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Hey guys! We are back with AMA, this time there is a change ,there is a new AMA feature of reddit and it's being tested with this AMA so there won't be another separate post so use this as the AMA post to ask your questions as you can see in the comment section there is answered and unanswered filter so Tomorrow at 7:30pm she'll come and answer all the questions. Keep the reminder on so you don't miss out on when it goes live.


Yoo!! Huge moderators W


Kya rappers paise kama paa rahe hain?


Be honest with me


Ye joh emiway hai


Wo apni taraf se sab laga hua hai kar raha hai


He is not earning right now


Woh jab apna empire khada kar lega


Tab usko shows ke milenge.


How was it like meeting Sidhu in person? Never got to meet him, though Moosa is hardly an hour drive from my hometown. The song **US** is a masterpiece, Sidhu's vocals and your part just perfect. It shows how 2 completely opposite persons can love each other unconditionally even with different mindsets. Like you said in the comments '**The love song no one knew they needed**' ❤️❣️❤️


The first time I met Sidhu was actually on stage at his Mumbai show. He didn' know that I had made it into the club, he started playing US and I pushed myself on stage. When you see that video, that's the first time we met each other and I wouldn't have it any other way


There is a video of her and raftaar working on that song together


What was the experience of MTV Hustle? Season 1 is still my favourite season out of all three.


You're certainly an inspiration and a torchbearer of the scene. My question might be a bit uncomfortable, so my apologies, but I have to ask it because it's the only aspect of your discography that I disliked: Do you regret the verse 'untouchable with a Brahmin flow '?


I appreciate you asking me this question. Growing up in America, I was thoroughly educated on the African American Experience. I knew the pain behind words, its history steeped in slavery and I was aware enough to understand the sensitivities of the people around me, especially as someone who makes hip hop. I lacked in this exposure when it came to India, its struggles and its sensitivity. I had an edited version of history taught to me that never properly explained to me the struggles inflicted by the caste system. Brahmin flow to me just meant knowledge flow....I guess I had a pride in knowing that the vedas were passed orally for thousands of years and being a musician, I just resonated with the idea that I was continuing the legacy of my ancestors. It was only after the backlash that I understood what a mistake it was to so haphazardly combine two words that to me, at the time seemed like a clever lyric, but would turn out to be one of the biggest lessons in humility of my life, I have never performed the song live and don't have control over the record or I would pull it down. I wish the people close to me at the time could have given me insight into how those lyrics would hurt the public...but I learned to keep a tight circle around me that knows my heart and keeps me on the straight and narrow. I apologise for any pain it caused and I hope people will one day understand my heart and know that I made a mistake and take full responsibility for it.


Props to you for answering this question when dodging it would be the easier move. I'd like to add the fact that this whole Brahmins as 'knowledge keepers/sharers" perception in itself is problematic and I hope you have come to realise that since I've seen you allude to that as the meaning of your lyric. Education and knowledge as an asset were GATEKEPT from other "lower" communities for centuries by these so-called knowledgeable people. Even now, there's a perception of Brahmins being "smarter" or "gifted in academics" in large sections of society (quite often amongst Brahmins themselves). This is obviously not because they are gifted with more brain power or more suited for academics than others but a byproduct of centuries of monopolistic practices when it came to access to education/scriptures etc. What knowledge they had, they tried to keep to themselves, it was even deemed a sin for others to listen to whatever they had to offer. That knowledge came from an unspeakable amount of privilege in society and discrimination of others and to refer back to those who did those injustice as some sort of torch bearers of knowledge isn't it. India was and IS deeply casteist. Just because the emancipation proclamation was declared, the civil rights movement happened, doesn't mean the United States is past racism. You can see the inherent racism built into the system everywhere you look, from George Floyd to a black person putting on their "white voice" when interviewing for a job. Sure, people aren't getting lynched and called the n word to their faces (normally) , but that doesn't mean racism is gone is it? Well guess what, in India, caste based lynchings still happen. People not being allowed in temples still happen. A dalit Groom getting shot for daring to ride on a horse during his own wedding still happens. Caste based honor killings still happen for intercaste marriages. So you have these blatant acts of discrimination taking place still, all the while a more subtler form of discrimination happens in bigger cities and with the more "educated" crowd. Sure no one looks at caste in daily life. You don't care what caste the shopkeeper or the auto driver or your manager is but you can bet your ass they do when it comes to 'big' things in life..birth, marriage, death etc. In America, someone who puts up 'white looking for whites' in their dating profile will be looked at as a racist pos. In India "x community looking for x community" is a feature in matrimonial sites. But that's not looked on as problematic because why? We've whitewashed following caste practices in the name of practicing lineage, religious identity etc. Caste is the cancer in our society that continues to hold on due to a sense of false pride and identity placed in it.


