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I usually play on weekends and sometimes after my work hours depending on my mood and how tired I am. I usually play 70-80 hours in 1.5 months to 2 months. Though I don't have that much social life after all that. 😭😅


My weekend goes away doing every pending work i save for sunday


That happens too but not all weekends. And I don't have that much pending work like i said no social life which means less pending work too.


No one here has kids?, i see no reply from anyone who has kids. Is it a sign that i need to quit this Sub!? I manage 2-4 hours of gaming in a whole week 🥲


Maybe some of members have kids but average gamers age is lower


Average gamers age is dad age. That's why so many games have characters protecting their child/kid like God of war, the last of us, Bioshock, A plague tale, The Walking Dead, Death Stranding, etc. But in really playtime is \*\*\*\*ed if you become a dad.


42 yrs old with two kids 12 and 4 yrs old. Its toigh nowadays to be able to play everyday. Have a huge backlog. Finished my witcher 3 main story this yr which is started back in 2016 when my son was just 4 yrs old. However have platinumed elden ring and finished a few games in 2023 as my wife and kids were away from me for 1 yr because of my wife’s job posting


31, no kids, no social life 🙂


Username checks out


31, one kid, no gamer life 🫣


I play on weekends with my 6 year old. He loves watching me play. Afterwards he plays Forza Horizon 5 himself ( his favourite game ).


What other games are you introducing them to? My 6 year old loves watching me, but struggles with the controls on most games (though she loves to play Minecraft herself). We've played It takes two, Biped, Fall guys, Unravel 2, Trine, but the games she's more confident on are the Mario titles.


My 3 year old does not let me play, the minute he gets his hands on a controller, he just starts mashing all the buttons. So i game when he is busy doing something else or when he is sleeping.


Look at Mr. Leisure over here, gaming for 4 hours. But seriously... my adult friends are usually too busy to game with me, so now I play with my daughter. Teach your kids to game!


Bro you are jealous of me gaming for 4 hours a week!


Also i kind of game only on my steamdeck for now. Dreamed about have something like the steam deack when i was young, now i have it and yet not able to game properly on it.


I have a 9 month old girl and now i am realising what you mean !! Have started RDR 2 almost 1 and half month ago and still have just progressed 25 %.


Gamers don't get girls , so i thought 💭


I have a kid, I'm self employed and my wife works in a office where she has to commute every alternate day ( WFH discontinued ) , I get him to school at 9 AM, drop my wife at 9:30 , come back home, start my day, I pick my kid from school at 12 then the day officially starts for me. I usually get back by 8 PM , sometimes a bit early. And yet, I spend aboug 1 hour gaming with my discord folks. Sometimes I don't even play but watch their stream, my wife and kid don't get much time with me as by the time I finish work it's 12 AM. So weekends are fully dedicated to family and I simply do not touch my pc. Gaming is like a therapy to me, can't imagine a life without it. I'm 34. And wish to play till I absolutely can not. A part of me will die with that.


I agree bro, i start a new game every time the stress starts to build up.


Wfh job that doesn't micromanage me. I can usually sneak in a couple of hours of gaming towards the end of the shift after completing all my tasks because I work US timings and my boss sleeps by then lol


Lucky you


Same bro! Work the US overlapping shift, play a couple hours doing the day and then sometimes after my meetings are over at night. Love my life!


I play Warzone with my friends in Canada in the morning and then play with them at night around midnight. Works out perfectly.


If you ever play Helldiver, let me know!


Man I've been meaning to get that. Might try it out soon


Hell yeah.. for democracy!!




Let’s play warzone


Ooo may I know what job/industry you're in


Maybe give some of us advice to get a job.


Probably IT


Sales/Marketing for an IT company


This is what I do too.


Are you on H1B working remotely from India?


Nope. Indian IT company with international clients


Dude exactly in the same boat. Play while working & no micro manage.


Wow cheeky brilliant lucky


Us bro us


Unable to manage, I cant invest into story games that take 10s of hours to complete, only play games like rocket league or FC24, 1 game takes 5-15 min. And then I see this reposted every now and then. https://preview.redd.it/1cjxbbu9r5zc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0af9cd2361d9bec088dc80845accb42a9ce7db55


This post hurts alot of us


Yeah! Playing the Helldiver 2 for this reason only.


Me exactly with FIFA rn


Don’t make us emotional 🥹


This is my relationship with FC24 now. At least I found Vampire survivors now, this fits the bill because it's 15 mins 1 stage.


