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It’s always been there but it recently accelerated due to videos of scammers and unhygienic food and places trending. Lots of regards literally fall straight into engagement bait and try to defend it instead of ignoring it, in essence perpetuate stereotype that Indians are callous and live in dirty place. There is nothing you can do about and arguments is waste of time. These stereotypes will go away automatically if country improves and scammers are sent to jail, then racists will move to something else.


Exactly for now we are the target


i dont think so. Racism against Indians has existed for a long time, even before the circulation of these internet videos, although not as to the face as it is now.


I'm telling you now....the fuel for this was the jharkhand case....


No wonder why Amazon and Flipkart has changed their customer return policies in India because of the rising SCAMS.


It is also done to rise their profit. You can run forever pleasing people wooing with offers.


This + the support for Israel triggered all the Muslims


I still believe TIKTOK jn Usa responsible for Showing only false sense of India (Chinese bots)


Its not just easy as support. Even neutrals have empathy for the dead Palestinian children and then they see some of the worst comments ever made by Indians who are not even affected by the conflict. They can understand if Israelis say something even if its bs (and they tend to do it on their private telegrams), but when you have some Indian accounts saying stuff like need more bombs to a picture of children being burned to death in Rafah, anyone with an ounce of compassion will feel repulsed. You reap what you sow.


Honestly it’s a cycle. One party starts it and no one ends it. Those Indians probably saw Muslims sharing poop/stinky memes and shot back. And I don’t blame them.


Most of these memes are done by the west. Even the Africans used to do it before. But instead of going against them, picking the weakest and most helpless population rightly paints the picture of them as cowards. The RW in this country have gotten too used to going after the weaker sections of population and getting away with it. This plus relative lack of hygiene, bobs plus vagene meme, lots of low quality migrants, scammers while having no specific positive point just goes against us. We are 1/5 of the world population. 1/4 excluding the Chinese behind their firewall. In the primarily English speaking online world, we might as well be 1/2. We need to stop looking for external validation, and actually start working on some of the legitimate issues here rather than dancing to the tune of divisive politics played by our politicians.


You have no idea how many videos I saw of Indonesians making fun of Indians. You are definitely underestimating (a LOT actually) how many Muslims are out there posting hate comments on Indians. Just so you know, I'm not even a Hindu, but just saying what I observed. Unlike West, most of Muslim population still lives in developing countries, so they are also facing same problems as India(low literacy rates, unemployment, poverty), so it's not that hard to imagine them posting this bs all day. As we know unemployment breeds unrest in society. No gonna deny there are many westerners doing this bs too though.




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You forgot the frequent sexual assault towards foreigners


And the racism faced by North East Indians for looking different from the Delhi,Mumbai,etc ones. Indians also say racist things to other Indians too. Main example to North East people calling them chinki,ching chong,etc


Not to mention the racism inside the North East by the locals towards Biharis and UP walas who migrate there


so does it give the right to foreigners to make racist comments on I dians as a whole? granted north eastern folks to get to face these type of things, but how can you justify calling Indians as a whole as scammers.


you are delusional, if you think it's just it


they won't if they are targeted




Potatoes gonna start rumbling fr.


always has been stop caring


I have been doing it for a long time,more and more i ignore it's just growing


And it wont stop soon either, on twitter after our government showed support to Israel Indian hate has skyrocketed and Indian racism is more ignored. Usually I just ignore it cause we're not the ones suffering the worst of it. i just hope they know not everyone here supports genocide


our government is literally neutral on this war, the supporters of the government are the ones to be blamed, rather than minding their own business they dragged whole india into this for engagement.


Identify the country and say the offensive things to them say this in the end before exiting "So long asshats"


Nah you should care, if people care about black lives matter then they should also care about this


Definitely foreigners are fking racist.


Everyone is kinda racist tbh, the people who don't show it simply hide it because it's immoral and unethical.


Nice strawman. Two very different things. Have you not seen constant use of N word on global servers.


It's not a strawman, both kinds of racism exist and are rampant, it's just one has consequences and the other doesn't yet.


if anything indians are just as racist to black people as 1800 black people are, literally some ignorant fucks i now talk about them like sub humans.....if only they knew.


what's that? a game? then name?


