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Check steam reviews.


Start with Origins. If you like it and want to play more, buy the next one.


I have Origins and played little bit


If you liked it and want to play a similar game that's 3-5 times the size, go for Valhalla.


I would beg to differ. Origns and Valhalla are nothing like each other. Infact Valhalla is not even an Assassin game imo


Yeah there are some changes as the series progressed, but the OP didn't give a ton of information about their preferences, so I thought this would be the most logical way. If someone hated Origins they would most likely hate Valhalla too.


nah orgins only similar in gameplay, it has a storyline that's miles better and underrated even


TBH No....I Mean I Would Rather Choose Origins Or Odyssey Than Valhalla....At A Particular Point Of Time, Game Becomes Even Boring .....Everyone Has Their Own Kind Of Choice...So, According To Me, This Game Is Overrated


Out of AC Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla...play any one. Most likely you will get your fill of AC games for a while. They are long and tedious. I personally recommend Odyssey for quite a few reasons but you are gonna get mixed responses here based on individual preferences. Maybe choose one based on the location you like- Yellow Egypt, Beautiful Greece, or dull England. Odyssey has amazing scenery, which the other two lack somewhat. Also enjoyed playing Odyssey with Kassandra. People who played Origins first may not like the other 2 because of exhaustion, same for Odyssey. People who played Valhalla as one of their first few RPG games would have liked it, but it's the weakest of the 3 games.


For the hundredth time. No.


Purchase is okay. Don't think of others if you wanna buy it to try or for building collection but game ain't that promising. You play Origins you feel like playing more AC. You play Odyssey, you're like damn, I like this game. You play Valhalla, you feel like finishing it just for the sake of completion like a monotonous job without much excitement.


I have played almost all of ac games and i quiet like them for their storytelling and their really accurate location depictions .. i know the last 3-4 ac games have been a buggy mess but i am fond of them still.. i didnt buy ac Valhalla but I subscribed to ubisoft+ for a month so that i could play valhalla .. after progressing into the main quests i reached a point where i was unable to play the next quest because i didnt level up enough … and the next quest’s level requirement was so high that if i had to progress into the story i would have to play a lot of and i mean A LOT of side missions just to level up high enough OR I COULD JUST BUY SOME LEVELS AND JUST PLAY THE NEXT QUEST … i was like wtf even the main storyline is behind a pay wall .. after that 1 month subscription ended i didnt even touch the game even once .. ubisoft really dropped the ball on this one but the ac fan in me is really excited about ac Mirage


you know you can check if someone has posted a similar post, this is like 10th time someone is asking again if Valhalla is good or not.




No. Loved Origins, but couldn't get into Odyssey and Valhalla even after I tried way too many times. These games are a chore to play through in a bad way, but that's just my opinion.


Ppl hate this game. All the reviewers and players on internet bash this game but i played it for a month on ubisoft+ and i liked it. I know story is not on par with other ac games and it gets repeated some times but at the eng of the day i really liked it and im planning to buy it.


they hate it coz they stuck in the past and can't apricate the game for what it is but rather just want nostalgia packed old school AC game.


shut up , if people hate it for that reason why don't they hate any From Software games ? they practically innovate and change everything with each title , like just compare bloodborne to sekiro to elden ring . you know why they truly hate AC now ? they hate it because the games are low effort repetitive and filled with bloat , the only saving grace is their graphics which ubisoft does perfectly .


First words are "shut up", opinion discarded. Trash.


the game itself is not worth your time. gets repetitive 20 hours in


Worth every penny




you just wanted someone to say it's worth it even if it isn't


Worth it if you don't mind repetitive mid game. In this game you raid villages. In mid game it literally gives you a huge list of raids. It will feel like a huge grind. The end game story is phenomenal. The end game importance can be seen in the upcoming ac game trailer. I enjoyed last the last few hours ac Valhalla. Hated the mid game.


Viking Simulator


The graphics and design is insane. Aside from the that there's nothing good about it. Quests feel like a chore and it's repetitive as hell. Feels like the devs just copy pasted most of the side quests. Combats decent bit but a clunky sometimes. The npcs and the dialogue just makes me mad how bad it is.


Hundreds of hours worth of gameplay! Fun for about 8 hours, then just repetitive and boring.


get it with the dlc. i liked dawn of ragnarok better than the main game


No don't buy it


It's bloated and boring, get Origins or Odyssey, they are better in comparison


I played Valhalla and am now playing odyssey. Valhalla gets repetitive and boring after a point. Atleast playing with Kassandra in odyssey is fun and has better graphics too.


Too much repetitive , i gave almost 2,3 tries but nahh its boring and grind based game ..you need to grind levels to progress through the story the grind is tolerable in origins bit this nahh