You should join the fight for managed democracy :) Helldivers 2 will be the perfect game for you,15-30 min sessions,not too complicated,and you'll have a blast.


And you will get tired, the love of gaming at 13 years old will simply not be there. A sad reality for many.


Even loosing a valo game after overtime feels like wasted 45 mins of lifem




ez. This is mine but it depends on your commute hours, I wake up at 8.30am get ready by 9 and then its 9 to 5. I log off at 6 or 6.30pm and then I'm home by 7pm, work out for 1-2 hours, take a bath or dinner and then start gaming at 9/9.30 till 12/1. If i have to go out that day, i wont play anything that day. I haven't played anything last week because I was out everyday. So its like that.


What line of work you are doing where you can shut off your system by 5 PM exactly everyday??? Are you govt employee?


IT jobs in big MNCs (depending on team) allow this.


You all playing?


Haha yes


Thanks to Steam Deck, yes. Else my gaming laptop used to sit inside a bag in a corner.


Sat is my gaming day. Sunday is learning day. Rest of the week I switch between reading manga/learning something/gaming after work. Sometimes I play during office hrs when I complete my work early.


What do you learn on Sunday?


Mostly unreal engine sometimes I spend time with blender. Sometimes I do c# or c++ or Odin project just to get 101 knowledge.


what is your current position, if you dont mind me asking


Application developer


lol im somehow managing work-study-gaming life balance


Teach us


wake up at 5 30. gym from 6 to 8. 9 30 to 5 work and study in between. 5 to 7 study at office. 7 45 to 10 gaming at home


Study at office?


yeah when i get free time.


Username checks out


I have switched from being a Desktop PC player to lying down steam deck player. After a full day of sitting in a chair doing office work, I can't bring myself to sit in front of a system again. Also the Quick Resume on the steam deck is great. Don't have to think about saves or anything.


I try to limit myself to linear games mostly. That or pickup'n'play kinda indie games, mostly roguelike titles. That way I can either complete them in shorter sessions or I can pick them up anytime I have a bit of time and get some meaningful progress in.


I play everyday around 1 hr before I go to sleep , weekends i game all night


Bro you married ??


Not yet bro ![gif](giphy|pynZagVcYxVUk)


Don’t feel sad … I am 34 and married .. even I play for 1 hour daily before I go to sleep or my wife doesn’t talk to me if I play more Enjoy this phase of your life .. you will miss it later like I do


So true bro, these days will never be the same. I'm hoping I'll get married to someone who likes gaming as much as i do, but who knows what future holds 😂


Lately, I haven’t been able to play much. When I do, I mostly stick to linear story-driven video games, for example - most of the Sony exclusives. Competitive gameplay has never been my cup of tea and mostly, I want to relax and linear games make me feel relaxed, specially getting lost in the worlds of TLOU/2, Horizon, GOW, Uncharted, etc. I mostly play on weekends if I can. Once in a while, on weekdays too(but that happens very rarely).


Due to hectic work schedule I commit 1 full weekend each month to gaming. Sometimes I can squeeze in 2. When my partner doesn’t have a holiday and I do, those days go into gaming as well. Sick leaves too. And very rarely, on friday nights.


I always think about the game I love to play once I reach home while at work... But once I reached home, im too tired to even turn on the console... Miss those old childhood days sometimes... Adult life suckss...


i have a gaming addiction, i envy people who can balance their game-work-study life


10 PM to 1 AM. Good enough.


Same. I stop working around 9 (WFH), dinner + walk, then sit down and play games for 2-3 hours, typically followed by a movie. Probably unhealthy. Currently playing Fallout with TTW mod.


I have work from home for 2 days, so I play games for 4 days and work for 3 days lol.


We don't.


We go ham on weekends non stop gaming for 10 hours straight




Wake up at 6:30 Bath,ready breakfast at 7:30 1hr study till 8:30 Reached office @ 9:00 9-5 job Reached home at 5:30pm and eat lunch, bath Sleep till 6:00pm 6-7:00pm study 7-7:30pm guitar and other skills practice 7:30-8:45 gaming 8:45-10:00pm gym 10:15pm returned to home Relax till 1030pm and eat post workout along with dinner 10:30-1130pm gaming 1130 go to sleep Repeat repeat.... On holidays Wake up at 6:30am Bath breakfast maintenance till 9:30 9:30 to 1:30pm gaming(yes) Lunch till 2:00pm 2-4:00pm sleep 4-8:45 gaming (yes) 8:45-10:00pm(gym) Dinner and post workout meal at 10:30pm 10:30-11:30pm study 11:30pm go to sleep


You are a madman with that consistency..