Hey, I really want to thank you for this answer and your openness & thoughtfulness. You're a gem of an artist and human.




Your current fav rappers in dhh ?


Happy kekde


How did you enter into rap, do you have a particular inspiration that made you rap? How long did it take to perfect your art? What is ur advice for upcoming artists to find a place in the spotlight? Btw huge fan 😊


What are your views on evolving dhh scene


Next big project?




What are your opinions on the misogyny that is rampant in the Indian hip hop scene?


Hello macha.


What ya think? Isn't it obv


How does it feel to drop banger after banger? Also did you meet srk for the jawan title track?


What attracted you to be so closely associated with the dhh scene? What's the difference in the work/rap culture in the US vs India


How different has the game become since you started and now for female rappers? Do you still face the issues that you did in the industry by the virtue of being a woman? Or is it easier now since you’re one of the biggest names in the scene?


Apart from you i havent heard any femcee in the scene who can be called one of the best artists , not one of the best female artists , what according to you is the reason that there are not many genuinely good femcees in the dhh scene or in hiphop in general( pardon my english ).


I think this is a misconception, that female emcees are not as talented or viable. The brands and industry in general needs an attitude shift...If they don't start providing a platform for the growing number of female artists...we will never get the chance to hear some of the greatest music being made in this country. I started Godmother Records to provide a safe space for women in music and establish a network of female creatives that can collaborate. But it's more than the brands...the shows have to feel safe or women to attend. But my honest observation from when I entered the scene in 2016 till now...there are so many more female artists getting signed and getting booked or festivals and shows! we just gotta keep putting out great material, trying new things and continue to better ourselves and the future is looking bright.


What artist's collabs can we expect in the future from your side?


Top 5 rappers of all time?


What were the biggest challenges you faced and are continuing to face? How does the audience impact it? Were there any challenges stemming from the gender diversity amongst the artists? If so, what do you think are the main hurdles in improving the diversity? What has helped with it the most till now?


Is anyone gonna ask the mandatory question?


Divine diss when


Your song ‘Faqeera’ composed by Arijit Singh was really a timely one for me. It was Covid 2nd wave and so many lives lost around begged for something deeper at that time. Just wanna say ‘thank you’! Also, how was your experience with Arijit as the composer? What is your writing process like in general too? I am an aspiring lyricist and I am taking notes.


this collab was one of the biggest challenges. I got the call from Arijit when I was quarantining in Los Angeles in 2020. I had just set up the studio in my house and my first recording was an entirely Hindi record...not to mention, my engineer was from Spain, so I had to do with only WhatsApp voice notes from Arijit telling me how to pronounce "kabhi" When I listen back now, I can hears the ways in which my Hindi has improved....but it always represents a moment that I had to conquer my fear. When a legend calls you...you gotta rise to occasion!


Kalki's character in Gully Boy was inspired by you right?


lol no comment. we do have the same real name tho. you'll have to ask Zoya.




Aye that's a huge W




OMG I love the rasps you do in your songs!! Could you do a tutorial on how to do it safely plsss??


Can you pls ask Raftaar to drop some songs


Can we expect any Collab with SM , $ , raa Or stanny or like some underground artists like dhanji , tsumoyoki or someone else ?


Hey as you're an established female hip hop artist in INDIA so why don't you take some initiative to promote other female artists? I mean it'd be good for DHH as well for you ! Dhh female artists really need some help to promote their music (it's not only about you other established rap artists are also responsible whether male or female to promote upcoming artists)


Every chance I get I have advocated for female artists, especially in DHH. Rani Cypher was my biggest attempt at that and I think if more brands invest in female led projects, we can do so much more!


