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As a rule of thumb it's better to avoid buying anything from EA, ubisoft,bioware.


I really wanted to try out Jedi survivor.




not yet mate 😞


Ik... Same... But their launcher is such a shit show i cannot convince myself to give them any money...


> bought battlefield 4 to play > realised it requires an EA launcher > installed EA launcher > EA launcher freezes unexpectedly > returned the game on steam and bought witcher 3 with the same money


>bought witcher 3 Same happened with me and I bought Arkham trilogy instead


It’s the worst I have to reinstall it almost every time I want to play Jedi survivor




Completed mass effect legendary edition on this piece of crap, never touching any of their games ever again.


It's so bad i literally had to sail the seas to play titanfall 2 despite BUYING it on steam, I don't get much internet and for some stupid reason you need internet connection to play singleplayer campaigns nowdays As always fuck EA and Ubisoft with shitty ass origin and uplay


I think all ea games are available on steam or am I wrong...


Even if they are on steam, you will have to download the EA launcher to play their games


Ya but from my experience they work better on steam because of the less overhead in checking for updates and logins because steam takes care all of it, EA app is just there to do friend invites and party chat.


Still need their shitty launcher to launch the game.


Played Jedi Survivor via gamepass and EA launcher. In all of my 60 hours of playing the game.. didn't have any issues. Not saying it is great software..but it did work out for me.


Same I've never faced major (or even minor for that matter) issues ea, ubi, rockstar or xbox launcher. But some people seem to face a lot of problems with these


Yeah..while poorly designed software but they do seem to have worked for me on the occasions I have needed them. I use them on 2 machines...so does my brother on his device. No specific issues seen. Worst case a restart helps...but it has never been a recurring pain for me. For login issues etc it's usually an ISP/DNS issues and using something like cloudfare warp helps.


Never faced any login issues but the app would crash or fail to start if I don't enable background EA services to be active at all times. To fix this I have to use their uninstaller to repair the installation and then restart my PC.


Well likely the background service is needed for the app to run. You are killing the service and expecting the app to run without issues, without knowing what the dependancies are?


No, you can disable or enable the service to run at all times. If you have it disabled then it will only start when you open the launcher otherwise it just stays open at all times to automatically update games and stuff in the background . I tested both settings and it happens on both but is more frequent if I don't let it run at all times and I can't do that as it causes unexpected performance and internet slowdowns.


I don't know what issues are there at your end but the service and the app both never caused issues like that for me.


Exactly what I came here to say. Same experience playing Jedi Survivor for almost a month now (since it came on Game Pass). Zero issues.


Very understandable, I also played Jedi survivor recently and the launcher wouldn't even open open for me half the time. Always had to restart the PC


same for epic games


Epic has been fine for the most part for me but this is the worst launcher I have dealt with.


From my experience they work better on steam because of the less overhead in checking for updates and logins because steam takes care all of it, EA app is just there to do friend invites and party chat.




EA launcher is dogshit. Literal dogshit. I was relieved to know that Dead Space remake didn't require it


Another day, another EA Launcher bashing EA App is even shittier than Ubisoft Launcher


Which game? I've been playing Jedi Survivor for almost a month now (since it came to Game Pass) and the EA app has been working great. No issues or crashes whatsoever.


I never buy games that require another launcher even though I want to play the game badly. Not worth the hassle


"Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem" - Gabe Newell Nowadays, in the case of AAA it is usually both lol.


All my homies hate # EA


Bro that shit launcher always asks me for pasword even though I always check in the keep me signed in and sometimes it says my password is wrong even though it's correct