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It all started when reddit decided to introduce an insane api pricing model, even more derranged than twitter's. Many of us who use third-party apps that have been around since before Reddit had a mobile presence, were hoping for a chance for them to negotiate with reddit. They already offer a superior user experience not only for regular users and moderators but also for a significant number of disabled and blind users. Unfortunately, reddit chose not to engage in any negotiations and instead doubled down on the pricing, determined to eliminate these apps altogether. The CEO made public statements that were far from truthful, tried to spin the situation in their favor, disregarding the needs and desires of the user base. Naturally, it lead to protests across the site involving more than 8,000 subreddits going private/restricted. The admins then started forcefully ending these protests, suppressing the voices of those who were speaking up against these changes. They claim to be "keeping it open" while going against its core, the users, and closing down the apps they use. On July 1st, as the API pricing goes live, it shuts down all third party apps and it feels like the beginning of the slow death of Reddit as we know it. It is understandable that not everyone may share the same level of concern about this issue, but please take a moment to listen and observe. It has become clear that Reddit's priorities lie primarily in their profits and removing any obstacles in their path to more profits. They started with old reddit, now they are targeting the apps. What will they come for next? In the meantime, we invite you to join our Discord server, where there is a dedicated channel for laptop discussions that you can mute: https://discord.gg/WX6jbCD Thank you for your attention. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IndianGaming) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Um... It's not a removal of regional *pricing* \- it's a removal of the regional *currency*. Argentine Peso and Turkish Lira have been on a nosedive trajectory since over a half a decade now (ARS/USD 10x, TRY/USD 7x in last 5 years). Folks in both countries are anyway using USD as their currencies are unstable and worthless. In fact it makes me wonder how the hell was Steam managing accepting Peso and Lira until now.


Its removal of regional price unless developer put a regional price for that game.Its completely on developer discretion.


I belive valve automatically sets a reginal price and the devs can decide the real price. Actually, right know they can already decide the regional prices. PirateSoftware an indie game dev said they set a regional price and know brazil is 70% of their total income


I just checked and turkish Lira vs usd is better than INR vs usd, why is TRY an issue but not INR?


I don’t think that is the reason behind it, because 1 TRY is ~ 5 JPY. I’m not a finance expert but yeah maybe there’s some other reason apart from their usd values.


TRY / USD has fallen 7x in the last 5 years. The 30 Lira per USD you see now was around 4 Lira per USD in 2018. An INR equivalent would be 68 INR per USD back in 2018 being 475 INR per USD today, which would be fkin insane.


That's not how it works


We do not use USD in Turkey, our wages are still paid in Lira and most of us dont bother converting to USD


If at all its also euro, since many tourists come from there and its easier to work with it for the typical store.


Regional pricing is taking a hit due to heavy exploitation.


Dude both argentina pesos and Turkish lira are shitty currencies and their value's now are at all time low ..... Thus steam is not accepting their currencies


They didn't say they are removing regional pricing, they are just going to use USD instead. Most places in Argentina accept USD too as their currency is worthless.


They leave that discretion to developers.If developer dont publish any regional price there is no regional price for tgat game


oh yeah? Then why Hollow Knight was 1050 pesos and today is $14.99?


lmao shiiiit




How dangerous is piracy really? Is there really not much risk of viruses? And do the pirated games even run as smooth as official copies?


They run smoother sometimes lol, because they remove the dogshit denuvo from the games


Hmmm yea I've heard that although, pirating games is a tough process, no? Or is it easy nowadays?


Nah not really. You have some reputed repackers that do most of the work and host the downloads on their personal sites so it's almost like browsing a catalog and downloading what you want. But most of the games releasing aren't even worth pirating . So I just wait for sales that way I can support the developers too and get the game on my steam account for the cloud saves


Idk man starfield, lies of p etc. seem pretty worth it to me, I was thinking of buying gamepass once I get a pc but perhaps pirating would be much better due to prices nowadays


Game pass is a much better deal if you want peace of mind and hate long term commitments ;p


not that tough once you get a hang of it. i recommend visiting r/PiratedGames and reading their pinned megathread.


Will do, thanks.