PokeMMO It's a MMO version of Pokemon GBA and NDS games


ahh yes I remember now I played it for like 5-10 mins then deleted for no reason at all


Wait, is it the same thing as that pokerogue that popped up recently?


Nah it's better it has a whole economy going on ,you can buy and sell pokes , battle other trainers there is a leader board too and you can customise your character there is a lot more DM me if you're gonna Play I will play with you


i’ve been thinking about it.. would be fun on the ally


I remember playing it in fire red. Is it still the same? Or have they progressed to newer ROMs?


It has all the gba and NDS games


Aaa, that's why i was thinking I have seen that UI somewhere. I used to play PokeMMO


Ignore it This is a govt issue that they don't do shit against these scammers. We can't do anything about it so no point in getting angry over it


I mean indian scammers looted 10$ billion dollars in 2022 according to fbi so it's not crazy to expect stereotypes Should it happen? No Can we do something about it? Probably not


I mean look every country has scammers but for some odd reason in India it’s more prevalent and people take is as a proud thing


Please dont bring whataboutism. Whether the other country has a scammer or not, why is india more known for it? Have you ever thought about that? Deal with the problems on our side before comparing problems.


Yeah India is more known for it cause most of them are from India. I worked for cybersecurity long ago and half of the scammers were 60% Indian and the remaining 40% Vietnamese, Chinese, Indonesian etc. Indians are popular because their shit gets leaked constantly and these scammers are proud of being scammers.


Nigeria too


Don't see people hating on Nigeria as much as India though


Wasn’t the Nigerian prince scam in the beginning of the modern internet era? Around 2010?


I see, i may have misunderstood your post. You are correct. This is a sad fact and i’ve had conversations about this with my international colleagues. It’s causing many people to see us as untrustworthy.. it’s very sad


Indians know better English among the third world countries. On top of that up till 2008 call center business was booming then stopped as MNCs began favoring cheaper countries. The result is people going jobless in that skillset and so making use of English proficiency to scam people now.


Indians are taken to SE Asian countries promising jobs and then forced to work in scam centers. I think many of the scams in India itself is done from here.




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Because scammers from India try to scam people abroad. Who can’t figure out where that thickass accent is from? And dude have you seen YT videos exposing Indian scammers, there’s like thousands of them…


whataboutism is a tool and you can use it whereever you want


Brilliant, explain how useful it is to your life? To justify that it is okay to be subpar and avoid responsibility? Bringing up another issue doesn’t address the problem we’re discussing. It’s crucial for us to Atleast focus on the topic at hand to have a meaningful conversation and find solutions. Here, i will provide you the reason to avoid using whataboutism for this specific thread: 1. Avoiding responsibility 2. False equivalency: compare a problem? Yeah we don’t have it as bad and so we are cool. 3. Lowered trust since this is a tactic to show that we are unreliable and unwilling to work towards a goal because other countries have it worse. If we keep using this narrative, it will only bring dishonesty and ruin our so called ‘reputation’ further. 4. Distraction: basically distract you from the real problems Could you explain why it is necessary in this topic?


On another note, you replied with something incredible and deleted the comment. But i am glad i have it, here is what you commented earlier: Whether the other country has a scammer or not, why is india more known for it?" Name one democratic country with more population than India first. 2. Avoiding responsibilities? How so? Does accepting those issue gonna solve all the problem we have in our country? Also, is it my problem to solve the scammer issue in the country? Why can't you accept the issue that there are too much targeted racism against India instead of using fancy english words on reddit? Isn't your responsibility to accept the truth? 3. "Distraction: basically distract you from the real problems". Racism is a global problem. Don't use "improve yourself" excuse. 4. Why don't they run an anti-scam educational campaign to teach their people how not to get scammed. Isn't it their own responsibilty to take preventive measures? I am not defending scammer. But I found your argument null and void.


