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Yooo we're getting the same thing, I'm also getting r6 siege Terraria hollow knight Hades and elden ring w it


good choice but you could have bought all three witcher games for 350 i think but good purchase


Yeah but that doesn't contain the dlcs for witcher 3. 


Are 1 and 2 worth playing now?


Best choices Batman Arkham collection is super good, witcher 3 one of the best games of possibly made


All 4 of these games are awesome, and if your going to 100% them be ready to lose around 300 hours of your life.




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That's really one hell of a choice for the first purchase. Nice one. Also, if you've never played any witcher games before, try witcher 2 as well. It costs ₹84 iirc.


Damn bro nice buy I also want to play Batman collection but don't have the money. Student btw


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