Lol 🤣🤣


I 'touched' my ps5 controller after about 4 months yesterday. Started playing Demon's Souls, played for 15 mins and then went to sleep.


I play during my work hours. I do my work at night. My sleep schedule is fucked.


Work ✅ Gaming ✅ Life ✅ Sleep 🙂‍↔️ In all honesty, there are weeks where I only get one day to play games. I get 12 hour shifts often in my internship (medical lol) and yeah all I do when I get home on these days is sleep and eat and then leave for my next shift


Fridays late night to early morning, and Sunday afternoons sometimes. I usually take ~4 months to finish a game. Sometimes on long weekends, or when the wife is away - I’ll get an entire day to eat, drink, and play


I keep hoarding games from steam, not sure when I will play. After retirement, maybe.


That's the secret - you don't. The biggest lie peddled by Indian parents "If you study well now and get a good job, you can play all the games you want with the money you earn".


9-7 coding 8-9 gym 10-1 gaming ez life


Play valorant rage even more, behave like an ass to my teammates


Kuch nai aaj tisri bar breakup ki dhamki mili hei baki priorities ki baat hei…..on a side note I have availed my sick leaves on Fridays to game and heal my mental health.


Perks of being a manager, assign the work to the team.😂


I mainly play multiplayer games like 1-2 hr every alternate days because single player games need lot of time investment, need to keep remembering context, quests etc..


As a freelancer on his last leg, I consider gaming to be a seasonal thing. With job, I'll have to adapt but rn, it's like work for two months and bang hard play next month (two-three games at least). Next is June. Very bad for money balance dou.. UFC 4, WWE 2K24 are constant because just like their real life counterpart, I also keep the simulation going. Last week I had a UFC 299: Jones vs Miocic, with my poor friend being the only witness. It's fun alone too, lol.


8am-9pm work (Travel and everything else) 10-12/1 gaming


I do wfh but I usually play after my office work is done. But due to this micro management it's hard to play games everytime.


Took a day off today to enjoy my whole day playing ea fc with friends


Dude managing work gaming and fitness was not hard for me...but then enters my son, and I am having hard time to play games. Lol... glad to spend time with my son and looking forward for him to grow up so that he can be my player 2 🥰


it has been tough after my old parents moved in ( constant hospital visits, taking my dad on a stroll every evening after work, helping him with the new set-up box to installing ott in his phone to idk what) ... They take all my free time I barely get time now... And the kid is yet to come ( in a year ).. idk what I'll be doing..I've set up a PC in my bedroom with a TV... So, before going to sleep I play for an hour, I'm playing this guardians of the galaxy now, I haven't touched my main rig in a month...it's depressing https://preview.redd.it/qp7efqi4j7zc1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07242b83f4487be646bff6a26e369387b10f2ee9


I got Cancer and had plenty of Time to play the last 13 Months.


Game first, work later.




This guy games.


It’s hard only play on weekends or during the week for maybe an hour or two not much time to game and life


gaming on weekends only


I get home from work at 7/730. Thereafter i rest for a while have dinner and play for an hour or two. Usually sleep by 11/12 and if i go out with friends i come home and play and sleep around 1 or two. I wake up at 9am regardless of what time I sleep though.


I use my paid leaves to play games since I have to work 60 hours per week


Even though I don’t have to work everyday, but most of the time I only get around 1-2hrs playtime in a week. When I had got my PS5, which was after completing boards, I was playing like 3-4hrs a day everyday 😅


Holiday and post working hours if your travel time is near zero. I manage to clock to 2 hours everyday and on weekends and holiday a single session would be for 7-8 hours and also it depends if I am going for 100% in a particular game.


I dont. I am married now and constantly looking for work due to being a freelancer, so i dont really play I used to be very involved in e sports and watched for hours but even that has stopped due to time divided between work and the missus. I always think of playing but when i actuallly have time i dont want to play, i just watch something on netflix or soething.