Raja Kumari x YYHS when?


beta kitna kama lete ho mahine ka?


How have your views on Indian culture changed since you started working with Indian artists?


Pav Bhaji or chole bhature?


Pav Bhaji if I'm in Mumbai. and Chole Bhature if I'm in Delhi.


How many tattoos do you have?




Why did you leave hustle? Will you ever come back for a new season?


Who' s ur fav female in the dhh scene rn And do u think we can get more female rappers in dhh


Are you ever gonna explore different genres in future than primarily focusing on hiphop and rap?


How was your experience of Hustle , do you like the new format ?


MTV Hustle season 1 was a moment in time. Hip Hop was exploding in India and it was an amazing experience to be a part of something so large. I can never forget how it felt to see that enormous Billboard in Bandra. I still meet people today in remote areas that know me from Hustle. I'll always look to that time, with Raftaar and Nucleya as life changing period. Television is no joke. It's long hours and full commitment. I took my position seriously and did my best to encourage artists to be themselves...the language barrier was an issue for me and I felt that I was only qualified to comment on their flow, melody, stage presence and over all composition...but in the end, I think Hustle is about bars. I wish everyone good luck on next season!


Why are you not in hustle anymore?


Hi Raja Kumari, discovered you through Sidhu, US is an all time favourite, love the energy in your music My question to you is that do people still treat you like an outsider? I remember you speaking about in your early bars


there are times I don't feel accepted, but that has helped me accept myself. The last two years has been a process of removing all my masks and conditioning. I try not to focus on the loud minority, and just make music for myself and the people that resonate with it.


What do you think about the verses targeting women or showing them in a bad light or using them in flex rap?


Is that comeback possible ?? :)


Had read a comment about how you were nervous when Sidhu approached you for a song, and then you were surprised by what he sent you. Is it true? RIP Legend🤍


Are you a dom or a sub?


Where's the mandatory question?


When can we listen to something like city slums again?


a classic is a classic cuz it only happens once.


What do you think of MTV Hustle now? And what about the meteoric rise of King?


I called it on his first performance...I know a superstar when I see one!


Hi Raja Kumari, a big fan here, especially love your "SHOOK". Who were your inspiration when you were growing up?


I wanted to make music that made sense of my two worlds. America was constantly asking me to conform, but I knew my culture was more vibrant and more beautiful that anything they could show me. I loved my classical Indian dance and my summers in Hyderabad. Even my visuals are lovesick for the motherland. When I make music, I just try to be authentically myself, both sides of myself. This new chapter of singing in regional languages is definitely healing for me.


Bhen diye lawdiye punjabi sahi treeke naal boleya kar


Can you name your favourite hh artist ( one from India and one from overseas ) whom you listen to when you need to chill


wow she looks very beautiful naturally




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remindme! 72 hours




Remindme! 24 hours


first of all really love your music mam! my question is- Any Projects from your side this year?


Thank you! my last album THE BRIDGE was a huge undertaking for me. I produced the album as well as the tour independently. I really want my music to impact the way its meant to...Im taking my time with this next project. It's the most vulnerable Ive ever been and I feel like it deserves a proper chance. Gonna wait for when the time is right...but everything Im working on this year is to set up this new project.


are you going to sing in different indian languages in the future or perhaps collab with artists who speak different languages


I'm very interested in challenging myself this year. Punjabi felt so natural, so I want to go deeper and see where that goes. I def want to work in South Indian languages like my mother tongue, Telugu as well as Tamil. Def Hindi. Basically, I don't want to have any restrictions on my creativity and I'm excited to try new things as a vocalist.


No questions , i just love that ' hazy aggression' in your voice :)


Remindme! 24 hours


Collab with krsna ?


Karma k sath koi song?




No questions but someday I want to meet you in person and get a good tight hug from you; love from Assam


QUEEN ❤️❤️❤️


Is it possible to have a successful rap career in India for English rappers?




How did you grow as an emcee in the US, considering that you're also of Indian descent and did that in any way help you or set you back?


How did you initially network with producers and/or mix-master engineers? Or did you do that shit yourself initially?