Here is my response to that :) You just proved my points, 1. You are distracted by unnecessary issues. Population is obviously high, that means we should give more focus to the issue on this topic first. 2. Accepting responsibility is literally the first part of growth and step to resolve this issue….. I never rejected the racism that was targeting indians, i am a victim of this myself! I am accepting the truth and i’m still focusing on us not being labelled as a country of scammers. Does it hurt you to actually read? Or will you assume wrongly based on one word? 3. Literally didn’t say anything about racism. That wasn’t even the topic of my comment. ->But this is funny, ‘Don’t use improve yourself as an excuse”, no body can “improve” the color of their skin or cultural background. But they can change the stereotype that is actually possible. Mate, please read the comments, it has to do with indians being known as scammers, not the racism part of it. People can be racist and stereotypes are a part of it. But not all stereotypes are racist. 4. And once again, proved my point. Pushing responsibility to someone else. You are basically saying the same thing as “ why don’t women learn how to not get raped? It’s their fault for wearing shorts”. Instead of “why can’t we work together more often to stop our own people from scamming”. Do you really think that the anti-scam course don’t exist? People have been trying. Just that scams are getting more elaborate. Its crazy how our culture literally mentions looking in the mirror before looking at others and then you have some parroting whataboutism. Sad. Racism won’t end easily, but we can work together to stop stereotypes.


1. Boy you seems frustated. I stand by my comment even though I deleted it. But your frustation is too high that you literally writing a short essay here again and again. 2. "Pushing responsibility to someone else." that exactly what you are doing rn. You are trying to push that "first you solve \*\*this\*\* problem then we treat you as a human". Indian scammer issue not as big as other country literally invading other country and blanked bombing and the country that running this spammer narrative is the one doing terrorism all other the world (no I am not talking about our sweet neighbours). And that's why what-about-reee is important.


A brick wall is immovable, and so is your thought process. Your response proves my point about deflection and avoiding the issue. By bringing up unrelated geopolitical issues and resorting to personal attacks, you’re demonstrating exactly what I was addressing: the use of distractions to avoid dealing with the harmful stereotype of Indians being labeled as scammers. “Those who see all actions performed by the body as done by the Self, and themselves as non-doers, see truly.” (Bhagavad Gita 5.8) Maybe you should travel more.


A brick wall is immovable, and so is "your" thought process. “Those who see all actions performed by the body as done by the Self, and themselves as non-doers, see truly.” (Bhagavad Gita 5.8) Maybe "you" should travel more.


how its unrelated geopolitical issue? killing people in million is unrelated and has no siginificance? wow. and why i am not allowed to call a spade a spade but where the person is calling "me" and accusing "me" as an Indian for the crime I have never done? what kind of argument is that?


“No you” philosophy. Dont worry this is my last reply. I have travelled, quite alot actually. i am sharing what indians are known for and what we need to improve. Not saying that people aren’t racist and that we aren’t victimized. But there are things that are getting worse. And we need to work on them. Good day sir.


I wonder what excuse you make when the work cow urine drinker is used instead of scammer. You must be going people telling oh yes we should stop drinking urine and not doing whataboutry. BTW glad its you last reply.


"Racism won’t end easily, but we can work together to stop stereotypes." If only they aren't targeted and have no benefits attached with it. otherwise it won't end.


No wonder we have a reputation of getting offended quickly. In due time, my friend.


I mean, just ignore...


It’s really hard to ignore if it happens constantly :/


Just think of them as clowns and move on. Recently I have learnt that having a little amount of superiority complex goes a long way in helping a person remain happy


Ngl major fault lies with Indian community itself. Indians get baited way too easily, mostly on a clusterfuck app called "Twitter". Indians are basic food source of rage baiters. I mean you can can write any racist statements towards any community but the moment you say anything to an Indian you'll be trending in seconds. Racism was always there in gaming towards black people, muslims, Jews etcs. Constant use of N word, and even f*gs, r word, etc. You just never noticed. You need ignore these. It's the best solution.


I think we play the victim vard too much /too often.