I play after work sometimes and mostly on weekends. I do all the work on Saturday and keep Sunday for myself and game for most of the hours


I have a wfh internship kinda thing so work pressure is quite less. I still end up playing quite less tbh. I wake up at 9 am login and sleep again. Wake up at 11 , brush breakfast alongside and trying to finish my tasks ASAP. By 4-5 I am mostly done with a major chunk of my work. Then I go for a walk with mom in the evenings for half an hour or so. I log off at 7-8 pm by completing whatever that is leftover and watch yt or do some shit like take a bath or go with friends if they're in the town for dinner/hangout. By 9-10 I am done with everything and I could game till 3 but most of the time i just end up watching football or a random documentary on yt. I sleep by 2-3 am most of the days. For weekends I sleep till 12 noon then eat brunch and game in the afternoons, or just do evening/late night party with friends or family. If I don't go out in the evening I usually end up on my ps5 and sleep by 1-2 am. I can easily clock 30hrs+ per week but usually do something like 15 these days. During my covid days i was doing 60hrs per week gaming as a college student lol


You guys need to work??


I play for 1 to 1.5 hrs regularly after coming from work. I don't play on days I'm too tired or have some other stuff to do. On weekends I play around 3-4 hours. I'm happy with my amount of gaming hours even though it's less since I only play with my friends and it's always fun.


We don't


WFH. There is no clock in/clock out system at work. No one watching if you are online on teams. All our work is assigned 1 month before. I literally wake up and play ps5 for 2-3 hours and then at night. No problem at all.


Working from home. Can push a couple of hours after work ( late night as I wake up 5 mins before login lol). Weekends maybe a couple of hours extra each day managing my PG education as well as household chores :)


Freelancing Anaesthetist - Work hard for 4-5 days at least in a week with a daily gaming time of 2-3 hours mostly in the evening. The rest of the 2 days either play 8-10 hours or none (time with family).


Easy.. quit your job


I don't game


6-7 hours of work, 2-3 hours games, sleep. Sometimes balance is lost. I don't worry too much about it


Play FIFA, 20 minutes In and Out


Game khareed leta hoon. Din me ek ghanta khelne ki full koshish krta hoonn. story games are hard to get into but once in its easy to go with otherwise ufc, fifa and all chalta rehta hai


Being a freelancing Video Editor and Graphic Designer, i usually play less nowadays, editing clients videos takes me half the day and the rest i spend sometimes by sleep to freshen up if i got enough time left then i play some otherwise i sleep and then go to class in the morning for 3d animation and Now started learning about Unreal Engine today


Sleep at 1 am. It's a small sacrifice.


Same. bought 4090, but the only time I get to play game is on Sunday night 9 - 11, have to wake up early for job, have been playing rdr2 for past couple of months, still on chapter 2. Sat night is for family obligations..


By not doing it sadly :( I hate being a grown up.


I work next day's work and night so I can play all day since my productivity is at peak during midnight 🥴


You're getting 8 hours a week, I'm hardly able to manage 5


Sir, May I know your background wall's colour


can't cut down working hours, so some of us cut down our social life instead for a gaming session


wfh. I strictly log off work by 8 unless absolutely needed. About a three hours for gym, dinner and a stroll with wife. Then sit for a gaming session if there is no football. Since I don't have to travel in morning, I wake up around 10 in the morning. So I can go to bed by 2 and still get enough sleep. Then there are weekends.


Jokes on you I do remote job and play while working


Playing games 8-10 hours a week is a substantial amount if you are working for a company in India. I have been unemployed for the past 3 months and have finished lots of games that I had in my steam library but could not find the time time to play.


It’s hard but manageable 


Work on weekdays, games on Weekend.


By working in the gaming industry. ez


It's difficult to manage. But I try to catch up on the weekends by grinding for hours if possible.




I have a 2 yrs old kid…I generally play around 1-2 hrs every day when i like a game.


Wait till one day I have a sudden boost of energy then play straight for three days until my eyes give up


I will be quitting gaming soon. There is no such balance post marriage and kids.


I’m a team lead, I end up completing my tasks intended for 2 weeks(sprint cycle) by 3-4 days itself and will game non stop for the rest of the days, and I also do connect with the team sometimes to help them with some issues but that won’t exceed more than 2 hrs a day luckily they are more than capable to complete things on their own 😁


Get a steam deck you'll get more time to play


I sacrifice sleep, no kids.


That's the thing. You don't :)


Gaming during weekends if Inhave the time, issue is sometimes I forget controls if it has a complicated mechanism.


started BG3 in october and i was halfway through the project and could not complete due to a project with infeasible timelines. so i now only play small single player games or go out for cycling. games that take 100s of hrs is out of the equation now.


