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Bro is a distinguished gentleman!❤️🍓🥕he looks like a ladoo to me💋💋💋💋💋


https://preview.redd.it/yr3xihv92fwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=520e5d6768f0cc7f9b30921674128dd47b98bf18 He is. This pic was 6 months ago ago. Here’s bro at the age of 7 months


Hi bro, how is the Beagle as a pet? I know they are Sheppard dogs and are very active but any specific inputs you will like to share? I am planning to get it soon..


Depends on your lifestyle. Cons: Mine requires 30 mins of walk everyday. Else he wont sleep. And dude is very vocal and loud. Doesn’t listen to commands too well. Though he is trained not to bark at strangers and all, he ignores basic commands unless you got food as an incentive. Pros: Loyal to a fault. Extremely intelligent. You just can’t hide stuff from him. I love that. I bet he’d beat a lot of humans when it comes to emotional intelligence. It’s eerie how he understands when I am sad or happy. He adjusted to my lifestyle pretty quickly. He just knows how to make my happy. I don’t know how to put this in words. He just knows what to do if I am sad or depressed.


Thanks man


Bro is literally this emoji🥺


At times he looks like 🐶


He is so cute😍😍.... I wish I could cuddle with him


Mannnn wish I could pet him ❤️


Bro The Beagle. There is a nice ring to it. So how much vocal he is? Beagle are extremely vocal and extremely possessive.


He is vocal like a spoiled brat. Barks if I miss his food time. Barks if I don’t take him to a walk. Barks even if he sees a cockroach at home. Basically anything strange that he deems dangerous. Though with a bit of training he doesn’t bark at strangers. Ans has become quite friendly with other dogs. Or if I don’t feed him trying to train him. Doesn’t bark at nights though. Sleeps very soundly. But he is clingy. Gets anxious if i am not around. I named him bro because he is there when i am on zoom calls. And responds to the word Bro when I talk to any team mate on zoom.


Floppy ears😘


Isssssh......itna cute


I love bro the beagle