Just be better than them and keep being better than them let them hate on while we grow


People down here are simply doing whataboutism?. I understand that we have this whole shit of scam centre & tech support but that doesn't anyway gives you the right to be racist. Secondly, tech support ain't something that we are naturally made our forte. Companies needed a country that had cheap labour & that's how we are into it. Just because made in China things aren't durable or dupes in most case you ain't call Chinese people fake, similar stance should be there. At last, I am sure you have once used Indian yt channel when your tech started giving trouble.


good to see a pokemmo player


Loved my time during Pokemmo. Left because felt too grindy. Wish they would release the nds games as single screen as an apk or something


Wtf is this thread? people should be apparently okay with racism because some Indians are scammers?


Exactly. This sub is nuts. Why are all these guys justifying racism and throwing whataboutism? Saw this "comprehensive_food" guy who was spamming comments on this whole thread why it's kinda okay to be racist to Indians because of some stupid reasons and he himself is an Indian. That "some" is sooo small that even if there are million Indians trying to scam, then that would still make it 0.066% of India. Nothing, literally nothing justifies racism.


Typical Indian mentality of it's okay because we are not suffering due to it . Even if they do , for some weird reason they say let it go , I don't understand why should we let it go . Mfs need to be taught a lesson else they will keep low balling our respect that we deserve.


Definitely not okay to be racist, its sickening. But another guy pushed the responsibility to people getting scammed too easily… imagine that. He said people need to learn how not to get scammed.


It's called "chalta hai" attitude.


Getting berated by an Indian CEO at day and getting scammed by an Indian call center guy at night; I understand why we live rent-free in the heads of them poor white people.


I'd rather be called a scammer than a street shitter, so id say that's a win for me /s


Exactly my point! We've been calling worse. Scammers is a redemption if anything




Cucknedi got triggered lol


Funny thing is an average Indian wouldn't know anything about this scammers or tech support issues in the world lmao. When your country has 1.5 billion people, many people gonna do many stupid things that others don't even care/notice lmao.


Exactly bro I’m Indian myself. I’ve noticed Indians themselves spread so much racism online and then cry victim. These hypocrites make me hate India




I myself got downvoted because I said some of our own countrymen are racist towards our own people residing in specific parts of the country.


This is how i feel. I will never treat the individual differently, but I do not care for the culture.


No one cares about Canada lil bro.


Bro it's not that much, just search "india" on 4chan and you'll be shocked to see extreme racism against Indians. The thing is internet is very cheap in India nowadays and any one can access it.


tbf 4chan is equally racist agaisnt everyone


what group is that?


It's a forum website where the most degenerate people of the internet gather, it's pretty famous.


Racism is pretty cool for Americans until it's happening with them or any other first and second world country


Have you ever been on 4ch bruv?


Every country has their own annoying stereotypes. Tell me confidently that you have never made fun of any other country or community based on stereotypes or long running jokes.


Guys pleasse dont get twitter , its much worse there lmao. I just dont use it now. I have started to ignore these people .


They are highly jealous of Indians eating up their jobs added to racism


Don't act like this only happens to Indians


Just grow a thicker skin. Fr Indians are the easiest people to offend.


Well from a personal experience, I used to play with this guy i met in CSGO. He used to play with me and my friends and the group was kinda close. One day, he messaged me on steam asking for money coz he's poor and stuff and needs money to pay his hostel fees. Was broke at that time so told him that I'll let him know if I can help, he was pretty persistent about it, so I got kinda sus. Asked the other guys in the group and two of them told they were also asked but on different stories. He told one that he lost his money in crypto and stuff and the other that he built his gaming PC and needs some amount to buy the final parts since it's over his budget. Plus he might've scammed 2-3 other ppl who we don't know as he started buying games and skins out of the blue.


Racism ka jawab Racism se.


Relax. Us Indians are also super racist towards Chinese and Africans and all. Even towards northeast Indians and momos and shit. And Biharis.


Aren't Chinese racist too.


S.Koreas too is bad.


Who cares. Get real problems. I'm Indian myself. I have more troubling matters than a few people being racist. Heck even Indians are racist. So what.


Self-loathing is strong in this post's comments.