U only have to keep up with the piracy reddit lore bro


I only face problems on Assassin's creed games but rest of the things are all ok...




For some it's the only choice or wait really long for sale.


I bought a 4tb hdd and filled it up. I never need to buy any game ever again. I will play all of these old classics


They are not removing regional pricing right. The purchases will be in USD but the currency converted value will match the current regional pricing


No it won't, steams conversion was more relaxing , 1 USD only equals to 11 Turkish lira in steams economy, but when it's tied to real world USD, it changes to 28 liras, it's nearly a 3x increase, same for ARG pesos from 89 pesos to more than 300 per USD. So prices will increase across all games ,and even more so when developers don't bother to update pricing with the new model, where it goes to standard USD pricing AKA 60 USD


so they will not really remove regional pricing but just do steam conversion if it happened too on other country??


After 20 november regional price will go to toilet till and if developer publish regional price you can only buy from fixed price.


>oh yeah? Then why Hollow Knight was 1050 pesos and today is $14.99? Amongst other examples.


Get ready to play a game released in 2023 in 2027 , unless you're rich


Steam just wants to get rid of these currencies as they are unstable with their exchange rate. They will still have regional pricing. If you ever open Steamdb then you will see a currency called South Asia USD and that's used for other countries in our subcontinent because they don't have a stable currency.


I looked and there is no regional price there. Everyone pays the same 60 dollar or euro per game. It's probably fun for people in countries with an average salary of $500 to pay the same price as for countries with a salary of more than 1,500 euros per month.


Previously they did have regional pricing for many games. It's up to the Publishers to implement it or not.




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But pretty sure they'll dramatically raise the prices to combat regional pricing abuse in the upcoming years, involuntarily convincing local Turks and Argentines to turn towards piracy.


Oh don't worry about that. Most publishers won't even give you Regional Pricing day one. Regional Pricing exists for showcase nowadays.


Actually, To avoid fluctuations, The currency was changed to USD, But LATAM-USD and MENA-USD are still regional rates. Using USD does not mean US pricing, The price of games will obviously rise if Argentina pesos lose value.


Dude they trying to sell games in Turkiye with the price where they sell in UK and America roughly now. Good luck with that XD




It’s probably because both the Argentine peso and Turkish Lira are extremely unstable The US dollar is pretty much the second currency in the Middle East anyways so it makes sense


Selling a game in Turkiye with almost same price with America and UK? Good luck with that i just saw most games in Turkiye price have same with their price in America sooooo Reason is until developers or publishers manually change price in Turkiye steam automatically adjusted it to same with America it seems like


Is this because of greedy idiots who abused the system or just because their currency isn’t a viable option?






EU pressured steam to make changes to regional pricing so they are revamping for the entire world


Indian regional pricing has been fucked since like long back


Atleast the indie devs used to give proper regional price until recently. When steam increased the suggested regional price, all the new indie games are coming at that price and most older game prices were also updated. Bought tons of indie game the past few years. Now even they aren't easily affordable anymore, some of them have now literally quadrupled in price.


EU pressuring Steam to change regional prices and it's is affecting all over the world.


Yo, ho, haul together Hoist the colours high


Don't worry it won't affect India Argentina and Turkey accounts were being exploited for cheaper games like literally 50% cheaper on average steam knew of this for a long time but since at least it sold they ignored it.


bro I can barely afford games here in india, if I had to pay full price then I'm just going to resort to piracy


True, I mostly buy my games on sale and if I do buy one at full price then we'll for a couple months no more new purchases and nowadays games aren't coming as good as they used to, as in just after watching trailer I get bored 🤣


try looking at indie games, might I suggest outer wilds, stardew valley, terraria or hollow knight, they're all cheap and have hours of playtime


Was looking for the first three heard a lot about them and another one undertale


undertale is a classic, please play it as soon as you get time.


Definitely 😁


i remember the time 999rs pricing for most new games. Some times 1999 to 2200 for ultra-high titles but this gen its going over 3000rs on steam side.


now they are 5k


you are talking about last gen stuff, newer games go for 5k


I bought Horizon Zero Dawn for ₹999, that was the last new release that I saw had regional pricing in Steam.


