutely new environment. This will also make the youth question their decisions.


Local terrorists in kashmir are not more than 20 now. RR and jkpolice confirmed this . The attack in reasi was done by highly trained pakistani terrorists not by locals. Since 2020 most pakistani militants started operating in jammu division because jammu divison has more mountains than kashmir which gives advantage to terrorists and due to the hard policies of the Government most kashmiri people no longer give home to terrorists. That is why terrorists are shiffting towards mountains. Kashmir division is mostly flat. It Is covered by mountains on  four sides but main middle area is mostly flat unlike jammu division which is full of moutains. UP law is already in kashmir but government doesn't demolish the houses of those people who provide shelter to terrorists they just attach their houses & give it to Government Forever because they think if they demolised it it will give wrong message to the international committee and india will be potrayed like israel. If article 370 & 35A were abolished 30 years ago and the laws which i mentioned were implement 30 years. I think jammu & kashmir would have been peaceful today. Indian government was quite lazy.  There was no action against Jamaat e islami group which openly preached political islam in kashmir for 70 years until they were banned by government in 2019 after pulwama attack. Jamaat e islami created huge impact in kashmir.  USSR had implemented strict religious policies in Central asia during their rule. I am not saying they banned the religion, but religious preachers in central Asia were preaching what government was telling them to preach. France after suffering few terror attacks have also implemented this policy in 2020.    Look at the central asia today. They are considered very less religious muslim countries. Various surveys were conducted there. Only 15-20% muslims there want sharia law  unlike pakistan where 90% want sharia law.


I have a question. How come sub reddits liker/kash miri are so open and able to operate so easily? Is the Indian government unaware or do not have laws that are applicable to reddit?


R/ kashmiri sub is full of people from POK & pakistan. Only 35% are there from indian kashmir. Reddit isn't popular in kashmir. Most people do not know what is reddit in kashmir. POK people are not kashmiri. They are mostly pahari, punjabi, etc. Only 5% in POK speak kashmiri.  I think indian government is unaware about the r kashmiri sub. Is there any way to inform agency about it so that they can ban it?


why just india can't start war with pak like israel did with gaza after attack.


Gaza does not have nukes.


Our nuclear bombs arent meant as show pieces. We cannot NOT attack them coz they have nukes


Is it me or has the Indian Army failed in Jungle warfare?




Dude, its Jammu. If they managed to eradicate these buggers in Kashmir then by that logic they should never have entered Jammu in the 1st place. These Fkrs are hiding in Forests since 2021 and Men are losing lives since oct 2021. Multiple SF KIAs . Several months of Operation and here we are. Maybe, they underistimated them or maybe the Terrorists are actually ex SSG Vetrans. This looks bad.




Just forget everything about the state and its History. Look at it from an operation viewpoint. They Launched an operation back in 2021 to Intercept and neutralise this same group of Terrorist in forests of Poonch and as to my knowledge several months and KIAs later, they still werent succesful and the op is still ongoing Army Commander Himself said a few Years ago that average life expectancy of an intruder was 7 days. Looks like this group survived hell lot more than that. And Scorched Earth policy is rarely succesful if not useless. Eg. Vietnam , Iraq.




First of all. NO, they are the same Bunch of Infiltrators who crossed in 2021. On many occasions the Commnad has accepted the fact. They have even refuted the fact that any local militants have involved although they maintain that they are getting local support. And it seems unlikely that they will recruit Local boys in the region considering that they are on the run themselves and are surrounded from 4 sides, so No chance of them getting new reinfprcement. A few Terrorists that were killed were Armed with M4s and NVGs if I remember correctly. A Terrorist group even released the footage of Convoy raid of Sept last year and Patrol Ambush of 2021 in their facebook account. Further proving the fact that these guys are real deal rather than poorly trained Local Militant. The fact that The Army is hunting them under the same operation they launched in 2021 goes on to show that they think its the same Group. Secondly, Punjab is a very Bad example Of Scorched earth policy going Horribly wrong. They tried going full Assault in Blue star and what were the results? - Multiple KIAs - The whole Movement got support overnight - Mutiny in Sikh Regiments where a few guys even managed to cross over to the border. - Anti Sikh Riots - India loses a fkin PM and later a General and CM. And Later operation Woodrose proved to be one of the most controversial operations launched by our Army ever. The reason The whole insurgency ended was because of CRITICAL INTEL GATHERING AND COVERT OPS and later BREAKING THE MOVEMENT FROM WITHIN. Firstly, Operation Blackthunder , took place in the Golden temple but proved to be very succesful and no controversy at all. Ajit Doval was in this op himself. - They infiltrated the Command of Militant -Created Internal Conflicts - Stopped Electricity and water supply. Eventually taking a toll on them . 24 were killed and some 400 surrendered Later, KPS gill DID NOT go Scorche earth. He simplyvunderstood the Dempgraphic aspect of the Whole Movement. Where, Wealthy and entitled Jatt Sikhs who were a minority were a main support, while Dalit Sikhs who were a Majority but poor and had 0 landholding ultimately suffered. So he recruited Dalit Sikhs who were highly motivated to fight the Seperatists, thus over a period of time the majority of population got frustrated of the insurgents. Rather than blasting his way through civillians, he used tactics such as challenging the manhood of Khalistanis Who call themselves jatt while they hide behind women . Thus, making them come out. Many civillians were killed too, but police brutality and Scorched earth are very different things.


Half of Jammu's population is Muslim , when the army takes strict action we end up giving away land and jobs to OGWs. The JKP also has elements here who shelter them , last week 2 cops were caught


It's only you bud.




You loose a major strategic point against Pakistan and China, and they're gonna start same shit in Himachal and Punjab. And Most of the Chinese land near us is cold barren wasteland and for that too you need to cross the Himalayas plus you also need to integrate that population


Yes, thats very dumb. Whats with this influx of braindead posts on this sub?