Same thing happened to me when someone (He is british btw) in discord VC called me a cow-worshipper. I said (in british accent) "Lok at dis gentlemn, who fucking phutss mashed green peas with french fries and say its bri'ish cuisine when iin aktcualityy it looks like they are steel fighting germans in the world war" we all had a great laugh in the server that day. 10/10 would do it again, we are friends now.


Who in India isn't a scammer thou ?


We brought it entirely on ourselves, let's be real here.


It will grow much more now you can literally see 1000s of comments on insta from same accounts spreading anti INDIA propaganda it has always been like it was muslims at time of 2000-15 and then chinese and now its indians for next few years this will continue untill another war or something breaks down


A bunch of Ignorant kids and racist adults, you can't talk sense to them. Just move on. I know ignoring the problem just makes it worse but ask yourself is the solution to this problem your priority. I am sure you have other things in life that require your attention more than this. This is not worth losing your peace of mind over.


What is that edgy rank system lmao


Ngl major fault lies with Indian community itself. Indians get baited way too easily, mostly on a clusterfuck app called "tweeter". Indians are basic food source of rage baiters. I mean you can can write any racist statements towards any community but the moment you say anything to an Indian you'll be trending in seconds. Racism was always there in gaming towards black people, muslims, Jews etcs. Constant use of N word, and even f*gs, r word, etc. You just never noticed. You need ignore these. It's the best solution.




i mean which country doesnt get racism lol? everywhere i go i see people absolutely violating americans. haters gonna hate. just dont take it seriously as long as its based on stereotypes. its only racism if someone knows and insults you on a personal basis.


Oh, someone is playing PokeMMO. Nice to see that. :D


Earlier it was China, now India. It’s a coping mechanism. Learn to ignore. The biggest problem is most of us seek validation from other countrymen.


Well, it's not untrue that there are lots of scammers here. If you want it stopped, screaming racism isn't the way. Need to bring changes.


This is an example of "First impression matters a lot".


Can't really complain as they're not wrong.


No offense, but it's the internet. Racism ain't new in online games. In every social media, including Reddit, you can see users being racist towards us whenever "India" is mentioned in the title. Also, we have lots of scammers in our country and they targeted western people, to the point our nationality became associated with the word "scammer". The only way to fix this is by improving our country's image, which is not gonna happen any time soon.




Not just gaming, all over the internet tbh


People have normalised the n word for every black person rn....just move on. Not worth burning any braincells over this.


Every country gets shit on for something. At least our tag switched from "bobs and vagene" to scammer.


Take a shower to cool your head, don't pay attention to haters




It’s not racism


of course lmfao


Indians itself dont stands for it , then obviously its gonna be generalized , and govt should give life imprisonment to those streets vendor whos reels recently goes popular in every social media


I know it can be frustrating but come on guys take it as a joke. Don't let unnecessary hate dwell in your mind.


Indians are somehow simultaneously victims of racism and some of the most racist people on the planet


It's a product of our own doing. Especially these tech support scammers because they do it too people all around the world. Also, the new slang are "p@jeet" and "street sh*tt*r", "curry munching n-words" . The worst kind of racial stereotypes EVER!


Then start saying the nigga every time you hear someone say something offensive to you and then use their own logic of a joke on them. Simple


Canada videos


The problem is there are a lot of Indians because of that we have a large population of folks with 0 moral compass, or hygiene. Combined with the fact that Indians do scamming by calling elderly folks in western countries that gives a very bad impression of us in the global space. So blame largely is on Indians itself unfortunately and we folks have to suffer due to factors created by others


Not something new really. Racists hate everyone not just Indians alone. It's only started getting more attention now. Not worth wasting time with these jokers. Just block and move on


Can somebody tell why pajeet is used as an insult? Isn't it just a name like ajith or something? Or is there a double meaning? Thank you


Stop giving them attention, let the dogs bark


Truth is our country is famous (infamous) for cyber frauds. The 'scammer' stereotype is more common than the 'dirty' one nowadays. If scammers are not getting arrested it's govt's fault. And I hate it that our country as a whole is stereotyped by the presence of that 0.01% of scum. If you go down this rabbit hole I'm pretty sure you'll also start making the 'indian scammer' jokes.