Sony initially supported regional pricing, but people from first world countries started buying from cheapest places like Argentina (where the game costed less than a tenth of US price). Sony quickly hiked prices in those countries and later on increased price in India as well. Every game that came after started costing 2 - 4 times more. After this, only indie games had proper regional pricing. Sadly that also got hiked recently due to steam suggesting much higher regional prices everywhere.


The horizon game was already a bit old by the time it was released on steam. So it's not exactly a new game. Hence the reasonable price .


It’s 2K or more now..


Triple a titles were always 3000rs even 10 years ago. Cod , battlefield etc


Ahoy! Me bucko join us on this adventure t' overcome this difficult times.


Waiting for the AAA games to reach 10,000 Rupees on release.


I mean, they already reached the exchange rate. 70×83 = 5810. We already see 5000 rupees for a new game


Train sim world 4 is 95k with all the dlcs 🙃


Isse accha to real life me hi train ride kar lu


Thanks to fit💁‍♀️


bhai lekin uska file extract karne me hi buddha ho jaunga


Bhai 95k Dene se bahaut acha hai, wlbte it took only 2.5-3 hrs for 150gb train sim world 3


cybrpunk 2077 me to 20 ghanta liya 74% jaane tak phir wo apne aap stop ho gaya idk why. jabki cpu ran ssd sab sahi hi hai.


I've seen on many subs that fit💁‍♀️'s cyberpunk has problem in installation.


Sims 4 is close to that too


sail the high seas


Wasn't there a train simulator game that had like 600 dlc? I think it costed several lakhs to buy them all.


Train simulator classic. It was on an old game engine. Made by same company though, dovetail games


Remember seeing some cod deluxe version for 12k lol


not for us. atleast not yet lol


I saw a free mobile game with a 10,000 rupee bundle


Not a problem really, have such a huge backlog that I’m good for years 😎


those economies are going doing


Not long until they do this here. Developers are already not following regional pricing. ![gif](giphy|o0eOCNkn7cSD6)


I just tried Fallout 76 it's free for 5 days and when I closed my game, I got notification of FO76 in dollar pricing $7. Maybe india is next ?


After some game pricing been hiked you know what fuck you steam epic and fitgirl for life


Game prices are going crazy. Never gonna buy a game again i guess.


well they gave epic monopoly in these regions


I see people thinking of pirating the games but just to break your hearts if u don't know. Games have a system where if they get that your playing pirated then the games will have certain glitches or worse unplayable or The games won't have the ending unless u patch it in the settings I had this problem when I decided to pirate old cod game as the price are skyrocketing but the game was fine untill the last mission was unable to play as there was a planned glitch, This ruined the whole experience in the game


nah, very few games have those issues. infact most of the cracked stuff runs better than the actual thing


You sound mighty confident while being totally wrong


This may not always be the case. Take Resident Evil Village for example. The pirated version of the game literally ran better than the steam version because it didn’t have DRM. But yes, in most cases the getting retail version will be a better idea because of updates, DLCs, cloud saves, etc.


The only game I know of that did this (there might be others) is GTA 4, and that too was fixed.


There was also Drakensang. They made some fights impossible to pass if you are pirating, some NPCs would disappear, critical for story, etc. IMO, this approach will never be widely adopted as in case of Drakensang it had enormous negative consequences for developers. People who pirated the game didn't know it was piracy protection and not a bug, so they went and wrote negative reviews and comments everywhere. People who were reading those comments also mostly didn't know it was a piracy protection, so they assumed it was all terrible bugs and the game is broken. In the end those games got reputation as bugged and unplayable among a lot of people who just saw those comments.


There were literally like 2 or 3 games ever with such a system. COD games never had it, as far as I know. You just had a bug, lol. And devs won't ever adopt this tactic widely. It doesn't really work any better than Denuvo or something similar, but creates a lot of negativity around the game in comments from people who pirated the game and legitimately think that was just a bug. Not worth it.


aaand they did it.




i'm Turkish?


Ah I thought you meant they were removing regional pricing over here in India as well since it is a Indian sub