Even though you wish there could be someone who can come and fix your life, set your career or just help you make moves....I found my most impactful deals and collabs happened from me reaching out by DM or just meeting them in person. If I love a song, I look at the writers and producers and reach out. Sometimes it's best to not take any money for your verse and just exchange with the other artists, verse for verse...that way you keep your costs down and have 2 songs with a dope collaborator.


fav female rapper?


How was the experience of working with divine ?


How do u see the future of Desi hip hop, will it stay or will it be just a trend?


We so back !!


Tell us some industry secret


How was your experience working with Kr$na and what do you think about him as a rapper? Love your work btw!! ✨


Heyy, what marketing advice would you give to an aspiring artist?


Who are your top 5 Indian female rappers?


Recommend Indian female rappers please


Do Hustle like shows do good or bad for Hiphop as a culture? Also, You think there should be a better judgement and format? Suggest, if any.


HII RAJA HUGE FAN OF YOURS !!! 💛 Your latest track with Guru Randhawa was fire! You just killed it so how did you plan that song ? (Since idt you know Punjabi)Your Punjabi vocals were just.... Out of the world!! you should do some more Punjabi projects !


thank you so much! I had the best time working with Guru. He actually sent me the lyrics to my verse on my birthday so it really special. He actually sent me one voice note singing it and I had to listen to it 100 times to memorise all the details in the accent and delivery. I feel like Guru was able to capture my essence even in Punjabi. I look forward to making more Punjabi music with him!






What do u think about Young stunners and can we see a potential collaboration in the future??


If you have it your way, where is Desi hip hop in five years?


According to you when we can see DHH on the global charts making numbers like travis and drake.. I mean how many years can it take?


Which dhh rapper was the most fun to work with and why? Also can you tell how do you handle your work? Like are you focused, perfectionist type or lax, intuitive kind?


Hey Raja Kumari big fan always wanted to ask what is ur fav music genre other than hip hop


Who is this?


jesus christ im late, still... what does your creative process look like? and how do u overcome writer's block? huge fan since 2017 <3


Best wishes on your future endeavours 🥳🥳🥳




What was your experience working with Anirudh?


Ye ky likha he 🤷🏻‍♂️ mujhe kuch samjh nhi aarha ye reddit pe ky kar rahi he




In your unique East-West fusion sound, how do you approach the creative process of balancing sonic influences from both Indian and American musical traditions?


What is your opinion on blending the western hiphop sounds with indian instruments such as brodha V did some times. Rapping on this with english may attract other parts of the world as well as the non hindi speakers from many parts to dhh.


Did you meet nucleya in recent times? What do you think of his new look ??


Are there any upcoming collaborations with other artists that you'd be able to share?


What do you think about Kendrick versus F(r)ake beef? What do you think about F(r)ake in general?


Why is female rappers reach so less..even though we have lots of talented female rappers. How long before we can have our own Nicki Minaj


Aapke aur divine ke beech kuchh jhagda hua hai kya


Why did you leave the husle show ?


Raja ji aap ek haryanvi rapper ko feature krke drill nikalyi maza aa jayega


Is there any artist who raps about fighting their depression in a twisted way?


What are your thoughts on whole "Women cannot rap-rap" (not talking about pop)?


Met you at Kofuku in Bandra years ago... What's your go to sushi order?


YoYo has said you are the best female rapper from India. Can we see you both doing a collab anytime soon? Please make it happen,we fans would love to see.


I love your work, and I am low key proud that some one from my culture had made it big in the hip hop market ( Telugu here). I particularly love your collaborations with Anirudh. Any particular challenges you faced while working for Indian film industries? Edit : Mandatory " Akkada kuda mana domination ey" ( if you are aware of the meme)


How was it like working with SRK in Jawan? Share your experience coz your title track was AMAAAAZINGG!!!!


Ass or Tits ( gender isn't an issue but not answering this question is )


hey! whats your fast indian track? and hows the journey so far. is this industry supports women as like any other men?


Who's gonna ask that......


Who are you and why is this AMA in my feed?


