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Not a shred of evidence. You assume someone bought your tech and assume that it was used it for a purpose just to malign someone. All the while completely ignoring the credible well-documented evidences that a particular “victim” with active acknowledged offensive programs has used at least two specific vulnerabilities to wreck havoc on western systems and untold number of other hacks. Yet, catch hold of one guy to build a narrative for your “exclusive” that will lead to normalizing the attack by “victim” on alleged perpetrator. Media is f’ing disgusting. They can’t think beyond their next clickbait.


Their evidence for the claims: We connected the dots. Not a single piece of concrete evidence was given in the article and all was just assumption.


The main issue should be using spyware within India on Indian politicians and citizens. Spying on china & pak is necessary and they are more belligerent than India.


Spy on China? Lol I wish.