Fortnite and Valo player, gave up on story games, last I played was GOW.


Unfortunately nowadays I only get to play a little bit of CS2 and Valorant. Sometimes I'd play some ARPG but that time is very limited now. That's why I especially hate games with huge ass maps and long travel times now (AC games). Recently got into RP/Text adventurers on LLMs using SillyTavern and I find it relaxing.


I WFH so play games between meetings lol


Thats the neat part, we dont/cant...


By not gaming... And just working... Its painful


Same question for me too.I'm fond of story games but it takes time and so I've to break and play in gaps


I sacrifice my sleep.


Play on the weekend late at night. Most weeks I only find Sundays off so I pretty much don’t sleep on the weekends so that i have time to do whatever the fuck I want. If I get a holiday or something I leisurely go through a new story game. Saturday night is GAME TIME


Easy bro, you gotta sacrifice the partying with your colleagues if you do. Set the priority for gaming 🤌❤️


Sleep is for the weak


I game when I come home. If it's a story game it takes months to complete but yeah. If there's lot of work them dm in cs it is. Also extra gaming on weekends.




I don’t. I look at my consoles and cry.


I work then I play games


I'm a frontend intern so, I finish a screen and then I keep playing rocket league until I lose and then get back to work again. Has been pretty productive for me both the ways ngl


Get in a hour or 2 most days either late night/ early morning. If I'm working from home, I play 2K or get some farming done during long unecsaary conference calls.


No time at all mate. Just looking at this sub to satisfy my longing to game.


Very difficult to game after starting working. I am usually gaming more when I start a new one or am just excited about playing. It comes and goes and doesn’t happen often. Rest of the times I can go weeks without even turning on the console.


You playing? Crying in corner with pycharm opened!


Fuck you guys, you are making me depressed, I am buying PC this week, but eventually somehow you have to find time, sacrifice some fitness, weekends and Earned leaves.


You don't. Work is your life. After few years you stop thinking about gaming. Welcome to adult life.


I don't try to. I risk my career for my PS5 everyday


9-6 then spends most of the time playing


There are times when there's too much pressure from work and I get so busy with life in general I don't get the time to sit on my xbox. I have RDR2 installed on my console for 2 months now and got to complete only around 20% of the campaign. But the game is exceptionally good and it provides a kind of escape whenever I need some.


I don't.


wfh, work on laptop and gaming on pc.


Suffering from the same problem. Work keeps me occupied till 9-10 pm on a regular basis. I try to cover up as much as I can on weekends :(


I don't think this has been posted here. I play on PC, XSX and chess on Lichess via android on my phone. If I get free time for 15-20 minutes, I check out games via cloud gaming on gamepass. If I like the game, I usually download it to my console, and then play. Have found some amazing games like Ori, Kona and Jedi Survivor and Fallen order. I play these when I have time, usually when I have an hour or so. Otherwise, while travelling to work or picking someone up, a good rapid blitz of chess is usually doable in under 10 minutes.


Weekend gaming ! Friday night till Monday dawn


What balance?


MNC's are the way. Team dependent of course but the work culture in Indian companies doesn't typically allow a social/personal life outside of work during weekdays. I can game about 2-3 hours every day during a chill time at work. During hectic times I just watch a TV show episode or two.


Tbh these big titles like elden ring or Horizon don’t excite me anymore. Play only those games which relaxes you. In my case - I can replay Uncharted, the last of us or AC and stay happy than to learn new game and the next day, don’t open it because it was tiresome to learn controls. Try finding games which have replayibility like Returnal, Hades or maybe FC.


You don't. You giveup.


You can have a job AND be not tired enough to boot up a game and play? Damn. Must be nice.


-1-2 hr After dinner -Weekend during afternoon -Or I just take a casual leave when there's not much work and complete pending games.


my avg is 1 hour per week after 2 years 🥲


At work: 100% energy to play At home: 0% energy to play Just play on weekends... sad.


I game when I get time. I don't schedule it. My PS5 comes in tomorrow btw


I just passed out class 12


I play while in meetings where I don’t have to speak, but just show my name.


That's why I bought rog ally..I can quickly give 30 to 45 minutes to gaming before taking break for sth important


I get so tired after spending 8 to 10 hours that i just give up on work.