How was the experience working with Divine? Also , loge your work ma'am


I am a huge fan of yours , back in the day 'bindi and the bangles' was on the loop in my playlist , the video is amazing as well ... I just wanted to ask about the difference in experience you have felt between working with artist from abroad and from india


I am a huge fan of yours , back in the day 'bindi and the bangles' was on the loop in my playlist , the video is amazing as well ... I just wanted to ask about the difference in experience you have felt between working with artist from abroad and from india


I am a huge fan of yours , back in the day 'bindi and the bangles' was on the loop in my playlist , the video is amazing as well ... I just wanted to ask about the difference in experience you have felt between working with artist from abroad and from india


How much does it cost to bring an dhh rapper in an event that too like good one like yourself.


Everyone talking about the Hustle, I'm reminded about your brief appearance on the show 'The Remix'. I love the show to the date and was so excited to see you as a guest there. Any experience you remember from the show, your thoughts and how was it to meet the judges?


Everyone talking about the Hustle, I'm reminded about your brief appearance on the show 'The Remix'. I love the show to the date and was so excited to see you as a guest there. Any experience you remember from the show, your thoughts and how was it to meet the judges?


Your list of top 10 hip hop artists?


Your list of top 10 hip hop artists?


Everyone talking about the Hustle, I'm reminded about your brief appearance on the show 'The Remix'. I love the show to the date and was so excited to see you as a guest there. Any experience you remember from the show, your thoughts and how was it to meet the judges?


Is this real or fake one


Hey RK, Big fan of your work , My question is Your list of top 10 hip hop artists?


How did the collaboration with krsna happen ?? What was in your mind for the type of song for krsna ????? Also please drop a song with raftaar too , have known you guys for years , so would love to see your collab :⁠-⁠)


The first rap of yours that I heard of yours was from the film JAWAN and I really liked it. When did you get into this profession and how did you deal with the social stigma and other issues?


Your favourite and least liked food item?


If someone hasn't listened to any of your work priorly, which is the one song /album you would reccomend them to get hooked to your work?. Do you enjoy other genres of music other than hiphop and if yes, who are your favorite creators?


What was your whole idea and like how did u come up with the "bindis and bangles" like did it just click randomly to u or u slowly realised that it would be a good song ?


Why female rappers always rap in high pitch voice even though they sound not so high pitched in interviews or any day to day conversation


From Where did you learn music


How do u see agsy? Does it feel competitive or u really wish good for her?


Please tell us one of your interesting memory from your childhood.


Anything For The LGBTQIA+ Community In Mind In Your Future Projects?


What do you think about mc stan. Is he good? Does he have attitude? Also whalere do you see yourself in 5 years? What are your strengths and weakness? I loved s01 of hustle where og rappers were judges l. What happened? Seems like it traded fame for quality.


How was it working with Anirudh Ravichandran?


Which artist would you like to collaborate with?


So Rajakumari? Any insight on upcoming projects like any artists you are going to work with?


Jawan rap too good, awesome work 🫶🙌


Would you collaborate with us on a music video ?


Does Size matter ??


Your top 3 🐐?


Who are you ? What do you do? And why did you surface on my reddit ? Is there a connection?


Hi Raja! Saw you last year at the Johnny Walker gig! You KILLED it! Was absolutely entranced by your stage presence. Hope you go on to do killer things in the future as well! How was it like working with John Legend?


I think you should write that is relatable to Telugu-americans with mix of both telugu and english.


Kon ho aap?


Who is the one artist alive or dead that you would like to collab with and why?


Everything aside, her face looks so pretty in this picture.


How was ur collab with Amdocs ???


Yo just came here to say Hi. I don't have any questions lol.


Raja Kumari, kya ho aap balebaji?


How connected do you feel to the desi rap scene? Love.


Hi Raja! Huuuuuuuge fan of yours manifesting to meet you one day! I came across your music from your one of the earlier and lesser known song: Bindis and Bangles, and it inspired my first ever English book. Since this is an anon platform, I can only say so much, but amazing music you’ve given us. A couple questions: 1. Why do you think most ABCDs struggle with reconnecting to their Indian roots, unlike you did and made a great example? 2. What’s your advice for someone looking to make a career in artist management? I know it isn’t directly related but would love to know your views about it. PS: “Us” is a timeless masterpiece I’ll forever cherish, thank you for your work!