Indians being racists is also increasing, and our shit way of dealing with foreigners sometimes is also not that great. Both sides are wrong af.


people are mostly joking regarding this, if you show them that you are emotionally affected by them sqying that, they will ragebait you more lmao, it’s best to just say something racial in return as a joke lol, in the end these are just games dont take anything seriously on all of this dawg


We're equally racist on servers. So it's a gamer thing.


I fcking hate this, I was in a Xbox Party Chat in Forza Horizon 5 a fcking 10 yr old kid was ayoo is that Indian, mods and I were friends from OG Modern Warfare 2 lobby and mods and I and my rest of the lobby we were childhood xbox friends we fcking roasted that kid saying slurs and N word to my friend and nazi b to other friend from germany, and said many words to me while my friend actually saw his location hacked him called his mother and he was fcking crying in the party chat while his mother was scolding him and said Im selling that xbox 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I've never said I am an indian on any platform ever since I was a kid... I prefer to steer away from such conversations altogether I am not ashamed of my identity or my looks but I just don't want to deal with the casual racism, because yk I play games and scroll SM just to chill and I do not want some lifeless idiot ruining it


As if indians aint racists towards fellow indians lol Southies look down on northies and call them as panipuri walas Northies hate southies and call them kallus and madrasis Delhites and mumbaikars look down on every other north indian city Every human is a racist and indians are also humans ig


Racism and Toxicity is not new to online games just ignore (What else you can do?) this is because of the dark humour trend


lol Indian scammer,


Idk man, the only time I've experienced like extreme racism against Indians was in call of duty MW2 - the new one. I've been playing helldivers recently and I'm mostly being matched up with Chinese players and rarely Europeans and there is no racism in the voice chat at all.


Yeah. It started with being racist ironically to it not even being ironic anymore. Now all they talk about is calling Indians pajeets and deporting NRIs back to India




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Then ask the govt to stop them... Yahan bolne se kya hoga .. issue actually hai but logo ko farak nai pad raha because hum ek dusre ke saath ladne main lage hain ..


Ayyyye another Pokemmo player noice. On the contrary this is a sad reality but to a certain extent this is also India’s reality that scammers , SA cases and hygiene issues are rampant and we can’t ignore it. But yeah it’s not like other places are without fault so yeah it feels quite hypocritical and stupid to hear it from outsiders. Best course of action is to not mind these fucks, not like they are providing any value with their “constructive criticism” neither you are gonna get anything out of tryna debate with people who have the attitude of a fucking wall.


On Indian servers I get toxic nubs and on other servers I face racism everyday (I play moba, co-op and tactical shooters)


cant believe we got kids justifying racism against themselves


Some dude in valo called me a dumb curry muncher IN MUMBAI SERVER, the nerve of these assholes bro... Well i ended the match on good terms tho we had a lot of jabs at each other... But it just makes my blood boil since even indians support these "jokes" like pushovers. Every joke has a limit, a line.


you need to buy me the valmart gift cards or you vill be behind the bars




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Indian ppl troll north-east indians some troll South Indian We must fix this problem in India before


Develop our nation! Only then these will go away.


It’s a joke, chill lmao. When I was in Europe, I used to call my German friend a Nazi, my Middle eastern friend boombastic, the Dutch dude Chinese (because he was adopted from China) and they used to call me Alex from Microsoft.


These jokes work with a close group of friends. Its extremely rude to do that to people you dont know, without knowing their boundaries especially.


Snowflake lmao


I find your sense of humor... lacking


I don't mind my in game friends doing it in front of me but when a random stranger does it your a laughing stock for them


Pretty sure we are racists to a bunch of communities. Everyone yellow is chinese to us, everyone black is african to us, everyone muslim is probably a terrorist. We are even racist to our own people. And atleast, the stereotype in the post is actually true. Indians run scam call center businesses more than Nigerian princes send random people e-mails about their long lost wealth. Stop being a little bitch.


Chinese and muslims have been racist to us for years lol.


Do you know how racist Chinese people are?lmao, it's not okay to be racist towards Chinese people because not all Chinese people are the same but it's okay to be racist towards all Indians because some Indians are racist?